{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- For 'Ord IntVar' instance -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- Type inference for the Swarm language. For the approach used here, -- see -- https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2021/09/08/implementing-hindley-milner-with-the-unification-fd-library/ . module Swarm.Language.Typecheck ( -- * Type errors ContextualTypeErr (..), TypeErr (..), InvalidAtomicReason (..), -- * Type provenance Source (..), withSource, Join, getJoin, -- * Typechecking stack TCFrame (..), LocatedTCFrame (..), TCStack, withFrame, getTCStack, -- * Typechecking monad TC, runTC, fresh, -- * Unification substU, unify, HasBindings (..), instantiate, skolemize, generalize, -- * Type inference inferTop, inferModule, infer, inferConst, check, isSimpleUType, ) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Category ((>>>)) import Control.Lens ((^.)) import Control.Lens.Indexed (itraverse) import Control.Monad (forM_, void, when, (<=<)) import Control.Monad.Except ( ExceptT, MonadError (catchError, throwError), runExceptT, ) import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadReader (ask, local), ReaderT (runReaderT), mapReaderT, ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift)) import Control.Unification hiding (applyBindings, unify, (=:=)) import Control.Unification qualified as U import Control.Unification.IntVar import Data.Data (Data, gmapM) import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Generics (mkM) import Data.Map (Map, (!)) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Set (Set, (\\)) import Data.Set qualified as S import Data.Text qualified as T import Swarm.Language.Context hiding (lookup) import Swarm.Language.Context qualified as Ctx import Swarm.Language.Module import Swarm.Language.Parse.QQ (tyQ) import Swarm.Language.Syntax import Swarm.Language.Typecheck.Unify import Swarm.Language.Types import Prelude hiding (lookup) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Typechecking stack -- | A frame to keep track of something we were in the middle of doing -- during typechecking. data TCFrame where -- | Checking a definition. TCDef :: Var -> TCFrame -- | Inferring the LHS of a bind. TCBindL :: TCFrame -- | Inferring the RHS of a bind. TCBindR :: TCFrame deriving (Show) -- | A typechecking stack frame together with the relevant @SrcLoc@. data LocatedTCFrame = LocatedTCFrame SrcLoc TCFrame deriving (Show) -- | A typechecking stack keeps track of what we are currently in the -- middle of doing during typechecking. type TCStack = [LocatedTCFrame] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type source -- | The source of a type during typechecking. data Source = -- | An expected type that was "pushed down" from the context. Expected | -- | An actual/inferred type that was "pulled up" from a term. Actual deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum) -- | Generic eliminator for 'Source'. Choose the first argument if -- the 'Source' is 'Expected', and the second argument if 'Actual'. withSource :: Source -> a -> a -> a withSource Expected e _ = e withSource Actual _ a = a -- | A value along with its source (expected vs actual). type Sourced a = (Source, a) -- | A "join" where an expected thing meets an actual thing. newtype Join a = Join (Source -> a) instance (Show a) => Show (Join a) where show (getJoin -> (e, a)) = "(expected: " <> show e <> ", actual: " <> show a <> ")" type TypeJoin = Join UType -- | Create a 'Join' from an expected thing and an actual thing (in that order). joined :: a -> a -> Join a joined expect actual = Join (\case Expected -> expect; Actual -> actual) -- | Create a 'Join' from a 'Sourced' thing together with another -- thing (which is assumed to have the opposite 'Source'). mkJoin :: Sourced a -> a -> Join a mkJoin (src, a1) a2 = Join $ \s -> if s == src then a1 else a2 -- | Convert a 'Join' into a pair of (expected, actual). getJoin :: Join a -> (a, a) getJoin (Join j) = (j Expected, j Actual) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type checking monad -- | The concrete monad used for type checking. 'IntBindingT' is a -- monad transformer provided by the @unification-fd@ library which -- supports various operations such as generating fresh variables -- and unifying things. type TC = ReaderT UCtx (ReaderT TCStack (ExceptT ContextualTypeErr (IntBindingT TypeF Identity))) -- | Push a frame on the typechecking stack within a local 'TC' -- computation. withFrame :: SrcLoc -> TCFrame -> TC a -> TC a withFrame l f = mapReaderT (local (LocatedTCFrame l f :)) -- | Get the current typechecking stack. getTCStack :: TC TCStack getTCStack = lift ask ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run a top-level inference computation, returning either a -- 'TypeErr' or a fully resolved 'TModule'. runTC :: TCtx -> TC UModule -> Either ContextualTypeErr TModule runTC ctx = (>>= applyBindings) >>> ( >>= \(Module u uctx) -> Module <$> mapM (checkPredicative <=< (fmap fromU . generalize)) u <*> checkPredicative (fromU uctx) ) >>> flip runReaderT (toU ctx) >>> flip runReaderT [] >>> runExceptT >>> evalIntBindingT >>> runIdentity checkPredicative :: Maybe a -> TC a checkPredicative = maybe (throwError (mkRawTypeErr Impredicative)) pure -- | Look up a variable in the ambient type context, either throwing -- an 'UnboundVar' error if it is not found, or opening its -- associated 'UPolytype' with fresh unification variables via -- 'instantiate'. lookup :: SrcLoc -> Var -> TC UType lookup loc x = do ctx <- getCtx maybe (throwTypeErr loc $ UnboundVar x) instantiate (Ctx.lookup x ctx) -- | Get the current type context. getCtx :: TC UCtx getCtx = ask -- | Catch any thrown type errors and re-throw them with an added source -- location. addLocToTypeErr :: SrcLoc -> TC a -> TC a addLocToTypeErr l m = m `catchError` \case CTE NoLoc _ te -> throwTypeErr l te te -> throwError te ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dealing with variables: free variables, fresh variables, -- substitution -- | @unification-fd@ does not provide an 'Ord' instance for 'IntVar', -- so we must provide our own, in order to be able to store -- 'IntVar's in a 'Set'. deriving instance Ord IntVar -- | A class for getting the free unification variables of a thing. class FreeVars a where freeVars :: a -> TC (Set IntVar) -- | We can get the free unification variables of a 'UType'. instance FreeVars UType where freeVars ut = fmap S.fromList . lift . lift . lift $ getFreeVars ut -- | We can also get the free variables of a polytype. instance (FreeVars t) => FreeVars (Poly t) where freeVars (Forall _ t) = freeVars t -- | We can get the free variables in any polytype in a context. instance FreeVars UCtx where freeVars = fmap S.unions . mapM freeVars . M.elems . unCtx -- | Generate a fresh unification variable. fresh :: TC UType fresh = UVar <$> (lift . lift . lift $ freeVar) -- | Perform a substitution over a 'UType', substituting for both type -- and unification variables. Note that since 'UType's do not have -- any binding constructs, we don't have to worry about ignoring -- bound variables; all variables in a 'UType' are free. substU :: Map (Either Var IntVar) UType -> UType -> UType substU m = ucata (\v -> fromMaybe (UVar v) (M.lookup (Right v) m)) ( \case TyVarF v -> fromMaybe (UTyVar v) (M.lookup (Left v) m) f -> UTerm f ) -- | Make sure no skolem variables escape. noSkolems :: SrcLoc -> UPolytype -> TC () noSkolems l (Forall xs upty) = do upty' <- applyBindings upty let tyvs = ucata (const S.empty) (\case TyVarF v -> S.singleton v; f -> fold f) upty' ftyvs = tyvs `S.difference` S.fromList xs forM_ (S.lookupMin ftyvs) $ throwTypeErr l . EscapedSkolem -- ~~~~ Note [lookupMin to get an arbitrary element] -- -- `S.lookupMin :: Set a -> Maybe a` returns the smallest -- element of a set, or Nothing if the set is empty. We don't -- actually care about getting the *smallest* type variable, but -- lookupMin is a convenient way to say "just get one element if -- any exist". The forM_ is actually over the Maybe so it represents -- doing the throwTypeErr either zero or one time, depending on -- whether lookupMin returns Nothing or Just. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Lifted stuff from unification-fd infix 4 =:= -- | @unify t expTy actTy@ ensures that the given two types are equal. -- If we know the actual term @t@ which is supposed to have these -- types, we can use it to generate better error messages. -- -- We first do a quick-and-dirty check to see whether we know for -- sure the types either are or cannot be equal, generating an -- equality constraint for the unifier as a last resort. unify :: Maybe Syntax -> TypeJoin -> TC UType unify ms j = case unifyCheck expected actual of Apart -> throwTypeErr NoLoc $ Mismatch ms j Equal -> return expected MightUnify -> lift . lift $ expected U.=:= actual where (expected, actual) = getJoin j -- | Ensure two types are the same. (=:=) :: UType -> UType -> TC UType ty1 =:= ty2 = unify Nothing (joined ty1 ty2) -- | @unification-fd@ provides a function 'U.applyBindings' which -- fully substitutes for any bound unification variables (for -- efficiency, it does not perform such substitution as it goes -- along). The 'HasBindings' class is for anything which has -- unification variables in it and to which we can usefully apply -- 'U.applyBindings'. class HasBindings u where applyBindings :: u -> TC u instance HasBindings UType where applyBindings = lift . lift . U.applyBindings instance HasBindings UPolytype where applyBindings (Forall xs u) = Forall xs <$> applyBindings u instance HasBindings UCtx where applyBindings = mapM applyBindings instance (HasBindings u, Data u) => HasBindings (Term' u) where applyBindings = gmapM (mkM (applyBindings @(Syntax' u))) instance (HasBindings u, Data u) => HasBindings (Syntax' u) where applyBindings (Syntax' l t u) = Syntax' l <$> applyBindings t <*> applyBindings u instance HasBindings UModule where applyBindings (Module u uctx) = Module <$> applyBindings u <*> applyBindings uctx ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Converting between mono- and polytypes -- | To 'instantiate' a 'UPolytype', we generate a fresh unification -- variable for each variable bound by the `Forall`, and then -- substitute them throughout the type. instantiate :: UPolytype -> TC UType instantiate (Forall xs uty) = do xs' <- mapM (const fresh) xs return $ substU (M.fromList (zip (map