{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fglasgow-exts #-} {- glasgow-exts are for the rules -} {- | Chunky signal stream build on StorableVector. Hints for fusion: - Higher order functions should always be inlined in the end in order to turn them into machine loops instead of calling a function in an inner loop. -} module Data.StorableVector.Lazy where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.StorableVector as V import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as VB import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy.PointerPrivate as Ptr import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, mapFst, mapSnd, ) import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe, ) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just), maybe, fromMaybe, ) import Foreign.Storable (Storable) import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mempty, mappend, mconcat, ) -- import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4, {- guard, -} ) import System.IO (openBinaryFile, IOMode(WriteMode, ReadMode, AppendMode), hClose, Handle) import Control.Exception (bracket) import qualified System.IO.Error as Exc import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) import Prelude hiding (length, (++), concat, iterate, foldl, map, repeat, replicate, null, zip, zipWith, zipWith3, drop, take, splitAt, takeWhile, dropWhile, reverse) import qualified Prelude as P {- import Prelude (Int, IO, ($), (.), fst, snd, id, error, Char, Num, Show, showsPrec, FilePath, Bool(True,False), not, flip, curry, uncurry, Ord, (<), (>), (<=), {- (>=), (==), -} min, max, mapM_, fmap, (=<<), return, Enum, succ, pred, sum, (+), (-), divMod, ) -} {-# ONLINE chunks #-} newtype Vector a = SV {chunks :: [V.Vector a]} instance (Storable a) => Monoid (Vector a) where mempty = empty mappend = append mconcat = concat instance (Storable a, Eq a) => Eq (Vector a) where (==) = equal -- for a list of chunk sizes see "Data.StorableVector.LazySize". newtype ChunkSize = ChunkSize Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Num ChunkSize where (ChunkSize x) + (ChunkSize y) = ChunkSize (x+y) (-) = moduleError "ChunkSize.-" "intentionally unimplemented" (*) = moduleError "ChunkSize.*" "intentionally unimplemented" abs = moduleError "ChunkSize.abs" "intentionally unimplemented" signum = moduleError "ChunkSize.signum" "intentionally unimplemented" fromInteger = ChunkSize . fromInteger instance NonNeg.C ChunkSize where (ChunkSize x) -| (ChunkSize y) = ChunkSize $ if x >= y then x-y else 0 chunkSize :: Int -> ChunkSize chunkSize x = ChunkSize $ if x>0 then x else moduleError "chunkSize" ("no positive number: " List.++ show x) defaultChunkSize :: ChunkSize defaultChunkSize = ChunkSize 1024 -- * Introducing and eliminating 'Vector's {-# INLINE empty #-} empty :: (Storable a) => Vector a empty = SV [] {-# INLINE singleton #-} singleton :: (Storable a) => a -> Vector a singleton x = SV [V.singleton x] fromChunks :: (Storable a) => [V.Vector a] -> Vector a fromChunks = SV pack :: (Storable a) => ChunkSize -> [a] -> Vector a pack size = unfoldr size ListHT.viewL unpack :: (Storable a) => Vector a -> [a] unpack = List.concatMap V.unpack . chunks {-# INLINE packWith #-} packWith :: (Storable b) => ChunkSize -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> Vector b packWith size f = unfoldr size (fmap (\(a,b) -> (f a, b)) . ListHT.viewL) {-# INLINE unpackWith #-} unpackWith :: (Storable a) => (a -> b) -> Vector a -> [b] unpackWith f = List.concatMap (V.unpackWith f) . chunks {-# INLINE unfoldr #-} unfoldr :: (Storable b) => ChunkSize -> (a -> Maybe (b,a)) -> a -> Vector b unfoldr (ChunkSize size) f = SV . List.unfoldr (cancelNullVector . V.unfoldrN size f =<<) . Just {-# INLINE sample #-} sample :: (Storable a) => ChunkSize -> (Int -> a) -> Vector a sample size f = unfoldr size (\i -> Just (f i, succ i)) 0 {-# INLINE sampleN #-} sampleN :: (Storable a) => ChunkSize -> Int -> (Int -> a) -> Vector a sampleN size n f = unfoldr size (\i -> toMaybe (i ChunkSize -> (a -> a) -> a -> Vector a iterate size f = unfoldr size (\x -> Just (x, f x)) repeat :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> a -> Vector a repeat (ChunkSize size) = SV . List.repeat . V.replicate size cycle :: Storable a => Vector a -> Vector a cycle = SV . List.cycle . chunks replicate :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> Int -> a -> Vector a replicate (ChunkSize size) n x = let (numChunks, rest) = divMod n size in append (SV (List.replicate numChunks (V.replicate size x))) (fromChunk (V.replicate rest x)) -- * Basic interface {-# INLINE null #-} null :: (Storable a) => Vector a -> Bool null = List.null . chunks length :: Vector a -> Int length = sum . List.map V.length . chunks equal :: (Storable a, Eq a) => Vector a -> Vector a -> Bool equal (SV xs0) (SV ys0) = let recourse (x:xs) (y:ys) = let l = min (V.length x) (V.length y) (xPrefix, xSuffix) = V.splitAt l x (yPrefix, ySuffix) = V.splitAt l y build z zs = if V.null z then zs else z:zs in xPrefix == yPrefix && recourse (build xSuffix xs) (build ySuffix ys) recourse [] [] = True -- this requires that chunks will always be non-empty recourse _ _ = False in recourse xs0 ys0 index :: (Storable a) => Vector a -> Int -> a index (SV xs) n = if n < 0 then moduleError "index" ("negative index: " List.++ show n) else List.foldr (\x k m0 -> let m1 = m0 - V.length x in if m1 < 0 then VB.unsafeIndex x m0 else k m1) (\m -> moduleError "index" ("index too large: " List.++ show n List.++ ", length = " List.++ show (n-m))) xs n {-# NOINLINE [0] cons #-} cons :: Storable a => a -> Vector a -> Vector a cons x = SV . (V.singleton x :) . chunks infixr 5 `append` {-# NOINLINE [0] append #-} append :: Storable a => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a append (SV xs) (SV ys) = SV (xs List.++ ys) {- | @extendL size x y@ prepends the chunk @x@ and merges it with the first chunk of @y@ if the total size is at most @size@. This way you can prepend small chunks while asserting a reasonable average size for chunks. -} extendL :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> V.Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a extendL (ChunkSize size) x (SV yt) = SV $ maybe [x] (\(y,ys) -> if V.length x + V.length y <= size then V.append x y : ys else x:yt) (ListHT.viewL yt) concat :: (Storable a) => [Vector a] -> Vector a concat = SV . List.concat . List.map chunks -- * Transformations {-# INLINE map #-} map :: (Storable x, Storable y) => (x -> y) -> Vector x -> Vector y map f = SV . List.map (V.map f) . chunks reverse :: Storable a => Vector a -> Vector a reverse = SV . List.reverse . List.map V.reverse . chunks -- * Reducing 'Vector's {-# INLINE foldl #-} foldl :: Storable b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a foldl f x0 = List.foldl (V.foldl f) x0 . chunks {-# INLINE foldl' #-} foldl' :: Storable b => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a foldl' f x0 = List.foldl' (V.foldl f) x0 . chunks {-# INLINE foldr #-} foldr :: Storable b => (b -> a -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a foldr f x0 = List.foldr (flip (V.foldr f)) x0 . chunks {-# INLINE any #-} any :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Bool any p = List.any (V.any