category: API description: Strive is a client for the Strava V3 API. extra-source-files: - - package.yaml - - stack.yaml ghc-options: - -Wall github: tfausak/strive library: dependencies: - aeson >=0.11 && <1.3 - base >=4.9 && <4.11 - bytestring ==0.10.* - data-default ==0.7.* - gpolyline ==0.1.* - http-client >=0.4.30 && <0.6 - http-client-tls >=0.2 && <0.4 - http-types >=0.9 && <0.12 - template-haskell >=2.11 && <2.13 - text ==1.2.* - time >=1.6 && <1.9 - transformers ==0.5.* source-dirs: library license: MIT maintainer: Taylor Fausak name: strive synopsis: A client for the Strava V3 API. tests: readme: dependencies: - base - bytestring - markdown-unlit >=0.4 && <0.6 - strive - time ghc-options: - -pgmL markdown-unlit main: README.lhs version: 5.0.1