{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | See: -- http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/resources-section-structure.html -- -- The required Resources section declare the AWS resources that you want as -- part of your stack, such as an Amazon EC2 instance or an Amazon S3 bucket. -- You must declare each resource separately; however, you can specify multiple -- resources of the same type. If you declare multiple resources, separate them -- with commas. module Stratosphere.Resources ( module X , Resource (..) , resource , resName , properties , deletionPolicy , resCreationPolicy , resUpdatePolicy , dependsOn , ResourceProperties (..) , DeletionPolicy (..) , Resources (..) ) where import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import qualified Data.Text as T import GHC.Exts (IsList(..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Stratosphere.Resources.AccessKey as X import Stratosphere.Resources.AutoScalingGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Bucket as X import Stratosphere.Resources.DBInstance as X import Stratosphere.Resources.DBParameterGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.DBSecurityGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.DBSecurityGroupIngress as X import Stratosphere.Resources.DBSubnetGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.EC2Instance as X import Stratosphere.Resources.EIP as X import Stratosphere.Resources.EIPAssociation as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Group as X import Stratosphere.Resources.IAMRole as X import Stratosphere.Resources.InstanceProfile as X import Stratosphere.Resources.InternetGateway as X import Stratosphere.Resources.LaunchConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.Resources.LifecycleHook as X import Stratosphere.Resources.LoadBalancer as X import Stratosphere.Resources.ManagedPolicy as X import Stratosphere.Resources.NatGateway as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Policy as X import Stratosphere.Resources.RecordSet as X import Stratosphere.Resources.RecordSetGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Route as X import Stratosphere.Resources.RouteTable as X import Stratosphere.Resources.S3BucketPolicy as X import Stratosphere.Resources.ScalingPolicy as X import Stratosphere.Resources.ScheduledAction as X import Stratosphere.Resources.SecurityGroup as X import Stratosphere.Resources.SecurityGroupEgress as X import Stratosphere.Resources.SecurityGroupIngress as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Stack as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Subnet as X import Stratosphere.Resources.SubnetRouteTableAssociation as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Trail as X import Stratosphere.Resources.User as X import Stratosphere.Resources.UserToGroupAddition as X import Stratosphere.Resources.VPC as X import Stratosphere.Resources.VPCEndpoint as X import Stratosphere.Resources.VPCGatewayAttachment as X import Stratosphere.Resources.Volume as X import Stratosphere.Resources.VolumeAttachment as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AccessLoggingPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AliasTarget as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AppCookieStickinessPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AutoScalingBlockDeviceMapping as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AutoScalingEBSBlockDevice as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AutoScalingMetricsCollection as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AutoScalingNotificationConfigurations as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.AutoScalingTags as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.ConnectionDrainingPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.ConnectionSettings as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.EBSBlockDevice as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.EC2BlockDeviceMapping as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.EC2MountPoint as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.EC2SsmAssociationParameters as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.EC2SsmAssociations as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.ELBPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.HealthCheck as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.IAMPolicies as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.LBCookieStickinessPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.ListenerProperty as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.NameValuePair as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.NetworkInterface as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.PrivateIpAddressSpecification as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.RDSSecurityGroupRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.RecordSetGeoLocation as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.ResourceTag as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3CorsConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3CorsConfigurationRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3LifecycleConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3LifecycleRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3LifecycleRuleTransition as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3LoggingConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilter as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3Key as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationConfigFilterS3KeyRules as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationLambdaConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationQueueConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3NotificationConfigurationTopicConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3ReplicationConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3ReplicationConfigurationRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3ReplicationConfigurationRulesDestination as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3VersioningConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3WebsiteConfiguration