{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} #endif -- | Main stack tool entry point. module Main (main) where #ifndef HIDE_DEP_VERSIONS import qualified Build_stack #endif import Stack.Prelude import Control.Monad.Reader (local) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT) import Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy (Writer) import Data.Attoparsec.Args (parseArgs, EscapingMode (Escaping)) import Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter (getInterpreterArgs) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.IORef.RunOnce (runOnce) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Version (showVersion) import System.Process.Read #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO import Development.GitRev (gitCommitCount, gitHash) #endif import Distribution.System (buildArch, buildPlatform) import qualified Distribution.Text as Cabal (display) import Distribution.Version (mkVersion') import GHC.IO.Encoding (mkTextEncoding, textEncodingName) import Lens.Micro import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative.Help (errorHelp, stringChunk, vcatChunks) import Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra import Options.Applicative.Complicated #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO import Options.Applicative.Simple (simpleVersion) #endif import Options.Applicative.Types (ParserHelp(..)) import Path import Path.IO import qualified Paths_stack as Meta import Stack.Build import Stack.Clean (CleanOpts(..), clean) import Stack.Config import Stack.ConfigCmd as ConfigCmd import Stack.Constants import Stack.Constants.Config import Stack.Coverage import qualified Stack.Docker as Docker import Stack.Dot import Stack.Exec import Stack.GhcPkg (findGhcPkgField) import qualified Stack.Nix as Nix import Stack.Fetch import Stack.FileWatch import Stack.Ghci import Stack.Hoogle import qualified Stack.IDE as IDE import qualified Stack.Image as Image import Stack.Init import Stack.New import Stack.Options.BuildParser import Stack.Options.CleanParser import Stack.Options.DockerParser import Stack.Options.DotParser import Stack.Options.ExecParser import Stack.Options.GhciParser import Stack.Options.GlobalParser import Stack.Options.HpcReportParser import Stack.Options.NewParser import Stack.Options.NixParser import Stack.Options.ScriptParser import Stack.Options.SDistParser import Stack.Options.SolverParser import Stack.Options.Utils import qualified Stack.PackageIndex import qualified Stack.Path import Stack.PrettyPrint import Stack.Runners import Stack.Script import Stack.SDist (getSDistTarball, checkSDistTarball, checkSDistTarball', SDistOpts(..)) import Stack.SetupCmd import qualified Stack.Sig as Sig import Stack.Snapshot (loadResolver) import Stack.Solver (solveExtraDeps) import Stack.Types.Version import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.Compiler import Stack.Types.Nix import Stack.Upgrade import qualified Stack.Upload as Upload import qualified System.Directory as D import System.Environment (getProgName, getArgs, withArgs) import System.Exit import System.FilePath (isValid, pathSeparator) import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice, stderr, stdin, stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(..), hPutStrLn, hGetEncoding, hSetEncoding) -- | Change the character encoding of the given Handle to transliterate -- on unsupported characters instead of throwing an exception hSetTranslit :: Handle -> IO () hSetTranslit h = do menc <- hGetEncoding h case fmap textEncodingName menc of Just name | '/' `notElem` name -> do enc' <- mkTextEncoding $ name ++ "//TRANSLIT" hSetEncoding h enc' _ -> return () versionString' :: String #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO versionString' = concat $ concat [ [$(simpleVersion Meta.version)] -- Leave out number of commits for --depth=1 clone -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/792 , [" (" ++ commitCount ++ " commits)" | commitCount /= ("1"::String) && commitCount /= ("UNKNOWN" :: String)] , [" ", Cabal.display buildArch] , [depsString, warningString] ] where commitCount = $gitCommitCount #else versionString' = showVersion Meta.version ++ ' ' : Cabal.display buildArch ++ depsString ++ warningString where #endif #ifdef HIDE_DEP_VERSIONS depsString = " hpack-" ++ VERSION_hpack #else depsString = "\nCompiled with:\n" ++ unlines (map ("- " ++) Build_stack.deps) #endif #ifdef SUPPORTED_BUILD warningString = "" #else warningString = unlines [ "" , "Warning: this is an unsupported build that may have been built with different" , "versions of dependencies and GHC than the officially release binaries, and" , "therefore may not behave identically. If you encounter problems, please try" , "the latest official build by running 'stack upgrade --force-download'." ] #endif main :: IO () main = do -- Line buffer the output by default, particularly for non-terminal runs. -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/360 hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering hSetTranslit stdout hSetTranslit stderr args <- getArgs progName <- getProgName isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout execExtraHelp args Docker.dockerHelpOptName (dockerOptsParser False) ("Only showing --" ++ Docker.dockerCmdName ++ "* options.") execExtraHelp args Nix.nixHelpOptName (nixOptsParser False) ("Only showing --" ++ Nix.nixCmdName ++ "* options.") currentDir <- D.getCurrentDirectory eGlobalRun <- try $ commandLineHandler currentDir progName False case eGlobalRun of Left (exitCode :: ExitCode) -> throwIO exitCode Right (globalMonoid,run) -> do let global = globalOptsFromMonoid isTerminal globalMonoid when (globalLogLevel global == LevelDebug) $ hPutStrLn stderr versionString' case globalReExecVersion global of Just expectVersion -> do expectVersion' <- parseVersionFromString expectVersion unless (checkVersion MatchMinor expectVersion' (fromCabalVersion (mkVersion' Meta.version))) $ throwIO $ InvalidReExecVersion expectVersion (showVersion Meta.version) _ -> return () run global `catch` \e -> -- This special handler stops "stack: " from being printed before the -- exception case fromException e of Just ec -> exitWith ec Nothing -> do printExceptionStderr e exitFailure -- Vertically combine only the error component of the first argument with the -- error component of the second. vcatErrorHelp :: ParserHelp -> ParserHelp -> ParserHelp vcatErrorHelp h1 h2 = h2 { helpError = vcatChunks [helpError h2, helpError h1] } commandLineHandler :: FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO (GlobalOptsMonoid, GlobalOpts -> IO ()) commandLineHandler currentDir progName isInterpreter = complicatedOptions Meta.version (Just versionString') VERSION_hpack "stack - The Haskell Tool Stack" "" "stack's documentation is available at https://docs.haskellstack.org/" (globalOpts OuterGlobalOpts) (Just failureCallback) addCommands where failureCallback f args = case stripPrefix "Invalid argument" (fst (renderFailure f "")) of Just _ -> if isInterpreter then parseResultHandler args f else secondaryCommandHandler args f >>= interpreterHandler currentDir args Nothing -> parseResultHandler args f parseResultHandler args f = if isInterpreter then do let hlp = errorHelp $ stringChunk (unwords ["Error executing interpreter command:" , progName , unwords args]) handleParseResult (overFailure (vcatErrorHelp hlp) (Failure f)) else handleParseResult (Failure f) addCommands = do unless isInterpreter (do addBuildCommand' "build" "Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration" buildCmd (buildOptsParser Build) addBuildCommand' "install" "Shortcut for 'build --copy-bins'" buildCmd (buildOptsParser Install) addCommand' "uninstall" "DEPRECATED: This command performs no actions, and is present for documentation only" uninstallCmd (many $ strArgument $ metavar "IGNORED") addBuildCommand' "test" "Shortcut for 'build --test'" buildCmd (buildOptsParser Test) addBuildCommand' "bench" "Shortcut for 'build --bench'" buildCmd (buildOptsParser Bench) addBuildCommand' "haddock" "Shortcut