-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}

-- | Construction of "Data.Swagger.Model.Api" values. For example:
-- @
-- declare "http://petstore.swagger.wordnik.com/api" "1.2" $ do
--    apiVersion \"1.0.0\"
--    resourcePath \"/store\"
--    model foo
--    model bar
--    produces \"application/json\"
--    produces \"text/html\"
--    produces \"text/plain\"
--    api \"\/store\/order\/{orderId}\" $ do
--        operation \"GET\" \"foo\" $ do
--            summary \"give me some foo\"
--            notes   \"but only the good one\"
--            returns (ref foo)
--            parameter Header \"type\" (string $ enum [\"bar\", \"baz\"]) $ do
--                description \"specifies the type of foo\"
--                optional
--            parameter Query \"format\" (string $ enum [\"plain\", \"html\"]) $
--                description \"output format\"
--            parameter Query \"size\" (int32 $ min 1 . max 100 . def 10) $
--                description \"amount of foo\"
--            produces \"application/json\"
--            produces \"text/html\"
--            response 200 \"OK\" (model foo)
--            response 400 \"Bad Request\" end
--        operation \"POST\" \"foo\" $ do
--            summary \"something else\"
--            deprecated
-- @
module Data.Swagger.Build.Api
    ( -- * data types
      -- ** Re-exports
    , Api.API
    , Api.Operation
    , Api.Parameter
    , Api.ParamType (..)
    , Api.Response
    , Api.Model
    , Api.Property
    , Api.DataType
    , Api.Primitive
    , Api.Items

      -- ** primitive construction
    , int32
    , int32'
    , int64
    , int64'
    , float
    , float'
    , bool
    , bool'
    , double
    , double'
    , string
    , string'
    , bytes
    , bytes'
    , date
    , date'
    , dateTime
    , dateTime'

      -- ** primitive modifiers
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.def
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.enum
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.min
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.max

      -- ** data-type constructors
    , ref
    , array
    , unique

      -- * builder types
    , ApiDeclSt
    , ApiDeclBuilder
    , ApiSt
    , ApiBuilder
    , OperationSt
    , OperationBuilder
    , ParameterSt
    , ParameterBuilder
    , ResponseSt
    , ResponseBuilder
    , ModelSt
    , ModelBuilder
    , PropertySt
    , PropertyBuilder

      -- * API declaration
    , declare
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.apiVersion
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.resourcePath
    , api
    , model

      -- * operation
    , operation
    , returns
    , parameter
    , file
    , body
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.summary
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.notes
    , response
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Util.produces
    , authorisation
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Util.Auth (..)

      -- * parameter
    , multiple

      -- * model
    , defineModel
    , property
    , children

      -- * various
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Util.description
    , optional
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Util.consumes
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Api.deprecated
    , Data.Swagger.Build.Util.end
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Int
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Swagger.Build.Util
import Data.Swagger.Model.Api as Api
import Data.Swagger.Model.Authorisation (Scope)

-- Primitive types

prim :: PrimType -> Primitive a
prim t = Primitive t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

int32 :: (Primitive Int32 -> Primitive Int32) -> DataType
int32 f = Prim . f $ prim PrimInt32

int64 :: (Primitive Int64 -> Primitive Int64) -> DataType
int64 f = Prim . f $ prim PrimInt64

float :: (Primitive Float -> Primitive Float) -> DataType
float f = Prim . f $ prim PrimFloat

double :: (Primitive Double -> Primitive Double) -> DataType
double f = Prim . f $ prim PrimDouble

string :: (Primitive String -> Primitive String) -> DataType
string f = Prim . f $ prim PrimString

bytes :: (Primitive String -> Primitive String) -> DataType
bytes f = Prim . f $ prim PrimByte

bool :: (Primitive Bool -> Primitive Bool) -> DataType
bool f = Prim . f $ prim PrimBool

date :: (Primitive UTCTime -> Primitive UTCTime) -> DataType
date f = Prim . f $ prim PrimDate

dateTime :: (Primitive UTCTime -> Primitive UTCTime) -> DataType
dateTime f = Prim . f $ prim PrimDateTime

int32' :: DataType
int32' = int32 id

int64' :: DataType
int64' = int64 id

float' :: DataType
float' = float id

double' :: DataType
double' = double id

string' :: DataType
string' = string id

bytes' :: DataType
bytes' = bytes id

bool' :: DataType
bool' = bool id

date' :: DataType
date' = date id

dateTime' :: DataType
dateTime' = dateTime id

-- | Default value of some primitive type.
def :: a -> Primitive a -> Primitive a
def a t = t { defaultValue = Just a }

-- | Enumerate valid values of some primitive type.
enum :: [a] -> Primitive a -> Primitive a
enum a t = t { Api.enum = Just a }

-- | Minimum value of some primitive type.
min :: a -> Primitive a -> Primitive a
min a t = t { minVal = Just a }

-- | Maximum value of some primitive type.
max :: a -> Primitive a -> Primitive a
max a t = t { maxVal = Just a }

-- Data types

ref :: Model -> DataType
ref = Ref . modelId

array :: DataType -> DataType
array (Prim  t) = Array (PrimItems t) Nothing
array (Ref   t) = Array (ModelItems t :: Items ()) Nothing
array t@(Array _ _) = t

-- | Specify that array elements are unique.
unique :: DataType -> DataType
unique (Array t _) = Array t (Just True)
unique t           = t

-- Api Decl

type ApiDeclSt = Common '["produces", "consumes", "models", "authorisations"] ApiDecl
type ApiDeclBuilder = State ApiDeclSt ()

