%define package %name-%version %define tarBall %package.tar.gz %define _bindir %prefix/bin %define _datadir %prefix/share/%package %define _docdir %prefix/share/doc/%package %define _mandir %prefix/share/man Summary: Finds the optimal subset of the specified files, to fit into a limited space, with minimal wastage. Name: squeeze Version: Release: 1 License: GPLv3 #From '/usr/share/doc/packages/rpm/GROUPS'. Group: Applications/File Source0: http://functionalley.eu/Downloads/sdist/%tarBall URL: http://functionalley.eu Prefix: /usr %description Returns progressively better subsets of the specified files, to fit into a limited space, without wasting more than the specific ratio. %prep #NB: we've changed directory to %_builddir rm -rf -- '%package/' CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--user' make --directory="$OLDPWD/" sdist && mv -- "$OLDPWD/dist/%tarBall" '%_sourcedir/' && tar -zxf '%_sourcedir/%tarBall' #Build & copy the tar-ball into the source-directory, then unpack it into the build-directory. %build %install rm -rf -- '%buildroot' #Clean any previous build. CAVEAT: the user might have specified '--buildroot', for which I can't account. CABAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--user --prefix=%buildroot%prefix/' make --directory='%package/' install #Which regrettably also builds 'Haddock', which then requires 'HsColour'. mkdir -p -- '%buildroot%_mandir/' && mv -- '%_builddir/%package/man/man1' '%buildroot%_mandir/' mkdir -p -- '%buildroot%_docdir/' && mv -- %_builddir/%package/{changelog,copyright,LICENSE} '%buildroot%_docdir/' rm -rf -- '%buildroot%_docdir/html' #We don't need source-code documentation in a binary package. %clean make --directory='%package/' clobber rm -- '%_sourcedir/%tarBall' rm -rf -- '%_builddir/%package' '%buildroot' %files %attr(0755, root, root) %_bindir/squeeze %attr(0644, root, root) %doc %_mandir/man1/*.1.gz %attr(0644, root, root) %doc %_docdir/changelog %attr(0644, root, root) %doc %_docdir/copyright %attr(0644, root, root) %doc %_docdir/LICENSE