p) . chunks {-# INLINE all #-} all :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Bool all p = List.all (V.all p) . chunks maximum :: (Storable a, Ord a) => Vector a -> a maximum = List.maximum . List.map V.maximum . chunks -- List.foldl1' max . List.map V.maximum . chunks minimum :: (Storable a, Ord a) => Vector a -> a minimum = List.minimum . List.map V.minimum . chunks -- List.foldl1' min . List.map V.minimum . chunks {- sum :: (Storable a, Num a) => Vector a -> a sum = List.sum . List.map V.sum . chunks product :: (Storable a, Num a) => Vector a -> a product = List.product . List.map V.product . chunks -} -- * inspecting a vector {-# INLINE pointer #-} pointer :: Storable a => Vector a -> Ptr.Pointer a pointer x = Ptr.Pointer (chunks x) 0 {-# INLINE viewL #-} viewL :: Storable a => Vector a -> Maybe (a, Vector a) viewL (SV xs0) = do (x,xs) <- ListHT.viewL xs0 (y,ys) <- V.viewL x return (y, append (fromChunk ys) (SV xs)) {-# INLINE viewR #-} viewR :: Storable a => Vector a -> Maybe (Vector a, a) viewR (SV xs0) = do ~(xs,x) <- ListHT.viewR xs0 let (ys,y) = fromMaybe (moduleError "viewR" "last chunk empty") (V.viewR x) return (append (SV xs) (fromChunk ys), y) {-# INLINE switchL #-} switchL :: Storable a => b -> (a -> Vector a -> b) -> Vector a -> b switchL n j = maybe n (uncurry j) . viewL {-# INLINE switchR #-} switchR :: Storable a => b -> (Vector a -> a -> b) -> Vector a -> b switchR n j = maybe n (uncurry j) . viewR {- viewLSafe :: Storable a => Vector a -> Maybe (a, Vector a) viewLSafe (SV xs0) = -- dropWhile would be unnecessary if we require that all chunks are non-empty do (x,xs) <- ListHT.viewL (List.dropWhile V.null xs0) (y,ys) <- viewLVector x return (y, append (fromChunk ys) (SV xs)) viewRSafe :: Storable a => Vector a -> Maybe (Vector a, a) viewRSafe (SV xs0) = -- dropWhile would be unnecessary if we require that all chunks are non-empty do (xs,x) <- ListHT.viewR (dropWhileRev V.null xs0) (ys,y) <- V.viewR x return (append (SV xs) (fromChunk ys), y) -} {-# INLINE scanl #-} scanl :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> Vector a scanl f start = cons start . snd . mapAccumL (\acc -> (\b -> (b,b)) . f acc) start {-# INLINE mapAccumL #-} mapAccumL :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> Vector a -> (acc, Vector b) mapAccumL f start = mapSnd SV . List.mapAccumL (V.mapAccumL f) start . chunks {-# INLINE mapAccumR #-} mapAccumR :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (acc -> a -> (acc, b)) -> acc -> Vector a -> (acc, Vector b) mapAccumR f start = mapSnd SV . List.mapAccumR (V.mapAccumR f) start . chunks {-# INLINE crochetLChunk #-} crochetLChunk :: (Storable x, Storable y) => (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> V.Vector x -> (V.Vector y, Maybe acc) crochetLChunk f acc0 x0 = mapSnd (fmap fst) $ V.unfoldrN (V.length x0) (\(acc,xt) -> do (x,xs) <- V.viewL xt (y,acc') <- f x acc return (y, (acc',xs))) (acc0, x0) {-# INLINE crochetL #-} crochetL :: (Storable x, Storable y) => (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> Vector x -> Vector y crochetL f acc0 = SV . List.unfoldr (\(xt,acc) -> do (x,xs) <- ListHT.viewL xt acc' <- acc return $ mapSnd ((,) xs) $ crochetLChunk f acc' x) . flip (,) (Just acc0) . chunks -- * sub-vectors {-# INLINE take #-} take :: (Storable a) => Int -> Vector a -> Vector a take _ (SV []) = empty take 0 _ = empty take n (SV (x:xs)) = let m = V.length x in if m<=n then SV $ (x:) $ chunks $ take (n-m) $ SV xs else fromChunk (V.take n x) {-# INLINE drop #-} drop :: (Storable a) => Int -> Vector a -> Vector a drop _ (SV []) = empty drop n (SV (x:xs)) = let m = V.length x in if