{-| "Pipes.Group.Tutorial" is the correct introduction to the use of this module,
    which is mostly just an optimized @Pipes.Group@, replacing @FreeT@ with @Stream@. 
    (See the introductory documentation for this package. The @pipes-group@ tutorial 
    is framed as a hunt for a genuinely streaming
    @threeGroups@. The formulation it opts for in the end would 
    be expressed here thus:

> import Pipes
> import Streaming.Pipes 
> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
> threeGroups :: (Monad m, Eq a) => Producer a m () -> Producer a m ()
> threeGroups = concats . takes 3 . groups

   The only difference is that this simple module omits the detour via lenses.
   The program splits the initial producer into a connected stream of
   producers containing  "equal" values; it takes three of those; and then
   erases the effects of splitting. So for example

>>> runEffect $ threeGroups (each "aabccoooooo") >-> P.print

   For the rest, only part of the tutorial that would need revision is 
   the bit at the end about writing explicit @FreeT@ programs. 
   Its examples use pattern matching, but the constructors of the 
   @Stream@ type are necessarily hidden, so one would have replaced 
   by the various inspection combinators provided by the @streaming@ library.

{-#LANGUAGE RankNTypes, BangPatterns #-}

module Streaming.Pipes (
  -- * @Streaming@ \/ @Pipes@ interoperation
  -- * Transforming a connected stream of 'Producer's
  -- * Streaming division of a 'Producer' into two
  -- * Splitting a 'Producer' into a connected stream of 'Producer's
  -- * Rejoining a connected stream of 'Producer's
  -- * Folding over the separate layers of a connected stream of 'Producer's
  ) where

import Pipes
import Streaming hiding (concats, groups)
import qualified Streaming.Internal as SI
import qualified Pipes.Internal as PI
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import qualified Pipes as P

import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Prelude hiding (span, splitAt, break)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as Q
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Internal as Q

-- | Construct an ordinary pipes 'Producer' from a 'Stream' of elements
fromStream :: Monad m => Stream (Of a) m r -> Producer' a m r
fromStream = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of -- this should be rewritten without constructors
    SI.Return r -> PI.Pure r
    SI.Delay m  -> PI.M (liftM loop m)
    SI.Step (a:>rest) -> PI.Respond a  (\_ -> loop rest)
{-# INLINABLE fromStream #-}

-- | Construct a 'Stream' of elements from a @pipes@ 'Producer'
toStream :: Monad m => Producer a m r -> Stream (Of a) m r
toStream = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of
    PI.Pure r -> SI.Return r 
    PI.M m -> SI.Delay (liftM loop m)
    PI.Respond a f -> SI.Step (a :> loop (f ()))
    PI.Request x g -> PI.closed x
{-# INLINABLE toStream #-}

toStreamingByteString :: Monad m => Producer B.ByteString m r -> Q.ByteString m r
toStreamingByteString = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of
    PI.Pure r -> Q.Empty r 
    PI.M m    -> Q.Go (liftM loop m)
    PI.Respond a f -> Q.Chunk a (loop (f ()))
    PI.Request x g -> PI.closed x
{-# INLINABLE toStreamingByteString #-}

fromStreamingByteString :: Monad m => Q.ByteString m r -> Producer' B.ByteString m r
fromStreamingByteString = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of -- this should be rewritten without constructors
    Q.Empty r      -> PI.Pure r
    Q.Go m         -> PI.M (liftM loop m)
    Q.Chunk a rest -> PI.Respond a  (\_ -> loop rest)
{-# INLINABLE fromStreamingByteString #-}

