{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-} {-| Module : Std.IO.UV Description : libuv operations Copyright : (c) Winterland, 2017-2018 License : BSD Maintainer : drkoster@qq.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable INTERNAL MODULE, provides all libuv side operations. -} module Std.IO.UV.FFI where import Data.Bits import Data.Int import Data.Word import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import GHC.Prim import Std.Foreign.PrimArray import Std.IO.Exception import Std.IO.SockAddr (SockAddr, SocketFamily (..)) import System.Posix.Types (CSsize (..)) import GHC.Generics #include "hs_uv.h" #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- libuv version foreign import ccall unsafe uv_version :: IO CUInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_version_string :: IO CString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type alias type UVSlot = Int -- | UVSlotUnSafe wrap a slot which may not have a 'MVar' in blocking table, -- i.e. the blocking table need to be resized. newtype UVSlotUnSafe = UVSlotUnSafe { unsafeGetSlot :: UVSlot } type UVFD = Int32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONSTANT pattern ACCEPT_BUFFER_SIZE :: Int pattern ACCEPT_BUFFER_SIZE = #const ACCEPT_BUFFER_SIZE pattern SO_REUSEPORT_LOAD_BALANCE :: Int pattern SO_REUSEPORT_LOAD_BALANCE = #const SO_REUSEPORT_LOAD_BALANCE pattern INIT_LOOP_SIZE :: Int pattern INIT_LOOP_SIZE = #const INIT_LOOP_SIZE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- loop data UVLoop data UVLoopData peekUVEventQueue :: Ptr UVLoopData -> IO (Int, Ptr Int) peekUVEventQueue p = (,) <$> (#{peek hs_loop_data, event_counter } p) <*> (#{peek hs_loop_data, event_queue } p) clearUVEventCounter :: Ptr UVLoopData -> IO () clearUVEventCounter p = do #{poke hs_loop_data, event_counter } p $ (0 :: Int) peekUVBufferTable :: Ptr UVLoopData -> IO (Ptr (Ptr Word8), Ptr CSsize) peekUVBufferTable p = (,) <$> (#{peek hs_loop_data, buffer_table } p) <*> (#{peek hs_loop_data, buffer_size_table } p) newtype UVRunMode = UVRunMode CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) pattern UV_RUN_DEFAULT :: UVRunMode pattern UV_RUN_DEFAULT = UVRunMode #{const UV_RUN_DEFAULT} pattern UV_RUN_ONCE :: UVRunMode pattern UV_RUN_ONCE = UVRunMode #{const UV_RUN_ONCE} pattern UV_RUN_NOWAIT :: UVRunMode pattern UV_RUN_NOWAIT = UVRunMode #{const UV_RUN_NOWAIT} -- | Peek loop data pointer from uv loop pointer. peekUVLoopData :: Ptr UVLoop -> IO (Ptr UVLoopData) peekUVLoopData p = #{peek uv_loop_t, data} p foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_loop_init :: Int -> IO (Ptr UVLoop) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_loop_close :: Ptr UVLoop -> IO () -- | uv_run with usafe FFI. foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_uv_run" uv_run :: Ptr UVLoop -> UVRunMode -> IO CInt -- | uv_run with safe FFI. foreign import ccall safe "hs_uv_run" uv_run_safe :: Ptr UVLoop -> UVRunMode -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_loop_alive :: Ptr UVLoop -> IO CInt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- thread safe wake up foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_wake_up_timer :: Ptr UVLoopData -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_wake_up_async :: Ptr UVLoopData -> IO CInt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- handle data UVHandle peekUVHandleData :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO UVSlotUnSafe peekUVHandleData p = UVSlotUnSafe <$> (#{peek uv_handle_t, data} p :: IO Int) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fileno :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO UVFD foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_handle_alloc :: Ptr UVLoop -> IO (Ptr UVHandle) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_handle_free :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_handle_close :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- request foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_cancel :: Ptr UVLoop -> UVSlot -> IO () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- stream foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_listen :: Ptr UVHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_listen_resume :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_read_start :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_write :: Ptr UVHandle -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_accept_check_alloc :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO (Ptr UVHandle) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_accept_check_init :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_accept_check_close :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO () -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tcp foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_tcp_open :: Ptr UVHandle -> UVFD -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tcp_init :: Ptr UVLoop -> Ptr UVHandle -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tcp_init_ex :: Ptr UVLoop -> Ptr UVHandle -> CUInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tcp_nodelay :: Ptr UVHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tcp_keepalive :: Ptr UVHandle -> CInt -> CUInt -> IO CInt uV_TCP_IPV6ONLY :: CUInt uV_TCP_IPV6ONLY = #{const UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY} foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tcp_bind :: Ptr UVHandle -> Ptr SockAddr -> CUInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_tcp_connect :: Ptr UVHandle -> Ptr SockAddr -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_set_socket_reuse :: Ptr UVHandle -> IO CInt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pipe foreign import ccall unsafe uv_pipe_init :: Ptr UVLoop -> Ptr UVHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tty newtype UVTTYMode = UVTTYMode CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) pattern UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL :: UVTTYMode pattern UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL = UVTTYMode #{const UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL} pattern UV_TTY_MODE_RAW :: UVTTYMode pattern UV_TTY_MODE_RAW = UVTTYMode #{const UV_TTY_MODE_RAW} pattern UV_TTY_MODE_IO :: UVTTYMode pattern UV_TTY_MODE_IO = UVTTYMode #{const UV_TTY_MODE_IO} foreign import ccall unsafe uv_tty_init :: Ptr UVLoop -> Ptr UVHandle -> CInt -> IO CInt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- fs newtype UVFileMode = UVFileMode CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) -- | 00700 user (file owner) has read, write and execute permission pattern S_IRWXU :: UVFileMode pattern S_IRWXU = UVFileMode #{const S_IRWXU} -- | 00400 user has read permission pattern S_IRUSR :: UVFileMode pattern S_IRUSR = UVFileMode #{const S_IRUSR} -- | 00200 user has write permission pattern S_IWUSR :: UVFileMode pattern S_IWUSR = UVFileMode #{const S_IWUSR} -- | 00100 user has execute permission pattern S_IXUSR :: UVFileMode pattern S_IXUSR = UVFileMode #{const S_IXUSR} -- | 00070 group has read, write and execute permission pattern S_IRWXG :: UVFileMode pattern S_IRWXG = UVFileMode #{const S_IRWXG} -- | 00040 group has read permission pattern S_IRGRP :: UVFileMode pattern S_IRGRP = UVFileMode #{const S_IRGRP} -- | 00020 group has write permission pattern S_IWGRP :: UVFileMode pattern S_IWGRP = UVFileMode #{const S_IWGRP} -- | 00010 group has execute permission pattern S_IXGRP :: UVFileMode pattern S_IXGRP = UVFileMode #{const S_IXGRP} -- | 00007 others have read, write and execute permission pattern S_IRWXO :: UVFileMode pattern S_IRWXO = UVFileMode #{const S_IRWXO} -- | 00004 others have read permission pattern S_IROTH :: UVFileMode pattern S_IROTH = UVFileMode #{const S_IROTH} -- | 00002 others have write permission pattern S_IWOTH :: UVFileMode pattern S_IWOTH = UVFileMode #{const S_IWOTH} -- | 00001 others have execute permission pattern S_IXOTH :: UVFileMode pattern S_IXOTH = UVFileMode #{const S_IXOTH} -- | Default mode for open, 0o666(readable and writable). pattern DEFAULT_MODE :: UVFileMode pattern DEFAULT_MODE = UVFileMode 0o666 -- non-threaded functions foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_open :: CString -> UVFileFlag -> UVFileMode -> IO UVFD foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_close :: UVFD -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_read :: UVFD -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int64 -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_write :: UVFD -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int64 -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_unlink :: CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_mkdir :: CString -> UVFileMode -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_rmdir :: CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_mkdtemp :: CString -> Int -> CString -> IO Int -- threaded functions foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_open_threaded :: CString -> UVFileFlag -> UVFileMode -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_close_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_read_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int64 -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_write_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int64 -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_unlink_threaded :: CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_mkdir_threaded :: CString -> UVFileMode -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_rmdir_threaded :: CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_mkdtemp_threaded :: CString -> Int -> CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe newtype UVFileFlag = UVFileFlag CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) -- | The file is opened in append mode. Before each write, the file offset is positioned at the end of the file. pattern O_APPEND :: UVFileFlag pattern O_APPEND = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_APPEND} -- | The file is created if it does not already exist. pattern O_CREAT :: UVFileFlag pattern O_CREAT = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_CREAT} -- | File IO is done directly to and from user-space buffers, which must be aligned. Buffer size and address should be a multiple of the physical sector size of the block device, (DO NOT USE WITH stdio's @BufferedIO@) pattern O_DIRECT :: UVFileFlag pattern O_DIRECT = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_DIRECT} -- | If the path is not a directory, fail the open. (Not useful on regular file) -- -- Note 'o_DIRECTORY' is not supported on Windows. pattern O_DIRECTORY :: UVFileFlag pattern O_DIRECTORY = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_DIRECTORY} -- |The file is opened for synchronous IO. Write operations will complete once all data and a minimum of metadata are flushed to disk. -- -- Note 'o_DSYNC' is supported on Windows via @FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH@. pattern O_DSYNC :: UVFileFlag pattern O_DSYNC = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_DSYNC} -- | If the 'o_CREAT' flag is set and the file already exists, fail the open. -- -- Note In general, the behavior of 'o_EXCL' is undefined if it is used without 'o_CREAT'. There is one exception: on -- Linux 2.6 and later, 'o_EXCL' can be used without 'o_CREAT' if pathname refers to a block device. If the block -- device is in use by the system (e.g., mounted), the open will fail with the error @EBUSY@. pattern O_EXCL :: UVFileFlag pattern O_EXCL = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_EXCL} -- | Atomically obtain an exclusive lock. -- -- Note UV_FS_O_EXLOCK is only supported on macOS and Windows. -- (libuv: Changed in version 1.17.0: support is added for Windows.) pattern O_EXLOCK :: UVFileFlag pattern O_EXLOCK = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_EXLOCK} -- | Do not update the file access time when the file is read. -- -- Note 'o_NOATIME' is not supported on Windows. pattern O_NOATIME :: UVFileFlag pattern O_NOATIME = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_NOATIME} -- | If the path identifies a terminal device, opening the path will not cause that terminal to become the controlling terminal for the process (if the process does not already have one). (Not sure if this flag is useful) -- -- Note 'o_NOCTTY' is not supported on Windows. pattern O_NOCTTY :: UVFileFlag pattern O_NOCTTY = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_NOCTTY} -- | If the path is a symbolic link, fail the open. -- -- Note 'o_NOFOLLOW' is not supported on Windows. pattern O_NOFOLLOW :: UVFileFlag pattern O_NOFOLLOW = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_NOFOLLOW} -- | Open the file in nonblocking mode if possible. (Definitely not useful with stdio) -- -- Note 'o_NONBLOCK' is not supported on Windows. (Not useful on regular file anyway) pattern O_NONBLOCK :: UVFileFlag pattern O_NONBLOCK = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_NONBLOCK} -- | Access is intended to be random. The system can use this as a hint to optimize file caching. -- -- Note 'o_RANDOM' is only supported on Windows via @FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS@. pattern O_RANDOM :: UVFileFlag pattern O_RANDOM = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_RANDOM} -- | Open the file for read-only access. pattern O_RDONLY :: UVFileFlag pattern O_RDONLY = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_RDONLY} -- | Open