{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- Code for drawing the TUI. module Swarm.TUI.View ( drawUI, drawTPS, -- * Dialog box drawDialog, chooseCursor, -- * Key hint menu drawKeyMenu, drawModalMenu, drawKeyCmd, -- * World drawWorld, -- * Robot panel drawRobotPanel, drawItem, drawLabelledEntityName, -- * Info panel drawInfoPanel, explainFocusedItem, -- * REPL drawREPL, ) where import Brick hiding (Direction, Location) import Brick.Focus import Brick.Forms import Brick.Widgets.Border ( hBorder, hBorderWithLabel, joinableBorder, vBorder, ) import Brick.Widgets.Center (center, centerLayer, hCenter) import Brick.Widgets.Dialog import Brick.Widgets.Edit (getEditContents, renderEditor) import Brick.Widgets.List qualified as BL import Brick.Widgets.Table qualified as BT import Control.Lens as Lens hiding (Const, from) import Control.Monad (guard) import Data.Array (range) import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.)) import Data.Foldable qualified as F import Data.Functor (($>)) import Data.IntMap qualified as IM import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.List qualified as L import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe, maybeToList) import Data.Semigroup (sconcat) import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Set qualified as Set (toList) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime) import Linear import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port) import Swarm.Constant import Swarm.Game.CESK (CESK (..), TickNumber (..)) import Swarm.Game.Display import Swarm.Game.Entity as E import Swarm.Game.Location import Swarm.Game.Recipe import Swarm.Game.Robot import Swarm.Game.Scenario (scenarioAuthor, scenarioDescription, scenarioName, scenarioObjectives) import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.Best import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.CodeSize import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.ConcreteMetrics import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Scoring.GenericMetrics import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Status import Swarm.Game.ScenarioInfo ( ScenarioItem (..), scenarioItemName, ) import Swarm.Game.State import Swarm.Game.Universe import Swarm.Game.World qualified as W import Swarm.Language.Capability (Capability (..), constCaps) import Swarm.Language.Pretty (prettyText) import Swarm.Language.Syntax import Swarm.Language.Typecheck (inferConst) import Swarm.TUI.Attr import Swarm.TUI.Border import Swarm.TUI.Controller (ticksPerFrameCap) import Swarm.TUI.Editor.Model import Swarm.TUI.Editor.View qualified as EV import Swarm.TUI.Inventory.Sorting (renderSortMethod) import Swarm.TUI.Launch.Model import Swarm.TUI.Launch.View import Swarm.TUI.Model import Swarm.TUI.Model.Goal (goalsContent, hasAnythingToShow) import Swarm.TUI.Model.Repl (lastEntry) import Swarm.TUI.Model.UI import Swarm.TUI.Panel import Swarm.TUI.View.Achievement import Swarm.TUI.View.CellDisplay import Swarm.TUI.View.Objective qualified as GR import Swarm.TUI.View.Util as VU import Swarm.Util import Swarm.Version (NewReleaseFailure (..)) import System.Clock (TimeSpec (..)) import Text.Printf import Text.Wrap import Witch (from, into) -- | The main entry point for drawing the entire UI. Figures out -- which menu screen we should show (if any), or just the game itself. drawUI :: AppState -> [Widget Name] drawUI s | s ^. uiState . uiPlaying = drawGameUI s | otherwise = case s ^. uiState . uiMenu of -- We should never reach the NoMenu case if uiPlaying is false; we would have -- quit the app instead. But just in case, we display the main menu anyway. NoMenu -> [drawMainMenuUI s (mainMenu NewGame)] MainMenu l -> [drawMainMenuUI s l] NewGameMenu stk -> drawNewGameMenuUI stk $ s ^. uiState . uiLaunchConfig AchievementsMenu l -> [drawAchievementsMenuUI s l] MessagesMenu -> [drawMainMessages s] AboutMenu -> [drawAboutMenuUI (s ^. runtimeState . appData . at "about")] drawMainMessages :: AppState -> Widget Name drawMainMessages s = renderDialog dial . padBottom Max . scrollList $ drawLogs ls where ls = reverse $ s ^. runtimeState . eventLog . notificationsContent dial = dialog (Just $ str "Messages") Nothing maxModalWindowWidth scrollList = withVScrollBars OnRight . vBox drawLogs = map (drawLogEntry True) drawMainMenuUI :: AppState -> BL.List Name MainMenuEntry -> Widget Name drawMainMenuUI s l = vBox . catMaybes $ [ drawLogo <$> logo , hCenter . padTopBottom 2 <$> newVersionWidget version , Just . centerLayer . vLimit 6 . hLimit 20 $ BL.renderList (const (hCenter . drawMainMenuEntry s)) True l ] where logo = s ^. runtimeState . appData . at "logo" version = s ^. runtimeState . upstreamRelease newVersionWidget :: Either NewReleaseFailure String -> Maybe (Widget n) newVersionWidget = \case Right ver -> Just . txt $ "New version " <> T.pack ver <> " is available!" Left (OnDevelopmentBranch _b) -> Just . txt $ "Good luck developing!" Left (FailedReleaseQuery _f) -> Nothing Left (NoMainUpstreamRelease _fails) -> Nothing Left (OldUpstreamRelease _up _my) -> Nothing drawLogo :: Text -> Widget Name drawLogo = centerLayer . vBox . map (hBox . T.foldr (\c ws -> drawThing c : ws) []) . T.lines where drawThing :: Char -> Widget