{-| 'span' splits a 'Producer' into two 'Producer's; the outer 'Producer' 
    is the longest consecutive group of elements that satisfy the predicate.
    Its inverse is 'Control.Monad.join'
span :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m r -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
span predicate = loop where
  loop p = do
    e <- lift (next p)
    case e of
      Left   r      -> return (return r)
      Right (a, p') ->
          if predicate a
          then yield a >> loop p'
          else return (yield a >> p')
{-# INLINABLE span #-}

break :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m r -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
break predicate = span (not . predicate)

split :: (Eq a, Monad m) =>
      a -> Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
split t  = loop  where
  loop stream = do
    e <- lift $ next stream
    case e of
      Left   r      ->  SI.Return r
      Right (a, p') -> 
        if a /= t
          then SI.Step $ fmap loop (yield a >> span (/= t) p')
          else loop p'
{-#INLINABLE split #-}

breaks :: (Eq a, Monad m) =>
      (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
breaks predicate  = loop  where
  loop stream = do
    e <- lift $ next stream
    case e of
      Left   r      ->  SI.Return r
      Right (a, p') -> 
        if not (predicate a)
          then SI.Step $ fmap loop (yield a >> break (predicate) p')
          else loop p'
{-#INLINABLE breaks #-}

{-| 'splitAt' divides a 'Producer' into two 'Producer's 
    after a fixed number of elements. Its inverse is 'Control.Monad.join'

    :: Monad m
    => Int -> Producer a m r -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
splitAt = loop where 
  loop n p | n <= 0 = return p
  loop n p = do
    e <- lift (next p)
    case e of
      Left   r      -> return (return r)
      Right (a, p') -> yield a >> loop (n - 1) p'
{-# INLINABLE splitAt #-}

{-| 'groupBy' splits a 'Producer' into two 'Producer's; the second
     producer begins where we meet an element that is different
     according to the equality predicate. Its inverse is 'Control.Monad.join'
    :: Monad m
    => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Producer a m r -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
groupBy equals = loop where
  loop p = do
    x <- lift (next p)
    case x of
      Left   r      -> return (return r)
      Right (a, p') -> span (equals a) (yield a >> p') 
{-# INLINABLE groupBy #-}

-- | Like 'groupBy', where the equality predicate is ('==')
    :: (Monad m, Eq a) => Producer a m r -> Producer a m (Producer a m r)
group = groupBy (==)
{-# INLINABLE group #-}

    :: Monad m
    => (a -> a -> Bool)
    -> Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r 
groupsBy equals = loop where
  loop p = SI.Delay $ do
    e <- next p
    return $ case e of
      Left   r      -> SI.Return r
      Right (a, p') -> SI.Step (fmap loop (yield a >> span (equals a) p'))
{-# INLINABLE groupsBy #-}

{-| `groupsBy'` splits a 'Producer' into a 'Stream' of 'Producer's grouped using
    the given equality predicate

    This differs from `groupsBy` by comparing successive elements for equality
    instead of comparing each element to the first member of the group

>>> import Pipes (yield, each)
>>> import Pipes.Prelude (toList)
>>> let cmp c1 c2 = succ c1 == c2
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . groupsBy' cmp) (each "12233345")
>>> (toList . intercalates (yield '|') . groupsBy  cmp) (each "12233345")
    :: Monad m
    => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
groupsBy' equals = loop where
  loop p = SI.Delay $ do
    e <- next p
    return $ case e of
      Left   r      -> SI.Return r
      Right (a, p') -> SI.Step (fmap loop (loop0 (yield a >> p')))
  loop0 p1 = do
    e <- lift (next p1)
    case e of
        Left   r      -> return (return r)
        Right (a2, p2) -> do
            yield a2
            let loop1 a p = do
                    e' <- lift (next p)
                    case e' of
                        Left   r      -> return (return r)
                        Right (a', p') ->
                            if equals a a'
                            then do
                                yield a'
                                loop1 a' p'
                            else return (yield a' >> p')
            loop1 a2 p2
{-# INLINABLE groupsBy' #-}

groups:: (Monad m, Eq a)
    =>  Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
groups = groupsBy (==)

    :: Monad m => Int -> Producer a m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
chunksOf n = loop where
  loop p = SI.Delay $ do
    e <- next p
    return $ case e of
      Left   r      -> SI.Return r
      Right (a, p') -> SI.Step (fmap loop (splitAt n (yield a >> p')))
{-# INLINABLE chunksOf #-}

-- | Join a stream of 'Producer's into a single 'Producer'
concats :: Monad m => Stream (Producer a m) m r -> Producer a m r
concats = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of
    SI.Return r -> return r
    SI.Delay m -> PI.M $ liftM loop m
    SI.Step p -> do 
      rest <- p
      loop rest 
{-# INLINABLE concats #-}

