version: 1 name: Fortress infiltration author: Karl Ostmo description: | Navigate enemy-infested passages of Lambda Fortress to retrieve the prize. creative: false objectives: - teaser: Get amulet goal: - | `grab` the Amulet of Yoneda from the northwest sanctum while timing your passage carefully to avoid Side Effects (X) on patrol. - | To unlock a red door, `drill` it with the "door key" equipped. condition: | as base {has "Amulet of Yoneda"} prerequisite: not: get_caught - id: get_caught teaser: Apprehended goal: - Got caught by the patrolling bots hidden: true optional: true condition: | // run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/apprehension-checker.sw" def hasMetBase = \r. let basename = "base" in x <- as r {whoami}; if (x == basename) { return false; } { mr0 <- as r {meet}; case mr0 (\_. return false) (\bot. name <- as bot {whoami}; return $ name == basename); }; end; /** Iterates sequentially until encountering an invalid robot index. Distinguishes system bots from the base by name. Returns true if a bot has "met" the base. */ def anyHasMetBase : int -> cmd bool = \idx. try { bot <- robotnumbered idx; intermediate <- hasMetBase bot; let foo = intermediate in let newIdx = idx + 1 in recursiveResult <- anyHasMetBase newIdx; return $ foo || recursiveResult; } { // Terminates the recursion on the // lowest index at which a robot does not exist return false; }; end; anyHasMetBase 1; robots: - name: base dir: [1, 0] devices: - ADT calculator - binoculars - branch predictor - clock - comparator - compass - counter - dictionary - grabber - hearing aid - keyboard - lambda - logger - mirror - net - scanner - strange loop - string - treads - welder - name: cw_robot system: true dir: [0, 1] display: invisible: false char: 'X' attr: robot program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/patrol-clockwise.sw" - name: cw_robot_down system: true dir: [0, -1] display: invisible: false char: 'X' attr: robot program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/patrol-clockwise.sw" - name: ccw_robot system: true dir: [0, 1] display: invisible: false char: 'X' attr: robot program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/patrol-counter-clockwise.sw" - name: ccw_robot_down system: true dir: [0, -1] display: invisible: false char: 'X' attr: robot program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/patrol-counter-clockwise.sw" solution: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_blender/solution.sw" entities: - name: granite boulder display: char: '@' attr: rock description: - Impassible rock, resistant to drilling properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: locked door display: char: '@' attr: red description: - Locked door properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: unlocked door display: char: '@' attr: green description: - Unlocked door properties: [known] - name: door key display: char: 'k' attr: gold description: - used to unlock a door properties: [known, portable] capabilities: [drill] - name: bind gt display: char: '>' attr: gold description: - Decorative sculpture properties: [known] - name: bind eq display: char: '=' attr: gold description: - Decorative sculpture properties: [known] - name: Amulet of Yoneda display: char: 'Y' attr: snow description: - The figurative jewel of category theory properties: [known, portable] recipes: - in: - [1, locked door] out: - [1, unlocked door] required: - [1, door key] - in: - [1, unlocked door] out: - [1, locked door] required: - [1, door key] known: [water] seed: 0 world: dsl: | {stone, water} upperleft: [0, 0] offset: false palette: '0': [stone, water] '@': [stone, granite boulder] '.': [grass, erase] 'L': [stone, erase] '>': [stone, bind gt] '=': [stone, bind eq] H: [dirt, erase] A: [grass, water, ccw_robot] a: [grass, water, ccw_robot_down] B: [grass, erase, cw_robot] b: [grass, erase, cw_robot_down] Ω: [grass, erase, base] f: [stone, Amulet of Yoneda] x: [stone, locked door] k: [grass, door key] map: | ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.. ..LxLLLLLf@.........x.....k.@.. ..@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@.. ..@H000A000H0000000H000A000H@.. ..@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@.. ..@.@L....@.@L....x.@L....@.@.. ..@.@.L...@.@.L...@.@.L...@.@.. ..@.@..L..@B@..L..@b@..L..@.@.. ..@.@.L.L.@.@.L.L.@.@.L.L.@.@.. ..@.@L...L@.xL...L@.@L...L@.@.. ..@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@.. ..@H000a000H0000000H000a000H@.. ..@@@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@@@@@@@.@.. ..Ω.........@.....@.........@.. @@@@@@@@@@@@@.>>=.@@@@@@@@@@@.. ...............................