{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SvgIcons.Icons.Computer ( svgComputer , ring , accept , cancel , plus , maximize , minimize , menuDots , menuLines , powerButton , warning , diskette , save ) where import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!)) import Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S import Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as A import SvgIcons.Core.Utils {- | A list with all the icons of this module, together with appropriate names. >svgComputer :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] >svgComputer = > [ (,) "ring" ring > , (,) "accept" accept > , (,) "cancel" cancel > , (,) "plus" plus > , (,) "maximize" maximize > , (,) "minimize" minimize > , (,) "menuDots" menuDots > , (,) "menuLines" menuLines > , (,) "powerButton" powerButton > , (,) "warning" warning > , (,) "diskette" diskette > , (,) "save" save > ] -} svgComputer :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] svgComputer = [ (,) "ring" ring , (,) "accept" accept , (,) "cancel" cancel , (,) "plus" plus , (,) "maximize" maximize , (,) "minimize" minimize , (,) "menuDots" menuDots , (,) "menuLines" menuLines , (,) "powerButton" powerButton , (,) "warning" warning , (,) "diskette" diskette , (,) "save" save ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/ring_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/ring_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/ring_strk.svg) -} ring :: Svg ring = S.g $ do S.path ! A.d dirs where r1 = 0.75 r2 = 0.95 dirs = mkPath $ do m r1 0 aa r1 r1 0 True False r1 0.0001 S.z m r2 0 aa r2 r2 0 True True r2 (-0.0001) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/accept_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/accept_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/accept_strk.svg) -} accept :: Svg accept = S.g $ do S.path ! A.strokeLinejoin "round" ! d dirs ! A.transform (translate (-0.3) 0.3 <> rotateAround 45 0 0) where k1 = 0.1 k2 = 0.5 k3 = 1.3 dirs = mkPath $ do m (-k1) (-k1) l (-k2) (-k1) aa k1 k1 0 True False (-k2) ( k1) l ( k1) ( k1) l ( k1) (-k3) aa k1 k1 0 True False (-k1) (-k3) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/plus_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/plus_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/plus_strk.svg) -} plus :: Svg plus = S.path ! A.d dirs where k1 = 0.1 k2 = 0.8 dirs = mkPath $ do m ( k1) (-k1) l ( k1) (-k2) aa k1 k1 0 True False (-k1) (-k2) l (-k1) (-k1) l (-k2) (-k1) aa k1 k1 0 True False (-k2) ( k1) l (-k1) ( k1) l (-k1) ( k2) aa k1 k1 0 True False ( k1) ( k2) l ( k1) ( k1) l ( k2) ( k1) aa k1 k1 0 True False ( k2) (-k1) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/cancel_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/cancel_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/cancel_strk.svg) -} cancel :: Svg cancel = S.g $ plus ! A.transform (rotateAround 45 0 0) {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/warning_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/warning_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/warning_strk.svg) -} warning :: Svg warning = S.g $ S.g ! A.transform (translate 0 0.2) $ do S.path ! d triangleDirs ! strokeLinejoin "round" ! fillRule "evenodd" S.path ! d stickPath S.circle ! (cx .: 0) ! (cy .: 0.15) ! (r .: w) where w = 0.1 ap1 = 0.42 ap2 = ap1 + w lm1 = (sqrt 3) * ap1 lm2 = (sqrt 3) * ap2 y1 = -0.3 y2 = -0.05 triangleDirs = mkPath $ do m 0 (-2*ap2) l (-lm2) ( ap2) l ( lm2) ( ap2) S.z m 0 (-2*ap1) l (-lm1) ( ap1) l ( lm1) ( ap1) S.z stickPath = mkPath $ do m (-w) y1 l (-w/2) y2 aa ( w/2) (w/2) 0 True False (w/2) y2 l ( w) y1 aa w w 0 True False (-w) y1 