Left xs) xs')) uty -- | 'skolemize' is like 'instantiate', except we substitute fresh -- /type/ variables instead of unification variables. Such -- variables cannot unify with anything other than themselves. This -- is used when checking something with a polytype explicitly -- specified by the user. skolemize :: UPolytype -> TC UType skolemize (Forall xs uty) = do xs' <- mapM (const fresh) xs return $ substU (M.fromList (zip (map Left xs) (map toSkolem xs'))) uty where toSkolem (UVar v) = UTyVar (mkVarName "s" v) toSkolem x = error $ "Impossible! Non-UVar in skolemize.toSkolem: " ++ show x -- | 'generalize' is the opposite of 'instantiate': add a 'Forall' -- which closes over all free type and unification variables. -- -- Pick nice type variable names instead of reusing whatever fresh -- names happened to be used for the free variables. generalize :: UType -> TC UPolytype generalize uty = do uty' <- applyBindings uty ctx <- getCtx tmfvs <- freeVars uty' ctxfvs <- freeVars ctx let fvs = S.toList $ tmfvs \\ ctxfvs alphabet = ['a' .. 'z'] -- Infinite supply of pretty names a, b, ..., z, a0, ... z0, a1, ... z1, ... prettyNames = map T.pack (map (: []) alphabet ++ [x : show n | n <- [0 :: Int ..], x <- alphabet]) -- Associate each free variable with a new pretty name renaming = zip fvs prettyNames return $ Forall (map snd renaming) (substU (M.fromList . map (Right *** UTyVar) $ renaming) uty') ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type errors -- | A type error along with various contextual information to help us -- generate better error messages. data ContextualTypeErr = CTE {cteSrcLoc :: SrcLoc, cteStack :: TCStack, cteTypeErr :: TypeErr} deriving (Show) -- | Create a raw 'ContextualTypeErr' with no context information. mkRawTypeErr :: TypeErr -> ContextualTypeErr mkRawTypeErr = CTE NoLoc [] -- | Create a 'ContextualTypeErr' value from a 'TypeErr' and context. mkTypeErr :: SrcLoc -> TCStack -> TypeErr -> ContextualTypeErr mkTypeErr = CTE -- | Throw a 'ContextualTypeErr'. throwTypeErr :: SrcLoc -> TypeErr -> TC a throwTypeErr l te = do stk <- getTCStack throwError $ mkTypeErr l stk te -- | Errors that can occur during type checking. The idea is that -- each error carries information that can be used to help explain -- what went wrong (though the amount of information carried can and -- should be very much improved in the future); errors can then -- separately be pretty-printed to display them to the user. data TypeErr = -- | An undefined variable was encountered. UnboundVar Var | -- | A Skolem variable escaped its local context. EscapedSkolem Var | -- | Occurs check failure, i.e. infinite type. Infinite IntVar UType | -- | Error generated by the unifier. UnifyErr (TypeF UType) (TypeF UType) | -- | Type mismatch caught by 'unifyCheck'. The given term was -- expected to have a certain type, but has a different type -- instead. Mismatch (Maybe Syntax) TypeJoin | -- | Lambda argument type mismatch. LambdaArgMismatch TypeJoin | -- | Record field mismatch, i.e. based on the expected type we -- were expecting a record with certain fields, but found one with -- a different field set. FieldsMismatch (Join (Set Var)) | -- | A definition was encountered not at the top level. DefNotTopLevel Term | -- | A term was encountered which we cannot infer the type of. -- This should never happen. CantInfer Term | -- | We can't infer the type of a record projection @r.x@ if we -- don't concretely know the type of the record @r@. CantInferProj Term | -- | An attempt to project out a nonexistent field UnknownProj Var Term | -- | An invalid argument was provided to @atomic@. InvalidAtomic InvalidAtomicReason Term | -- | Some unification variables ended up in a type, probably due to -- impredicativity. See https://github.com/swarm-game/swarm/issues/351 . Impredicative deriving (Show) -- | Various reasons the body of an @atomic@ might be invalid. data InvalidAtomicReason = -- | The argument has too many tangible commands. TooManyTicks Int | -- | The argument uses some way to duplicate code: @def@, @let@, or lambda. AtomicDupingThing | -- | The argument referred to a variable with a non-simple type. NonSimpleVarType Var UPolytype | -- | The argument had a nested @atomic@ NestedAtomic | -- | The argument contained a long command LongConst deriving (Show) instance Fallible TypeF IntVar ContextualTypeErr where occursFailure v t = mkRawTypeErr (Infinite v t) mismatchFailure t1 t2 = mkRawTypeErr (UnifyErr t1 t2) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type decomposition -- | Decompose a type that is supposed to be a delay type. Also take -- the term which is supposed to have that type, for use in error -- messages. decomposeDelayTy :: Syntax -> Sourced UType -> TC UType decomposeDelayTy _ (_, UTyDelay a) = return a decomposeDelayTy t ty = do a <- fresh _ <- unify (Just t) (mkJoin ty (UTyDelay a)) return a -- | Decompose a type that is supposed to be a command type. Also take -- the term which is supposed to have that type, for use in error -- messages. decomposeCmdTy :: Syntax -> Sourced UType -> TC UType decomposeCmdTy _ (_, UTyCmd a) = return a decomposeCmdTy t ty = do a <- fresh _ <- unify (Just t) (mkJoin ty (UTyCmd a)) return a -- | Decompose a type