m<=n then drop (n-m) (SV xs) else SV (V.drop n x : xs) {-# INLINE splitAt #-} splitAt :: (Storable a) => Int -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a) splitAt n0 = let recourse _ [] = ([], []) recourse 0 xs = ([], xs) recourse n (x:xs) = let m = V.length x in if m<=n then mapFst (x:) $ recourse (n-m) xs else mapPair ((:[]), (:xs)) $ V.splitAt n x in mapPair (SV, SV) . recourse n0 . chunks {-# INLINE dropMarginRem #-} -- I have used this in an inner loop thus I prefer inlining {- | @dropMarginRem n m xs@ drops at most the first @m@ elements of @xs@ and ensures that @xs@ still contains @n@ elements. Additionally returns the number of elements that could not be dropped due to the margin constraint. That is @dropMarginRem n m xs == (k,ys)@ implies @length xs - m == length ys - k@. Requires @length xs >= n@. -} dropMarginRem :: (Storable a) => Int -> Int -> Vector a -> (Int, Vector a) dropMarginRem n m xs = List.foldl' (\(mi,xsi) k -> (mi-k, drop k xsi)) (m,xs) (List.map V.length $ chunks $ take m $ drop n xs) {- This implementation does only walk once through the dropped prefix. It is maximally lazy and minimally space consuming. -} {-# INLINE dropMargin #-} dropMargin :: (Storable a) => Int -> Int -> Vector a -> Vector a dropMargin n m xs = List.foldl' (flip drop) xs (List.map V.length $ chunks $ take m $ drop n xs) {-# INLINE dropWhile #-} dropWhile :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a dropWhile _ (SV []) = empty dropWhile p (SV (x:xs)) = let y = V.dropWhile p x in if V.null y then dropWhile p (SV xs) else SV (y:xs) {-# INLINE takeWhile #-} takeWhile :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a takeWhile _ (SV []) = empty takeWhile p (SV (x:xs)) = let y = V.takeWhile p x in if V.length y < V.length x then fromChunk y else SV (x : chunks (takeWhile p (SV xs))) {-# INLINE span #-} span :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a) span p = let recourse [] = ([],[]) recourse (x:xs) = let (y,z) = V.span p x in if V.null z then mapFst (x:) (recourse xs) else (chunks $ fromChunk y, (z:xs)) in mapPair (SV, SV) . recourse . chunks {- span _ (SV []) = (empty, empty) span p (SV (x:xs)) = let (y,z) = V.span p x in if V.length y == 0 then mapFst (SV . (x:) . chunks) (span p (SV xs)) else (SV [y], SV (z:xs)) -} -- * other functions {-# INLINE filter #-} filter :: (Storable a) => (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a filter p = SV . List.filter (not . V.null) . List.map (V.filter p) . chunks {-# INLINE zipWith #-} zipWith :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c) => (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c zipWith f = crochetL (\y -> liftM (mapFst (flip f y)) . Ptr.viewL) . pointer {-# INLINE zipWith3 #-} zipWith3 :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c -> Vector d) zipWith3 f s0 s1 = crochetL (\z (xt,yt) -> liftM2 (\(x,xs) (y,ys) -> (f x y z, (xs,ys))) (Ptr.viewL xt) (Ptr.viewL yt)) (pointer s0, pointer s1) {-# INLINE zipWith4 #-} zipWith4 :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d, Storable e) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c -> Vector d -> Vector e) zipWith4 f s0 s1 s2 = crochetL (\w (xt,yt,zt) -> liftM3 (\(x,xs) (y,ys) (z,zs) -> (f x y z w, (xs,ys,zs))) (Ptr.viewL xt) (Ptr.viewL yt) (Ptr.viewL zt)) (pointer s0, pointer s1, pointer s2) {-# INLINE zipWithSize #-} zipWithSize :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c) => ChunkSize -> (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c zipWithSize size f s0 s1 = unfoldr size (\(xt,yt) -> liftM2 (\(x,xs) (y,ys) -> (f x y, (xs,ys))) (Ptr.viewL xt) (Ptr.viewL yt)) (pointer