-- | Tests contributed by Felix Mulder as part of -- . module Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Imports.FelixTests ( tests ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack) import Prelude hiding (lines) import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Module import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.Imports import Language.Haskell.Stylish.Tests.Util (testStep', (@=??)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests :: Test tests = testGroup "Language.Haskell.Stylish.Step.ImportsGHC" [ testCase "Hello world" ex0 , testCase "Sorted simple" ex1 , testCase "Sorted import lists" ex2 , testCase "Sorted import lists and import decls" ex3 , testCase "Import constructor all" ex4 , testCase "Import constructor specific" ex5 , testCase "Import constructor specific sorted" ex6 , testCase "Imports step does not change rest of file" ex7 , testCase "Imports respect groups" ex8 , testCase "Imports respects whitespace between groups" ex9 , testCase "Doesn't add extra space after 'hiding'" ex10 , testCase "Should be able to format symbolic imports" ex11 , testCase "Able to merge equivalent imports" ex12 , testCase "Obeys max columns setting" ex13 , testCase "Obeys max columns setting with two in each" ex14 , testCase "Respects multiple groups" ex15 , testCase "Doesn't delete nullary imports" ex16 ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ex0 :: Assertion ex0 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B" , "import A" ] output = [ "import A" , "import B" ] ex1 :: Assertion ex1 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B" , "import A" , "import C" , "import qualified A" , "import qualified B as X" ] output = [ "import A" , "import qualified A" , "import B" , "import qualified B as X" , "import C" ] ex2 :: Assertion ex2 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B" , "import A (X)" , "import C" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" ] output = [ "import A (X)" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" , "import B" , "import C" ] ex3 :: Assertion ex3 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B" , "import A (X, Z, Y)" , "import C" , "import qualified A as A0 (b, Y, a)" , "import qualified D as D0 (Y, b, a)" , "import qualified E as E0 (b, a, Y)" ] output = [ "import A (X, Y, Z)" , "import qualified A as A0 (Y, a, b)" , "import B" , "import C" , "import qualified D as D0 (Y, a, b)" , "import qualified E as E0 (Y, a, b)" ] ex4 :: Assertion ex4 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import A (X, Z(..), Y)" ] output = [ "import A (X, Y, Z (..))" ] ex5 :: Assertion ex5 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import A (X, Z(Z), Y)" ] output = [ "import A (X, Y, Z (Z))" ] ex6 :: Assertion ex6 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import A (X, Z(X, Z, Y), Y)" ] output = [ "import A (X, Y, Z (X, Y, Z))" ] ex7 :: Assertion ex7 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "module Foo (tests) where" , "import B" , "import A (X, Z, Y)" , "import C" , "import qualified A as A0 (b, Y, a)" , "import qualified D as D0 (Y, b, a)" , "import qualified E as E0 (b, a, Y)" , "-- hello" , "foo :: Int" , "foo = 1" ] output = [ "module Foo (tests) where" , "import A (X, Y, Z)" , "import qualified A as A0 (Y, a, b)" , "import B" , "import C" , "import qualified D as D0 (Y, a, b)" , "import qualified E as E0 (Y, a, b)" , "-- hello" , "foo :: Int" , "foo = 1" ] ex8 :: Assertion ex8 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B" , "-- Group divisor" , "import A (X)" , "import C" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" ] output = [ "import B" , "-- Group divisor" , "import A (X)" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" , "import C" ] ex9 :: Assertion ex9 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "--------" , "import B" , "" , "-- Group divisor" , "import A (X)" , "import C" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" ] output = [ "--------" , "import B" , "" , "-- Group divisor" , "import A (X)" , "import qualified A as Y (Y)" , "import C" ] ex10 :: Assertion ex10 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import B hiding (X)" , "import A hiding (X)" ] output = [ "import A hiding (X)" , "import B hiding (X)" ] ex11 :: Assertion ex11 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import Data.Aeson ((.