the file for read-write access. pattern O_RDWR :: UVFileFlag pattern O_RDWR = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_RDWR} -- | Access is intended to be sequential from beginning to end. The system can use this as a hint to optimize file caching. -- -- Note 'o_SEQUENTIAL' is only supported on Windows via @FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN@. pattern O_SEQUENTIAL :: UVFileFlag pattern O_SEQUENTIAL = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_SEQUENTIAL} -- | The file is temporary and should not be flushed to disk if possible. -- -- Note 'o_SHORT_LIVED' is only supported on Windows via @FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY@. pattern O_SHORT_LIVED :: UVFileFlag pattern O_SHORT_LIVED = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_SHORT_LIVED} -- | Open the symbolic link itself rather than the resource it points to. pattern O_SYMLINK :: UVFileFlag pattern O_SYMLINK = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_SYMLINK} -- | The file is opened for synchronous IO. Write operations will complete once all data and all metadata are flushed to disk. -- -- Note 'o_SYNC' is supported on Windows via @FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH@. pattern O_SYNC :: UVFileFlag pattern O_SYNC = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_SYNC} -- | The file is temporary and should not be flushed to disk if possible. -- -- Note 'o_TEMPORARY' is only supported on Windows via @FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY@. pattern O_TEMPORARY :: UVFileFlag pattern O_TEMPORARY = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_TEMPORARY} -- | If the file exists and is a regular file, and the file is opened successfully for write access, its length shall be truncated to zero. pattern O_TRUNC :: UVFileFlag pattern O_TRUNC = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_TRUNC} -- | Open the file for write-only access. pattern O_WRONLY :: UVFileFlag pattern O_WRONLY = UVFileFlag #{const UV_FS_O_WRONLY} #if defined(_WIN32) newtype UVDirEntType = UVDirEntType CInt #else newtype UVDirEntType = UVDirEntType CChar #endif deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) data DirEntType = DirEntUnknown | DirEntFile | DirEntDir | DirEntLink | DirEntFIFO | DirEntSocket | DirEntChar | DirEntBlock deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) fromUVDirEntType :: UVDirEntType -> DirEntType fromUVDirEntType t | t == uV__DT_FILE = DirEntFile | t == uV__DT_DIR = DirEntDir | t == uV__DT_LINK = DirEntLink | t == uV__DT_FIFO = DirEntFIFO | t == uV__DT_SOCKET = DirEntSocket | t == uV__DT_CHAR = DirEntChar | t == uV__DT_BLOCK = DirEntBlock | otherwise = DirEntUnknown #{enum UVDirEntType, UVDirEntType, uV__DT_FILE = UV__DT_FILE, uV__DT_DIR = UV__DT_DIR, uV__DT_LINK = UV__DT_LINK, uV__DT_FIFO = UV__DT_FIFO, uV__DT_SOCKET = UV__DT_SOCKET, uV__DT_CHAR = UV__DT_CHAR, uV__DT_BLOCK = UV__DT_BLOCK} data UVDirEnt peekUVDirEnt :: Ptr UVDirEnt -> IO (CString, UVDirEntType) #ifdef HAVE_DIRENT_TYPES peekUVDirEnt p = (,) (#{ptr hs_uv__dirent_t, d_name } p) <$> (#{peek hs_uv__dirent_t, d_type } p) #else peekUVDirEnt p = return ((#{ptr hs_uv__dirent_t, d_name } p), #{const DT_UNKNOWN}) #endif foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_scandir_cleanup :: Ptr (Ptr UVDirEnt) -> Int -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_scandir :: CString -> MBA## (Ptr UVDirEnt) -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_scandir_extra_cleanup :: Ptr (Ptr (Ptr UVDirEnt)) -> Int -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_scandir_threaded :: CString -> Ptr (Ptr (Ptr UVDirEnt)) -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe data UVTimeSpec = UVTimeSpec { uvtSecond :: {-# UNPACK #-} !CLong , uvtNanoSecond :: {-# UNPACK #-} !CLong } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic) instance Storable UVTimeSpec where sizeOf _ = #{size uv_timespec_t} alignment _ = #{alignment uv_timespec_t} peek p = UVTimeSpec <$> (#{peek uv_timespec_t, tv_sec } p) <*> (#{peek uv_timespec_t, tv_nsec } p) poke p (UVTimeSpec sec nsec) = do (#{poke uv_timespec_t, tv_sec } p sec) (#{poke uv_timespec_t, tv_nsec } p nsec) data UVStat = UVStat { stDev :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stMode :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stNlink :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stUid :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stGid :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stRdev :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stIno :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stBlksize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stBlocks :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stFlags :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stGen :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 , stAtim :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UVTimeSpec , stMtim :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UVTimeSpec , stCtim :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UVTimeSpec , stBirthtim :: {-# UNPACK #-} !UVTimeSpec } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic) uvStatSize :: Int uvStatSize = #{size uv_stat_t} peekUVStat :: Ptr UVStat -> IO UVStat peekUVStat p = UVStat <$> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_dev } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_mode } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_nlink } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_uid } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_gid } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_rdev } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_ino } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_size } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_blksize } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_blocks } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_flags } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_gen } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_atim } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_mtim } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_ctim } p) <*> (#{peek uv_stat_t, st_birthtim } p) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_stat :: CString -> Ptr UVStat -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fstat :: UVFD -> Ptr UVStat -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_lstat :: CString -> Ptr UVStat -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_rename :: CString -> CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fsync :: UVFD -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fdatasync :: UVFD -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_ftruncate :: UVFD -> Int64 -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_stat_threaded :: CString -> Ptr UVStat -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fstat_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr UVStat -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_lstat_threaded :: CString -> Ptr UVStat -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_rename_threaded :: CString -> CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fsync_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fdatasync_threaded :: UVFD -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_ftruncate_threaded :: UVFD -> Int64 -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe -- | Flags control copying. -- -- * 'COPYFILE_EXCL': If present, uv_fs_copyfile() will fail with UV_EEXIST if the destination path already exists. The default behavior is to overwrite the destination if it exists. -- * 'COPYFILE_FICLONE': If present, uv_fs_copyfile() will attempt to create a copy-on-write reflink. If the underlying platform does not support copy-on-write, then a fallback copy mechanism is used. -- newtype UVCopyFileFlag = UVCopyFileFlag CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) pattern COPYFILE_DEFAULT :: UVCopyFileFlag pattern COPYFILE_DEFAULT = UVCopyFileFlag 0 pattern COPYFILE_EXCL :: UVCopyFileFlag pattern COPYFILE_EXCL = UVCopyFileFlag #{const UV_FS_COPYFILE_EXCL} pattern COPYFILE_FICLONE :: UVCopyFileFlag #ifdef UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE pattern COPYFILE_FICLONE = UVCopyFileFlag #{const UV_FS_COPYFILE_FICLONE} #else pattern COPYFILE_FICLONE = UVCopyFileFlag 0 -- fallback to normal copy. #endif foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_copyfile :: CString -> CString -> UVCopyFileFlag -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_copyfile_threaded :: CString -> CString -> UVCopyFileFlag -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe newtype UVAccessMode = UVAccessMode CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) pattern F_OK :: UVAccessMode pattern F_OK = UVAccessMode #{const F_OK} pattern R_OK :: UVAccessMode pattern R_OK = UVAccessMode #{const R_OK} pattern W_OK :: UVAccessMode pattern W_OK = UVAccessMode #{const