for 'build --haddock'" buildCmd (buildOptsParser Haddock) addCommand' "new" (unwords [ "Create a new project from a template." , "Run `stack templates' to see available templates." , "Note: you can also specify a local file or a" , "remote URL as a template." ] ) newCmd newOptsParser addCommand' "templates" (unwords [ "List the templates available for `stack new'." , "Templates are drawn from" , "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack-templates" , "Note: `stack new' can also accept a template from a" , "local file or a remote URL." ] ) templatesCmd (pure ()) addCommand' "init" "Create stack project config from cabal or hpack package specifications" initCmd initOptsParser addCommand' "solver" "Add missing extra-deps to stack project config" solverCmd solverOptsParser addCommand' "setup" "Get the appropriate GHC for your project" setupCmd setupParser addCommand' "path" "Print out handy path information" pathCmd Stack.Path.pathParser addCommand' "unpack" "Unpack one or more packages locally" unpackCmd (some $ strArgument $ metavar "PACKAGE") addCommand' "update" "Update the package index" updateCmd (pure ()) addCommand' "upgrade" "Upgrade to the latest stack" upgradeCmd upgradeOpts addCommand' "upload" "Upload a package to Hackage" uploadCmd (sdistOptsParser True) addCommand' "sdist" "Create source distribution tarballs" sdistCmd (sdistOptsParser False) addCommand' "dot" "Visualize your project's dependency graph using Graphviz dot" dotCmd (dotOptsParser False) -- Default for --external is False. addCommand' "ghc" "Run ghc" execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecGhc) addCommand' "hoogle" ("Run hoogle, the Haskell API search engine. Use 'stack exec' syntax " ++ "to pass Hoogle arguments, e.g. stack hoogle -- --count=20") hoogleCmd ((,,) <$> many (strArgument (metavar "ARG")) <*> boolFlags True "setup" "If needed: install hoogle, build haddocks and generate a hoogle database" idm <*> switch (long "rebuild" <> help "Rebuild the hoogle database")) ) -- These are the only commands allowed in interpreter mode as well addCommand' "exec" "Execute a command" execCmd (execOptsParser Nothing) addGhciCommand' "ghci" "Run ghci in the context of package(s) (experimental)" ghciCmd ghciOptsParser addGhciCommand' "repl" "Run ghci in the context of package(s) (experimental) (alias for 'ghci')" ghciCmd ghciOptsParser addCommand' "runghc" "Run runghc" execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecRunGhc) addCommand' "runhaskell" "Run runghc (alias for 'runghc')" execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecRunGhc) addCommand' "script" "Run a Stack Script" scriptCmd scriptOptsParser unless isInterpreter (do addCommand' "eval" "Evaluate some haskell code inline. Shortcut for 'stack exec ghc -- -e CODE'" evalCmd (evalOptsParser "CODE") addCommand' "clean" "Clean the local packages" cleanCmd cleanOptsParser addCommand' "list-dependencies" "List the dependencies" listDependenciesCmd listDepsOptsParser addCommand' "query" "Query general build information (experimental)" queryCmd (many $ strArgument $ metavar "SELECTOR...") addSubCommands' "ide" "IDE-specific commands" (do addCommand' "packages" "List all available local loadable packages" idePackagesCmd (pure ()) addCommand' "targets" "List all available stack targets" ideTargetsCmd (pure ())) addSubCommands' Docker.dockerCmdName "Subcommands specific to Docker use" (do addCommand' Docker.dockerPullCmdName "Pull latest version of Docker image from registry" dockerPullCmd (pure ()) addCommand' "reset" "Reset the Docker sandbox" dockerResetCmd (switch (long "keep-home" <> help "Do not delete sandbox's home directory")) addCommand' Docker.dockerCleanupCmdName "Clean up Docker images and containers" dockerCleanupCmd dockerCleanupOptsParser) addSubCommands' ConfigCmd.cfgCmdName "Subcommands specific to modifying stack.yaml files" (addCommand' ConfigCmd.cfgCmdSetName "Sets a field in the project's stack.yaml to value" cfgSetCmd configCmdSetParser) addSubCommands' Image.imgCmdName "Subcommands