that is supposed to be a function type. Also take -- the term which is supposed to have that type, for use in error -- messages. decomposeFunTy :: Syntax -> Sourced UType -> TC (UType, UType) decomposeFunTy _ (_, UTyFun ty1 ty2) = return (ty1, ty2) decomposeFunTy t ty = do ty1 <- fresh ty2 <- fresh _ <- unify (Just t) (mkJoin ty (UTyFun ty1 ty2)) return (ty1, ty2) -- | Decompose a type that is supposed to be a product type. Also take -- the term which is supposed to have that type, for use in error -- messages. decomposeProdTy :: Syntax -> Sourced UType -> TC (UType, UType) decomposeProdTy _ (_, UTyProd ty1 ty2) = return (ty1, ty2) decomposeProdTy t ty = do ty1 <- fresh ty2 <- fresh _ <- unify (Just t) (mkJoin ty (UTyProd ty1 ty2)) return (ty1, ty2) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Type inference / checking -- | Top-level type inference function: given a context of definition -- types and a top-level term, either return a type error or its -- type as a 'TModule'. inferTop :: TCtx -> Syntax -> Either ContextualTypeErr TModule inferTop ctx = runTC ctx . inferModule -- | Infer the signature of a top-level expression which might -- contain definitions. inferModule :: Syntax -> TC UModule inferModule s@(Syntax l t) = addLocToTypeErr l $ case t of -- For definitions with no type signature, make up a fresh type -- variable for the body, infer the body under an extended context, -- and unify the two. Then generalize the type and return an -- appropriate context. SDef r x Nothing t1 -> withFrame l (TCDef (lvVar x)) $ do xTy <- fresh t1' <- withBinding (lvVar x) (Forall [] xTy) $ infer t1 _ <- unify (Just t1) (joined xTy (t1' ^. sType)) pty <- generalize (t1' ^. sType) return $ Module (Syntax' l (SDef r x Nothing t1') (UTyCmd UTyUnit)) (singleton (lvVar x) pty) -- If a (poly)type signature has been provided, skolemize it and -- check the definition. SDef r x (Just pty) t1 -> withFrame l (TCDef (lvVar x)) $ do let upty = toU pty uty <- skolemize upty t1' <- withBinding (lvVar x) upty $ check t1 uty return $ Module (Syntax' l (SDef r x (Just pty) t1') (UTyCmd UTyUnit)) (singleton (lvVar x) upty) -- To handle a 'TBind', infer the types of both sides, combining the -- returned modules appropriately. Have to be careful to use the -- correct context when checking the right-hand side in particular. SBind mx c1 c2 -> do -- First, infer the left side. Module c1' ctx1 <- withFrame l TCBindL $ inferModule c1 a <- decomposeCmdTy c1 (Actual, c1' ^. sType) -- Now infer the right side under an extended context: things in -- scope on the right-hand side include both any definitions -- created by the left-hand side, as well as a variable as in @x -- <- c1; c2@. The order of extensions here matters: in theory, -- c1 could define something with the same name as x, in which -- case the bound x should shadow the defined one; hence, we apply -- that binding /after/ (i.e. /within/) the application of @ctx1@. withBindings ctx1 $ maybe id ((`withBinding` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx $ do Module c2' ctx2 <- withFrame l TCBindR $ inferModule c2 -- We don't actually need the result type since we're just -- going to return the entire type, but it's important to -- ensure it's a command type anyway. Otherwise something -- like 'move; 3' would be accepted with type int. _ <- decomposeCmdTy c2 (Actual, c2' ^. sType) -- Ctx.union is right-biased, so ctx1 `union` ctx2 means later -- definitions will shadow previous ones. Include the binder -- (if any) as well, since binders are made available at the top -- level, just like definitions. e.g. if the user writes `r <- build {move}`, -- then they will be able to refer to r again later. let ctxX = maybe Ctx.empty ((`Ctx.singleton` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx return $ Module (Syntax' l (SBind mx c1' c2') (c2' ^. sType)) (ctx1 `Ctx.union` ctxX `Ctx.union` ctx2) -- In all other cases, there can no longer be any definitions in the -- term, so delegate to 'infer'. _anyOtherTerm -> trivMod <$> infer s -- | Infer the type of a term which does not contain definitions, -- returning a type-annotated term. -- -- The only cases explicitly handled in 'infer' are those where -- pushing an expected type down into the term can't possibly help, -- e.g. most primitives, function application, and binds. -- -- For most everything else we prefer 'check' because it can often -- result in better and more localized type error messages. infer :: Syntax -> TC (Syntax' UType) infer s@(Syntax l t) = addLocToTypeErr l $ case t of -- Primitives, i.e. things for which we immediately know the only -- possible correct type, and knowing an expected type would provide -- no extra information. TUnit -> return $ Syntax' l TUnit UTyUnit TConst c -> Syntax' l (TConst c) <$> (instantiate . toU $ inferConst c) TDir d -> return $ Syntax' l (TDir d) UTyDir TInt n -> return $ Syntax' l (TInt n) UTyInt TAntiInt x -> return $ Syntax' l (TAntiInt x) UTyInt TText x -> return $ Syntax' l (TText x) UTyText TAntiText x -> return $ Syntax' l (TAntiText x) UTyText TBool b -> return $ Syntax' l (TBool b) UTyBool TRobot r -> return $ Syntax' l (TRobot r) UTyActor TRequireDevice d -> return $ Syntax' l (TRequireDevice d) (UTyCmd