Name drawThing c = withAttr (attrFor c) $ str [c] attrFor :: Char -> AttrName attrFor c | c `elem` ("<>v^" :: String) = robotAttr attrFor 'T' = plantAttr attrFor '@' = rockAttr attrFor '~' = waterAttr attrFor '▒' = dirtAttr attrFor _ = defAttr -- | When launching a game, a modal prompt may appear on another layer -- to input seed and/or a script to run. drawNewGameMenuUI :: NonEmpty (BL.List Name ScenarioItem) -> LaunchOptions -> [Widget Name] drawNewGameMenuUI (l :| ls) launchOptions = case displayedFor of Nothing -> pure mainWidget Just _ -> drawLaunchConfigPanel launchOptions <> pure mainWidget where displayedFor = launchOptions ^. controls . isDisplayedFor mainWidget = vBox [ padLeftRight 20 . centerLayer $ hBox [ vBox [ withAttr boldAttr . txt $ breadcrumbs ls , txt " " , vLimit 20 . hLimit 35 . BL.renderList (const $ padRight Max . drawScenarioItem) True $ l ] , padLeft (Pad 5) (maybe (txt "") (drawDescription . snd) (BL.listSelectedElement l)) ] , launchOptionsMessage ] launchOptionsMessage = case (displayedFor, snd <$> BL.listSelectedElement l) of (Nothing, Just (SISingle _)) -> hCenter $ txt "Press 'o' for launch options, or 'Enter' to launch with defaults" _ -> txt " " drawScenarioItem (SISingle (s, si)) = padRight (Pad 1) (drawStatusInfo s si) <+> txt (s ^. scenarioName) drawScenarioItem (SICollection nm _) = padRight (Pad 1) (withAttr boldAttr $ txt " > ") <+> txt nm drawStatusInfo s si = case si ^. scenarioStatus of NotStarted -> txt " ○ " Played _initialScript (Metric Attempted _) _ -> case s ^. scenarioObjectives of [] -> withAttr cyanAttr $ txt " ◉ " _ -> withAttr yellowAttr $ txt " ◎ " Played _initialScript (Metric Completed _) _ -> withAttr greenAttr $ txt " ● " describeStatus :: ScenarioStatus -> Widget n describeStatus = \case NotStarted -> withAttr cyanAttr $ txt "not started" Played _initialScript pm _best -> describeProgress pm breadcrumbs :: [BL.List Name ScenarioItem] -> Text breadcrumbs = T.intercalate " > " . ("Scenarios" :) . reverse . mapMaybe (fmap (scenarioItemName . snd) . BL.listSelectedElement) drawDescription :: ScenarioItem -> Widget Name drawDescription (SICollection _ _) = txtWrap " " drawDescription (SISingle (s, si)) = vBox [ txtWrap (nonBlank (s ^. scenarioDescription)) , padTop (Pad 1) table ] where firstRow = ( withAttr dimAttr $ txt "Author:" , withAttr dimAttr . txt <$> s ^. scenarioAuthor ) secondRow = ( txt "last:" , Just $ describeStatus $ si ^. scenarioStatus ) padTopLeft = padTop (Pad 1) . padLeft (Pad 1) tableRows = map (map padTopLeft . pairToList) $ mapMaybe sequenceA $ firstRow : secondRow : makeBestScoreRows (si ^. scenarioStatus) table = BT.renderTable . BT.surroundingBorder False . BT.rowBorders False . BT.columnBorders False . BT.alignRight 0 . BT.alignLeft 1 . BT.table $ tableRows nonBlank "" = " " nonBlank t = t pairToList :: (a, a) -> [a] pairToList (x, y) = [x, y] describeProgress :: ProgressMetric -> Widget n describeProgress (Metric p (ProgressStats _startedAt (AttemptMetrics (DurationMetrics e t) maybeCodeMetrics))) = case p of Attempted -> withAttr yellowAttr . vBox $ [ txt "in progress" , txt $ parens $ T.unwords ["played for", formatTimeDiff e] ] Completed -> withAttr greenAttr . vBox $ [ txt $ T.unwords ["completed in", formatTimeDiff e] , txt . (" " <>) . parens $ T.unwords [T.pack $ drawTime t True, "ticks"] ] <> maybeToList (sizeDisplay <$> maybeCodeMetrics) where sizeDisplay (ScenarioCodeMetrics myCharCount myAstSize) = withAttr greenAttr $ vBox $ map txt [ T.unwords [ "Code:" , T.pack $ show myCharCount , "chars" ] , (" " <>) $ parens $ T.unwords [ T.pack $ show myAstSize , "AST nodes" ] ] where formatTimeDiff :: NominalDiffTime -> Text formatTimeDiff = T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%hh %Mm %Ss" -- | If there are multiple different games that each are \"best\" -- by different criteria, display them all separately, labeled -- by which criteria they were best in. -- -- On the other hand, if all of the different \"best\" criteria are for the -- same game, consolidate them all into one entry and don't bother -- labelling the criteria. makeBestScoreRows :: ScenarioStatus -> [(Widget n1, Maybe (Widget n2))] makeBestScoreRows scenarioStat = maybe [] makeBestRows getBests where getBests = case scenarioStat of NotStarted -> Nothing Played _initialScript _ best -> Just best makeBestRows b = map (makeBestRow hasMultiple) groups where groups = getBestGroups b hasMultiple = length groups > 1 makeBestRow hasDistinctByCriteria (b, criteria) = ( hLimit (maxLeftColumnWidth + 2) $ vBox $ [ padLeft Max $ txt "best:" ] <> elaboratedCriteria , Just $ describeProgress b ) where maxLeftColumnWidth = maximum (map (T.length . describeCriteria) listEnums) mkCriteriaRow = withAttr dimAttr . padLeft Max . txt . mconcat . pairToList . fmap (\x -> T.singleton $ if x == 0 then ',' else ' ') elaboratedCriteria = if hasDistinctByCriteria then map mkCriteriaRow . flip zip [(0 :: Int) ..] . NE.toList . NE.reverse . NE.map describeCriteria $ criteria else [] drawMainMenuEntry :: AppState -> MainMenuEntry -> Widget Name drawMainMenuEntry s = \case NewGame -> txt "New game" Tutorial -> txt "Tutorial" Achievements -> txt "Achievements" About -> txt "About" Messages -> highlightMessages $ txt "Messages" Quit -> txt "Quit" where highlightMessages = if s ^. runtimeState . eventLog . notificationsCount > 0 then withAttr notifAttr else id drawAboutMenuUI :: Maybe Text -> Widget Name drawAboutMenuUI Nothing = centerLayer $ txt "About swarm!" drawAboutMenuUI (Just t) = centerLayer . vBox . map (hCenter . txt . nonblank) $ T.lines t where -- Turn blank lines into a space so they will take up vertical space as widgets nonblank "" = " " nonblank s = s -- | Draw the main game UI. Generates a list of widgets, where each -- represents a layer. Right now we just generate two layers: the -- main layer and a layer for a floating dialog that can be on top. drawGameUI :: AppState -> [Widget Name] drawGameUI s = [ joinBorders $ drawDialog s , joinBorders $ hBox [ hLimitPercent 25 $ vBox [ vLimitPercent 50 $ panel highlightAttr fr (FocusablePanel RobotPanel) ( plainBorder & bottomLabels . centerLabel .~ fmap (txt . (" Search: " <>) . (<> " ")) (s ^. uiState . uiInventorySearch) ) $ drawRobotPanel s , panel highlightAttr fr (FocusablePanel InfoPanel) ( plainBorder & topLabels . centerLabel .~ (if moreTop then Just (txt " · · · ") else Nothing) & bottomLabels . centerLabel .~ (if moreBot then Just (txt " · · · ") else Nothing) ) $ drawInfoPanel s , hCenter . clickable (FocusablePanel WorldEditorPanel) . EV.drawWorldEditor fr $ s ^. uiState ] , vBox rightPanel ] ] where addCursorPos = bottomLabels . leftLabel ?~ padLeftRight 1 widg where widg = case s ^. uiState . uiWorldCursor of Nothing -> str $ renderCoordsString $ s ^. gameState . viewCenter Just coord -> clickable WorldPositionIndicator $ drawWorldCursorInfo (s ^. uiState . uiWorldEditor) (s ^. gameState) coord -- Add clock display in top right of the world view if focused robot -- has a clock equipped addClock = topLabels . rightLabel ?~ padLeftRight 1 (drawClockDisplay (s ^. uiState . lgTicksPerSecond) $ s ^. gameState) fr = s ^. uiState . uiFocusRing moreTop = s ^. uiState . uiMoreInfoTop moreBot = s ^. uiState . uiMoreInfoBot showREPL = s ^. uiState . uiShowREPL rightPanel = if showREPL then worldPanel ++ replPanel else worldPanel ++ minimizedREPL minimizedREPL = case focusGetCurrent fr of (Just (FocusablePanel REPLPanel)) -> [separateBorders $ clickable (FocusablePanel REPLPanel) (forceAttr highlightAttr hBorder)] _ -> [separateBorders $ clickable (FocusablePanel REPLPanel) hBorder] worldPanel = [ panel highlightAttr fr (FocusablePanel WorldPanel) ( plainBorder & bottomLabels . rightLabel ?~ padLeftRight 1 (drawTPS s) & topLabels . leftLabel ?~ drawModalMenu s & addCursorPos & addClock ) (drawWorld (s ^. uiState) (s ^. gameState)) , drawKeyMenu s ] replPanel = [ clickable (FocusablePanel REPLPanel) $ panel highlightAttr fr (FocusablePanel REPLPanel) ( plainBorder & topLabels . rightLabel .~ (drawType <$> (s ^. uiState . uiREPL . replType)) ) ( vLimit replHeight . padBottom Max . padLeftRight 1 $ drawREPL s ) ] renderCoordsString :: Cosmic Location -> String renderCoordsString (Cosmic sw coords) = unwords $ VU.locationToString coords : suffix where suffix = case sw of DefaultRootSubworld -> [] SubworldName swName -> ["in", T.unpack swName] drawWorldCursorInfo :: WorldEditor Name -> GameState -> Cosmic W.Coords -> Widget Name drawWorldCursorInfo worldEditor g cCoords = case getStatic g coords of Just s -> renderDisplay $ displayStatic s Nothing -> hBox $ tileMemberWidgets ++ [coordsWidget] where Cosmic _ coords = cCoords coordsWidget = str $ renderCoordsString $ fmap W.coordsToLoc cCoords tileMembers = terrain : mapMaybe merge [entity, robot] tileMemberWidgets = map (padRight $ Pad 1) . concat . reverse . zipWith f tileMembers $ ["at", "on", "with"] where f cell preposition = [renderDisplay cell, txt preposition] terrain = displayTerrainCell worldEditor g cCoords entity = displayEntityCell worldEditor g cCoords robot = displayRobotCell g cCoords merge = fmap sconcat . NE.nonEmpty . filter (not . (^. invisible)) -- | Format the clock display to be shown in the upper right of the -- world panel. drawClockDisplay :: Int -> GameState -> Widget n drawClockDisplay lgTPS gs = hBox . intersperse (txt " ") $ catMaybes [clockWidget, pauseWidget] where clockWidget = maybeDrawTime (gs ^. ticks) (gs ^. paused || lgTPS < 3) gs pauseWidget = guard (gs ^. paused) $> txt "(PAUSED)" -- | Check whether the currently focused robot (if any) has a clock -- device equipped. clockEquipped :: GameState -> Bool clockEquipped gs = case focusedRobot gs of Nothing -> False Just r | countByName "clock" (r ^. equippedDevices) > 0 -> True | otherwise -> False -- | Format a ticks count as a hexadecimal clock. drawTime :: TickNumber -> Bool -> String drawTime (TickNumber t) showTicks = mconcat $ intersperse ":" [ printf "%x" (t `shiftR` 20) , printf "%02x" ((t `shiftR` 12) .&. ((1 `shiftL` 8) - 1)) , printf "%02x" ((t `shiftR` 4) .&. ((1 `shiftL` 8) - 1)) ] ++ if showTicks then [".", printf "%x" (t .