{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SvgIcons.Icons.Arrows ( svgArrows , curvyArrowLeft , curvyArrowRight , bigArrowLeft , bigArrowRight ) where import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!)) import Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S import Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as A import SvgIcons.Core.Utils {- | A list with all the icons of this module, together with appropriate names. This module contains icons suitable for the tool bars of a text editor (bold, italic, etc.) >svgArrows :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] >svgArrows = > [ (,) "curvyArrowLeft" curvyArrowLeft > , (,) "curvyArrowRight" curvyArrowRight > , (,) "bigArrowLeft" bigArrowLeft > , (,) "bigArrowRight" bigArrowRight > ] -} svgArrows :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] svgArrows = [ (,) "curvyArrowLeft" curvyArrowLeft , (,) "curvyArrowRight" curvyArrowRight , (,) "bigArrowLeft" bigArrowLeft , (,) "bigArrowRight" bigArrowRight ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowLeft_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowLeft_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowLeft_strk.svg) -} curvyArrowLeft :: S.Svg curvyArrowLeft = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__curvyArrowLeft" ! d dirs ! strokeLinejoin "round" where r1 = 0.5 r2 = 0.66 rm = (r2 - r1) k1 = 0.24 k2 = k1 + rm/2 dirs = mkPath $ do m (-r1) 0 aa (rm/2) (rm/2) 0 False False (-r2) 0 aa r2 r2 0 True False 0 (-r2) lr k1 (-k1) lr (-rm) 0 lr (-k2) k2 lr k2 k2 lr rm 0 lr (-k1) (-k1) aa r1 r1 0 True True (-r1) 0 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowRight_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowRight_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/curvyArrowRight_strk.svg) -} curvyArrowRight :: S.Svg curvyArrowRight = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__curvyArrowRight" ! d dirs ! strokeLinejoin "round" where r1 = 0.5 r2 = 0.66 rm = (r2 - r1) k1 = 0.24 k2 = k1 + rm/2 dirs = mkPath $ do m ( r1) 0 aa (rm/2) (rm/2) 0 False True ( r2) 0 aa r2 r2 0 True True 0 (-r2) lr (-k1) (-k1) lr ( rm) 0 lr ( k2) k2 lr (-k2) k2 lr (-rm) 0 lr ( k1) (-k1) aa r1 r1 0 True False ( r1) 0 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowLeft_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowLeft_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowLeft_strk.svg) -} bigArrowLeft :: S.Svg bigArrowLeft = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__bigArrowLeft" ! d dirs ! strokeLinejoin "round" where k0 = 0.2 y0 = 0.6 x0 = 0.9 x1 = 0.5 x2 = 0.4 x3 = x1 - 2*k0 dirs = mkPath $ do m ( x0) (-k0) l (-x2) (-k0) l (-x3) (-y0) l (-x1) (-y0) l (-x0) 0 l (-x1) ( y0) l (-x3) ( y0) l (-x2) ( k0) l ( x0) ( k0) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowRight_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowRight_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/arrows/bigArrowRight_strk.svg) -} bigArrowRight :: S.Svg bigArrowRight = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__bigArrowRight" ! d dirs ! strokeLinejoin "round" where k0 = 0.2 y0 = 0.6 x0 = 0.9 x1 = 0.5 x2 = 0.4 x3 = x1 - 2*k0 dirs = mkPath $ do m (-x0) (-k0) l ( x2) (-k0) l ( x3) (-y0) l ( x1) (-y0) l x0 0 l ( x1) ( y0) l ( x3) ( y0) l ( x2) ( k0) l (-x0) ( k0) S.z