Resolving dependencies... Configuring ansi-terminal- Configuring cereal- Building ansi-terminal- Building cereal- Configuring base-compat-0.9.1... Installed ansi-terminal- Building base-compat-0.9.1... Configuring dlist- Installed cereal- Building dlist- Configuring entropy-0.3.7... Installed base-compat-0.9.1 Configuring cmdargs-0.10.14... Installed dlist- Building cmdargs-0.10.14... Building entropy-0.3.7... Configuring mtl-2.2.1... Installed entropy-0.3.7 Building mtl-2.2.1... Configuring primitive- Installed mtl-2.2.1 Building primitive- Configuring stm- Installed primitive- Building stm- Configuring time-locale-compat- Installed stm- Building time-locale-compat- Configuring text- Installed time-locale-compat- Building text- Configuring transformers-compat- Installed cmdargs-0.10.14 Building transformers-compat- Configuring unix-compat- Installed transformers-compat- Building unix-compat- Installed unix-compat- Configuring ansi-wl-pprint- Building ansi-wl-pprint- Configuring async-2.1.1... Installed ansi-wl-pprint- Building async-2.1.1... Configuring exceptions-0.8.3... Installed async-2.1.1 Building exceptions-0.8.3... Configuring vector- Installed exceptions-0.8.3 Building vector- Configuring tagged-0.8.5... Installed text- Building tagged-0.8.5... Configuring transformers-base-0.4.4... Installed tagged-0.8.5 Building transformers-base-0.4.4... Installed transformers-base-0.4.4 Configuring optparse-applicative- Building optparse-applicative- Configuring parsec-3.1.11... Installed optparse-applicative- Building parsec-3.1.11... Configuring hashable- Installed parsec-3.1.11 Building hashable- Configuring system-filepath- Installed hashable- Configuring crypto-api-0.13.2... Installed vector- Building crypto-api-0.13.2... Building system-filepath- Configuring monad-control- Installed system-filepath- Installed crypto-api-0.13.2 Configuring unordered-containers- Building monad-control- Building unordered-containers- Configuring constraints-0.8... Installed monad-control- Building constraints-0.8... Configuring scientific- Installed constraints-0.8 Configuring system-fileio- Installed unordered-containers- Building scientific- Building system-fileio- Configuring pureMD5-2.1.3... Installed system-fileio- Building pureMD5-2.1.3... Installed scientific- Configuring lifted-base- Building lifted-base- Installed pureMD5-2.1.3 Configuring attoparsec- Building attoparsec- Installed lifted-base- Configuring enclosed-exceptions-1.0.2... Building enclosed-exceptions-1.0.2... Installed enclosed-exceptions-1.0.2 Configuring lifted-async-0.9.0... Building lifted-async-0.9.0... Installed lifted-async-0.9.0 Configuring shelly- Building shelly- Installed attoparsec- Configuring aeson- Building aeson- Failed to install shelly- Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/shelly- ): cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-21332/shelly-' Configuring shelly- Building shelly- Preprocessing library shelly- [1 of 6] Compiling Shelly.Base ( src/Shelly/Base.hs, dist/build/Shelly/Base.o ) src/Shelly/Base.hs:39:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘ProcessHandle’ from module ‘System.Process’ is redundant src/Shelly/Base.hs:42:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘liftM’ from module ‘Control.Monad’ is redundant [2 of 6] Compiling Shelly.Find ( src/Shelly/Find.hs, dist/build/Shelly/Find.o ) src/Shelly/Find.hs:67:5: warning: [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘traverse’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Prelude’ at src/Shelly/Find.hs:11:1-32 (and originally defined in ‘Data.Traversable’) [3 of 6] Compiling Shelly ( src/Shelly.hs, dist/build/Shelly.o ) src/Shelly.hs:129:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Monoid’ from module ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant src/Shelly.hs:321:13: warning: [-Wunused-matches] Defined but not used: ‘fp’ src/Shelly.hs:376:5: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In an equation for ‘toHandle’: Patterns not matched: (Just NoStream) [4 of 6] Compiling Shelly.Lifted ( src/Shelly/Lifted.hs, dist/build/Shelly/Lifted.o ) src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:104:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:117:1: warning: [-Wdeprecations] Module ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Error’ is deprecated: Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:142:11: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of type constructor or class ‘Error’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:142:43: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of type constructor or class ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:143:16: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of data constructor ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:242:29: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of type constructor or class ‘Error’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:243:29: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of type constructor or class ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:244:18: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of type constructor or class ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:246:9: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of data constructor ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:247:41: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘runErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" src/Shelly/Lifted.hs:248:31: warning: [-Wdeprecations] In the use of data constructor ‘ErrorT’ (imported from Control.Monad.Trans.Error): Deprecated: "Use Control.Monad.Trans.Except instead" [5 of 6] Compiling Shelly.Pipe ( src/Shelly/Pipe.hs, dist/build/Shelly/Pipe.o ) src/Shelly/Pipe.hs:122:1: error: • The default type ‘Text’ is not an instance of ‘Num’ • When checking the types in a default declaration cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-21332/shelly-' Installed aeson- Configuring aeson-pretty-0.8.2... Building aeson-pretty-0.8.2... Installed aeson-pretty-0.8.2 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: shelly- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 super-user-spark- depends on shelly- which failed to install.