s0, pointer s1) {-# INLINE zipWithSize3 #-} zipWithSize3 :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d) => ChunkSize -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c -> Vector d) zipWithSize3 size f s0 s1 s2 = unfoldr size (\(xt,yt,zt) -> liftM3 (\(x,xs) (y,ys) (z,zs) -> (f x y z, (xs,ys,zs))) (Ptr.viewL xt) (Ptr.viewL yt) (Ptr.viewL zt)) (pointer s0, pointer s1, pointer s2) {-# INLINE zipWithSize4 #-} zipWithSize4 :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable c, Storable d, Storable e) => ChunkSize -> (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c -> Vector d -> Vector e) zipWithSize4 size f s0 s1 s2 s3 = unfoldr size (\(xt,yt,zt,wt) -> liftM4 (\(x,xs) (y,ys) (z,zs) (w,ws) -> (f x y z w, (xs,ys,zs,ws))) (Ptr.viewL xt) (Ptr.viewL yt) (Ptr.viewL zt) (Ptr.viewL wt)) (pointer s0, pointer s1, pointer s2, pointer s3) {- | Ensure a minimal length of the list by appending pad values. -} {-# ONLINE pad #-} pad :: (Storable a) => ChunkSize -> a -> Int -> Vector a -> Vector a pad size y n0 = let recourse n xt = if n<=0 then xt else case xt of [] -> chunks $ replicate size n y x:xs -> x : recourse (n - V.length x) xs in SV . recourse n0 . chunks padAlt :: (Storable a) => ChunkSize -> a -> Int -> Vector a -> Vector a padAlt size x n xs = append xs (let m = length xs in if n>m then replicate size (n-m) x else empty) -- * Helper functions for StorableVector {-# INLINE cancelNullVector #-} cancelNullVector :: (V.Vector a, b) -> Maybe (V.Vector a, b) cancelNullVector y = toMaybe (not (V.null (fst y))) y -- if the chunk has length zero, an empty sequence is generated {-# INLINE fromChunk #-} fromChunk :: (Storable a) => V.Vector a -> Vector a fromChunk x = if V.null x then empty else SV [x] {- reduceLVector :: Storable x => (x -> acc -> Maybe acc) -> acc -> Vector x -> (acc, Bool) reduceLVector f acc0 x = let recourse i acc = if i < V.length x then (acc, True) else maybe (acc, False) (recourse (succ i)) (f (V.index x i) acc) in recourse 0 acc0 {- * Fundamental functions -} {- Usage of 'unfoldr' seems to be clumsy but that covers all cases, like different block sizes in source and destination list. -} crochetLSize :: (Storable x, Storable y) => ChunkSize -> (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> T x -> T y crochetLSize size f = curry (unfoldr size (\(acc,xt) -> do (x,xs) <- viewL xt (y,acc') <- f x acc return (y, (acc',xs)))) crochetListL :: (Storable y) => ChunkSize -> (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> [x] -> T y crochetListL size f = curry (unfoldr size (\(acc,xt) -> do (x,xs) <- ListHT.viewL xt (y,acc') <- f x acc return (y, (acc',xs)))) {-# NOINLINE [0] crochetFusionListL #-} crochetFusionListL :: (Storable y) => ChunkSize -> (x -> acc -> Maybe (y, acc)) -> acc -> FList.T x -> T y crochetFusionListL size f = curry (unfoldr size (\(acc,xt) -> do (x,xs) <- FList.viewL xt (y,acc') <- f x acc return (y, (acc',xs)))) {-# INLINE [0] reduceL #-} reduceL :: Storable x => (x -> acc -> Maybe acc) -> acc -> Vector x -> acc reduceL f acc0 = let recourse acc xt = case xt of [] -> acc (x:xs) -> let (acc',continue) = reduceLVector f acc x in if continue then recourse acc' xs else acc' in recourse acc0 . chunks {- * Basic functions -} {-# RULEZ "Storable.append/repeat/repeat" forall size x. append (repeat size x) (repeat size x) = repeat size x ; "Storable.append/repeat/replicate" forall size n x. append (repeat size x) (replicate size n x) = repeat size x ; "Storable.append/replicate/repeat" forall size n x. append (replicate size n x) (repeat size x) = repeat size x ; "Storable.append/replicate/replicate" forall size n m x. append (replicate size n x) (replicate size m x) = replicate size (n+m) x ; "Storable.mix/repeat/repeat" forall size x y. mix (repeat size x) (repeat size y) = repeat size (x+y) ; #-} {-# RULES "Storable.length/cons" forall x xs. length (cons x xs) = 1 + length xs ; "Storable.length/map" forall f xs. length (map f xs) = length xs ; "Storable.map/cons" forall f x xs. map f (cons x xs) = cons (f x) (map f xs) ; "Storable.map/repeat" forall size f x. map f (repeat size x) = repeat size (f x) ; "Storable.map/replicate" forall size f x n. map f (replicate size n x) = replicate size n (f x) ; "Storable.map/repeat" forall size f x. map f (repeat size x) = repeat size (f x) ; {- This can make things worse, if 'map' is applied to replicate, since this can use of sharing. It can also destroy the more important map/unfoldr fusion in take n . map f . unfoldr g "Storable.take/map" forall n f x. take n (map f x) = map f (take n x) ; -} "Storable.take/repeat" forall size n x. take n (repeat size x) = replicate size n x ; "Storable.take/take" forall n m xs. take n (take m xs) = take (min n m) xs ; "Storable.drop/drop" forall n m xs. drop n (drop m xs) = drop (n+m) xs ; "Storable.drop/take" forall n m xs. drop n (take m xs) = take (max 0 (m-n)) (drop n xs) ; "Storable.map/mapAccumL/snd" forall g f acc0 xs. map g (snd (mapAccumL f acc0 xs)) = snd (mapAccumL (\acc a -> mapSnd g (f acc a)) acc0 xs) ; #-} {- GHC says this is an orphaned rule "Storable.map/mapAccumL/mapSnd" forall g f acc0 xs. mapSnd (map g) (mapAccumL f acc0 xs) = mapAccumL (\acc a -> mapSnd g (f acc a)) acc0 xs ; -} {- * Fusable functions -} scanLCrochet :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> Vector a scanLCrochet f start = cons start . crochetL (\x acc -> let y = f acc x in Just (y, y)) start {-# INLINE mapCrochet #-} mapCrochet :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b) -> (Vector a -> Vector b) mapCrochet f = crochetL (\x _ -> Just (f x, ())) () {-# INLINE takeCrochet #-} takeCrochet :: Storable a => Int -> Vector a -> Vector a takeCrochet = crochetL (\x n -> toMaybe (n>0) (x, pred n)) {-# INLINE repeatUnfoldr #-} repeatUnfoldr :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> a -> Vector a repeatUnfoldr size = iterate size id {-# INLINE replicateCrochet #-} replicateCrochet :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> Int -> a -> Vector a replicateCrochet size n = takeCrochet n . repeat size {- The "fromList/drop" rule is not quite accurate because the chunk borders are moved. Maybe 'ChunkSize' better is a list of chunks sizes. -} {-# RULEZ "fromList/zipWith" forall size f (as :: Storable a => [a]) (bs :: Storable a => [a]). fromList size (List.zipWith f as bs) = zipWith size f (fromList size as) (fromList size bs) ; "fromList/drop" forall as n size. fromList size (List.drop n as) = drop n (fromList size as) ; #-} {- * Fused functions -} type Unfoldr s a = (s -> Maybe (a,s), s) {-# INLINE zipWithUnfoldr2 #-} zipWithUnfoldr2 :: Storable z => ChunkSize -> (x -> y -> z) -> Unfoldr a x -> Unfoldr b y -> T z zipWithUnfoldr2 size h (f,a) (g,b) = unfoldr size (\(a0,b0) -> liftM2 (\(x,a1) (y,b1) -> (h x y, (a1,b1))) (f a0) (g b0)) -- (uncurry (liftM2 (\(x,a1) (y,b1) -> (h x y, (a1,b1)))) . (f *** g)) (a,b) {- done by takeCrochet {-# INLINE mapUnfoldr #-} mapUnfoldr :: (Storable x, Storable y) => ChunkSize -> (x -> y) -> Unfoldr a x -> T y mapUnfoldr size g (f,a) = unfoldr size (fmap (mapFst g) . f) a -} {-# INLINE dropUnfoldr #-} dropUnfoldr :: Storable x => ChunkSize -> Int -> Unfoldr a x -> T x dropUnfoldr size n (f,a0) = maybe empty (unfoldr size f) (nest n (\a -> fmap snd . f =<< a) (Just