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/minimize_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/minimize_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/minimize_strk.svg) -} minimize :: Svg minimize = S.path ! A.d dirs where w = 0.1 k = 0.7 dirs = mkPath $ do m (-k) (-w) aa ( w) ( w) 0 True False (-k) ( w) l ( k) ( w) aa ( w) ( w) 0 True False ( k) (-w) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/maximize_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/maximize_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/maximize_strk.svg) -} maximize :: Svg maximize = S.g $ do S.path ! A.d dirs1 ! A.transform (translate (k - 0.15) (0.15 - k)) ! A.stroke "none" ! A.opacity "0.5" S.path ! A.d dirs2 ! A.transform (translate ( - 0.15) 0.15) ! A.fill "none" S.path ! A.d dirs1 ! A.transform (translate (-0.1 ) 0.1) where w = 1.4 k = 0.25 dirs1 = mkPath $ do m (-0.5 * w) (-0.5 * w) l ( 0.5 * w) (-0.5 * w) l ( 0.5 * w) ( 0.5 * w) l (-0.5 * w) ( 0.5 * w) S.z dirs2 = mkPath $ do m (-0.5*w + k) (-0.5*w - k) l ( 0.5*w + k) (-0.5*w - k) l ( 0.5*w + k) ( 0.5*w - k) {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuDots_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuDots_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuDots_strk.svg) -} menuDots :: Svg menuDots = S.g $ do dot (-0.7) dot ( 0 ) dot ( 0.7) where dot y = circle ! (A.cy .: y) ! A.cx "0" ! A.r "0.2" {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuLines_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuLines_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/menuLines_strk.svg) -} menuLines :: Svg menuLines = S.g $ do S.path ! A.d (line (-0.5)) S.path ! A.d (line ( 0 )) S.path ! A.d (line ( 0.5)) where kx = 0.7 r = 0.12 line y = mkPath $ do m (-kx) (y - r) aa r r 0 True False (-kx) (y + r) l ( kx) (y + r) aa r r 0 True False ( kx) (y - r) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/powerButton_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/powerButton_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/powerButton_strk.svg) -} powerButton :: S.Svg powerButton = S.g $ do S.path ! d innerCircle ! A.transform (translate 0 0.1) S.path ! d littleStickPath ! A.transform (translate 0 (-0.42)) where w = 0.08 r1 = 0.7 r2 = r1 + 2*w α = pi / 8 y1 = 0.4 innerCircle = mkPath $ do m (r1 * sin α) (-r1 * cos α) aa w w 0 True True ( r2 * sin α) (-r2 * cos α) aa r2 r2 0 True True (-r2 * sin α) (-r2 * cos α) aa w w 0 True True (-r1 * sin α) (-r1 * cos α) aa r1 r1 0 True False ( r1 * sin α) (-r1 * cos α) S.z littleStickPath = mkPath $ do m w (-y1) aa w w 0 True False (-w) (-y1) l (-w) ( y1) aa w w 0 True False ( w) ( y1) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/diskette_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/diskette_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/diskette_strk.svg) -} diskette :: Svg diskette = S.path ! A.d shell ! A.fillRule "evenodd" where k0 = 0.9 r0 = 0.06 r1 = 3*r0 (px,py) = (0 ,-0.55) (pw,ph) = (0.5 , 0.29) (qx,qy) = (0 , 0.35) (qw,qh) = (0.65 , 0.45) (tx,ty) = (0.2 ,-0.54) (tw,th) = (0.1 , 0.23) rq = 0.05 shell = mkPath $ do m 0 (-k0 ) l (-k0 + r0) (-k0 ) aa r0 r0 0 False False (-k0 ) (-k0 + r0) l (-k0 ) ( k0 - r0) aa r0 r0 0 False False (-k0 + r0) ( k0 ) l ( k0 - r0) ( k0 ) aa r0 r0 0 False False ( k0 ) ( k0 - r0) l ( k0 ) (-k0 + r1) l ( k0 - r1) (-k0 ) S.z rectangleWithRoundCorners rq (qw,qh) (qx,qy) rectangleWithRoundCorners rq (pw,ph) (px,py) rectangleWithRoundCorners 0.01 (tw,th) (tx,ty) {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/save_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/save_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/computer/save_strk.svg) -} save :: Svg save = S.g $ do diskette accept ! A.transform (translate 0 0.4 <> S.scale 0.5 0.5)