version: 1 name: Word search author: Karl Ostmo description: | Find the word seed: 2 creative: false objectives: - goal: - Use the `drill` command (e.g. "drill down" when on top of the intended letter) to mark the sequence of letters that spells COW within the designated playfield. - | The sequence may appear horizontally in either the leftward or rightward direction, or vertically in either the upward or downward direction. Diagonal appearances are not valid. condition: | /** Algorithm: We only need to check the base's current position: if we find three contiguous highlights, then we know that the player has just completed their third highlight. */ def whichOrdinal = isC <- ishere "lowercase c"; if (isC) { return 0; } { isO <- ishere "lowercase o"; if (isO) { return 1; } { isW <- ishere "lowercase w"; if (isW) { return 2; } { return (-1); } } } end; def whichHighlightedOrdinal = \str. if (str == "lowercase c") { return 0; } { if (str == "lowercase o") { return 1; } { if (str == "lowercase w") { return 2; } { return (-1); } } } end; def countConsecutive = \expectedOrdinal. \n. thisOrdinal <- whichOrdinal; nextOrdinal <- if (thisOrdinal == expectedOrdinal) { return $ expectedOrdinal + 1; } { return 0; }; if (nextOrdinal == 3) { return true; } { if (n > 1) { move; countConsecutive nextOrdinal $ n - 1; } { return false; }; }; end; def checkBackAndForth = foundBackward <- countConsecutive 0 3; if (foundBackward) { return true; } { turn back; countConsecutive 0 3; } end; def checkDirections = \n. if (n > 0) { wasFound <- checkBackAndForth; if wasFound { return true; } { turn left; checkDirections $ n - 1; } } { return false; } end; def isMarkedInDirection = \d. scanResult <- scan d; ordinalNum <- case scanResult (\_. return (-1)) whichHighlightedOrdinal; return $ ordinalNum >= 0; end; /** It's possible we could be one cell away from a marked cell after finishing, either due to using a directional `drill` command instead of `drill down`, or due to an apparent bug which does not evaluate the goal condition between the `drill` and a `move` command. */ def moveToMarkedCell = \n. if (n > 0) { isMarkedAhead <- isMarkedInDirection forward; if isMarkedAhead { move; return true; } { turn left; moveToMarkedCell $ n - 1; }; } { return false; }; end; /** Orient ourselves such that a marked cell is behind us. */ def findMarkBehind = \n. if (n > 0) { isMarkedBehind <- isMarkedInDirection back; if isMarkedBehind { return true; } { turn left; findMarkBehind $ n - 1; }; } { return false; }; end; /** The cell we're on might be in the middle of a word, rather than the end. Determine the orientation of the line, then move along it until reaching the end. Algorithm: 0. Assumption: we are currently on a marked cell. 1. Turn in all all four directions to `scan back` for a second marked cell. Stop turning if we encounter one. If none found after 4 turns, abort. 2. `scan forward` to see if there is a marked cell in the opposite direction. `move` (foward) once if there is. Since the word is only three cells long, this will be the other end of it. */ def moveToWordExtrema = foundCellBehind <- findMarkBehind 4; if foundCellBehind { isMarkedAhead <- isMarkedInDirection forward; if isMarkedAhead { move; } {}; } {}; end; def checkSoln = isMarkedHere <- isMarkedInDirection down; atMarkedCell <- if isMarkedHere { return true; } { moveToMarkedCell 4; }; if atMarkedCell { moveToWordExtrema; checkDirections 4; } { return false; } end; as base {checkSoln}; robots: - name: base display: attr: flower dir: [-1, 0] devices: - treads - ADT calculator - branch predictor - GPS receiver - clock - comparator - counter - dictionary - lambda - logger - mirror - net - scanner - strange loop - string - highlighter inventory: - [3, ink] - name: lettersetter system: true dir: [1, 0] display: invisible: true inventory: - [376, capital C] - [376, capital O] - [376, capital W] program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_word-search/create-puzzle.sw" solution: | // Hard-coded for seed=2: def doN = \n. \f. if (n > 0) {f; doN (n - 1) f} {}; end; def waitUntilUnblocked = x <- blocked; if x { wait 1; waitUntilUnblocked; } {}; end; waitUntilUnblocked; doN 11 move; turn right; doN 2 move; drill down; move; drill down; move; drill down; // run "scenarios/Challenges/_word-search/solution.sw" entities: - name: capital C display: char: 'C' description: - C is for California - name: capital O display: char: 'O' description: - O is for Oklahoma - name: capital W display: char: 'W' description: - W is for Washington - name: lowercase c display: char: 'c' attr: gold description: - c is for cantaloupe - name: lowercase o display: char: 'o' attr: gold description: - o is for orange - name: lowercase w display: char: 'w' attr: gold description: - w is for watermelon - name: highlighter display: char: 'P' attr: gold capabilities: [drill] description: - Instrument for marking found words properties: [known, portable] - name: ink display: char: 'K' attr: gold description: - Ink for marking found words properties: [known, portable] recipes: - in: - [1, capital C] - [1, ink] out: - [1, lowercase c] required: - [1, highlighter] - in: - [1, capital O] - [1, ink] out: - [1, lowercase o] required: - [1, highlighter] - in: - [1, capital W] - [1, ink] out: - [1, lowercase w] required: - [1, highlighter] - in: - [1, lowercase c] out: - [1, capital C] - [1, ink] required: - [1, highlighter] - in: - [1, lowercase o] out: - [1, capital O] - [1, ink] required: - [1, highlighter] - in: - [1, lowercase w] out: - [1, capital W] - [1, ink] required: - [1, highlighter] known: [boulder] world: dsl: | {dirt} upperleft: [0, 0] offset: false palette: '@': [stone, boulder] '.': [grass] 'a': [grass, null, lettersetter] '#': [dirt] Ω: [stone, null, base] map: | a........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................### .........................@@@ .........................@Ω@ .........................@@@ .........................### .........................### .........................###