UTyUnit) TRequire n d -> return $ Syntax' l (TRequire n d) (UTyCmd UTyUnit) SRequirements x t1 -> do t1' <- infer t1 return $ Syntax' l (SRequirements x t1') (UTyCmd UTyUnit) -- We should never encounter a TRef since they do not show up in -- surface syntax, only as values while evaluating (*after* -- typechecking). TRef _ -> throwTypeErr l $ CantInfer t -- Just look up variables in the context. TVar x -> Syntax' l (TVar x) <$> lookup l x -- It is helpful to handle lambdas in inference mode as well as -- checking mode; in particular, we can handle lambdas with an -- explicit type annotation on the argument. Just infer the body -- under an extended context and return the appropriate function -- type. SLam x (Just argTy) body -> do let uargTy = toU argTy body' <- withBinding (lvVar x) (Forall [] uargTy) $ infer body return $ Syntax' l (SLam x (Just argTy) body') (UTyFun uargTy (body' ^. sType)) -- Need special case here for applying 'atomic' or 'instant' so we -- don't handle it with the case for generic type application. -- This must come BEFORE the SApp case. TConst c :$: _ | c `elem` [Atomic, Instant] -> fresh >>= check s -- It works better to handle applications in *inference* mode. -- Knowing the expected result type of an application does not -- really help much. In the typical case, the function being -- applied is either (1) a primitive or variable whose type we can -- easily infer, or (2) a nested application; in the second case in -- particular, handling applications in inference mode means we can -- stay in inference mode the whole way down the left-hand side of -- the chain of applications. If we handled applications in -- checking mode, we would constantly flip back and forth between -- inference & checking and generate a fresh unification variable -- each time. SApp f x -> do -- Infer the type of the left-hand side and make sure it has a function type. f' <- infer f (argTy, resTy) <- decomposeFunTy f (Actual, f' ^. sType) -- Then check that the argument has the right type. x' <- check x argTy -- Call applyBindings explicitly, so that anything we learned -- about unification variables while checking the type of the -- argument can flow to later steps. This is especially helpful -- while checking applications of polymorphic multi-argument -- functions such as 'if'. Without this call to 'applyBindings', -- type mismatches between the branches of an 'if' tend to get -- caught in the unifier, resulting in vague "can't unify" -- messages (for example, "if true {3} {move}" yields "can't -- unify int and cmd unit"). With this 'applyBindings' call, we -- get more specific errors about how the second branch was -- expected to have the same type as the first (e.g. "expected -- `move` to have type `int`, but it actually has type `cmd -- unit`). resTy' <- applyBindings resTy return $ Syntax' l (SApp f' x') resTy' -- We handle binds in inference mode for a similar reason to -- application. SBind mx c1 c2 -> do c1' <- withFrame l TCBindL $ infer c1 a <- decomposeCmdTy c1 (Actual, c1' ^. sType) c2' <- maybe id ((`withBinding` Forall [] a) . lvVar) mx . withFrame l TCBindR $ infer c2 _ <- decomposeCmdTy c2 (Actual, c2' ^. sType) return $ Syntax' l (SBind mx c1' c2') (c2' ^. sType) -- Handle record projection in inference mode. Knowing the expected -- type of r.x doesn't really help since we must infer the type of r -- first anyway. SProj t1 x -> do t1' <- infer t1 case t1' ^. sType of UTyRcd m -> case M.lookup x m of Just xTy -> return $ Syntax' l (SProj t1' x) xTy Nothing -> throwTypeErr l $ UnknownProj x (SProj t1 x) _ -> throwTypeErr l $ CantInferProj (SProj t1 x) -- See Note [Checking and inference for record literals] SRcd m -> do m' <- itraverse (\x -> infer . fromMaybe (STerm (TVar x))) m return $ Syntax' l (SRcd (Just <$> m')) (UTyRcd (fmap (^. sType) m')) -- To infer a type-annotated term, switch into checking mode. -- However, we must be careful to deal properly with polymorphic -- type annotations. SAnnotate c pty -> do let upty = toU pty -- Typecheck against skolemized polytype. uty <- skolemize upty _ <- check c uty -- Make sure no skolem variables have escaped. getCtx >>= mapM_ (noSkolems l) -- If check against skolemized polytype is successful, -- instantiate polytype with unification variables. -- Free variables should be able to unify with anything in -- following typechecking steps. iuty <- instantiate upty c' <- check c iuty return $ Syntax' l (SAnnotate c' pty) (c' ^. sType) -- Fallback: to infer the type of anything else, make up a fresh unification -- variable for its type and check against it. _ -> do sTy <- fresh check s sTy -- | Infer the type of a constant. inferConst :: Const -> Polytype inferConst c = case c of Wait -> [tyQ| int -> cmd unit |] Noop -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Selfdestruct -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Move -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Backup -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Push -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Stride -> [tyQ| int -> cmd unit |] Turn -> [tyQ| dir -> cmd unit |] Grab -> [tyQ| cmd text |] Harvest -> [tyQ| cmd text |] Place -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Give -> [tyQ| actor -> text -> cmd unit |] Equip -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Unequip -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Make -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Has -> [tyQ| text -> cmd bool |] Equipped -> [tyQ| text -> cmd bool |] Count -> [tyQ| text -> cmd int |] Reprogram -> [tyQ| actor -> {cmd a} -> cmd unit |] Build -> [tyQ| {cmd a} -> cmd actor |] Drill -> [tyQ| dir -> cmd (unit + text) |] Use -> [tyQ| text -> dir -> cmd (unit + text) |] Salvage -> [tyQ| cmd unit |] Say -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Listen -> [tyQ| cmd text |] Log -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] View -> [tyQ| actor -> cmd unit |] Appear -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Create -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Halt -> [tyQ| actor -> cmd unit |] Time -> [tyQ| cmd int |] Scout -> [tyQ| dir -> cmd bool |] Whereami -> [tyQ| cmd (int * int) |] Waypoint -> [tyQ| text -> int -> cmd (int * (int * int)) |] Detect -> [tyQ| text -> ((int * int) * (int * int)) -> cmd (unit + (int * int)) |] Resonate -> [tyQ| text -> ((int * int) * (int * int)) -> cmd int |] Density -> [tyQ| ((int * int) * (int * int)) -> cmd int |] Sniff -> [tyQ| text -> cmd int |] Chirp -> [tyQ| text -> cmd dir |] Watch -> [tyQ| dir -> cmd unit |] Surveil -> [tyQ| (int * int) -> cmd unit |] Heading -> [tyQ| cmd dir |] Blocked -> [tyQ| cmd bool |] Scan -> [tyQ| dir -> cmd (unit + text) |] Upload -> [tyQ| actor -> cmd unit |] Ishere -> [tyQ| text -> cmd bool |] Isempty -> [tyQ| cmd bool |] Self -> [tyQ| actor |] Parent -> [tyQ| actor |] Base -> [tyQ| actor |] Meet -> [tyQ| cmd (unit + actor) |] MeetAll -> [tyQ| (b -> actor -> cmd b) -> b -> cmd b |] Whoami -> [tyQ| cmd text |] Setname -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] Random -> [tyQ| int -> cmd int |] Run -> [tyQ| text -> cmd unit |] If -> [tyQ| bool -> {a} -> {a} -> a |] Inl -> [tyQ| a -> a + b |] Inr -> [tyQ| b -> a + b |] Case -> [tyQ|a + b -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c |] Fst -> [tyQ| a * b -> a |] Snd -> [tyQ| a * b -> b |] Force -> [tyQ| {a} -> a |] Return -> [tyQ| a -> cmd a |] Try -> [tyQ| {cmd a} -> {cmd a} -> cmd a |] Undefined -> [tyQ| a |] Fail -> [tyQ| text -> a |] Not -> [tyQ| bool -> bool |] Neg -> [tyQ| int -> int |] Eq -> cmpBinT Neq -> cmpBinT Lt -> cmpBinT Gt -> cmpBinT Leq -> cmpBinT Geq -> cmpBinT And -> [tyQ| bool -> bool -> bool|] Or -> [tyQ| bool -> bool -> bool|] Add -> arithBinT Sub -> arithBinT Mul -> arithBinT Div -> arithBinT Exp -> arithBinT Format -> [tyQ| a -> text |] Concat -> [tyQ| text -> text -> text |] Chars -> [tyQ| text -> int |] Split -> [tyQ| int -> text -> (text * text) |] CharAt -> [tyQ| int -> text -> int |] ToChar -> [tyQ| int -> text |] AppF -> [tyQ| (a -> b) -> a -> b |] Swap -> [tyQ| text -> cmd text |] Atomic -> [tyQ| cmd a -> cmd a |] Instant -> [tyQ| cmd a -> cmd a |] Key -> [tyQ| text -> key |] InstallKeyHandler -> [tyQ| text -> (key -> cmd unit) -> cmd unit |] Teleport -> [tyQ| actor -> (int * int) -> cmd unit |] As -> [tyQ| actor -> {cmd a} -> cmd a |] RobotNamed -> [tyQ| text -> cmd actor |] RobotNumbered -> [tyQ| int -> cmd actor |] Knows -> [tyQ| text -> cmd bool |] where cmpBinT = [tyQ| a -> a -> bool |] arithBinT = [tyQ| int -> int -> int |] -- | @check t ty@ checks that @t@ has type @ty@, returning a -- type-annotated AST if so. -- -- We try to stay in checking mode as far as possible, decomposing -- the expected type as we go and pushing it through the recursion. check :: Syntax -> UType -> TC (Syntax' UType) check s@(Syntax l t) expected = addLocToTypeErr l $ case t of -- if t : ty, then {t} : {ty}. -- Note that in theory, if the @Maybe Var@ component of the @SDelay@ -- is @Just@, we should typecheck the body under a context extended -- with a type binding for the variable, and ensure that the type of -- the variable is the same as the type inferred for the overall -- @SDelay@. However, we rely on the invariant that such recursive -- @SDelay@ nodes are never generated from the surface syntax, only -- dynamically at runtime when evaluating recursive let or def expressions, -- so we don't have to worry about typechecking them here. SDelay d s1 -> do ty1 <- decomposeDelayTy s (Expected, expected) s1' <- check s1 ty1 return $ Syntax' l (SDelay d s1') (UTyDelay ty1) -- To check the type of a pair, make sure the expected type is a -- product type, and push the two types down into the left and right. SPair s1 s2 -> do (ty1, ty2) <- decomposeProdTy s (Expected, expected) s1' <- check s1 ty1 s2' <- check s2 ty2 return $ Syntax' l (SPair s1' s2') (UTyProd ty1 ty2) -- To check a lambda, make sure the expected type is a function type. SLam x mxTy body -> do (argTy, resTy) <- decomposeFunTy s (Expected, expected) case toU mxTy of Just xTy -> case unifyCheck argTy xTy of -- Generate a special error when the explicit type annotation -- on a lambda doesn't match the expected type, -- e.g. (\x:int. x + 2) : text -> int, since the usual -- "expected/but got" language would probably be confusing. Apart -> throwTypeErr l $ LambdaArgMismatch (joined argTy xTy) -- Otherwise, make sure to unify the annotation with the -- expected argument type. _ -> void $ argTy =:= xTy Nothing -> return () body' <- withBinding (lvVar x) (Forall [] argTy) $ check body resTy return $ Syntax' l (SLam x mxTy body') (UTyFun argTy resTy) -- Special case for checking the argument to 'atomic' (or -- 'instant'). 