=))" , "import A hiding (X)" ] output = [ "import A hiding (X)" , "import Data.Aeson ((.=))" ] ex12 :: Assertion ex12 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "import Data.Aeson ((.=))" , "import Data.Aeson ((.=))" , "import A hiding (X)" ] output = [ "import A hiding (X)" , "import Data.Aeson ((.=))" ] ex13 :: Assertion ex13 = input `assertFormattedCols` output where assertFormattedCols = assertFormatted' (Just 10) input = [ "import Foo (A, B, C, D)" , "import A hiding (X)" ] output = [ "import A hiding (X)" , "import Foo (A)" , "import Foo (B)" , "import Foo (C)" , "import Foo (D)" ] ex14 :: Assertion ex14 = input `assertFormattedCols` output where assertFormattedCols = assertFormatted' (Just 27) input = [ "import Foo (A, B, C, D)" , "import A hiding (X)" ] output = [ "import A hiding (X)" , "import Foo (A, B)" , "import Foo (C, D)" ] ex15 :: Assertion ex15 = input `assertFormattedCols` output where assertFormattedCols = assertFormatted' (Just 100) input = [ "module Custom.Prelude" , " ( LazyByteString" , " , UUID" , " , decodeUtf8Lenient" , " , error" , " , headMay" , " , module X" , " , nextRandomUUID" , " , onChars" , " , proxyOf" , " , show" , " , showStr" , " , toLazyByteString" , " , toStrictByteString" , " , type (~>)" , " , uuidToText" , " ) where" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Prelude as X hiding ((!!), appendFile, error, foldl, head, putStrLn, readFile, show, tail, take, unlines, unwords, words, writeFile)" , "import qualified Prelude" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Control.Lens as X ((%~), (&), (.~), (?~), (^.), (^?), _Left, _Right, iat, over, preview, sans, set, to, view)" , "import Control.Lens.Extras as X (is)" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Control.Applicative as X ((<|>))" , "import Control.Monad as X ((<=<), (>=>), guard, unless, when)" , "import Control.Monad.Except as X (ExceptT (..), MonadError (..), liftEither, runExceptT, withExceptT)" , "import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift as X" , "import Control.Monad.Reader as X (MonadReader (..), ReaderT (..), asks)" , "import Control.Monad.Trans.Class as X (MonadTrans (lift))" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ] output = [ "module Custom.Prelude" , " ( LazyByteString" , " , UUID" , " , decodeUtf8Lenient" , " , error" , " , headMay" , " , module X" , " , nextRandomUUID" , " , onChars" , " , proxyOf" , " , show" , " , showStr" , " , toLazyByteString" , " , toStrictByteString" , " , type (~>)" , " , uuidToText" , " ) where" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Prelude as X hiding (appendFile, error, foldl, head, putStrLn, readFile, show, tail, take, unlines, unwords, words, writeFile, (!!))" , "import qualified Prelude" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Control.Lens as X (_Left, _Right, iat, over, preview, sans, set, to)" , "import Control.Lens as X (view, (%~), (&), (.~), (?~), (^.), (^?))" , "import Control.Lens.Extras as X (is)" , "" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" , "import Control.Applicative as X ((<|>))" , "import Control.Monad as X (guard, unless, when, (<=<), (>=>))" , "import Control.Monad.Except as X (ExceptT (..), MonadError (..), liftEither)" , "import Control.Monad.Except as X (runExceptT, withExceptT)" , "import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift as X" , "import Control.Monad.Reader as X (MonadReader (..), ReaderT (..), asks)" , "import Control.Monad.Trans.Class as X (MonadTrans (lift))" , "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ] ex16 :: Assertion ex16 = input `assertFormatted` output where input = [ "module Foo where" , "" , "import B ()" , "import A ()" ] output = [ "module Foo where" , "" , "import A ()" , "import B ()" ] assertFormatted :: HasCallStack => Lines -> Lines -> Assertion assertFormatted = withFrozenCallStack $ assertFormatted' Nothing assertFormatted' :: HasCallStack => Maybe Int -> Lines -> Lines -> Assertion assertFormatted' maxColumns input expected = withFrozenCallStack $ expected @=?? testStep' (step maxColumns felixOptions) input where felixOptions = defaultOptions { listAlign = Repeat }