{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- Scenarios are standalone worlds with specific starting and winning -- conditions, which can be used both for building interactive -- tutorials and for standalone puzzles and scenarios. module Swarm.Game.Scenario ( -- * WorldDescription PCell (..), Cell, PWorldDescription (..), WorldDescription, IndexedTRobot, -- * Scenario Scenario (..), -- ** Fields scenarioVersion, scenarioName, scenarioAuthor, scenarioDescription, scenarioCreative, scenarioSeed, scenarioAttrs, scenarioEntities, scenarioRecipes, scenarioKnown, scenarioWorlds, scenarioNavigation, scenarioRobots, scenarioObjectives, scenarioSolution, scenarioStepsPerTick, -- * Loading from disk loadScenario, loadScenarioFile, getScenarioPath, ) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Carrier.Throw.Either (runThrow) import Control.Effect.Lift (Lift, sendIO) import Control.Effect.Throw import Control.Lens hiding (from, (.=), (<.>)) import Control.Monad (filterM, unless, (<=<)) import Data.Aeson import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing, listToMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Swarm.Game.Entity import Swarm.Game.Failure import Swarm.Game.Location import Swarm.Game.Recipe import Swarm.Game.ResourceLoading (getDataFileNameSafe) import Swarm.Game.Robot (TRobot) import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Objective.Validation import Swarm.Game.Scenario.RobotLookup import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Style import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Cell import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Navigation.Portal import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Structure qualified as Structure import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.WorldDescription import Swarm.Game.Universe import Swarm.Game.World.Typecheck (WorldMap) import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (ProcessedTerm) import Swarm.Language.Pretty (prettyText) import Swarm.Util (binTuples, failT) import Swarm.Util.Effect (throwToMaybe, withThrow) import Swarm.Util.Lens (makeLensesNoSigs) import Swarm.Util.Yaml import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Scenario ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A 'Scenario' contains all the information to describe a -- scenario. data Scenario = Scenario { _scenarioVersion :: Int , _scenarioName :: Text , _scenarioAuthor :: Maybe Text , _scenarioDescription :: Text , _scenarioCreative :: Bool , _scenarioSeed :: Maybe Int , _scenarioAttrs :: [CustomAttr] , _scenarioEntities :: EntityMap , _scenarioRecipes :: [Recipe Entity] , _scenarioKnown :: [Text] , _scenarioWorlds :: NonEmpty WorldDescription , _scenarioNavigation :: Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) Location , _scenarioRobots :: [TRobot] , _scenarioObjectives :: [Objective] , _scenarioSolution :: Maybe ProcessedTerm , _scenarioStepsPerTick :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show) makeLensesNoSigs ''Scenario instance FromJSONE (EntityMap, WorldMap) Scenario where parseJSONE = withObjectE "scenario" $ \v -> do -- parse custom entities emRaw <- liftE (v .:? "entities" .!= []) em <- case run . runThrow $ buildEntityMap emRaw of Right x -> return x Left x -> failT [prettyText @LoadingFailure x] -- Save the passed in WorldMap for later worldMap <- snd <$> getE -- Get rid of WorldMap from context locally, and combine EntityMap -- with any custom entities parsed above localE fst $ withE em $ do -- parse 'known' entity names and make sure they exist known <- liftE (v .:? "known" .!= []) em' <- getE case filter (isNothing . (`lookupEntityName` em')) known of [] -> return () unk -> failT ["Unknown entities in 'known' list:", T.intercalate ", " unk] -- parse robots and build RobotMap rs <- v ..: "robots" let rsMap = buildRobotMap rs rootLevelSharedStructures :: Structure.InheritedStructureDefs <- localE (,rsMap) $ v ..:? "structures" ..!= [] allWorlds <- localE (worldMap,rootLevelSharedStructures,,rsMap) $ do rootWorld <- v ..: "world" subworlds <- v ..:? "subworlds" ..!