'atomic t' has the same type as 't', which must have -- a type of the form 'cmd a' for some 'a'. TConst c :$: at | c `elem` [Atomic, Instant] -> do argTy <- decomposeCmdTy s (Expected, expected) at' <- check at (UTyCmd argTy) atomic' <- infer (Syntax l (TConst c)) -- It's important that we typecheck the subterm @at@ *before* we -- check that it is a valid argument to @atomic@: this way we can -- ensure that we have already inferred the types of any variables -- referenced. -- -- When c is Atomic we validate that the argument to atomic is -- guaranteed to operate within a single tick. When c is Instant -- we skip this check. when (c == Atomic) $ validAtomic at return $ Syntax' l (SApp atomic' at') (UTyCmd argTy) -- Checking the type of a let-expression. SLet r x mxTy t1 t2 -> do (upty, t1') <- case mxTy of -- No type annotation was provided for the let binding, so infer its type. Nothing -> do -- The let could be recursive, so we must generate a fresh -- unification variable for the type of x and infer the type -- of t1 with x in the context. xTy <- fresh t1' <- withBinding (lvVar x) (Forall [] xTy) $ infer t1 let uty = t1' ^. sType _ <- xTy =:= uty upty <- generalize uty return (upty, t1') -- An explicit polytype annotation has been provided. Skolemize it and check -- definition and body under an extended context. Just pty -> do let upty = toU pty uty <- skolemize upty t1' <- withBinding (lvVar x) upty $ check t1 uty return (upty, t1') -- Now check the type of the body. t2' <- withBinding (lvVar x) upty $ check t2 expected -- Make sure no skolem variables have escaped. getCtx >>= mapM_ (noSkolems l) -- Return the annotated let. return $ Syntax' l (SLet r x mxTy t1' t2') expected -- Definitions can only occur at the top level. SDef {} -> throwTypeErr l $ DefNotTopLevel t -- To check a record, ensure the expected type is a record type, -- ensure all the right fields are present, and push the expected -- types of all the fields down into recursive checks. -- -- We have to be careful here --- if the expected type is not -- manifestly a record type but might unify with one (i.e. if the -- expected type is a variable) then we can't generate type -- variables for its subparts and push them, we have to switch -- completely into inference mode. See Note [Checking and inference -- for record literals]. SRcd fields | UTyRcd tyMap <- expected -> do let expectedFields = M.keysSet tyMap actualFields = M.keysSet fields when (actualFields /= expectedFields) $ throwTypeErr l $ FieldsMismatch (joined expectedFields actualFields) m' <- itraverse (\x ms -> check (fromMaybe (STerm (TVar x)) ms) (tyMap ! x)) fields return $ Syntax' l (SRcd (Just <$> m')) expected -- Fallback: switch into inference mode, and check that the type we -- get is what we expected. _ -> do Syntax' l' t' actual <- infer s Syntax' l' t' <$> unify (Just s) (joined expected actual) -- ~~~~ Note [Checking and inference for record literals] -- -- We need to handle record literals in both inference and checking -- mode. By way of contrast, with a pair, if we are in checking -- mode and the expected type is not manifestly a product type, we -- can just generate fresh unification variables for the types of -- the two components, generate a constraint that the expected type -- is equal to a product type of these two fresh types, and continue -- in checking mode on both sides. With records, however, we cannot -- do that; if we are checking a record and the expected type is not -- manifestly a record type, we must simply switch into inference -- mode. However, it is still helpful to be able to handle records -- in checking mode too, since if we know a record type it is -- helpful to be able to push the field types down into the fields. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Special atomic checking -- | Ensure a term is a valid argument to @atomic@. Valid arguments -- may not contain @def@, @let@, or lambda. Any variables which are -- referenced must have a primitive, first-order type such as -- @text@ or @int@ (in particular, no functions, @cmd@, or -- @delay@). We simply assume that any locally bound variables are -- OK without checking their type: the only way to bind a variable -- locally is with a binder of the form @x <- c1; c2@, where @c1@ is -- some primitive command (since we can't refer to external -- variables of type @cmd a@). If we wanted to do something more -- sophisticated with locally bound variables we would have to -- inline this analysis into typechecking proper, instead of having -- it be a separate, out-of-band check. -- -- The goal is to ensure that any argument to @atomic@ is guaranteed -- to evaluate and execute in some small, finite amount of time, so -- that it's impossible to write a term which runs atomically for an -- indefinite amount of time and freezes the rest of the game. Of -- course, nothing prevents one from writing a large amount of code -- inside an @atomic@ block; but we want the