&. ((1 `shiftL` 4) - 1))] else [] -- | Return a possible time display, if the currently focused robot -- has a clock device equipped. The first argument is the number -- of ticks (e.g. 943 = 0x3af), and the second argument indicates -- whether the time should be shown down to single-tick resolution -- (e.g. 0:00:3a.f) or not (e.g. 0:00:3a). maybeDrawTime :: TickNumber -> Bool -> GameState -> Maybe (Widget n) maybeDrawTime t showTicks gs = guard (clockEquipped gs) $> str (drawTime t showTicks) -- | Draw info about the current number of ticks per second. drawTPS :: AppState -> Widget Name drawTPS s = hBox (tpsInfo : rateInfo) where tpsInfo | l >= 0 = hBox [str (show n), txt " ", txt (number n "tick"), txt " / s"] | otherwise = hBox [txt "1 tick / ", str (show n), txt " s"] rateInfo | s ^. uiState . uiShowFPS = [ txt " (" , let tpf = s ^. uiState . uiTPF in (if tpf >= fromIntegral ticksPerFrameCap then withAttr redAttr else id) (str (printf "%0.1f" tpf)) , txt " tpf, " , str (printf "%0.1f" (s ^. uiState . uiFPS)) , txt " fps)" ] | otherwise = [] l = s ^. uiState . lgTicksPerSecond n = 2 ^ abs l -- | The height of the REPL box. Perhaps in the future this should be -- configurable. replHeight :: Int replHeight = 10 -- | Hide the cursor when a modal is set chooseCursor :: AppState -> [CursorLocation n] -> Maybe (CursorLocation n) chooseCursor s locs = case s ^. uiState . uiModal of Nothing -> showFirstCursor s locs Just _ -> Nothing -- | Render the error dialog window with a given error message renderErrorDialog :: Text -> Widget Name renderErrorDialog err = renderDialog (dialog (Just $ str "Error") Nothing (maxModalWindowWidth `min` requiredWidth)) errContent where errContent = txtWrapWith indent2 {preserveIndentation = True} err requiredWidth = 2 + maximum (textWidth <$> T.lines err) -- | Draw the error dialog window, if it should be displayed right now. drawDialog :: AppState -> Widget Name drawDialog s = case s ^. uiState . uiModal of Just (Modal mt d) -> renderDialog d $ case mt of GoalModal -> drawModal s mt _ -> maybeScroll ModalViewport $ drawModal s mt Nothing -> maybe emptyWidget renderErrorDialog (s ^. uiState . uiError) -- | Draw one of the various types of modal dialog. drawModal :: AppState -> ModalType -> Widget Name drawModal s = \case HelpModal -> helpWidget (s ^. gameState . seed) (s ^. runtimeState . webPort) RobotsModal -> robotsListWidget s RecipesModal -> availableListWidget (s ^. gameState) RecipeList CommandsModal -> commandsListWidget (s ^. gameState) MessagesModal -> availableListWidget (s ^. gameState) MessageList ScenarioEndModal outcome -> padBottom (Pad 1) $ vBox $ map (hCenter . txt) content where content = case outcome of WinModal -> ["Congratulations!"] LoseModal -> [ "Condolences!" , "This scenario is no longer winnable." ] DescriptionModal e -> descriptionWidget s e QuitModal -> padBottom (Pad 1) $ hCenter $ txt (quitMsg (s ^. uiState . uiMenu)) GoalModal -> GR.renderGoalsDisplay (s ^. uiState . uiGoal) KeepPlayingModal -> padLeftRight 1 (displayParagraphs ["Have fun! Hit Ctrl-Q whenever you're ready to proceed to the next challenge or return to the menu."]) TerrainPaletteModal -> EV.drawTerrainSelector s EntityPaletteModal -> EV.drawEntityPaintSelector s robotsListWidget :: AppState -> Widget Name robotsListWidget s = hCenter table where table = BT.renderTable . BT.columnBorders False . BT.setDefaultColAlignment BT.AlignCenter -- Inventory count is right aligned . BT.alignRight 4 . BT.table $ map (padLeftRight 1) <$> (headers : robotsTable) headers = withAttr robotAttr <$> [ txt "Name" , txt "Age" , txt "Position" , txt "Inventory" , txt "Status" , txt "Log" ] robotsTable = mkRobotRow <$> robots mkRobotRow robot = [ nameWidget , txt $ from ageStr , locWidget , padRight (Pad 1) (txt $ from $ show rInvCount) , statusWidget , txt rLog ] where nameWidget = hBox [renderDisplay (robot ^. robotDisplay), higlightSystem . txt $ " " <> robot ^. robotName] higlightSystem = if robot ^. systemRobot then withAttr highlightAttr else id ageStr | age < 60 = show age <> "sec" | age < 3600 = show (age `div` 60) <> "min" | age < 3600 * 24 = show (age `div` 3600) <> "hour" | otherwise = show (age `div` 3600 * 24) <> "day" where TimeSpec createdAtSec _ = robot ^. robotCreatedAt TimeSpec nowSec _ = s ^. uiState . lastFrameTime age = nowSec - createdAtSec rInvCount = sum $ map fst . E.elems $ robot ^. robotEntity . entityInventory rLog | robot ^. robotLogUpdated = "x" | otherwise = " " locWidget = hBox [worldCell, str $ " " <> locStr] where rCoords = fmap W.locToCoords rLoc rLoc = robot ^. robotLocation worldCell = drawLoc (s ^. uiState) g rCoords locStr = renderCoordsString rLoc statusWidget = case robot ^. machine of Waiting {} -> txt "waiting" _ | isActive robot -> withAttr notifAttr $ txt "busy" | otherwise -> withAttr greenAttr $ txt "idle" basePos :: Point V2 Double basePos = realToFrac <$> fromMaybe origin (g ^? baseRobot . robotLocation . planar) -- Keep the base and non system robot (e.g. no seed) isRelevant robot = robot ^. robotID == 0 || not (robot ^. systemRobot) -- Keep the robot that are less than 32 unit away from the base isNear robot = creative || distance (realToFrac <$> robot ^. robotLocation . planar) basePos < 32 robots :: [Robot] robots = filter (\robot -> debugging || (isRelevant robot && isNear robot)) . IM.elems $ g ^. robotMap creative = g ^. creativeMode cheat = s ^. uiState . uiCheatMode debugging = creative && cheat g = s ^. gameState helpWidget :: Seed -> Maybe Port -> Widget Name helpWidget theSeed mport = padTop (Pad 1) $ (hBox . map (padLeftRight 2) $ [helpKeys, info]) <=> padTop (Pad 1) (hCenter tips) where tips = vBox [ txt "Have questions? Want some tips? Check out:" , txt " " , txt $ " - The Swarm wiki, " <> wikiUrl , txt " - The #swarm IRC channel on Libera.Chat" ] info = vBox [ txt "Configuration" , txt " " , txt ("Seed: " <> into @Text (show theSeed)) , txt ("Web server port: " <> maybe "none" (into @Text . show) mport) ] helpKeys = vBox [ txt "Keybindings" , txt " " , mkTable glKeyBindings ] mkTable = BT.renderTable . BT.surroundingBorder False . BT.rowBorders False . BT.table . map toRow toRow (k, v) = [padRight (Pad 1) $ txt k, padLeft (Pad 1) $ txt v] glKeyBindings = [ ("F1", "Help") , ("F2", "Robots list") , ("F3", "Available recipes") , ("F4", "Available commands") , ("F5", "Messages") , ("Ctrl-g", "show goal") , ("Ctrl-p", "pause") , ("Ctrl-o", "single step") , ("Ctrl-z", "decrease speed") , ("Ctrl-w", "increase speed") , ("Ctrl-q", "quit the current scenario") , ("Ctrl-s", "collapse/expand REPL") , ("Meta-h", "hide robots for 2s") , ("Meta-w", "focus on the world map") , ("Meta-e", "focus on the robot inventory") , ("Meta-r", "focus on the REPL") , ("Meta-t", "focus on the info panel") ] data NotificationList = RecipeList | MessageList availableListWidget :: GameState -> NotificationList -> Widget Name availableListWidget gs nl = padTop (Pad 1) $ vBox widgetList where widgetList = case nl of RecipeList -> mkAvailableList gs availableRecipes renderRecipe MessageList -> messagesWidget gs renderRecipe = padLeftRight 18 . drawRecipe Nothing (fromMaybe E.empty inv) inv = gs ^? to focusedRobot . _Just . robotInventory mkAvailableList :: GameState -> Lens' GameState (Notifications a) -> (a -> Widget Name) -> [Widget Name] mkAvailableList gs notifLens notifRender = map padRender news <> notifSep <> map padRender knowns where padRender = padBottom (Pad 1) . notifRender count = gs ^. notifLens . notificationsCount (news, knowns) = splitAt count (gs ^. notifLens . notificationsContent) notifSep | count > 0 && not (null knowns) = [ padBottom (Pad 1) (withAttr redAttr $ hBorderWithLabel (padLeftRight 1 (txt "new↑"))) ] | otherwise = [] commandsListWidget :: GameState -> Widget Name commandsListWidget gs = hCenter $ vBox [ table , padTop (Pad 1) $ txt "For the full list of available commands see the Wiki at:" , txt wikiCheatSheet ] where commands = gs ^. availableCommands . notificationsContent table = BT.renderTable . BT.surroundingBorder False . BT.columnBorders False . BT.rowBorders False . BT.setDefaultColAlignment BT.AlignLeft . BT.alignRight 0 . BT.table $ headers : commandsTable headers = withAttr robotAttr <$> [ txt "command name" , txt " : type" , txt "Enabled by" ] commandsTable = mkCmdRow <$> commands mkCmdRow cmd = map (padTop $ Pad 1) [ txt $ syntax $ constInfo cmd , padRight (Pad 2) $ txt $ " : " <> prettyText (inferConst cmd) , listDevices cmd ] base = gs ^? baseRobot entsByCap = case base of Just r -> M.map NE.toList $ entitiesByCapability $ (r ^. equippedDevices) `union` (r ^. robotInventory) Nothing -> mempty listDevices cmd = vBox $ map drawLabelledEntityName providerDevices where providerDevices = concatMap (flip (M.findWithDefault []) entsByCap) $ maybeToList $ constCaps cmd -- | Generate a pop-up widget to display the description of an entity. descriptionWidget :: AppState -> Entity -> Widget Name descriptionWidget s e = padLeftRight 1 (explainEntry s e) -- | Draw a widget with messages to the current robot. messagesWidget :: GameState -> [Widget Name] messagesWidget gs = widgetList where widgetList = focusNewest . map drawLogEntry' $ gs ^. messageNotifications . notificationsContent focusNewest = if gs ^. paused then id else over _last visible drawLogEntry' e = withAttr (colorLogs e) $ hBox [ fromMaybe (txt "") $ maybeDrawTime (e ^. leTime) True gs , padLeft (Pad 2) . txt $ brackets $ e ^. leRobotName , padLeft (Pad 1) . txt2 $ e ^. leText ] txt2 = txtWrapWith indent2 colorLogs :: LogEntry -> AttrName colorLogs e = case e ^. leSource of Said -> robotColor (e ^. leRobotID) Logged -> notifAttr ErrorTrace l -> case l of Debug -> dimAttr Warning -> yellowAttr Error -> redAttr Critical -> redAttr where -- color each robot message with different color of the world robotColor rid = fgCols !! (rid `mod` fgColLen) fgCols = map fst worldAttributes fgColLen = length fgCols -- | Draw the F-key modal menu. This is displayed in the top left world corner. drawModalMenu :: AppState -> Widget Name drawModalMenu s = vLimit 1 . hBox $ map (padLeftRight 1 . drawKeyCmd) globalKeyCmds where notificationKey :: Getter GameState (Notifications a) -> Text -> Text -> Maybe (KeyHighlight, Text, Text) notificationKey notifLens key name | null (s ^. gameState . notifLens . notificationsContent) = Nothing | otherwise = let highlight | s ^. gameState . notifLens . notificationsCount > 0 = Alert | otherwise = NoHighlight in Just (highlight, key, name) globalKeyCmds = catMaybes [ Just (NoHighlight, "F1", "Help") , Just (NoHighlight, "F2", "Robots") , notificationKey availableRecipes "F3" "Recipes" , notificationKey availableCommands "F4" "Commands" , notificationKey messageNotifications "F5" "Messages" ] -- | Draw a menu explaining what key commands are available for the -- current