module Parser.Internal where

import           Constants
import           Data.List          (isSuffixOf)
import           Deployer.Types
import           Language.Types
import           Text.Parsec
import           Text.Parsec.String
import           Types

parseCardFile :: FilePath -> String -> Either ParseError SparkFile
parseCardFile f s = do
    cs <- parseFromSource sparkFile f s
    return $ SparkFile f cs

parseFromSource :: Parser a -> FilePath -> String -> Either ParseError a
parseFromSource = parse

--[ Language ]--

sparkFile :: Parser [Card]
sparkFile = do
    clean <- eatComments
    setInput clean

cards :: Parser [Card]
cards = card `sepEndBy1` whitespace

resetPosition :: Parser ()
resetPosition = do
    pos <- getPosition
    setPosition $ setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos 1) 1

card :: Parser Card
card = do
    skip $ string keywordCard
    name <- cardNameP
    b <- block
    return $ Card name b

declarations :: Parser [Declaration]
declarations = (inLineSpace declaration) `sepEndBy` delim

declaration :: Parser Declaration
declaration = choice $ map try
    , alternatives
    , sparkOff
    , intoDir
    , outOfDir
    , deploymentKindOverride
    , deployment

block :: Parser Declaration
block = do
    ds <- inBraces $ inWhiteSpace declarations
    return $ Block ds
    <?> "block"

sparkOff :: Parser Declaration
sparkOff = do
    skip $ string keywordSpark
    ref <- cardReference
    return $ SparkOff ref
    <?> "sparkoff"

compilerCardReference :: Parser CardFileReference
compilerCardReference = unprefixedCardFileReference

deployerCardReference :: Parser DeployerCardReference
deployerCardReference = goComp <|> goUncomp
    goComp = compiledCardReference >>= return . DeployerCardCompiled
    goUncomp = unprefixedCardFileReference >>= return . DeployerCardUncompiled

compiledCardReference :: Parser FilePath
compiledCardReference = do
    skip $ string "compiled"
    skip linespace

cardReference :: Parser CardReference
cardReference = try goName <|> try goFile <?> "card reference"
    goName = cardNameReference >>= return . CardName
    goFile = cardFileReference >>= return . CardFile

cardNameReference :: Parser CardNameReference
cardNameReference = do
    skip $ string keywordCard
    name <- cardNameP
    return $ CardNameReference name
    <?> "card name reference"

cardNameP :: Parser CardName
cardNameP = identifier <?> "card name"

cardFileReference :: Parser CardFileReference
cardFileReference = do
    skip $ string keywordFile
    skip linespace

unprefixedCardFileReference :: Parser CardFileReference
unprefixedCardFileReference = do
    fp <- filepath
    mn <- optionMaybe $ try cardNameP
    return $ case mn of
        Nothing -> CardFileReference fp Nothing
        Just cn  -> CardFileReference fp (Just $ CardNameReference cn)
    <?> "card file reference"

intoDir :: Parser Declaration
intoDir = do
    skip $ string keywordInto
    dir <- directory
    return $ IntoDir dir
    <?> "into directory declaration"

outOfDir :: Parser Declaration
outOfDir = do
    skip $ string keywordOutof
    dir <- directory
    return $ OutofDir dir
    <?> "outof directory declaration"

deploymentKindOverride :: Parser Declaration
deploymentKindOverride = do
    skip $ string keywordKindOverride
    kind <- try copy <|> link
    return $ DeployKindOverride kind
    <?> "deployment kind override"
    copy = string keywordCopy >> return CopyDeployment
    link = string keywordLink >> return LinkDeployment

shortDeployment :: Parser Declaration
shortDeployment = do
    source <- try directory <|> filepath
    return $ Deploy source source Nothing

longDeployment :: Parser Declaration
longDeployment = do
    source <- filepath
    kind <- deploymentKind
    dest <- filepath
    return $ Deploy source dest kind

deployment :: Parser Declaration
deployment = try longDeployment <|> shortDeployment
    <?> "deployment"

deploymentKind :: Parser (Maybe DeploymentKind)
deploymentKind = try link <|> try copy <|> def
    <?> "deployment kind"
        link = string linkKindSymbol >> return (Just LinkDeployment)
        copy = string copyKindSymbol >> return (Just CopyDeployment)
        def  = string unspecifiedKindSymbol >> return Nothing

alternatives :: Parser Declaration
alternatives = do
    skip $ string keywordAlternatives
    ds <- directory `sepBy1` linespace
    return $ Alternatives ds

-- [ FilePaths ]--

filepath :: Parser FilePath
filepath = do
    i <- identifier <?> "Filepath"
    if "/" `isSuffixOf` i
    then unexpected "slash at the end"
    else return i

directory :: Parser Directory
directory = filepath <?> "Directory"

--[ Comments ]--

comment :: Parser String
comment = try lineComment <|> try blockComment <?> "Comment"

lineComment :: Parser String
lineComment = (<?> "Line comment") $ do
    skip $ try $ string lineCommentStr
    anyChar `manyTill` eol

blockComment :: Parser String
blockComment = (<?> "Block comment") $ do
    skip $ try $ string start
    anyChar `manyTill` (try $ string stop)
  where (start, stop) = blockCommentStrs

notComment :: Parser String
notComment = manyTill anyChar (lookAhead ((skip comment) <|> eof))

eatComments :: Parser String
eatComments = do
    optional comment
    xs <- notComment `sepBy` comment
    optional comment
    let withoutComments = concat xs
    return withoutComments

--[ Identifiers ]--
identifier :: Parser String
identifier = try quotedIdentifier <|> plainIdentifier

plainIdentifier :: Parser String
plainIdentifier = many1 $ noneOf $ quotesChar : lineDelimiter ++ whitespaceChars ++ bracesChars

quotedIdentifier :: Parser String
quotedIdentifier = inQuotes $ many $ noneOf $ quotesChar:endOfLineChars

--[ Delimiters ]--

inBraces :: Parser a -> Parser a
inBraces = between (char '{') (char '}')

inQuotes :: Parser a -> Parser a
inQuotes = between (char quotesChar) (char quotesChar)

delim :: Parser ()
delim = try (skip $ string lineDelimiter) <|> go
    go = do

--[ Whitespace ]--

inLineSpace :: Parser a -> Parser a
inLineSpace = between linespace linespace

inWhiteSpace :: Parser a -> Parser a
inWhiteSpace = between whitespace whitespace

linespace :: Parser ()
linespace = skip $ many $ oneOf linespaceChars

whitespace :: Parser ()
whitespace = skip $ many $ oneOf whitespaceChars

eol :: Parser ()
eol =  skip newline
    newline =
            try (string "\r\n")
        <|> try (string "\n")
        <|> string "\r"
        <?> "end of line"

--[ Utils ]--

skip :: Parser a -> Parser ()
skip p = p >> return ()