execution time to be -- linear in the size of the code. -- -- We also ensure that the atomic block takes at most one tick, -- i.e. contains at most one tangible command. For example, @atomic -- (move; move)@ is invalid, since that would allow robots to move -- twice as fast as usual by doing both actions in one tick. validAtomic :: Syntax -> TC () validAtomic s@(Syntax l t) = do n <- analyzeAtomic S.empty s when (n > 1) $ throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic (TooManyTicks n) t -- | Analyze an argument to @atomic@: ensure it contains no nested -- atomic blocks and no references to external variables, and count -- how many tangible commands it will execute. analyzeAtomic :: Set Var -> Syntax -> TC Int analyzeAtomic locals (Syntax l t) = case t of -- Literals, primitives, etc. that are fine and don't require a tick -- to evaluate TUnit {} -> return 0 TDir {} -> return 0 TInt {} -> return 0 TAntiInt {} -> return 0 TText {} -> return 0 TAntiText {} -> return 0 TBool {} -> return 0 TRobot {} -> return 0 TRequireDevice {} -> return 0 TRequire {} -> return 0 SRequirements {} -> return 0 -- Constants. TConst c -- Nested 'atomic' is not allowed. | c == Atomic -> throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic NestedAtomic t -- We cannot allow long commands (commands that may require more -- than one tick to execute) since that could freeze the game. | isLong c -> throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic LongConst t -- Otherwise, return 1 or 0 depending on whether the command is -- tangible. | otherwise -> return $ if isTangible c then 1 else 0 -- Special case for if: number of tangible commands is the *max* of -- the branches instead of the sum, since exactly one of them will be -- executed. TConst If :$: tst :$: thn :$: els -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals tst <*> (max <$> analyzeAtomic locals thn <*> analyzeAtomic locals els) -- Pairs, application, and delay are simple: just recurse and sum the results. SPair s1 s2 -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals s1 <*> analyzeAtomic locals s2 SApp s1 s2 -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals s1 <*> analyzeAtomic locals s2 SDelay _ s1 -> analyzeAtomic locals s1 -- Bind is similarly simple except that we have to keep track of a local variable -- bound in the RHS. SBind mx s1 s2 -> (+) <$> analyzeAtomic locals s1 <*> analyzeAtomic (maybe id (S.insert . lvVar) mx locals) s2 SRcd m -> sum <$> mapM analyzeField (M.assocs m) where analyzeField :: (Var, Maybe Syntax) -> TC Int analyzeField (x, Nothing) = analyzeAtomic locals (STerm (TVar x)) analyzeField (_, Just s) = analyzeAtomic locals s SProj {} -> return 0 -- Variables are allowed if bound locally, or if they have a simple type. TVar x | x `S.member` locals -> return 0 | otherwise -> do mxTy <- Ctx.lookup x <$> getCtx case mxTy of -- If the variable is undefined, return 0 to indicate the -- atomic block is valid, because we'd rather have the error -- caught by the real name+type checking. Nothing -> return 0 Just xTy -> do -- Use applyBindings to make sure that we apply as much -- information as unification has learned at this point. In -- theory, continuing to typecheck other terms elsewhere in -- the program could give us further information about xTy, -- so we might have incomplete information at this point. -- However, since variables referenced in an atomic block -- must necessarily have simple types, it's unlikely this -- will really make a difference. The alternative, more -- "correct" way to do this would be to simply emit some -- constraints at this point saying that xTy must be a -- simple type, and check later that the constraint holds, -- after performing complete type inference. However, since -- the current approach is much simpler, we'll stick with -- this until such time as we have concrete examples showing -- that the more correct, complex way is necessary. xTy' <- applyBindings xTy if isSimpleUPolytype xTy' then return 0 else throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic (NonSimpleVarType x xTy') t -- No lambda, `let` or `def` allowed! SLam {} -> throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic AtomicDupingThing t SLet {} -> throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic AtomicDupingThing t SDef {} -> throwTypeErr l $ InvalidAtomic AtomicDupingThing t -- We should never encounter a TRef since they do not show up in -- surface syntax, only as values while evaluating (*after* -- typechecking). TRef {} -> throwTypeErr l $ CantInfer t -- An explicit type annotation doesn't change atomicity SAnnotate s _ -> analyzeAtomic locals s -- | A simple polytype is a simple type with no quantifiers. isSimpleUPolytype :: UPolytype -> Bool isSimpleUPolytype (Forall [] ty) = isSimpleUType ty isSimpleUPolytype _ = False -- | A simple type is a sum or product of base types. isSimpleUType :: UType -> Bool isSimpleUType = \case UTyBase {} -> True UTyVar {} -> False UTySum ty1 ty2 -> isSimpleUType ty1 && isSimpleUType ty2 UTyProd ty1 ty2 -> isSimpleUType ty1 && isSimpleUType ty2 UTyFun {} -> False UTyCmd {} -> False UTyDelay {} -> False -- Make the pattern-match coverage checker happy UVar {} -> False UTerm {} -> False