a0)) {- done by takeCrochet {-# INLINE takeUnfoldr #-} takeUnfoldr :: Storable x => ChunkSize -> Int -> Unfoldr a x -> T x takeUnfoldr size n0 (f,a0) = unfoldr size (\(a,n) -> do guard (n>0) (x,a') <- f a return (x, (a', pred n))) (a0,n0) -} lengthUnfoldr :: Storable x => Unfoldr a x -> Int lengthUnfoldr (f,a0) = let recourse n a = maybe n (recourse (succ n) . snd) (f a) in recourse 0 a0 {-# INLINE zipWithUnfoldr #-} zipWithUnfoldr :: (Storable b, Storable c) => (acc -> Maybe (a, acc)) -> (a -> b -> c) -> acc -> T b -> T c zipWithUnfoldr f h a y = crochetL (\y0 a0 -> do (x0,a1) <- f a0 Just (h x0 y0, a1)) a y {-# INLINE zipWithCrochetL #-} zipWithCrochetL :: (Storable x, Storable b, Storable c) => ChunkSize -> (x -> acc -> Maybe (a, acc)) -> (a -> b -> c) -> acc -> T x -> T b -> T c zipWithCrochetL size f h a x y = crochetL (\(x0,y0) a0 -> do (z0,a1) <- f x0 a0 Just (h z0 y0, a1)) a (zip size x y) {-# INLINE crochetLCons #-} crochetLCons :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> acc -> Maybe (b, acc)) -> acc -> a -> T a -> T b crochetLCons f a0 x xs = maybe empty (\(y,a1) -> cons y (crochetL f a1 xs)) (f x a0) {-# INLINE reduceLCons #-} reduceLCons :: (Storable a) => (a -> acc -> Maybe acc) -> acc -> a -> T a -> acc reduceLCons f a0 x xs = maybe a0 (flip (reduceL f) xs) (f x a0) {-# RULES "Storable.zipWith/share" forall size (h :: a->a->b) (x :: T a). zipWith size h x x = map (\xi -> h xi xi) x ; -- "Storable.map/zipWith" forall size (f::c->d) (g::a->b->c) (x::T a) (y::T b). "Storable.map/zipWith" forall size f g x y. map f (zipWith size g x y) = zipWith size (\xi yi -> f (g xi yi)) x y ; -- this rule lets map run on a different block structure "Storable.zipWith/map,*" forall size f g x y. zipWith size g (map f x) y = zipWith size (\xi yi -> g (f xi) yi) x y ; "Storable.zipWith/*,map" forall size f g x y. zipWith size g x (map f y) = zipWith size (\xi yi -> g xi (f yi)) x y ; "Storable.drop/unfoldr" forall size f a n. drop n (unfoldr size f a) = dropUnfoldr size n (f,a) ; "Storable.take/unfoldr" forall size f a n. take n (unfoldr size f a) = -- takeUnfoldr size n (f,a) ; takeCrochet n (unfoldr size f a) ; "Storable.length/unfoldr" forall size f a. length (unfoldr size f a) = lengthUnfoldr (f,a) ; "Storable.map/unfoldr" forall size g f a. map g (unfoldr size f a) = -- mapUnfoldr size g (f,a) ; mapCrochet g (unfoldr size f a) ; "Storable.map/iterate" forall size g f a. map g (iterate size f a) = mapCrochet g (iterate size f a) ; {- "Storable.zipWith/unfoldr,unfoldr" forall sizeA sizeB f g h a b n. zipWith n h (unfoldr sizeA f a) (unfoldr sizeB g b) = zipWithUnfoldr2 n h (f,a) (g,b) ; -} -- block boundaries are changed here, so it changes lazy behaviour "Storable.zipWith/unfoldr,*" forall sizeA sizeB f h a y. zipWith sizeA h (unfoldr sizeB f a) y = zipWithUnfoldr f h a y ; -- block boundaries are changed here, so it changes lazy behaviour "Storable.zipWith/*,unfoldr" forall sizeA sizeB f h a y. zipWith sizeA h y (unfoldr sizeB f a) = zipWithUnfoldr f (flip h) a y ; "Storable.crochetL/unfoldr" forall size f g a b. crochetL g b (unfoldr size f a) = unfoldr size (\(a0,b0) -> do (y0,a1) <- f a0 (z0,b1) <- g y0 b0 Just (z0, (a1,b1))) (a,b) ; "Storable.reduceL/unfoldr" forall size f g a b. reduceL g b (unfoldr size f a) = snd (FList.recourse (\(a0,b0) -> do (y,a1) <- f a0 b1 <- g y b0 Just (a1, b1)) (a,b)) ; "Storable.crochetL/cons" forall g b x xs. crochetL g b (cons x xs) = crochetLCons g b x xs ; "Storable.reduceL/cons" forall g b x xs. reduceL g b (cons x xs) = reduceLCons g b x xs ; "Storable.take/crochetL" forall f a x n. take n (crochetL f a x) = takeCrochet n (crochetL f a x) ; "Storable.length/crochetL" forall f a x. length (crochetL f a x) = length x ; "Storable.map/crochetL" forall g f a x. map g (crochetL f a x) = mapCrochet g (crochetL f a x) ; "Storable.zipWith/crochetL,*" forall size f h a x y. zipWith size h (crochetL f a x) y = zipWithCrochetL size f h a x y ; "Storable.zipWith/*,crochetL" forall size f h a x y. zipWith size h y (crochetL f a x) = zipWithCrochetL size f (flip h) a x y ; "Storable.crochetL/crochetL" forall f g a b x. crochetL g b (crochetL f a x) = crochetL (\x0 (a0,b0) -> do (y0,a1) <- f x0 a0 (z0,b1) <- g y0 b0 Just (z0, (a1,b1))) (a,b) x ; "Storable.reduceL/crochetL" forall f g a b x. reduceL g b (crochetL f a x) = snd (reduceL (\x0 (a0,b0) -> do (y,a1) <- f x0 a0 b1 <- g y b0 Just (a1, b1)) (a,b) x) ; #-} -} {- * IO -} {- | Read the rest of a file lazily and provide the reason of termination as IOError. If IOError is EOF (check with @System.Error.isEOFError err@), then the file was read successfully. Only access the final IOError after you have consumed the file contents, since finding out the terminating reason forces to read the entire file. Make also sure you read the file completely, because it is only closed when the file end is reached (or an exception is encountered). TODO: In ByteString.Lazy the chunk size is reduced if data is not immediately available. Maybe we should adapt that behaviour but when working with realtime streams that may mean that the chunks are very small. -} hGetContentsAsync :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> Handle -> IO (IOError, Vector a) hGetContentsAsync (ChunkSize size) h = let go = unsafeInterleaveIO $ flip catch (\err -> return (err,[])) $ do v <- V.hGet h size if V.null v then hClose h >> return (Exc.mkIOError Exc.eofErrorType "StorableVector.Lazy.hGetContentsAsync" (Just h) Nothing, []) else liftM (\ ~(err,rest) -> (err, v:rest)) go {- unsafeInterleaveIO $ flip catch (\err -> return (err,[])) $ liftM2 (\ chunk ~(err,rest) -> (err,chunk:rest)) (V.hGet h size) go -} in fmap (mapSnd SV) go {- hGetContentsSync :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> Handle -> IO (IOError, Vector a) hGetContentsSync (ChunkSize size) h = let go = flip catch (\err -> return (err,[])) $ do v <- V.hGet h size if V.null v then return (Exc.mkIOError Exc.eofErrorType "StorableVector.Lazy.hGetContentsAsync" (Just h) Nothing, []) else liftM (\ ~(err,rest) -> (err, v:rest)) go in fmap (mapSnd SV) go -} hPut :: Storable a => Handle -> Vector a -> IO () hPut h = mapM_ (V.hPut h) . chunks {- *Data.StorableVector.Lazy> print . mapSnd (length :: Vector Data.Int.Int16 -> Int) =<< readFileAsync (ChunkSize 1000) "dist/build/libHSstorablevector-0.1.3.a" (dist/build/libHSstorablevector-0.1.3.a: hGetBuf: illegal operation (handle is closed),0) -} {- | The file can only closed after all values are consumed. That is you must always assert that you consume all elements of the stream, and that no values are missed due to lazy evaluation. This requirement makes this function useless in many applications. -} readFileAsync :: Storable a => ChunkSize -> FilePath -> IO (IOError, Vector a) readFileAsync size path = openBinaryFile path ReadMode >>= hGetContentsAsync size writeFile :: Storable a => FilePath -> Vector a -> IO () writeFile path = bracket (openBinaryFile path WriteMode) hClose . flip hPut appendFile :: Storable a => FilePath -> Vector a -> IO () appendFile path = bracket (openBinaryFile path AppendMode) hClose . flip hPut {-# NOINLINE moduleError #-} moduleError :: String -> String -> a moduleError fun msg = error ("Data.StorableVector.Lazy." List.++ fun List.++ ':':' ':msg)