-- |
-- Module      :  Static.Resources
-- Copyright   :  (c) Scrive 2012
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the LICENSE file in the distribution)
-- Maintainer  :  mariusz@scrive.com
-- Stability   :  development
-- Portability :  portable
-- Put resources.spec into your public HTTP directory. List there your
-- css, less and js files. Devide them over some sets.
-- Sample resources.spec:
-- > set mainPage
-- >  css mainPage.css
-- >  js  mainPage.js
-- >  js  jQuery.js
-- Usage:
-- > do
-- > rs <- getResourceSetsForImport Development "public/resources.js" ""
-- > return "<html><head>"++(htmlImportList "mainPage" rs)++"</head><body/></html>"

module Static.Resources
  ( -- * Main interface
  , getResourceSetsForImport
  , cleanResourceFiles
  -- * Parsing specification
  , ResourceSpec
  , parseSpec
  -- * Check if your spec file is compleate and consistent with FS
  , check
  --  | Generation
  , ImportType(..)
  , ResourceSetsForImport(..)
  , generateResources
  , resourcesMTime
  ) where

import Static.Resources.Types
import Static.Resources.Spec
import Static.Resources.Checker
import Static.Resources.Generation
import Static.Resources.Import

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar

-- | Make 'ResourceSetsForImport' ready. It will generate aggregated
--   css and js files if needed.  It will change directory to one of
--   spec file. Aggregated files will be placed there.
--   Will change back to original dir when done.
getResourceSetsForImport :: ImportType -- ^ Import for production or dev.
                         -> FilePath   -- ^ Configuration file.
                         -> FilePath   -- ^ Outputted import declaration path prefix (if any).
                         -> IO (Either String ResourceSetsForImport)
getResourceSetsForImport it fp pathPrefix = do
  spec <- parseSpec fp
    cleanResourceFiles (takeDirectory fp) spec
    res <- runErrorT $ do
        when (null $ sets spec) $ throwError "No resource sets are defined"
        checkRes <- lift $ check (takeDirectory fp) spec
        either (throwError . ("Error while checking spec. Error : " ++))
               (const (return ()))
        lift $ generateResources it (takeDirectory fp) spec pathPrefix
    case res of
         Left s -> putStrLn $ "Static resource generation failed. " ++ s
         Right (ResourceSetsForImport rs _) ->
           putStrLn $ "Static resource generation done. Generated " ++
                       show (length rs) ++ " sets."
    return res

-- | Cleans all files that could be created by this system based on
-- spec. It requires current directory to be in specification file
-- directory
cleanResourceFiles :: String -> ResourceSpec -> IO ()
cleanResourceFiles dir = getGeneratedFiles dir >=> mapM_ removeFile

-- | Get the static generated files.
getGeneratedFiles :: String -> ResourceSpec -> IO [FilePath]
getGeneratedFiles dir spec = do
  mainFiles <- fmap (filter (\fn -> any (`isPrefixOf` fn) (map name (sets spec)) && isStaticResourceFile fn))
            (getDirectoryContents dir)
  let potentialCompiledLessLocalFiles = map (\r -> dir ++ "/" ++ (path r) ++ ".css") $ filter (\r -> LESS == rtype r) $ concatMap resources $ sets spec
  compiledLessLocalFiles <- forM potentialCompiledLessLocalFiles $ \fn -> do
    exists <- doesFileExist fn
    if (exists)
       then return $ Just fn
       else return $ Nothing
  return $ (map (\r -> dir ++ "/" ++  r) mainFiles) ++ (nub $ map fromJust $ filter isJust compiledLessLocalFiles)

-- | Time when last resource file was changed. Param is configuration file location (same that was used for generation).
-- This time can be compared to 'generationTime' of  'ResourceSetsForImport'
resourcesMTime :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
resourcesMTime fp = resourcesMTime' (takeDirectory fp)

resourcesMTime' :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
resourcesMTime' fp = do
    fs <- getDirectoryContents fp
    let zeroTime = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) 0
    fmap maximum $ forM fs $ \f  -> do
            isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (fp ++ "/" ++f)
            case ("." == f || ".." == f, isDirectory, isStaticResourceFile f) of
                (True,_,_) -> return zeroTime
                (_,True,_) -> resourcesMTime' $ fp ++ "/" ++f
                (_,_,True) -> getModificationTime $ fp ++ "/" ++ f
                (_,_,_) -> return zeroTime