= [] return $ rootWorld :| subworlds let worldsByName = binTuples $ NE.toList $ NE.map (worldName &&& id) allWorlds dupedNames = M.keys $ M.filter ((> 1) . length) worldsByName unless (null dupedNames) $ failT [ "Subworld names are not unique:" , T.intercalate ", " $ map renderWorldName dupedNames ] let mergedWaypoints = M.fromList $ map (worldName &&& runIdentity . waypoints . navigation) $ NE.toList allWorlds mergedPortals <- validatePortals . Navigation mergedWaypoints . M.unions . map (portals . navigation) $ NE.toList allWorlds let mergedNavigation = Navigation mergedWaypoints mergedPortals Scenario <$> liftE (v .: "version") <*> liftE (v .: "name") <*> liftE (v .:? "author") <*> liftE (v .:? "description" .!= "") <*> liftE (v .:? "creative" .!= False) <*> liftE (v .:? "seed") <*> liftE (v .:? "attrs" .!= []) <*> pure em <*> v ..:? "recipes" ..!= [] <*> pure known <*> pure allWorlds <*> pure mergedNavigation <*> pure rs <*> (liftE (v .:? "objectives" .!= []) >>= validateObjectives) <*> liftE (v .:? "solution") <*> liftE (v .:? "stepsPerTick") -------------------------------------------------- -- Lenses -- | The version number of the scenario schema. Currently, this -- should always be 1, but it is ignored. In the future, this may -- be used to convert older formats to newer ones, or simply to -- print a nice error message when we can't read an older format. scenarioVersion :: Lens' Scenario Int -- | The name of the scenario. scenarioName :: Lens' Scenario Text -- | The author of the scenario. scenarioAuthor :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Text) -- | A high-level description of the scenario, shown /e.g./ in the -- menu. scenarioDescription :: Lens' Scenario Text -- | Whether the scenario should start in creative mode. scenarioCreative :: Lens' Scenario Bool -- | The seed used for the random number generator. If @Nothing@, use -- a random seed / prompt the user for the seed. scenarioSeed :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Int) -- | Custom attributes defined in the scenario. scenarioAttrs :: Lens' Scenario [CustomAttr] -- | Any custom entities used for this scenario. scenarioEntities :: Lens' Scenario EntityMap -- | Any custom recipes used in this scenario. scenarioRecipes :: Lens' Scenario [Recipe Entity] -- | List of entities that should be considered "known", so robots do -- not have to scan them. scenarioKnown :: Lens' Scenario [Text] -- | The subworlds of the scenario. -- The "root" subworld shall always be at the head of the list, by construction. scenarioWorlds :: Lens' Scenario (NonEmpty WorldDescription) -- | Waypoints and inter-world portals scenarioNavigation :: Lens' Scenario (Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) Location) -- | The starting robots for the scenario. Note this should -- include the base. scenarioRobots :: Lens' Scenario [TRobot] -- | A sequence of objectives for the scenario (if any). scenarioObjectives :: Lens' Scenario [Objective] -- | An optional solution of the scenario, expressed as a -- program of type @cmd a@. This is useful for automated -- testing of the win condition. scenarioSolution :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe ProcessedTerm) -- | Optionally, specify the maximum number of steps each robot may -- take during a single tick. scenarioStepsPerTick :: Lens' Scenario (Maybe Int) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Loading scenarios ------------------------------------------------------------ getScenarioPath :: (Has (Lift IO) sig m) => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath) getScenarioPath scenario = do libScenario <- throwToMaybe @SystemFailure $ getDataFileNameSafe Scenarios $ "scenarios" scenario libScenarioExt <- throwToMaybe @SystemFailure $ getDataFileNameSafe Scenarios $ "scenarios" scenario <.> "yaml" let candidates = catMaybes [Just scenario, libScenarioExt, libScenario] listToMaybe <$> sendIO (filterM doesFileExist candidates) -- | Load a scenario with a given name from disk, given an entity map -- to use. This function is used if a specific scenario is -- requested on the command line. loadScenario :: (Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) => FilePath -> EntityMap -> WorldMap -> m (Scenario, FilePath) loadScenario scenario em worldMap = do mfileName <- getScenarioPath scenario fileName <- maybe (throwError $ ScenarioNotFound scenario) return mfileName (,fileName) <$> loadScenarioFile em worldMap fileName -- | Load a scenario from a file. loadScenarioFile :: (Has (Throw SystemFailure) sig m, Has (Lift IO) sig m) => EntityMap -> WorldMap -> FilePath -> m Scenario loadScenarioFile em worldMap fileName = (withThrow adaptError . (liftEither <=< sendIO)) $ decodeFileEitherE (em, worldMap) fileName where adaptError = AssetNotLoaded (Data Scenarios) fileName . CanNotParseYaml