# 🔮 Summoner [![Build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/kowainik/summoner.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/kowainik/summoner) [![Windows build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/kowainik/summoner?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/kowainik/summoner) [![MPL-2.0 license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MPL--2.0-blue.svg)](https://github.com/kowainik/summoner/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/summoner.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/summoner) This is tool for creating completely configured production Haskell projects. Consider that it's using [`Stack`](http://haskellstack.org) for creating and setting up projects. ## Demo [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/Wf8ZOMAZSUFyAJob70pwM6rZ1.png)](https://asciinema.org/a/Wf8ZOMAZSUFyAJob70pwM6rZ1) ## Getting started ### Prerequisites To start using it make sure you have next tools installed on your machine: * [`Stack`](http://haskellstack.org) * [`git`](https://git-scm.com) * [`hub`](https://github.com/github/hub) ### Installation Installation process can be done with one simple command: $ stack install summoner You can turn on the bash auto-completion by running the following command: ``` $ source <(summon --bash-completion-script `which summon`) ``` After that you can call `summon` with required command line options, follow the instructions that will appear, and a new project would be created in a subfolder as well as a repository under your github account (if requested). ### Usage There are several options how to set particular configurations: 1. Default configuration file (`~/.summoner.toml`). 2. Explicitly specified configuration file by `--file FILENAME` option (used instead of default one if specified). 3. Options that are stated by CLI arguments. 4. Interactively inputed answers during work of the `summon` command (for the options that were not specified on previous steps). So the configuration uses [`Partial Options Monoid Pattern`](https://medium.com/@jonathangfischoff/the-partial-options-monoid-pattern-31914a71fc67). If none of the mentioned above cases used then the configuration will be built interactively. #### Configurations ##### `.toml` files: Here is the list of the options that could be configured for your needs: ###### Global keys * `owner` – `GitHub` login. * `fullName` – full name. * `email` – e-mail address. * `license` – license (possible options: `MIT`, `BSD2`, `BSD3`, `GPL-2`, `GPL-3`, `LGPL-2.1`, `LGPL-3`, `AGPL-3`, `Apache-2.0`, `MPL-2.0`). * `ghcVersions` – `summoner` uses default `GHC-8.2.2`. But additionally you can specify other versions. For each version `x.y.z` the `stack-x.y.z.yaml` will be created. * `github` – `true` if you want to turn on `GitHub` integration by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `travis` – `true` if you want to turn on `Travis` integration by default, `false` if you don't. Ignored if `github = false`. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `appveyor` – `true` if you want to turn on `AppVeyor` integration by default, `false` if you don't. Ignored if `github = false`. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `private` – `true` if you want to create private repositories by default, `false` if you don't. Ignored if `github = false`. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `bscript` – `true` if you want to include [build script](#build-script) by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `lib` – `true` if you want to create `src` folder with dummy `Lib.hs` file and library target by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `exe` – `true` if you want to create `app` folder with dummy `Main.hs` file and executable target by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `test` – `true` if you want to create `test` folder with dummy `Spec.hs` file and test target by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `bench` – `true` if you want to create `benchmark` folder with `Main.hs` file with dummy `gauge` library usage example by default, `false` if you don't. If not specified it would be asked during each run of the `summoner`. * `extensions` – List of the default extensions to add into `default-extensions` section in the `.cabal`. ###### Custom prelude options Should be specified inside `[prelude]` table. * `package` – Name of the package of the custom prelude you'd like to use in the project (doesn't work without `module` field). * `module` – Name of the module of the custom prelude you'd like to use in the project (doesn't work without `package` field). ###### Examples See example of [configuration for projects of `Kowainik` organization](https://github.com/kowainik/org/blob/master/summoner.toml). By default the `summoner` will look for the configuration file (`.summoner.toml`) in home directory. The other way to specify some particular `.toml` file is `summon PROJECTNAME --file FILEPATH` command. ##### CLI See the basic usage syntax below (you can check it out with `summon --help` command): ``` summon PROJECT_NAME [with [OPTIONS]] [without [OPTIONS]] [-f|--file FILENAME] [--prelude-package PACKAGE_NAME] [--prelude-module MODULE_NAME] Available global options: -h, --help Show this help text -v, --version Show summoner's version -f, --file FILENAME Path to the toml file with configurations. If not specified '~/.summoner.toml' will be used if present --prelude-package PACKAGE_NAME Name for the package of the custom prelude to use in the project --prelude-module MODULE_NAME Name for the module of the custom prelude to use in the project Available commands: with Specify options to enable without Specify options to disable Available command options: -h,--help Show this help text -g, --github Github integration -p, --private Create private GitHub repository -c, --travis Travis CI integration -w, --app-veyor AppVeyor CI integration -s, --script Build script -l, --library Library target -e, --exec Executable target -t, --test Tests -b, --benchmark Benchmarks ``` The options to be enabled/disabled can be specified while running the command. If any of applicable command options wasn't tagged as enabled/disabled then the question will be asked during the work of the script. For example, ``` summon newProject with -letgcspw without -b --prelude-package universum --prelude-module Universum ``` will create fully functional project which uses custom prelude `universum`, contains library, executable file, tests, [build script](#build-script) and create private repository on [github](https://github.com) integrated with `Travis-CI`, `AppVeyor-CI`, but benchmarks won't be attached to this one. But when calling this command ``` summon newProject ``` the tool will ask about every particular option, rather you'd like to have it or not in your project. ### Note This tool was tested with next settings: stack version 1.6.1 git version 2.11.0 hub version 2.2.9 ## Features If you're running the `summoner` with all options enabled a project with the following hierarchy will be created: ``` project-name ├── app │   └── Main.hs ├── benchmark │   └── Main.hs ├── src │ ├── ProjectName.hs │   └── Prelude.hs ├── test │   └── Spec.hs ├── CHANGELOG.md ├── LICENSE ├── project-name.cabal ├── README.md ├── Setup.hs ├── stack.yaml ├── appveyor.yml ├── .git ├── .gitignore └── .travis.yml ``` and also repository with one commit at master will be added with enabled `Travis-CI` for that. ### Build script The `b` script builds the project in a way that is convenient for developers. It passes the right flags into right places, builds the project with --fast, tidies up and highlights error messages in GHC output. #### Usage ``` ./b build whole project with all targets ./b -c do stack clean ./b -t build and run tests ./b -b build and run benchmarks ./b --nix use nix to build package ``` ## Change log [List of changes](https://github.com/kowainik/summoner/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). ## Acknowledgments This project was inspired by [Aelve/new-hs](https://github.com/aelve/new-hs#readme), which is the tool with the same goal but the difference is that it's using [`cabal`](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/) for creating projects.