Ξυ³h&Ο‰’      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘ Safe-Inferred8Χά‘'   !"#$%&'    !"#$%&!(c) Fabricio Olivetti 2021 - 2021BSD3fabricio.olivetti@gmail.com experimental5FlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables Safe-Inferred8ΑΓΧά ‹+srtreeSupported functions?srtreeSupported operatorsEsrtreeρTree structure to be used with Symbolic Regression algorithms. This structure is a fixed point of a n-ary tree. Fsrtreeindex of the variablesGsrtreeindex of the parameterHsrtree/constant value, can be converted to a parameterIsrtreeunivariate functionJsrtreebinary operatorKsrtree8create a tree with a single node representing a variableLsrtree9create a tree with a single node representing a parameterMsrtreeArity of the current nodeNsrtreeΙGet the children of a node. Returns an empty list in case of a leaf node.Osrtree$Count the number of nodes in a tree.PsrtreeCount the number of F nodesQsrtreeCount the number of G nodesRsrtreeCount the number of const nodesSsrtree-Count the occurrences of variable indexed as ixTsrtreeνEvaluates the tree given a vector of variable values, a vector of parameter values and a function that takes a Double and change to whatever type the variables have. This is useful when working with datasets of many values per variables.’srtree Cubic rootWsrtree>Returns the inverse of a function. This is a partial function.Xsrtree>Creates the symbolic partial derivative of a tree by variable dx (if p is “) or parameter dx (if p is ”).YsrtreeηCalculates the numerical derivative of a tree using forward mode provided a vector of variable values xss, a vector of parameter values thetaΠ and a function that changes a Double value to the type of the variable values.Zsrtree The function ZΛ calculates the numerical gradient of the tree and evaluates the tree at the same time. It assumes that each parameter has a unique occurrence in the expression. This should be significantly faster than Y.\srtree!Symbolic derivative by a variable]srtree"Symbolic derivative by a parameter^srtree3Relabel the parameters incrementaly starting from 0_srtreeαChange constant values to a parameter, returning the changed tree and a list of parameter values`srtreeSame as _ΰ but does not change constant values that can be converted to integer without loss of precision6+>,-./0123456789:;<=?C@ABDEHIJFGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`6EHIJFG+>,-./0123456789:;<=?C@ABDLKMNOPRQSX\][YZVUWT^_`!(c) Fabricio Olivetti 2021 - 2021BSD3fabricio.olivetti@gmail.com experimentalConstraintKinds Safe-Inferred/Έ wsrtree”RndTree is a Monad Transformer to generate random trees of type `SRTree ix val` given the parameters `p ix val` using the random number generator •.xsrtreeA structure with every propertyzsrtree&Constraint synonym for all properties.~srtree)Returns a random variable, the parameter p must have the } propertysrtree)Returns a random constant, the parameter p must have the HasConst property€srtree3Returns a random integer power node, the parameter p must have the – propertysrtree)Returns a random function, the parameter p must have the { property‚srtree%Returns a random node, the parameter p must have every property.ƒsrtree2Returns a random non-terminal node, the parameter p must have every property.„srtree;Returns a random tree with a limited budget, the parameter p must have every property.…srtree4Returns a random tree with a approximately a number n of nodes, the parameter p must have every property.wxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…}|{zxyw~€‚ƒ„…!(c) Fabricio Olivetti 2021 - 2021BSD3fabricio.olivetti@gmail.com experimental Safe-InferredŒsrtree1Displays a tree as a numpy compatible expression.Žsrtree1Displays a tree as a sympy compatible expression.srtreeDisplays a tree in Tikz formatŠ‹ŒŽ‘Š‹‘ŒŽ!(c) Fabricio Olivetti 2021 - 2021BSD3fabricio.olivetti@gmail.com experimentalΖFlexibleInstances, DeriveFunctor, ScopedTypeVariables, ConstraintKinds Safe-Inferredα6+>,-./0123456789:;<=?C@ABDEHIJFGKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`6EHIJFG+>,-./0123456789:;<=?C@ABDLKMNOPRQSX\][YZVUWT^_` Safe-Inferredt—˜™š›œžŸ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™—˜š›œžŸ ‘’£€₯¦§srtree- Data.SRTree Paths_srtreeFreeRetOpCofree:< CoAlgebraAlgebraFixunfixTreeFLeafFNodeFStreamFNatFZeroFSuccFListFNilFConsFextractunOpcatacataManahyloparamutuapoaccuhistofutuchronofromListtoList stream2listtoNatfromNat$fFunctorTreeF$fFunctorStreamF $fFunctorNatF$fFunctorListFFunctionIdAbsSinCosTanSinhCoshTanhASinACosATanASinhACoshATanhSqrtCbrtSquareLogExpAddSubMulDivPowerSRTreeVarParamConstUniBinvarparamarity getChildren countNodes countVarNodes countParams countConstscountOccurrencesevalTreeevalOpevalFun inverseFuncderiveBy forwardMode gradParams derivative deriveByVar deriveByParam relabelParams constsToParamfloatConstsToParam $fFloatingFix$fFractionalFix$fNumFix$fFractionalTape$fFloatingTape $fNumTape $fShowTape $fFunctorTape $fShowSRTree $fEqSRTree $fOrdSRTree$fFunctorSRTree$fShowFunction$fReadFunction $fEqFunction $fOrdFunction$fEnumFunction$fShowOp$fReadOp$fEqOp$fOrdOp$fEnumOpRndTree FullParamsP HasEverythingHasFunsHasValsHasVars randomVar randomConst randomPowrandomFunction randomNoderandomNonTerminal randomTreerandomTreeBalanced$fHasFunsFullParams$fHasExpsFullParams$fHasValsFullParams$fHasVarsFullParamsshowExpr printExpr showPython printPython showLatex printLatexshowTikz printTikzcbrtghc-prim GHC.TypesFalseTrueΟrandom- getBinDir getLibDir getDynLibDir getDataDir getLibexecDir getSysconfDir