panel. This menu is displayed as one or two lines in -- between the world panel and the REPL. -- -- This excludes the F-key modals that are shown elsewhere. drawKeyMenu :: AppState -> Widget Name drawKeyMenu s = vLimit 2 $ hBox [ vBox [ mkCmdRow globalKeyCmds , padLeft (Pad 2) contextCmds ] , gameModeWidget ] where mkCmdRow = hBox . map drawPaddedCmd drawPaddedCmd = padLeftRight 1 . drawKeyCmd contextCmds | ctrlMode == Handling = txt $ fromMaybe "" (s ^? gameState . inputHandler . _Just . _1) | otherwise = mkCmdRow focusedPanelCmds focusedPanelCmds = map highlightKeyCmds . keyCmdsFor . focusGetCurrent . view (uiState . uiFocusRing) $ s isReplWorking = s ^. gameState . replWorking isPaused = s ^. gameState . paused hasDebug = fromMaybe creative $ s ^? gameState . to focusedRobot . _Just . robotCapabilities . Lens.contains CDebug viewingBase = (s ^. gameState . viewCenterRule) == VCRobot 0 creative = s ^. gameState . creativeMode cheat = s ^. uiState . uiCheatMode goal = hasAnythingToShow $ s ^. uiState . uiGoal . goalsContent showZero = s ^. uiState . uiShowZero inventorySort = s ^. uiState . uiInventorySort inventorySearch = s ^. uiState . uiInventorySearch ctrlMode = s ^. uiState . uiREPL . replControlMode canScroll = creative || (s ^. gameState . worldScrollable) handlerInstalled = isJust (s ^. gameState . inputHandler) renderPilotModeSwitch :: ReplControlMode -> T.Text renderPilotModeSwitch = \case Piloting -> "REPL" _ -> "pilot" renderHandlerModeSwitch :: ReplControlMode -> T.Text renderHandlerModeSwitch = \case Handling -> "REPL" _ -> "key handler" gameModeWidget = padLeft Max . padLeftRight 1 . txt . (<> " mode") $ case creative of False -> "Classic" True -> "Creative" globalKeyCmds = catMaybes [ may goal (NoHighlight, "^g", "goal") , may cheat (NoHighlight, "^v", "creative") , may cheat (NoHighlight, "^e", "editor") , Just (NoHighlight, "^p", if isPaused then "unpause" else "pause") , may isPaused (NoHighlight, "^o", "step") , may (isPaused && hasDebug) (if s ^. uiState . uiShowDebug then Alert else NoHighlight, "M-d", "debug") , Just (NoHighlight, "^zx", "speed") , Just (NoHighlight, "M-,", if s ^. uiState . uiShowREPL then "hide REPL" else "show REPL") , Just (if s ^. uiState . uiShowRobots then NoHighlight else Alert, "M-h", "hide robots") ] may b = if b then Just else const Nothing highlightKeyCmds (k, n) = (,k,n) $ case n of "pop out" | (s ^. uiState . uiMoreInfoBot) || (s ^. uiState . uiMoreInfoTop) -> Alert _ -> PanelSpecific keyCmdsFor (Just (FocusablePanel WorldEditorPanel)) = [("^s", "save map")] keyCmdsFor (Just (FocusablePanel REPLPanel)) = [ ("↓↑", "history") ] ++ [("Enter", "execute") | not isReplWorking] ++ [("^c", "cancel") | isReplWorking] ++ [("M-p", renderPilotModeSwitch ctrlMode) | creative] ++ [("M-k", renderHandlerModeSwitch ctrlMode) | handlerInstalled] keyCmdsFor (Just (FocusablePanel WorldPanel)) = [ ("←↓↑→ / hjkl", "scroll") | canScroll ] ++ [("c", "recenter") | not viewingBase] ++ [("f", "FPS")] keyCmdsFor (Just (FocusablePanel RobotPanel)) = ("Enter", "pop out") : if isJust inventorySearch then [("Esc", "exit search")] else [ ("m", "make") , ("0", (if showZero then "hide" else "show") <> " 0") , (":/;", T.unwords ["Sort:", renderSortMethod inventorySort]) , ("/", "search") ] keyCmdsFor (Just (FocusablePanel InfoPanel)) = [] keyCmdsFor _ = [] data KeyHighlight = NoHighlight | Alert | PanelSpecific -- | Draw a single key command in the menu. drawKeyCmd :: (KeyHighlight, Text, Text) -> Widget Name drawKeyCmd (h, key, cmd) = hBox [ withAttr attr (txt $ T.concat ["[", key, "] "]) , txt cmd ] where attr = case h of NoHighlight -> defAttr Alert -> notifAttr PanelSpecific -> highlightAttr ------------------------------------------------------------ -- World panel ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Draw the current world view. drawWorld :: UIState -> GameState -> Widget Name drawWorld ui g = center . cached WorldCache . reportExtent WorldExtent -- Set the clickable request after the extent to play nice with the cache . clickable (FocusablePanel WorldPanel) . Widget Fixed Fixed $ do ctx <- getContext let w = ctx ^. availWidthL h = ctx ^. availHeightL vr = viewingRegion g (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h) ixs = range $ vr ^. planar render . vBox . map hBox . chunksOf w . map (drawLoc ui g . Cosmic (vr ^. subworld)) $ ixs ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Robot inventory panel ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Draw info about the currently focused robot, such as its name, -- position, orientation, and inventory, as long as it is not too -- far away. drawRobotPanel :: AppState -> Widget Name drawRobotPanel s -- If the focused robot is too far away to communicate, just leave the panel blank. -- There should be no way to tell the difference between a robot that is too far -- away and a robot that does not exist. | Just r <- s ^. gameState . to focusedRobot , Just (_, lst) <- s ^. uiState . uiInventory = let Cosmic _subworldName (Location x y) = r ^. robotLocation drawClickableItem pos selb = clickable (InventoryListItem pos) . drawItem (lst ^. BL.listSelectedL) pos selb in padBottom Max $ vBox [ hCenter $ hBox [ txt (r ^. robotName) , padLeft (Pad 