-- {-| Join a 'FreeT'-delimited stream of 'Producer's into a single 'Producer' by
--     intercalating a 'Producer' in between them
-- -}
-- intercalates
--     :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> Stream (Producer a m) m r -> Producer a m r
-- intercalates sep = loop where
--   loop stream = case stream of
--       x <- lift (runFreeT f)
--       case x of
--           Pure r -> return r
--           Free p -> do
--               f' <- p
--               go1 f'
--   go1 f = do
--       x <- lift (runFreeT f)
--       case x of
--           Pure r -> return r
--           Free p -> do
--               sep
--               f' <- p
--               go1 f'
-- {-# INLINABLE intercalates #-}

{- $folds
    These folds are designed to be compatible with the @foldl@ library.  See
    the 'Control.Foldl.purely' and 'Control.Foldl.impurely' functions from that
    library for more details.

    For example, to count the number of 'Producer' layers in a 'Stream', you can

> import Control.Applicative (pure)
> import qualified Control.Foldl as L
> import Pipes.Group
> import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
> count :: Monad m => Stream (Producer a m) m () -> m Int
> count = P.sum . L.purely folds (pure 1)

{-| Fold each 'Producer' in a producer 'Stream'

> purely folds
>     :: Monad m => Fold a b -> Stream (Producer a m) m r -> Producer b m r

    :: Monad m
    => (x -> a -> x)
    -- ^ Step function
    -> x
    -- ^ Initial accumulator
    -> (x -> b)
    -- ^ Extraction function
    -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
    -- ^
    -> Producer b m r
folds step begin done = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of 
    SI.Return r -> return r
    SI.Delay m  -> PI.M $ liftM loop m
    SI.Step p   -> do
        (stream', b) <- lift (fold p begin)
        yield b
        loop stream'
  fold p x = do
      y <- next p
      case y of
          Left   f      -> return (f, done x)
          Right (a, p') -> fold p' $! step x a
{-# INLINABLE folds #-}

{-| Fold each 'Producer' in a 'Producer' stream, monadically

> impurely foldsM
>     :: Monad m => FoldM a b -> Stream (Producer a m) m r -> Producer b m r
    :: Monad m
    => (x -> a -> m x)
    -- ^ Step function
    -> m x
    -- ^ Initial accumulator
    -> (x -> m b)
    -- ^ Extraction function
    -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
    -- ^
    -> Producer b m r
foldsM step begin done = loop where
  loop stream = case stream of 
    SI.Return r -> return r
    SI.Delay m -> PI.M (liftM loop m)
    SI.Step p -> do
      (f', b) <- lift $ begin >>=  foldM p 
      yield b
      loop f'

  foldM p x = do
    y <- next p
    case y of
      Left   f      -> do
          b <- done x
          return (f, b)
      Right (a, p') -> do
          x' <- step x a
          foldM p' $! x'
{-# INLINABLE foldsM #-}

{-| @(takes' n)@ only keeps the first @n@ 'Producer's of a linked 'Stream' of 'Producers'

    Unlike 'takes', 'takes'' is not functor-general - it is aware that a 'Producer'
    can be /drained/, as functors cannot generally be. Here, then, we drain 
    the unused 'Producer's in order to preserve the return value.  
    This makes it a suitable argument for 'maps'.
takes' :: Monad m => Int -> Stream (Producer a m) m r -> Stream (Producer a m) m r
takes' = loop where
  loop !n stream | n <= 0 = drain_loop stream
  loop n stream = case stream of
    SI.Return r -> SI.Return r
    SI.Delay  m -> SI.Delay (liftM (loop n) m)
    SI.Step p   -> SI.Step  (fmap (loop (n - 1)) p)

  drain_loop stream = case stream of
    SI.Return r -> SI.Return r
    SI.Delay  m -> SI.Delay (liftM drain_loop m)
    SI.Step p   -> SI.Delay $ do 
      stream' <- runEffect (P.for p P.discard)
      return $ drain_loop stream'
{-# INLINABLE takes' #-}