as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3WebsiteRedirectAllRequestsTo as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3WebsiteRedirectRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3WebsiteRoutingRuleCondition as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.S3WebsiteRoutingRules as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.SecurityGroupEgressRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.SecurityGroupIngressRule as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.StepAdjustments as X import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties.UserLoginProfile as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.AutoScalingReplacingUpdate as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.AutoScalingRollingUpdate as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.AutoScalingScheduledAction as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.CreationPolicy as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.ResourceSignal as X import Stratosphere.ResourceAttributes.UpdatePolicy as X import Stratosphere.Helpers import Stratosphere.Values data ResourceProperties = AccessKeyProperties AccessKey | AutoScalingGroupProperties AutoScalingGroup | BucketProperties Bucket | DBInstanceProperties DBInstance | DBParameterGroupProperties DBParameterGroup | DBSecurityGroupProperties DBSecurityGroup | DBSecurityGroupIngressProperties DBSecurityGroupIngress | DBSubnetGroupProperties DBSubnetGroup | EC2InstanceProperties EC2Instance | EIPProperties EIP | EIPAssociationProperties EIPAssociation | GroupProperties Group | IAMRoleProperties IAMRole | InstanceProfileProperties InstanceProfile | InternetGatewayProperties InternetGateway | LaunchConfigurationProperties LaunchConfiguration | LifecycleHookProperties LifecycleHook | LoadBalancerProperties LoadBalancer | ManagedPolicyProperties ManagedPolicy | NatGatewayProperties NatGateway | PolicyProperties Policy | RecordSetProperties RecordSet | RecordSetGroupProperties RecordSetGroup | RouteProperties Route | RouteTableProperties RouteTable | S3BucketPolicyProperties S3BucketPolicy | ScalingPolicyProperties ScalingPolicy | ScheduledActionProperties ScheduledAction | SecurityGroupProperties SecurityGroup | SecurityGroupEgressProperties SecurityGroupEgress | SecurityGroupIngressProperties SecurityGroupIngress | StackProperties Stack | SubnetProperties Subnet | SubnetRouteTableAssociationProperties SubnetRouteTableAssociation | TrailProperties Trail | UserProperties User | UserToGroupAdditionProperties UserToGroupAddition | VPCProperties VPC | VPCEndpointProperties VPCEndpoint | VPCGatewayAttachmentProperties VPCGatewayAttachment | VolumeProperties Volume | VolumeAttachmentProperties VolumeAttachment deriving (Show) data DeletionPolicy = Delete | Retain | Snapshot deriving (Show, Generic) instance ToJSON DeletionPolicy where instance FromJSON DeletionPolicy where data Resource = Resource { resourceResName :: T.Text , resourceProperties :: ResourceProperties , resourceDeletionPolicy :: Maybe DeletionPolicy , resourceResCreationPolicy :: Maybe CreationPolicy , resourceResUpdatePolicy :: Maybe UpdatePolicy , resourceDependsOn :: Maybe [Val T.Text] } deriving (Show) instance ToRef Resource b where toRef r = Ref (resourceResName r) -- | Convenient constructor for 'Resource' with required arguments. resource :: T.Text -- ^ Logical name -> ResourceProperties -> Resource resource rn rp = Resource { resourceResName = rn , resourceProperties = rp , resourceDeletionPolicy = Nothing , resourceResCreationPolicy = Nothing , resourceResUpdatePolicy = Nothing , resourceDependsOn = Nothing } $(makeFields ''Resource) resourceToJSON :: Resource -> Value resourceToJSON (Resource _ props dp cp up deps) = object $ resourcePropertiesJSON props ++ catMaybes [ maybeField "DeletionPolicy" dp , maybeField "CreationPolicy" cp , maybeField "UpdatePolicy" up , maybeField "DependsOn" deps ] resourcePropertiesJSON :: ResourceProperties -> [Pair] resourcePropertiesJSON (AccessKeyProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::AccessKey" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (AutoScalingGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (BucketProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::S3::Bucket" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (DBInstanceProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::RDS::DBInstance" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (DBParameterGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (DBSecurityGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (DBSecurityGroupIngressProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (DBSubnetGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (EC2InstanceProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::Instance" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (EIPProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::EIP" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (EIPAssociationProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (GroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::Group" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (IAMRoleProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::Role" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (InstanceProfileProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (InternetGatewayProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::InternetGateway" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (LaunchConfigurationProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (LifecycleHookProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (LoadBalancerProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (ManagedPolicyProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (NatGatewayProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::NatGateway" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (PolicyProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::Policy" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (RecordSetProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::Route53::RecordSet" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (RecordSetGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (RouteProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::Route" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (RouteTableProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::RouteTable" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (S3BucketPolicyProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::S3::BucketPolicy" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (ScalingPolicyProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (ScheduledActionProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (SecurityGroupProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (SecurityGroupEgressProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (SecurityGroupIngressProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (StackProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (SubnetProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::Subnet" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (SubnetRouteTableAssociationProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (TrailProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::CloudTrail::Trail" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (UserProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::User" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (UserToGroupAdditionProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (VPCProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::VPC" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (VPCEndpointProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (VPCGatewayAttachmentProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (VolumeProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::Volume" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourcePropertiesJSON (VolumeAttachmentProperties x) = [ "Type" .= ("AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment" :: String), "Properties" .= toJSON x] resourceFromJSON :: T.Text -> Object -> Parser Resource resourceFromJSON n o = do type' <- o .: "Type" :: Parser String props <- case type' of "AWS::IAM::AccessKey" -> AccessKeyProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup" -> AutoScalingGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::S3::Bucket" -> BucketProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::RDS::DBInstance" -> DBInstanceProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup" -> DBParameterGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroup" -> DBSecurityGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::RDS::DBSecurityGroupIngress" -> DBSecurityGroupIngressProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::RDS::DBSubnetGroup" -> DBSubnetGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::Instance" -> EC2InstanceProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::EIP" -> EIPProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation" -> EIPAssociationProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::Group" -> GroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::Role" -> IAMRoleProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile" -> InstanceProfileProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway" -> InternetGatewayProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration" -> LaunchConfigurationProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::AutoScaling::LifecycleHook" -> LifecycleHookProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer" -> LoadBalancerProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy" -> ManagedPolicyProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::NatGateway" -> NatGatewayProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::Policy" -> PolicyProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::Route53::RecordSet" -> RecordSetProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup" -> RecordSetGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::Route" -> RouteProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::RouteTable" -> RouteTableProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::S3::BucketPolicy" -> S3BucketPolicyProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy" -> ScalingPolicyProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction" -> ScheduledActionProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup" -> SecurityGroupProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress" -> SecurityGroupEgressProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress" -> SecurityGroupIngressProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" -> StackProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::Subnet" -> SubnetProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation" -> SubnetRouteTableAssociationProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::CloudTrail::Trail" -> TrailProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::User" -> UserProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition" -> UserToGroupAdditionProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::VPC" -> VPCProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint" -> VPCEndpointProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment" -> VPCGatewayAttachmentProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::Volume" -> VolumeProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") "AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment" -> VolumeAttachmentProperties <$> (o .: "Properties") _ -> fail $ "Unknown resource type: " ++ type' dp <- o .:? "DeletionPolicy" cp <- o .:? "CreationPolicy" up <- o .:? "UpdatePolicy" deps <- o .:? "DependsOn" return $ Resource n props dp cp up deps -- | Wrapper around a list of 'Resources's to we can modify the aeson -- instances. newtype Resources = Resources { unResources :: [Resource] } deriving (Show, Monoid) instance IsList Resources where type Item Resources = Resource fromList = Resources toList = unResources instance NamedItem Resource where itemName = resourceResName nameToJSON = resourceToJSON nameParseJSON = resourceFromJSON instance ToJSON Resources where toJSON = namedItemToJSON . unResources instance FromJSON Resources where parseJSON v = Resources <$> namedItemFromJSON v