{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- |
-- Module:      Data.Swagger.Operation
-- Maintainer:  Nickolay Kudasov <nickolay@getshoptv.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Helper traversals and functions for Swagger operations manipulations.
-- These might be useful when you already have Swagger specification
-- generated by something else.
module Data.Swagger.Operation (
  -- * Operation traversals

  -- * Manipulation
  -- ** Tags

  -- ** Responses

  -- ** Paths

  -- * Miscellaneous
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Lens
import Data.Data.Lens
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable

import Data.Swagger.Declare
import Data.Swagger.Internal
import Data.Swagger.Lens
import Data.Swagger.Schema

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Proxy
-- >>> import Data.Time

-- | Prepend path piece to all operations of the spec.
-- Leading and trailing slashes are trimmed/added automatically.
-- >>> let api = (mempty :: Swagger) & paths .~ [("/info", mempty)]
-- >>> encode $ prependPath "user/{user_id}" api ^. paths
-- "{\"/user/{user_id}/info\":{}}"
prependPath :: FilePath -> Swagger -> Swagger
prependPath path = paths %~ mapKeys (path </>)
    mapKeys f = HashMap.fromList . map (first f) . HashMap.toList

    x </> y = case trim y of
      "" -> "/" <> trim x
      y' -> "/" <> trim x <> "/" <> y'

    trim = dropWhile (== '/') . dropWhileEnd (== '/')

-- | All operations of a Swagger spec.
allOperations :: Traversal' Swagger Operation
allOperations = paths.traverse.template

-- | @'operationsOf' sub@ will traverse only those operations
-- that are present in @sub@. Note that @'Operation'@ is determined
-- by both path and method.
-- >>> let ok = (mempty :: Operation) & at 200 ?~ "OK"
-- >>> let api = (mempty :: Swagger) & paths .~ [("/user", mempty & get ?~ ok & post ?~ ok)]
-- >>> let sub = (mempty :: Swagger) & paths .~ [("/user", mempty & get ?~ mempty)]
-- >>> encode api
-- "{\"swagger\":\"2.0\",\"info\":{\"version\":\"\",\"title\":\"\"},\"paths\":{\"/user\":{\"post\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"OK\"}}},\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"OK\"}}}}}}"
-- >>> encode $ api & operationsOf sub . at 404 ?~ "Not found"
-- "{\"swagger\":\"2.0\",\"info\":{\"version\":\"\",\"title\":\"\"},\"paths\":{\"/user\":{\"post\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"OK\"}}},\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"404\":{\"description\":\"Not found\"},\"200\":{\"description\":\"OK\"}}}}}}"
operationsOf :: Swagger -> Traversal' Swagger Operation
operationsOf sub = paths.itraversed.withIndex.subops
    -- | Traverse operations that correspond to paths and methods of the sub API.
    subops :: Traversal' (FilePath, PathItem) Operation
    subops f (path, item) = case HashMap.lookup path (sub ^. paths) of
      Just subitem -> (,) path <$> methodsOf subitem f item
      Nothing      -> pure (path, item)

    -- | Traverse operations that exist in a given @'PathItem'@
    -- This is used to traverse only the operations that exist in sub API.
    methodsOf :: PathItem -> Traversal' PathItem Operation
    methodsOf pathItem = partsOf template . itraversed . indices (`elem` ns) . _Just
        ops = pathItem ^.. template :: [Maybe Operation]
        ns = mapMaybe (fmap fst . sequenceA) $ zip [0..] ops

-- | Apply tags to all operations and update the global list of tags.
-- @
-- 'applyTags' = 'applyTagsFor' 'allOperations'
-- @
applyTags :: [Tag] -> Swagger -> Swagger
applyTags = applyTagsFor allOperations

-- | Apply tags to a part of Swagger spec and update the global
-- list of tags.
applyTagsFor :: Traversal' Swagger Operation -> [Tag] -> Swagger -> Swagger
applyTagsFor ops ts swag = swag
  & ops . tags %~ (<> Set.fromList (map _tagName ts))
  & tags %~ (<> Set.fromList ts)

-- | Construct a response with @'Schema'@ while declaring all
-- necessary schema definitions.
-- >>> encode $ runDeclare (declareResponse (Proxy :: Proxy Day)) mempty
-- "[{\"Day\":{\"format\":\"date\",\"type\":\"string\"}},{\"schema\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/Day\"},\"description\":\"\"}]"
declareResponse :: ToSchema a => proxy a -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response
declareResponse proxy = do
  s <- declareSchemaRef proxy
  return (mempty & schema ?~ s)

-- | Set response for all operations.
-- This will also update global schema definitions.
-- If the response already exists it will be overwritten.
-- @
-- 'setResponse' = 'setResponseFor' 'allOperations'
-- @
-- Example:
-- >>> let api = (mempty :: Swagger) & paths .~ [("/user", mempty & get ?~ mempty)]
-- >>> let res = declareResponse (Proxy :: Proxy Day)
-- >>> encode $ api & setResponse 200 res
-- "{\"swagger\":\"2.0\",\"info\":{\"version\":\"\",\"title\":\"\"},\"definitions\":{\"Day\":{\"format\":\"date\",\"type\":\"string\"}},\"paths\":{\"/user\":{\"get\":{\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"schema\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/Day\"},\"description\":\"\"}}}}}}"
-- See also @'setResponseWith'@.
setResponse :: HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> Swagger -> Swagger
setResponse = setResponseFor allOperations

-- | Set or update response for all operations.
-- This will also update global schema definitions.
-- If the response already exists, but it can't be dereferenced (invalid @\$ref@),
-- then just the new response is used.
-- @
-- 'setResponseWith' = 'setResponseForWith' 'allOperations'
-- @
-- See also @'setResponse'@.
setResponseWith :: (Response -> Response -> Response) -> HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> Swagger -> Swagger
setResponseWith = setResponseForWith allOperations

-- | Set response for specified operations.
-- This will also update global schema definitions.
-- If the response already exists it will be overwritten.
-- See also @'setResponseForWith'@.
setResponseFor :: Traversal' Swagger Operation -> HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> Swagger -> Swagger
setResponseFor ops code dres swag = swag
  & definitions %~ (<> defs)
  & ops . at code ?~ Inline res
    (defs, res) = runDeclare dres mempty

-- | Set or update response for specified operations.
-- This will also update global schema definitions.
-- If the response already exists, but it can't be dereferenced (invalid @\$ref@),
-- then just the new response is used.
-- See also @'setResponseFor'@.
setResponseForWith :: Traversal' Swagger Operation -> (Response -> Response -> Response) -> HttpStatusCode -> Declare (Definitions Schema) Response -> Swagger -> Swagger
setResponseForWith ops f code dres swag = swag
  & definitions %~ (<> defs)
  & ops . at code %~ Just . Inline . combine
    (defs, new) = runDeclare dres mempty

    combine (Just (Ref (Reference name))) = case swag ^. responses.at name of
      Just old -> f old new
      Nothing  -> new -- response name can't be dereferenced, replacing with new response
    combine (Just (Inline old)) = f old new
    combine Nothing = new