W_OK} pattern X_OK :: UVAccessMode pattern X_OK = UVAccessMode #{const X_OK} data AccessResult = NoExistence | NoPermission | AccessOK deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_access :: CString -> UVAccessMode -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_access_threaded :: CString -> UVAccessMode -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_chmod :: CString -> UVFileMode -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_chmod_threaded :: CString -> UVFileMode -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fchmod :: UVFD -> UVFileMode -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_fchmod_threaded :: UVFD -> UVFileMode -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_utime :: CString -> Double -> Double -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_utime_threaded :: CString -> Double -> Double -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_futime :: UVFD -> Double -> Double -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_futime_threaded :: UVFD -> Double -> Double -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe newtype UVSymlinkFlag = UVSymlinkFlag CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, FiniteBits, Bits, Storable) pattern SYMLINK_DEFAULT :: UVSymlinkFlag pattern SYMLINK_DEFAULT = UVSymlinkFlag 0 pattern SYMLINK_DIR :: UVSymlinkFlag pattern SYMLINK_DIR = UVSymlinkFlag #{const UV_FS_SYMLINK_DIR} pattern SYMLINK_JUNCTION :: UVSymlinkFlag pattern SYMLINK_JUNCTION = UVSymlinkFlag #{const UV_FS_SYMLINK_JUNCTION} foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_link :: CString -> CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_link_threaded :: CString -> CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_symlink :: CString -> CString -> UVSymlinkFlag -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_symlink_threaded :: CString -> CString -> UVSymlinkFlag -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe -- readlink and realpath share the same cleanup and callback foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_readlink_cleanup :: CString -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_readlink :: CString -> MBA## CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_realpath :: CString -> MBA## CString -> IO Int foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_readlink_extra_cleanup :: Ptr CString -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_readlink_threaded :: CString -> Ptr CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe foreign import ccall unsafe hs_uv_fs_realpath_threaded :: CString -> Ptr CString -> Ptr UVLoop -> IO UVSlotUnSafe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- misc newtype UVHandleType = UVHandleType CInt deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Storable) pattern UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE = UVHandleType #{const UV_UNKNOWN_HANDLE} pattern UV_ASYNC :: UVHandleType pattern UV_ASYNC = UVHandleType #{const UV_ASYNC} pattern UV_CHECK :: UVHandleType pattern UV_CHECK = UVHandleType #{const UV_CHECK} pattern UV_FS_EVENT :: UVHandleType pattern UV_FS_EVENT = UVHandleType #{const UV_FS_EVENT} pattern UV_FS_POLL :: UVHandleType pattern UV_FS_POLL = UVHandleType #{const UV_FS_POLL} pattern UV_HANDLE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_HANDLE = UVHandleType #{const UV_HANDLE} pattern UV_IDLE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_IDLE = UVHandleType #{const UV_IDLE} pattern UV_NAMED_PIPE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_NAMED_PIPE = UVHandleType #{const UV_NAMED_PIPE} pattern UV_POLL :: UVHandleType pattern UV_POLL = UVHandleType #{const UV_POLL} pattern UV_PREPARE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_PREPARE = UVHandleType #{const UV_PREPARE} pattern UV_PROCESS :: UVHandleType pattern UV_PROCESS = UVHandleType #{const UV_PROCESS} pattern UV_STREAM :: UVHandleType pattern UV_STREAM = UVHandleType #{const UV_STREAM} pattern UV_TCP :: UVHandleType pattern UV_TCP = UVHandleType #{const UV_TCP} pattern UV_TIMER :: UVHandleType pattern UV_TIMER = UVHandleType #{const UV_TIMER} pattern UV_TTY :: UVHandleType pattern UV_TTY = UVHandleType #{const UV_TTY} pattern UV_UDP :: UVHandleType pattern UV_UDP = UVHandleType #{const UV_UDP} pattern UV_SIGNAL :: UVHandleType pattern UV_SIGNAL = UVHandleType #{const UV_SIGNAL} pattern UV_FILE :: UVHandleType pattern UV_FILE = UVHandleType #{const UV_FILE} foreign import ccall unsafe uv_guess_handle :: UVFD -> IO UVHandleType