-- FIXME See how much of this module can be deleted.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}

-- | Functions for the GHC package database.

module Stack.GhcPkg

import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import           Data.Either
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import           Path (Path, Abs, Dir, toFilePath, parent)
import           Path.Extra (toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
import           Path.IO
import           Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import           Stack.Constants
import           Stack.Types.Build
import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import           Stack.Types.Compiler
import           Stack.Types.PackageName
import           Stack.Types.Version
import           System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator)
import           System.Process.Read

-- | Get the global package database
getGlobalDB :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
            => EnvOverride -> WhichCompiler -> m (Path Abs Dir)
getGlobalDB menv wc = do
    $logDebug "Getting global package database location"
    -- This seems like a strange way to get the global package database
    -- location, but I don't know of a better one
    bs <- ghcPkg menv wc [] ["list", "--global"] >>= either throwM return
    let fp = S8.unpack $ stripTrailingColon $ firstLine bs
    resolveDir' fp
    stripTrailingColon bs
        | S8.null bs = bs
        | S8.last bs == ':' = S8.init bs
        | otherwise = bs
    firstLine = S8.takeWhile (\c -> c /= '\r' && c /= '\n')

-- | Run the ghc-pkg executable
ghcPkg :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
       => EnvOverride
       -> WhichCompiler
       -> [Path Abs Dir]
       -> [String]
       -> m (Either ReadProcessException S8.ByteString)
ghcPkg menv wc pkgDbs args = do
    eres <- go
    case eres of
          Left _ -> do
              mapM_ (createDatabase menv wc) pkgDbs
          Right _ -> return eres
    go = tryProcessStdout Nothing menv (ghcPkgExeName wc) args'
    args' = packageDbFlags pkgDbs ++ args

-- | Create a package database in the given directory, if it doesn't exist.
createDatabase :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
               => EnvOverride -> WhichCompiler -> Path Abs Dir -> m ()
createDatabase menv wc db = do
    exists <- doesDirExist db
    unless exists $ do
        -- Creating the parent doesn't seem necessary, as ghc-pkg
        -- seems to be sufficiently smart. But I don't feel like
        -- finding out it isn't the hard way
        ensureDir (parent db)
        _ <- tryProcessStdout Nothing menv (ghcPkgExeName wc) ["init", toFilePath db]
        return ()

-- | Get the name to use for "ghc-pkg", given the compiler version.
ghcPkgExeName :: WhichCompiler -> String
ghcPkgExeName Ghc = "ghc-pkg"
ghcPkgExeName Ghcjs = "ghcjs-pkg"

-- | Get the necessary ghc-pkg flags for setting up the given package database
packageDbFlags :: [Path Abs Dir] -> [String]
packageDbFlags pkgDbs =
        : map (\x -> "--package-db=" ++ toFilePath x) pkgDbs

-- | Get the value of a field of the package.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
    => EnvOverride
    -> WhichCompiler
    -> [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ package databases
    -> String -- ^ package identifier, or GhcPkgId
    -> Text
    -> m (Maybe Text)
findGhcPkgField menv wc pkgDbs name field = do
    result <-
            ["field", "--simple-output", name, T.unpack field]
    return $
        case result of
            Left{} -> Nothing
            Right lbs ->
                fmap (stripCR . T.decodeUtf8) $ listToMaybe $ S8.lines lbs
    stripCR t = fromMaybe t (T.stripSuffix "\r" t)

-- | Get the version of the package
findGhcPkgVersion :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
                  => EnvOverride
                  -> WhichCompiler
                  -> [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ package databases
                  -> PackageName
                  -> m (Maybe Version)
findGhcPkgVersion menv wc pkgDbs name = do
    mv <- findGhcPkgField menv wc pkgDbs (packageNameString name) "version"
    case mv of
        Just !v -> return (parseVersion v)
        _ -> return Nothing

unregisterGhcPkgId :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
                    => EnvOverride
                    -> WhichCompiler
                    -> CompilerVersion
                    -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ package database
                    -> GhcPkgId
                    -> PackageIdentifier
                    -> m ()
unregisterGhcPkgId menv wc cv pkgDb gid ident = do
    eres <- ghcPkg menv wc [pkgDb] args
    case eres of
        Left e -> $logWarn $ T.pack $ show e
        Right _ -> return ()
    -- TODO ideally we'd tell ghc-pkg a GhcPkgId instead
    args = "unregister" : "--user" : "--force" :
        (case cv of
            GhcVersion v | v < $(mkVersion "7.9") ->
                [packageIdentifierString ident]
            _ -> ["--ipid", ghcPkgIdString gid])

-- | Get the version of Cabal from the global package database.
getCabalPkgVer :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadCatch m)
               => EnvOverride -> WhichCompiler -> m Version
getCabalPkgVer menv wc = do
    $logDebug "Getting Cabal package version"
    mres <- findGhcPkgVersion
        [] -- global DB
    maybe (throwM $ Couldn'tFindPkgId cabalPackageName) return mres

-- | Get the value for GHC_PACKAGE_PATH
mkGhcPackagePath :: Bool -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir -> [Path Abs Dir] -> Path Abs Dir -> Text
mkGhcPackagePath locals localdb deps extras globaldb =
  T.pack $ intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ concat
    [ [toFilePathNoTrailingSep localdb | locals]
    , [toFilePathNoTrailingSep deps]
    , [toFilePathNoTrailingSep db | db <- reverse extras]
    , [toFilePathNoTrailingSep globaldb]