specific to imaging" (addCommand' Image.imgDockerCmdName "Build a Docker image for the project" imgDockerCmd ((,) <$> boolFlags True "build" "building the project before creating the container" idm <*> many (textOption (long "image" <> help "A specific container image name to build")))) addSubCommands' "hpc" "Subcommands specific to Haskell Program Coverage" (addCommand' "report" "Generate unified HPC coverage report from tix files and project targets" hpcReportCmd hpcReportOptsParser) ) where -- addCommand hiding global options addCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> GlobalOpts -> IO ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) addSubCommands' :: String -> String -> AddCommand -> AddCommand addSubCommands' cmd title = addSubCommands cmd title globalFooter (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) -- Additional helper that hides global options and shows build options addBuildCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> GlobalOpts -> IO ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addBuildCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (globalOpts BuildCmdGlobalOpts) -- Additional helper that hides global options and shows some ghci options addGhciCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> GlobalOpts -> IO ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addGhciCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (globalOpts GhciCmdGlobalOpts) globalOpts :: GlobalOptsContext -> Parser GlobalOptsMonoid globalOpts kind = extraHelpOption hide progName (Docker.dockerCmdName ++ "*") Docker.dockerHelpOptName <*> extraHelpOption hide progName (Nix.nixCmdName ++ "*") Nix.nixHelpOptName <*> globalOptsParser currentDir kind (if isInterpreter -- Silent except when errors occur - see #2879 then Just LevelError else Nothing) where hide = kind /= OuterGlobalOpts globalFooter = "Run 'stack --help' for global options that apply to all subcommands." type AddCommand = ExceptT (GlobalOpts -> IO ()) (Writer (Mod CommandFields (GlobalOpts -> IO (), GlobalOptsMonoid))) () -- | fall-through to external executables in `git` style if they exist -- (i.e. `stack something` looks for `stack-something` before -- failing with "Invalid argument `something'") secondaryCommandHandler :: [String] -> ParserFailure ParserHelp -> IO (ParserFailure ParserHelp) secondaryCommandHandler args f = -- don't even try when the argument looks like a path or flag if elem pathSeparator cmd || "-" `isPrefixOf` head args then return f else do mExternalExec <- D.findExecutable cmd case mExternalExec of Just ex -> do menv <- getEnvOverride buildPlatform -- TODO show the command in verbose mode -- hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords $ -- ["Running", "[" ++ ex, unwords (tail args) ++ "]"] _ <- runNoLogging (exec menv ex (tail args)) return f Nothing -> return $ fmap (vcatErrorHelp (noSuchCmd cmd)) f where -- FIXME this is broken when any options are specified before the command -- e.g. stack --verbosity silent cmd cmd = stackProgName ++ "-" ++ head args noSuchCmd name = errorHelp $ stringChunk ("Auxiliary command not found in path `" ++ name ++ "'") interpreterHandler :: Monoid t => FilePath -> [String] -> ParserFailure ParserHelp -> IO (GlobalOptsMonoid, (GlobalOpts -> IO (), t)) interpreterHandler currentDir args f = do -- args can include top-level config such as --extra-lib-dirs=... (set by -- nix-shell) - we need to find the first argument which is a file, everything -- afterwards is an argument to the script, everything before is an argument -- to Stack (stackArgs, fileArgs) <- spanM (fmap not . D.doesFileExist) args case fileArgs of (file:fileArgs') -> runInterpreterCommand file stackArgs fileArgs' [] -> parseResultHandler (errorCombine (noSuchFile firstArg)) where firstArg = head args spanM _ [] = return ([], []) spanM p xs@(x:xs') = do r <- p x if r then do (ys, zs) <- spanM p xs' return (x:ys, zs) else return ([], xs) -- if the first argument contains a path separator then it might be a file, -- or a Stack