module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse.Tests ( tests ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, assert) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Parse" [ testCase "UTF-8 Byte Order Mark" testBom , testCase "Extra extensions" testExtraExtensions , testCase "Multiline CPP" testMultilineCpp , testCase "Haskell2010 extension" testHaskell2010 , testCase "Shebang" testShebang , testCase "ShebangExt" testShebangExt , testCase "GADTs extension" testGADTs , testCase "KindSignatures extension" testKindSignatures , testCase "StandalonDeriving extension" testStandaloneDeriving , testCase "UnicodeSyntax extension" testUnicodeSyntax , testCase "XmlSyntax regression" testXmlSyntaxRegression , testCase "MagicHash regression" testMagicHashRegression ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testShebangExt :: Assertion testShebangExt = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing input where input = unlines [ "#!env runghc" , "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}" , "#define foo bar \\" , " qux" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testBom :: Assertion testBom = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing input where input = unlines [ '\xfeff' : "foo :: Int" , "foo = 3" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testExtraExtensions :: Assertion testExtraExtensions = assert $ isRight $ parseModule ["TemplateHaskell"] Nothing "$(foo)" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testMultilineCpp :: Assertion testMultilineCpp = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}" , "#define foo bar \\" , " qux" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testHaskell2010 :: Assertion testHaskell2010 = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-}" , "module X where" , "foo x | Just y <- x = y" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testShebang :: Assertion testShebang = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "#!runhaskell" , "module Main where" , "main = return ()" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | These tests are for syntactic language extensions that should always be -- enabled for parsing, even when the pragma is absent. testGADTs :: Assertion testGADTs = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "module Main where" , "data SafeList a b where" , " Nil :: SafeList a Empty" , " Cons:: a -> SafeList a b -> SafeList a NonEmpty" ] testKindSignatures :: Assertion testKindSignatures = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "module Main where" , "data D :: * -> * -> * where" , " D :: a -> b -> D a b" ] testStandaloneDeriving :: Assertion testStandaloneDeriving = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "module Main where" , "deriving instance Show MyType" ] testUnicodeSyntax :: Assertion testUnicodeSyntax = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "module Main where" , "monadic ∷ (Monad m) ⇒ m a → m a" , "monadic = id" ] testXmlSyntaxRegression :: Assertion testXmlSyntaxRegression = assert $ isRight $ parseModule [] Nothing $ unlines [ "smaller a b = a Bool isRight (Right _) = True isRight _ = False