2) $ str (printf "(%d, %d)" x y) , padLeft (Pad 2) $ renderDisplay (r ^. robotDisplay) ] , padAll 1 (BL.renderListWithIndex drawClickableItem True lst) ] | otherwise = blank blank :: Widget Name blank = padRight Max . padBottom Max $ str " " -- | Draw an inventory entry. drawItem :: -- | The index of the currently selected inventory entry Maybe Int -> -- | The index of the entry we are drawing Int -> -- | Whether this entry is selected; we can ignore this -- because it will automatically have a special attribute -- applied to it. Bool -> -- | The entry to draw. InventoryListEntry -> Widget Name drawItem sel i _ (Separator l) = -- Make sure a separator right before the focused element is -- visible. Otherwise, when a separator occurs as the very first -- element of the list, once it scrolls off the top of the viewport -- it will never become visible again. -- See https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick/issues/336#issuecomment-921220025 (if sel == Just (i + 1) then visible else id) $ hBorderWithLabel (txt l) drawItem _ _ _ (InventoryEntry n e) = drawLabelledEntityName e <+> showCount n where showCount = padLeft Max . str . show drawItem _ _ _ (EquippedEntry e) = drawLabelledEntityName e <+> padLeft Max (str " ") -- | Draw the name of an entity, labelled with its visual -- representation as a cell in the world. drawLabelledEntityName :: Entity -> Widget Name drawLabelledEntityName e = hBox [ padRight (Pad 2) (renderDisplay (e ^. entityDisplay)) , txt (e ^. entityName) ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Info panel ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Draw the info panel in the bottom-left corner, which shows info -- about the currently focused inventory item. drawInfoPanel :: AppState -> Widget Name drawInfoPanel s | Just Far <- s ^. gameState . to focusedRange = blank | otherwise = viewport InfoViewport Vertical . padLeftRight 1 $ explainFocusedItem s -- | Display info about the currently focused inventory entity, -- such as its description and relevant recipes. explainFocusedItem :: AppState -> Widget Name explainFocusedItem s = case focusedItem s of Just (InventoryEntry _ e) -> explainEntry s e Just (EquippedEntry e) -> explainEntry s e _ -> txt " " explainEntry :: AppState -> Entity -> Widget Name explainEntry s e = vBox $ [ displayProperties $ Set.toList (e ^. entityProperties) , drawMarkdown (e ^. entityDescription) , explainRecipes s e ] <> [drawRobotMachine s False | e ^. entityCapabilities . Lens.contains CDebug] <> [drawRobotLog s | e ^. entityCapabilities . Lens.contains CLog] displayProperties :: [EntityProperty] -> Widget Name displayProperties = displayList . mapMaybe showProperty where showProperty Growable = Just "growing" showProperty Infinite = Just "infinite" showProperty Liquid = Just "liquid" showProperty Unwalkable = Just "blocking" showProperty Opaque = Just "opaque" -- Most things are portable so we don't show that. showProperty Portable = Nothing -- 'Known' is just a technical detail of how we handle some entities -- in challenge scenarios and not really something the player needs -- to know. showProperty Known = Nothing displayList [] = emptyWidget displayList ps = vBox [ hBox . L.intersperse (txt ", ") . map (withAttr robotAttr . txt) $ ps , txt " " ] explainRecipes :: AppState -> Entity -> Widget Name explainRecipes s e | null recipes = emptyWidget | otherwise = vBox [ padBottom (Pad 1) (hBorderWithLabel (txt "Recipes")) , padLeftRight 2 . hCenter . vBox $ map (hLimit widthLimit . padBottom (Pad 1) . drawRecipe (Just e) inv) recipes ] where recipes = recipesWith s e inv = fromMaybe E.empty $ s ^? gameState . to focusedRobot . _Just . robotInventory width (n, ingr) = length (show n) + 1 + maximum0 (map T.length . T.words $ ingr ^. entityName) maxInputWidth = fromMaybe 0 $ maximumOf (traverse . recipeInputs . traverse . to width) recipes maxOutputWidth = fromMaybe 0 $ maximumOf (traverse . recipeOutputs . traverse . to width) recipes widthLimit = 2 * max maxInputWidth maxOutputWidth + 11 -- | Return all recipes that involve a given entity. recipesWith :: AppState -> Entity -> [Recipe Entity] recipesWith s e = let getRecipes select = recipesFor (s ^. gameState . select) e in -- The order here is chosen intentionally. See https://github.com/swarm-game/swarm/issues/418. -- -- 1. Recipes where the entity is an input --- these should go -- first since the first thing you will want to know when you -- obtain a new entity is what you can do with it. -- -- 2. Recipes where it serves as a catalyst --- for the same reason. -- -- 3. Recipes where it is an output --- these should go last, -- since if you have it, you probably already figured out how -- to make it. L.nub $ getRecipes recipesIn ++ getRecipes recipesReq ++ getRecipes recipesOut -- | Draw an ASCII art representation of a recipe. For now, the -- weight is not shown. drawRecipe :: Maybe Entity -> Inventory -> Recipe Entity -> Widget Name drawRecipe me inv (Recipe ins outs reqs time _weight) = vBox -- any requirements (e.g. furnace) go on top. [ hCenter $ drawReqs reqs , -- then we draw inputs, a connector, and outputs. hBox [ vBox (zipWith drawIn [0 ..] (ins <> times)) , connector , vBox (zipWith drawOut [0 ..] outs) ] ] where -- The connector is either just a horizontal line ───── -- or, if there are requirements, a horizontal line with -- a vertical piece coming out of the center, ──┴── . connector | null reqs = hLimit 5 hBorder | otherwise = hBox [ hLimit 2 hBorder , joinableBorder (Edges True False True True) , hLimit 2 hBorder ] inLen = length ins + length times outLen = length outs times = [(fromIntegral time, timeE) | time /= 1] -- Draw inputs and outputs. drawIn, drawOut :: Int -> (Count, Entity) -> Widget Name drawIn i (n, ingr) = hBox [ padRight (Pad 1) $ str (show n) -- how many? , fmtEntityName missing ingr -- name of the input , padLeft (Pad 1) $ -- a connecting line: ─────┬ hBorder <+> ( joinableBorder (Edges (i /= 0) (i /= inLen - 1) True False) -- ...maybe plus vert ext: │ <=> if i /= inLen - 1 then vLimit (subtract 1 . length . T.words $ ingr ^. entityName) vBorder else emptyWidget ) ] where missing = E.lookup ingr inv < n drawOut i (n, ingr) = hBox [ padRight (Pad 1) $ ( joinableBorder (Edges (i /= 0) (i /= outLen - 1) False True) <=> if i /= outLen - 1 then vLimit (subtract 1 . length . T.words $ ingr ^. entityName) vBorder else emptyWidget ) <+> hBorder , fmtEntityName False ingr , padLeft (Pad 1) $ str (show n) ] -- If it's the focused entity, draw it highlighted. -- If the robot doesn't have any, draw it in red. fmtEntityName missing ingr | Just ingr == me = withAttr highlightAttr $ txtLines nm | ingr == timeE = withAttr yellowAttr $ txtLines nm | missing = withAttr invalidFormInputAttr $ txtLines nm | otherwise = txtLines nm where -- Split up multi-word names, one line per word nm = ingr ^. entityName txtLines = vBox . map txt . T.words -- | Ad-hoc entity to represent time - only used in recipe drawing timeE :: Entity timeE = mkEntity (defaultEntityDisplay '.') "ticks" mempty [] [] drawReqs :: IngredientList Entity -> Widget Name drawReqs = vBox . map (hCenter . drawReq) where drawReq (1, e) = txt $ e ^. entityName drawReq (n, e) = str (show n) <+> txt " " <+> txt (e ^. entityName) indent2 :: WrapSettings indent2 = defaultWrapSettings {fillStrategy = FillIndent 2} drawRobotLog :: AppState -> Widget Name drawRobotLog s = vBox [ padBottom (Pad 1) (hBorderWithLabel (txt "Log")) , vBox . F.toList . imap drawEntry $ logEntries ] where logEntries = s ^. gameState . to focusedRobot . _Just . robotLog rn = s ^? gameState . to focusedRobot . _Just . robotName n = Seq.length logEntries allMe = all ((== rn) . Just . view leRobotName) logEntries drawEntry i e = (if i == n - 1 && s ^. uiState . uiScrollToEnd then visible else id) $ drawLogEntry (not allMe) e -- | Show the 'CESK' machine of focused robot. Puts a separator above. drawRobotMachine :: AppState -> Bool -> Widget Name drawRobotMachine s showName = case s ^. gameState . to focusedRobot of Nothing -> machineLine "no selected robot" Just r -> vBox [ machineLine $ r ^. robotName <> "#" <> r ^. robotID . to tshow , txt $ r ^. machine . to prettyText ] where tshow = T.pack . show hLine t = padBottom (Pad 1) (hBorderWithLabel (txt t)) machineLine r = hLine $ if showName then "Machine [" <> r <> "]" else "Machine" -- | Draw one log entry with an optional robot name first. drawLogEntry :: Bool -> LogEntry -> Widget a drawLogEntry addName e = withAttr (colorLogs e) . txtWrapWith indent2 $ if addName then name else t where t = e ^. leText name = "[" <> view leRobotName e <> "] " <> (if e ^. leSource == Said then "said " <> quote t else t) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- REPL panel ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Turn the repl prompt into a decorator for the form replPromptAsWidget :: Text -> REPLPrompt -> Widget Name replPromptAsWidget _ (CmdPrompt _) = txt "> " replPromptAsWidget t (SearchPrompt rh) = case lastEntry t rh of Nothing -> txt "[nothing found] " Just lastentry | T.null t -> txt "[find] " | otherwise -> txt $ "[found: \"" <> lastentry <> "\"] " renderREPLPrompt :: FocusRing Name -> REPLState -> Widget Name renderREPLPrompt focus repl = ps1 <+> replE where prompt = repl ^. replPromptType replEditor = repl ^. replPromptEditor color = if repl ^. replValid then id else withAttr redAttr ps1 = replPromptAsWidget (T.concat $ getEditContents replEditor) prompt replE = renderEditor (color . vBox . map txt) (focusGetCurrent focus `elem` [Nothing, Just (FocusablePanel REPLPanel), Just REPLInput]) replEditor -- | Draw the REPL. drawREPL :: AppState -> Widget Name drawREPL s = vBox $ latestHistory <> [currentPrompt] <> mayDebug where -- rendered history lines fitting above REPL prompt latestHistory :: [Widget n] latestHistory = map fmt (getLatestREPLHistoryItems (replHeight - inputLines - debugLines) (repl ^. replHistory)) currentPrompt :: Widget Name currentPrompt = case (isActive <$> base, repl ^. replControlMode) of (_, Handling) -> padRight Max $ txt "[key handler running, M-k to toggle]" (Just False, _) -> renderREPLPrompt (s ^. uiState . uiFocusRing) repl _running -> padRight Max $ txt "..." inputLines = 1 debugLines = 3 * fromEnum (s ^. uiState . uiShowDebug) repl = s ^. uiState . uiREPL base = s ^. gameState . robotMap . at 0 fmt (REPLEntry e) = txt $ "> " <> e fmt (REPLOutput t) = txt t mayDebug = [drawRobotMachine s True | s ^. uiState . uiShowDebug]