option referencing a file. In that case we only show the -- interpreter error message and exclude the command related error messages. errorCombine = if pathSeparator `elem` firstArg then overrideErrorHelp else vcatErrorHelp overrideErrorHelp h1 h2 = h2 { helpError = helpError h1 } parseResultHandler fn = handleParseResult (overFailure fn (Failure f)) noSuchFile name = errorHelp $ stringChunk ("File does not exist or is not a regular file `" ++ name ++ "'") runInterpreterCommand path stackArgs fileArgs = do progName <- getProgName iargs <- getInterpreterArgs path let parseCmdLine = commandLineHandler currentDir progName True separator = if "--" `elem` iargs then [] else ["--"] cmdArgs = stackArgs ++ iargs ++ separator ++ path : fileArgs -- TODO show the command in verbose mode -- hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords $ -- ["Running", "[" ++ progName, unwords cmdArgs ++ "]"] (a,b) <- withArgs cmdArgs parseCmdLine return (a,(b,mempty)) pathCmd :: [Text] -> GlobalOpts -> IO () pathCmd keys go = withBuildConfig go (Stack.Path.path keys) setupCmd :: SetupCmdOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () setupCmd sco@SetupCmdOpts{..} go@GlobalOpts{..} = loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> do when (isJust scoUpgradeCabal && nixEnable (configNix (lcConfig lc))) $ do throwIO UpgradeCabalUnusable withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \lk -> do let getCompilerVersion = loadCompilerVersion go lc runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Docker.reexecWithOptionalContainer (lcProjectRoot lc) Nothing (runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Nix.reexecWithOptionalShell (lcProjectRoot lc) getCompilerVersion $ do (wantedCompiler, compilerCheck, mstack) <- case scoCompilerVersion of Just v -> return (v, MatchMinor, Nothing) Nothing -> do bc <- liftIO $ lcLoadBuildConfig lc globalCompiler return ( view wantedCompilerVersionL bc , configCompilerCheck (lcConfig lc) , Just $ view stackYamlL bc ) runRIO (loadMiniConfig (lcConfig lc)) $ setup sco wantedCompiler compilerCheck mstack ) Nothing (Just $ munlockFile lk) cleanCmd :: CleanOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () cleanCmd opts go = -- See issues #2010 and #3468 for why "stack clean --full" is not used -- within docker. case opts of CleanFull{} -> withBuildConfigAndLock go (const (clean opts)) CleanShallow{} -> withBuildConfigAndLockNoDocker go (const (clean opts)) -- | Helper for build and install commands buildCmd :: BuildOptsCLI -> GlobalOpts -> IO () buildCmd opts go = do when (any (("-prof" `elem`) . either (const []) id . parseArgs Escaping) (boptsCLIGhcOptions opts)) $ do hPutStrLn stderr "Error: When building with stack, you should not use the -prof GHC option" hPutStrLn stderr "Instead, please use --library-profiling and --executable-profiling" hPutStrLn stderr "See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1015" exitFailure case boptsCLIFileWatch opts of FileWatchPoll -> fileWatchPoll stderr inner FileWatch -> fileWatch stderr inner NoFileWatch -> inner $ const $ return () where inner setLocalFiles = withBuildConfigAndLock go' $ \lk -> Stack.Build.build setLocalFiles lk opts -- Read the build command from the CLI and enable it to run go' = case boptsCLICommand opts of Test -> set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidTestsL) (Just True) go Haddock -> set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidHaddockL) (Just True) go Bench -> set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidBenchmarksL) (Just True) go Install -> set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidInstallExesL) (Just True) go Build -> go -- Default case is just Build uninstallCmd :: [String] -> GlobalOpts -> IO () uninstallCmd _ go = withConfigAndLock go $ prettyErrorL [ flow "stack does not manage installations in global locations." , flow "The only global mutation stack performs is executable copying." , flow "For the default executable destination, please run" , styleShell "stack path --local-bin" ] -- | Unpack packages to the filesystem unpackCmd :: [String] -> GlobalOpts -> IO () unpackCmd names go = withConfigAndLock go $ do mSnapshotDef <- mapM (makeConcreteResolver Nothing >=> loadResolver) (globalResolver go) Stack.Fetch.unpackPackages mSnapshotDef "." names -- | Update the package index updateCmd :: () -> GlobalOpts -> IO () updateCmd () go = withConfigAndLock go Stack.PackageIndex.updateAllIndices upgradeCmd :: UpgradeOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () upgradeCmd upgradeOpts' go = withGlobalConfigAndLock go $ upgrade (globalConfigMonoid go) (globalResolver go) #ifdef USE_GIT_INFO (find (/= "UNKNOWN") [$gitHash]) #else Nothing #endif upgradeOpts' -- | Upload to Hackage uploadCmd :: SDistOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () uploadCmd (SDistOpts [] _ _ _ _ _) go = withConfigAndLock go . prettyErrorL $ [ flow "To upload the current package, please run" , styleShell "stack upload ." , flow "(with the period at the end)" ] uploadCmd sdistOpts go = do let partitionM _ [] = return ([], []) partitionM f (x:xs) = do r <- f x (as, bs) <- partitionM f xs return $ if r then (x:as, bs) else (as, x:bs) (files, nonFiles) <- partitionM D.doesFileExist (sdoptsDirsToWorkWith sdistOpts) (dirs, invalid) <- partitionM D.doesDirectoryExist nonFiles withBuildConfigAndLock go $ \_ -> do unless (null invalid) $ do let invalidList = bulletedList $ map (styleFile . fromString) invalid prettyErrorL [ styleShell "stack upload" , flow "expects a list of sdist tarballs or package directories." , flow "Can't find:" , line <> invalidList ] liftIO exitFailure when (null files && null dirs) $ do prettyErrorL [ styleShell "stack upload" , flow "expects a list of sdist tarballs or package directories, but none were specified." ] liftIO exitFailure config <- view configL getCreds <- liftIO (runOnce (Upload.loadCreds config)) mapM_ (resolveFile' >=> checkSDistTarball sdistOpts) files forM_ files (\file -> do tarFile <- resolveFile' file liftIO $ do creds <- getCreds Upload.upload creds (toFilePath tarFile) when (sdoptsSign sdistOpts) (void $ Sig.sign (sdoptsSignServerUrl sdistOpts) tarFile)) unless (null dirs) $ forM_ dirs $ \dir -> do pkgDir <- resolveDir' dir (tarName, tarBytes, mcabalRevision) <- getSDistTarball (sdoptsPvpBounds sdistOpts) pkgDir checkSDistTarball' sdistOpts tarName tarBytes liftIO $ do creds <- getCreds Upload.uploadBytes creds tarName tarBytes forM_ mcabalRevision $ uncurry $ Upload.uploadRevision creds tarPath <- parseRelFile tarName when (sdoptsSign sdistOpts) (void $ Sig.signTarBytes (sdoptsSignServerUrl sdistOpts) tarPath tarBytes) sdistCmd :: SDistOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () sdistCmd sdistOpts go = withBuildConfig go $ do -- No locking needed. -- If no directories are specified, build all sdist tarballs. dirs' <- if null (sdoptsDirsToWorkWith sdistOpts) then do dirs <- liftM (map lpvRoot . Map.elems . lpProject) getLocalPackages when (null dirs) $ do stackYaml <- view stackYamlL prettyErrorL [ styleShell "stack sdist" , flow "expects a list of targets, and otherwise defaults to all of the project's packages." , flow "However, the configuration at" , display stackYaml , flow "contains no packages, so no sdist tarballs will be generated." ] liftIO exitFailure return dirs else mapM resolveDir' (sdoptsDirsToWorkWith sdistOpts) forM_ dirs' $ \dir -> do (tarName, tarBytes, _mcabalRevision) <- getSDistTarball (sdoptsPvpBounds sdistOpts) dir distDir <- distDirFromDir dir tarPath <- (distDir ) <$> parseRelFile tarName ensureDir (parent tarPath) liftIO $ L.writeFile (toFilePath tarPath) tarBytes checkSDistTarball sdistOpts tarPath prettyInfoL [flow "Wrote sdist tarball to", display tarPath] when (sdoptsSign sdistOpts) (void $ Sig.sign (sdoptsSignServerUrl sdistOpts) tarPath) -- | Execute a command. execCmd :: ExecOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () execCmd ExecOpts {..} go@GlobalOpts{..} = case eoExtra of ExecOptsPlain -> do (cmd, args) <- case (eoCmd, eoArgs) of (ExecCmd cmd, args) -> return (cmd, args) (ExecGhc, args) -> return ("ghc", args) (ExecRunGhc, args) -> return ("runghc", args) loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \lk -> do let getCompilerVersion = loadCompilerVersion go lc runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Docker.reexecWithOptionalContainer (lcProjectRoot lc) -- Unlock before transferring control away, whether using docker or not: (Just $ munlockFile lk) (runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ do config <- view configL menv <- liftIO $ configEnvOverride config plainEnvSettings Nix.reexecWithOptionalShell (lcProjectRoot lc) getCompilerVersion (runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ exec menv cmd args)) Nothing Nothing -- Unlocked already above. ExecOptsEmbellished {..} -> withBuildConfigAndLock go $ \lk -> do let targets = concatMap words eoPackages unless (null targets) $ Stack.Build.build (const $ return ()) lk defaultBuildOptsCLI { boptsCLITargets = map T.pack targets } config <- view configL menv <- liftIO $ configEnvOverride config eoEnvSettings -- Add RTS options to arguments let argsWithRts args = if null eoRtsOptions then args :: [String] else args ++ ["+RTS"] ++ eoRtsOptions ++ ["-RTS"] (cmd, args) <- case (eoCmd, argsWithRts eoArgs) of (ExecCmd cmd, args) -> return (cmd, args) (ExecGhc, args) -> getGhcCmd "" menv eoPackages args -- NOTE: this won't currently work for GHCJS, because it doesn't have -- a runghcjs binary. It probably will someday, though. (ExecRunGhc, args) -> getGhcCmd "run" menv eoPackages args munlockFile lk -- Unlock before transferring control away. runWithPath eoCwd $ exec menv cmd args where -- return the package-id of the first package in GHC_PACKAGE_PATH getPkgId menv wc name = do mId <- findGhcPkgField menv wc [] name "id" case mId of Just i -> return (head $ words (T.unpack i)) -- should never happen as we have already installed the packages _ -> liftIO $ do hPutStrLn stderr ("Could not find package id of package " ++ name) exitFailure getPkgOpts menv wc pkgs = do ids <- mapM (getPkgId menv wc) pkgs return $ map ("-package-id=" ++) ids getGhcCmd prefix menv pkgs args = do wc <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL.whichCompilerL pkgopts <- getPkgOpts menv wc pkgs return (prefix ++ compilerExeName wc, pkgopts ++ args) runWithPath :: Maybe FilePath -> RIO EnvConfig () -> RIO EnvConfig () runWithPath path callback = case path of Nothing -> callback Just p | not (isValid p) -> throwIO $ InvalidPathForExec p Just p -> withUnliftIO $ \ul -> D.withCurrentDirectory p $ unliftIO ul callback -- | Evaluate some haskell code inline. evalCmd :: EvalOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () evalCmd EvalOpts {..} go@GlobalOpts {..} = execCmd execOpts go where execOpts = ExecOpts { eoCmd = ExecGhc , eoArgs = ["-e", evalArg] , eoExtra = evalExtra } -- | Run GHCi in the context of a project. ghciCmd :: GhciOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () ghciCmd ghciOpts go@GlobalOpts{..} = withBuildConfigAndLock go $ \lk -> do munlockFile lk -- Don't hold the lock while in the GHCI. bopts <- view buildOptsL -- override env so running of tests and benchmarks is disabled let boptsLocal = bopts { boptsTestOpts = (boptsTestOpts bopts) { toDisableRun = True } , boptsBenchmarkOpts = (boptsBenchmarkOpts bopts) { beoDisableRun = True } } local (set buildOptsL boptsLocal) (ghci ghciOpts) -- | List packages in the project. idePackagesCmd :: () -> GlobalOpts -> IO () idePackagesCmd () go = withBuildConfig go IDE.listPackages -- | List targets in the project. ideTargetsCmd :: () -> GlobalOpts -> IO () ideTargetsCmd () go = withBuildConfig go IDE.listTargets -- | Pull the current Docker image. dockerPullCmd :: () -> GlobalOpts -> IO () dockerPullCmd _ go@GlobalOpts{..} = loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> -- TODO: can we eliminate this lock if it doesn't touch ~/.stack/? withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \_ -> runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Docker.preventInContainer Docker.pull -- | Reset the Docker sandbox. dockerResetCmd :: Bool -> GlobalOpts -> IO () dockerResetCmd keepHome go@GlobalOpts{..} = loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> -- TODO: can we eliminate this lock if it doesn't touch ~/.stack/? withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \_ -> runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Docker.preventInContainer $ Docker.reset (lcProjectRoot lc) keepHome -- | Cleanup Docker images and containers. dockerCleanupCmd :: Docker.CleanupOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () dockerCleanupCmd cleanupOpts go@GlobalOpts{..} = loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> -- TODO: can we eliminate this lock if it doesn't touch ~/.stack/? withUserFileLock go (configStackRoot $ lcConfig lc) $ \_ -> runRIO (lcConfig lc) $ Docker.preventInContainer $ Docker.cleanup cleanupOpts cfgSetCmd :: ConfigCmd.ConfigCmdSet -> GlobalOpts -> IO () cfgSetCmd co go@GlobalOpts{..} = withMiniConfigAndLock go (cfgCmdSet go co) imgDockerCmd :: (Bool, [Text]) -> GlobalOpts -> IO () imgDockerCmd (rebuild,images) go@GlobalOpts{..} = loadConfigWithOpts go $ \lc -> do let mProjectRoot = lcProjectRoot lc withBuildConfigExt False go Nothing (\lk -> do when rebuild $ Stack.Build.build (const (return ())) lk defaultBuildOptsCLI Image.stageContainerImageArtifacts mProjectRoot images) (Just $ Image.createContainerImageFromStage mProjectRoot images) -- | Project initialization initCmd :: InitOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () initCmd initOpts go = do pwd <- getCurrentDir withMiniConfigAndLock go (initProject IsInitCmd pwd initOpts (globalResolver go)) -- | Create a project directory structure and initialize the stack config. newCmd :: (NewOpts,InitOpts) -> GlobalOpts -> IO () newCmd (newOpts,initOpts) go@GlobalOpts{..} = withMiniConfigAndLock go $ do dir <- new newOpts (forceOverwrite initOpts) initProject IsNewCmd dir initOpts globalResolver -- | List the available templates. templatesCmd :: () -> GlobalOpts -> IO () templatesCmd _ go@GlobalOpts{..} = withConfigAndLock go listTemplates -- | Fix up extra-deps for a project solverCmd :: Bool -- ^ modify stack.yaml automatically? -> GlobalOpts -> IO () solverCmd fixStackYaml go = withBuildConfigAndLock go (\_ -> solveExtraDeps fixStackYaml) -- | Visualize dependencies dotCmd :: DotOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () dotCmd dotOpts go = withBuildConfigDot dotOpts go $ dot dotOpts -- | List the dependencies listDependenciesCmd :: ListDepsOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () listDependenciesCmd opts go = withBuildConfigDot (listDepsDotOpts opts) go $ listDependencies opts -- Plumbing for --test and --bench flags withBuildConfigDot :: DotOpts -> GlobalOpts -> RIO EnvConfig () -> IO () withBuildConfigDot opts go f = withBuildConfig go' f where go' = (if dotTestTargets opts then set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidTestsL) (Just True) else id) $ (if dotBenchTargets opts then set (globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL.buildOptsMonoidBenchmarksL) (Just True) else id) go -- | Query build information queryCmd :: [String] -> GlobalOpts -> IO () queryCmd selectors go = withBuildConfig go $ queryBuildInfo $ map T.pack selectors -- | Generate a combined HPC report hpcReportCmd :: HpcReportOpts -> GlobalOpts -> IO () hpcReportCmd hropts go = withBuildConfig go $ generateHpcReportForTargets hropts data MainException = InvalidReExecVersion String String | UpgradeCabalUnusable | InvalidPathForExec FilePath deriving (Typeable) instance Exception MainException instance Show MainException where show (InvalidReExecVersion expected actual) = concat [ "When re-executing '" , stackProgName , "' in a container, the incorrect version was found\nExpected: " , expected , "; found: " , actual] show UpgradeCabalUnusable = "--upgrade-cabal cannot be used when nix is activated" show (InvalidPathForExec path) = concat [ "Got an invalid --cwd argument for stack exec (" , path , ")"]