-- | Create an API declaration given a base URL, a swagger version, and
-- other API declaration values.
declare :: Text -> Text -> ApiDeclBuilder -> ApiDecl
declare b v s = value $ execState s start
    start   = common $ ApiDecl v b [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
    mmmm  c = map (\m -> (modelId m, m)) <$> modls c
    value c = (other c) { apiProduces       = prod c
                        , apiConsumes       = cons c
                        , models            = mmmm c
                        , apiAuthorisations = toAuthObj <$> auths c

apiVersion :: Text -> ApiDeclBuilder
apiVersion v = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { Api.apiVersion = Just v } }

resourcePath :: Text -> ApiDeclBuilder
resourcePath p = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { Api.resourcePath = Just p } }

-- API

type ApiSt = Common '["description"] API
type ApiBuilder = State ApiSt ()

-- | Add one API object to an API declaration given some path and other API
-- object values.
api :: Text -> ApiBuilder -> ApiDeclBuilder
api p s = modify $ \c -> do
    let d = other c
    c { other = d { apis = value (execState s start) : apis d } }
    start   = common $ API p [] Nothing
    value c = (other c) { apiDescription = descr c }

type OperationSt = Common '["produces", "consumes", "authorisations"] Operation
type OperationBuilder = State OperationSt ()

-- | Add one operation object to an API object given an HTTP method,
-- a nickname and other operation specific values.
operation :: Text -> Text -> OperationBuilder -> ApiBuilder
operation m n s = modify $ \c -> do
    let o = value (execState s start)
        a = other c
    c { other = a { operations = o : operations a } }
    start   = common $ Operation m n (Left ()) [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
    value c = (other c) { Api.produces   = prod c
                        , Api.consumes   = cons c
                        , authorisations = toAuthObj <$> auths c

-- Operation

type ParameterSt = Common '["description", "required"] Parameter
type ParameterBuilder = State ParameterSt ()

returns :: DataType -> OperationBuilder
returns t = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { returnType = Right t } }

-- | Add one parameter object to an operation object given the 'ParamType',
-- the parameter name and the actual data-type plus some other parameter
-- values.
parameter :: ParamType -> Text -> DataType -> ParameterBuilder -> OperationBuilder
parameter p n t s = modify $ \c -> do
    let op = other c
    c { other = op { parameters = value (execState s start) : parameters op } }
    start   = common $ Parameter p (Right t) n Nothing Nothing Nothing
    value c = (other c) { Api.description = descr c, Api.required = reqrd c }

-- | Like 'parameter' but specific for file uploads.
file :: Text -> ParameterBuilder -> OperationBuilder
file n s = modify $ \c -> do
    let op = other c
    c { other = op { Api.consumes = Just ["multipart/form-data"]
                   , parameters   = value (execState s start) : parameters op
    start   = common $ Parameter Form (Left File) n Nothing Nothing Nothing
    value c = (other c) { Api.description = descr c, Api.required = reqrd c }

-- | Like 'parameter' but specific for request body parameters. Sets
-- 'ParamType' to 'Body' and uses as name \"body\" which is the only valid
-- name for request bodies.
body :: DataType -> ParameterBuilder -> OperationBuilder
body = parameter Body "body"

summary :: Text -> OperationBuilder
summary t = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { Api.summary = Just t } }

notes :: Text -> OperationBuilder
notes t = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { Api.notes = Just t } }

type ResponseSt = Common '["models"] Response
type ResponseBuilder = State ResponseSt ()

-- | Add one response message object to an operation given a status code
-- and some message plus response message specific values.
response :: Int -> Text -> ResponseBuilder -> OperationBuilder
response i m s = modify $ \x -> do
    let r = value $ execState s start
        o = other x
    x { other = o { responses = maybe (Just [r]) (Just . (r:)) (responses o) } }
    start   = common $ Response i m Nothing
    value c = (other c) { responseModel = modelId . head <$> modls c }

deprecated :: OperationBuilder
deprecated = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { Api.deprecated = Just True } }

-- Parameter

multiple :: ParameterBuilder
multiple = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { allowMultiple = Just True } }

-- Model

type ModelSt = Common '["description"] Model
type ModelBuilder = State ModelSt ()

type PropertySt = Common '["description", "required"] Property
type PropertyBuilder = State PropertySt ()

-- | Construct a complex data-type (aka \"Model\") given some identifier
-- and model-specific values.
defineModel :: ModelId -> ModelBuilder -> Model
defineModel m s = value (execState s start)
    start   = common $ Model m [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
    value c = (other c) { modelDescription = descr c }

-- | Add a property to a model given a name, type and other propertu
-- values.
property :: PropertyName -> DataType -> PropertyBuilder -> ModelBuilder
property n t s = modify $ \c -> do
    let r = execState s $ common (Property t Nothing)
        p = (other r) { propDescription = descr r }
        m = other c
        x = maybe (Just [n]) (Just . (n:)) (requiredProps m)
        y = if Just True /= reqrd r then requiredProps m else x
    c { other = m { properties = (n, p) : properties m , requiredProps = y } }

-- | Specify a sub-typing relationship for a model by given
-- a \"discriminator\" property name and all sub-types.
children :: PropertyName -> [Model] -> ModelBuilder
children d tt = modify $ \c -> c { other = (other c) { subTypes = Just tt, discriminator = Just d } }

-- Helpers

toAuthObj :: [(Text, Maybe Scope)] -> [(Text, [Scope])]
toAuthObj = map (\g -> (fst (head g), catMaybes $ map snd g)) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst)