{-| Module: Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query Description: Squeal queries Copyright: (c) Eitan Chatav, 2017 Maintainer: eitan@morphism.tech Stability: experimental Squeal queries. -} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds , DeriveDataTypeable , DeriveGeneric , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , GADTs , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , KindSignatures , LambdaCase , MultiParamTypeClasses , OverloadedStrings , ScopedTypeVariables , StandaloneDeriving , TypeApplications , TypeInType , TypeOperators , UndecidableInstances #-} module Squeal.PostgreSQL.Query ( -- * Queries Query (UnsafeQuery, renderQuery) , union , unionAll , intersect , intersectAll , except , exceptAll -- * Select , select , selectDistinct , selectStar , selectDistinctStar , selectDotStar , selectDistinctDotStar -- * Table Expressions , TableExpression (..) , renderTableExpression , from , where_ , group , having , orderBy , limit , offset -- * From , FromClause (..) , table , subquery , crossJoin , innerJoin , leftOuterJoin , rightOuterJoin , fullOuterJoin -- * Grouping , By (By, By2) , renderBy , GroupByClause (NoGroups, Group) , renderGroupByClause , HavingClause (NoHaving, Having) , renderHavingClause -- * Sorting , SortExpression (..) , renderSortExpression ) where import Control.DeepSeq import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Monoid hiding (All) import Data.String import Data.Word import Generics.SOP hiding (from) import GHC.TypeLits import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Expression import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Render import Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema {- | The process of retrieving or the command to retrieve data from a database is called a `Query`. The `select`, `selectStar`, `selectDotStar`, `selectDistinct`, `selectDistinctStar` and `selectDistinctDotStar` commands are used to specify queries. simple query: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t))) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT * FROM tab AS t" restricted query: >>> :{ let query :: Query '[ "tab" ::: '[] :=> '[ "col1" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "col2" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 ]] '[] '[ "sum" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4 ] query = select ((#col1 + #col2) `As` #sum :* #col1 `As` #col1 :* Nil) ( from (table (#tab `As` #t)) & where_ (#col1 .> #col2) & where_ (#col2 .> 0) ) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT (col1 + col2) AS sum, col1 AS col1 FROM tab AS t WHERE ((col1 > col2) AND (col2 > 0))" subquery: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectStar (from (subquery (selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t))) `As` #sub))) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM tab AS t) AS sub" limits and offsets: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t)) & limit 100 & offset 2 & limit 50 & offset 2) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT * FROM tab AS t LIMIT 50 OFFSET 4" parameterized query: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]] '[ 'NotNull 'PGfloat8] '["col" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8] query = selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t)) & where_ (#col .> param @1)) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT * FROM tab AS t WHERE (col > ($1 :: float8))" aggregation query: >>> :{ let query :: Query '[ "tab" ::: '[] :=> '[ "col1" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "col2" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 ]] '[] '[ "sum" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "col1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4 ] query = select (sum_ #col2 `As` #sum :* #col1 `As` #col1 :* Nil) ( from (table (#tab `As` #table1)) & group (By #col1 :* Nil) & having (#col1 + sum_ #col2 .> 1) ) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT sum(col2) AS sum, col1 AS col1 FROM tab AS table1 GROUP BY col1 HAVING ((col1 + sum(col2)) > 1)" sorted query: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t)) & orderBy [#col & AscNullsFirst]) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT * FROM tab AS t ORDER BY col ASC NULLS FIRST" joins: >>> :set -XFlexibleContexts >>> :{ let query :: Query '[ "orders" ::: '["pk_orders" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"] ,"fk_customers" ::: ForeignKey '["customer_id"] "customers" '["id"] ,"fk_shippers" ::: ForeignKey '["shipper_id"] "shippers" '["id"]] :=> '[ "id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "price" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGfloat4 , "customer_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "shipper_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 ] , "customers" ::: '["pk_customers" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"]] :=> '[ "id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext ] , "shippers" ::: '["pk_shippers" ::: PrimaryKey '["id"]] :=> '[ "id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4 , "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext ] ] '[] '[ "order_price" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat4 , "customer_name" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext , "shipper_name" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext ] query = select ( #o ! #price `As` #order_price :* #c ! #name `As` #customer_name :* #s ! #name `As` #shipper_name :* Nil ) ( from (table (#orders `As` #o) & innerJoin (table (#customers `As` #c)) (#o ! #customer_id .== #c ! #id) & innerJoin (table (#shippers `As` #s)) (#o ! #shipper_id .== #s ! #id)) ) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT o.price AS order_price, c.name AS customer_name, s.name AS shipper_name FROM orders AS o INNER JOIN customers AS c ON (o.customer_id = c.id) INNER JOIN shippers AS s ON (o.shipper_id = s.id)" self-join: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectDotStar #t1 (from (table (#tab `As` #t1) & crossJoin (table (#tab `As` #t2)))) in renderQuery query :} "SELECT t1.* FROM tab AS t1 CROSS JOIN tab AS t2" set operations: >>> :{ let query :: Query '["tab" ::: '[] :=> '["col" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4]] '[] '["col" ::: 'Null 'PGint4] query = selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t))) `unionAll` selectStar (from (table (#tab `As` #t))) in renderQuery query :} "(SELECT * FROM tab AS t) UNION ALL (SELECT * FROM tab AS t)" -} newtype Query (schema :: TablesType) (params :: [NullityType]) (columns :: RelationType) = UnsafeQuery { renderQuery :: ByteString } deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `union`. Duplicate rows are eliminated. union :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `union` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "UNION" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `unionAll`, the disjoint union. Duplicate rows are retained. unionAll :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `unionAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "UNION" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `intersect`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are eliminated. intersect :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `intersect` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "INTERSECT" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `intersectAll`, the intersection. Duplicate rows are retained. intersectAll :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `intersectAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "INTERSECT" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `except`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are eliminated. except :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `except` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "EXCEPT" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) -- | The results of two queries can be combined using the set operation -- `exceptAll`, the set difference. Duplicate rows are retained. exceptAll :: Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns -> Query schema params columns q1 `exceptAll` q2 = UnsafeQuery $ parenthesized (renderQuery q1) <+> "EXCEPT" <+> "ALL" <+> parenthesized (renderQuery q2) {----------------------------------------- SELECT queries -----------------------------------------} -- | the `TableExpression` in the `select` command constructs an intermediate -- virtual table by possibly combining tables, views, eliminating rows, -- grouping, etc. This table is finally passed on to processing by -- the select list. The select list determines which columns of -- the intermediate table are actually output. select :: SListI columns => NP (Aliased (Expression relations grouping params)) (column ': columns) -- ^ select list -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params (column ': columns) select list rels = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT" <+> renderCommaSeparated (renderAliasedAs renderExpression) list <+> renderTableExpression rels -- | After the select list has been processed, the result table can -- be subject to the elimination of duplicate rows using `selectDistinct`. selectDistinct :: SListI columns => NP (Aliased (Expression relations 'Ungrouped params)) (column ': columns) -- ^ select list -> TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params (column ': columns) selectDistinct list rels = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT DISTINCT" <+> renderCommaSeparated (renderAliasedAs renderExpression) list <+> renderTableExpression rels -- | The simplest kind of query is `selectStar` which emits all columns -- that the table expression produces. selectStar :: HasUnique relation relations columns => TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params columns selectStar rels = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT" <+> "*" <+> renderTableExpression rels -- | A `selectDistinctStar` emits all columns that the table expression -- produces and eliminates duplicate rows. selectDistinctStar :: HasUnique relation relations columns => TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params columns selectDistinctStar rels = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT DISTINCT" <+> "*" <+> renderTableExpression rels -- | When working with multiple tables, it can also be useful to ask -- for all the columns of a particular table, using `selectDotStar`. selectDotStar :: Has relation relations columns => Alias relation -- ^ particular virtual subtable -> TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params columns selectDotStar rel relations = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT" <+> renderAlias rel <> ".*" <+> renderTableExpression relations -- | A `selectDistinctDotStar` asks for all the columns of a particular table, -- and eliminates duplicate rows. selectDistinctDotStar :: Has relation relations columns => Alias relation -- ^ particular virtual table -> TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -- ^ intermediate virtual table -> Query schema params columns selectDistinctDotStar rel relations = UnsafeQuery $ "SELECT DISTINCT" <+> renderAlias rel <> ".*" <+> renderTableExpression relations {----------------------------------------- Table Expressions -----------------------------------------} -- | A `TableExpression` computes a table. The table expression contains -- a `fromClause` that is optionally followed by a `whereClause`, -- `groupByClause`, `havingClause`, `orderByClause`, `limitClause` -- and `offsetClause`s. Trivial table expressions simply refer -- to a table on disk, a so-called base table, but more complex expressions -- can be used to modify or combine base tables in various ways. data TableExpression (schema :: TablesType) (params :: [NullityType]) (relations :: RelationsType) (grouping :: Grouping) = TableExpression { fromClause :: FromClause schema params relations -- ^ A table reference that can be a table name, or a derived table such -- as a subquery, a @JOIN@ construct, or complex combinations of these. , whereClause :: [Condition relations 'Ungrouped params] -- ^ optional search coditions, combined with `.&&`. After the processing -- of the `fromClause` is done, each row of the derived virtual table -- is checked against the search condition. If the result of the -- condition is true, the row is kept in the output table, -- otherwise it is discarded. The search condition typically references -- at least one column of the table generated in the `fromClause`; -- this is not required, but otherwise the WHERE clause will -- be fairly useless. , groupByClause :: GroupByClause relations grouping -- ^ The `groupByClause` is used to group together those rows in a table -- that have the same values in all the columns listed. The order in which -- the columns are listed does not matter. The effect is to combine each -- set of rows having common values into one group row that represents all -- rows in the group. This is done to eliminate redundancy in the output -- and/or compute aggregates that apply to these groups. , havingClause :: HavingClause relations grouping params -- ^ If a table has been grouped using `groupBy`, but only certain groups -- are of interest, the `havingClause` can be used, much like a -- `whereClause`, to eliminate groups from the result. Expressions in the -- `havingClause` can refer both to grouped expressions and to ungrouped -- expressions (which necessarily involve an aggregate function). , orderByClause :: [SortExpression relations grouping params] -- ^ The `orderByClause` is for optional sorting. When more than one -- `SortExpression` is specified, the later (right) values are used to sort -- rows that are equal according to the earlier (left) values. , limitClause :: [Word64] -- ^ The `limitClause` is combined with `min` to give a limit count -- if nonempty. If a limit count is given, no more than that many rows -- will be returned (but possibly fewer, if the query itself yields -- fewer rows). , offsetClause :: [Word64] -- ^ The `offsetClause` is combined with `+` to give an offset count -- if nonempty. The offset count says to skip that many rows before -- beginning to return rows. The rows are skipped before the limit count -- is applied. } -- | Render a `TableExpression` renderTableExpression :: TableExpression schema params relations grouping -> ByteString renderTableExpression (TableExpression frm' whs' grps' hvs' srts' lims' offs') = mconcat [ "FROM ", renderFromClause frm' , renderWheres whs' , renderGroupByClause grps' , renderHavingClause hvs' , renderOrderByClause srts' , renderLimits lims' , renderOffsets offs' ] where renderWheres = \case [] -> "" wh:[] -> " WHERE" <+> renderExpression wh wh:whs -> " WHERE" <+> renderExpression (foldr (.&&) wh whs) renderOrderByClause = \case [] -> "" srts -> " ORDER BY" <+> commaSeparated (renderSortExpression <$> srts) renderLimits = \case [] -> "" lims -> " LIMIT" <+> fromString (show (minimum lims)) renderOffsets = \case [] -> "" offs -> " OFFSET" <+> fromString (show (sum offs)) -- | A `from` generates a `TableExpression` from a table reference that can be -- a table name, or a derived table such as a subquery, a JOIN construct, -- or complex combinations of these. A `from` may be transformed by `where_`, -- `group`, `having`, `orderBy`, `limit` and `offset`, using the `&` operator -- to match the left-to-right sequencing of their placement in SQL. from :: FromClause schema params relations -- ^ table reference -> TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped from rels = TableExpression rels [] NoGroups NoHaving [] [] [] -- | A `where_` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds a -- search condition to the `whereClause`. where_ :: Condition relations 'Ungrouped params -- ^ filtering condition -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping where_ wh rels = rels {whereClause = wh : whereClause rels} -- | A `group` is a transformation of `TableExpression`s which switches -- its `Grouping` from `Ungrouped` to `Grouped`. Use @group Nil@ to perform -- a "grand total" aggregation query. group :: SListI bys => NP (By relations) bys -- ^ grouped columns -> TableExpression schema params relations 'Ungrouped -> TableExpression schema params relations ('Grouped bys) group bys rels = TableExpression { fromClause = fromClause rels , whereClause = whereClause rels , groupByClause = Group bys , havingClause = Having [] , orderByClause = [] , limitClause = limitClause rels , offsetClause = offsetClause rels } -- | A `having` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds a -- search condition to the `havingClause`. having :: Condition relations ('Grouped bys) params -- ^ having condition -> TableExpression schema params relations ('Grouped bys) -> TableExpression schema params relations ('Grouped bys) having hv rels = rels { havingClause = case havingClause rels of Having hvs -> Having (hv:hvs) } -- | An `orderBy` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which appends an -- ordering to the right of the `orderByClause`. orderBy :: [SortExpression relations grouping params] -- ^ sort expressions -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping orderBy srts rels = rels {orderByClause = orderByClause rels ++ srts} -- | A `limit` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds to the -- `limitClause`. limit :: Word64 -- ^ limit parameter -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping limit lim rels = rels {limitClause = lim : limitClause rels} -- | An `offset` is an endomorphism of `TableExpression`s which adds to the -- `offsetClause`. offset :: Word64 -- ^ offset parameter -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping -> TableExpression schema params relations grouping offset off rels = rels {offsetClause = off : offsetClause rels} {----------------------------------------- FROM clauses -----------------------------------------} {- | A `FromClause` can be a table name, or a derived table such as a subquery, a @JOIN@ construct, or complex combinations of these. -} newtype FromClause schema params relations = UnsafeFromClause { renderFromClause :: ByteString } deriving (GHC.Generic,Show,Eq,Ord,NFData) -- | A real `table` is a table from the schema. table :: Aliased (Table schema) table -> FromClause schema params '[table] table = UnsafeFromClause . renderAliasedAs renderTable -- | `subquery` derives a table from a `Query`. subquery :: Aliased (Query schema params) table -> FromClause schema params '[table] subquery = UnsafeFromClause . renderAliasedAs (parenthesized . renderQuery) {- | @left & crossJoin right@. For every possible combination of rows from @left@ and @right@ (i.e., a Cartesian product), the joined table will contain a row consisting of all columns in @left@ followed by all columns in @right@. If the tables have @n@ and @m@ rows respectively, the joined table will have @n * m@ rows. -} crossJoin :: FromClause schema params right -- ^ right -> FromClause schema params left -- ^ left -> FromClause schema params (Join left right) crossJoin right left = UnsafeFromClause $ renderFromClause left <+> "CROSS JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right {- | @left & innerJoin right on@. The joined table is filtered by the @on@ condition. -} innerJoin :: FromClause schema params right -- ^ right -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params -- ^ @on@ condition -> FromClause schema params left -- ^ left -> FromClause schema params (Join left right) innerJoin right on left = UnsafeFromClause $ renderFromClause left <+> "INNER JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right <+> "ON" <+> renderExpression on {- | @left & leftOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed. Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@. Thus, the joined table always has at least one row for each row in @left@. -} leftOuterJoin :: FromClause schema params right -- ^ right -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params -- ^ @on@ condition -> FromClause schema params left -- ^ left -> FromClause schema params (Join left (NullifyRelations right)) leftOuterJoin right on left = UnsafeFromClause $ renderFromClause left <+> "LEFT OUTER JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right <+> "ON" <+> renderExpression on {- | @left & rightOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed. Then, for each row in @right@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with any row in @left@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @left@. This is the converse of a left join: the result table will always have a row for each row in @right@. -} rightOuterJoin :: FromClause schema params right -- ^ right -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params -- ^ @on@ condition -> FromClause schema params left -- ^ left -> FromClause schema params (Join (NullifyRelations left) right) rightOuterJoin right on left = UnsafeFromClause $ renderFromClause left <+> "RIGHT OUTER JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right <+> "ON" <+> renderExpression on {- | @left & fullOuterJoin right on@. First, an inner join is performed. Then, for each row in @left@ that does not satisfy the @on@ condition with any row in @right@, a joined row is added with null values in columns of @right@. Also, for each row of @right@ that does not satisfy the join condition with any row in @left@, a joined row with null values in the columns of @left@ is added. -} fullOuterJoin :: FromClause schema params right -- ^ right -> Condition (Join left right) 'Ungrouped params -- ^ @on@ condition -> FromClause schema params left -- ^ left -> FromClause schema params (Join (NullifyRelations left) (NullifyRelations right)) fullOuterJoin right on left = UnsafeFromClause $ renderFromClause left <+> "FULL OUTER JOIN" <+> renderFromClause right <+> "ON" <+> renderExpression on {----------------------------------------- Grouping -----------------------------------------} -- | `By`s are used in `group` to reference a list of columns which are then -- used to group together those rows in a table that have the same values -- in all the columns listed. @By \#col@ will reference an unambiguous -- column @col@; otherwise @By2 (\#tab \! \#col)@ will reference a table -- qualified column @tab.col@. data By (relations :: RelationsType) (by :: (Symbol,Symbol)) where By :: (HasUnique relation relations columns, Has column columns ty) => Alias column -> By relations '(relation, column) By2 :: (Has relation relations columns, Has column columns ty) => (Alias relation, Alias column) -> By relations '(relation, column) deriving instance Show (By relations by) deriving instance Eq (By relations by) deriving instance Ord (By relations by) -- | Renders a `By`. renderBy :: By relations by -> ByteString renderBy = \case By column -> renderAlias column By2 (rel, column) -> renderAlias rel <> "." <> renderAlias column -- | A `GroupByClause` indicates the `Grouping` of a `TableExpression`. -- A `NoGroups` indicates `Ungrouped` while a `Group` indicates `Grouped`. -- @NoGroups@ is distinguised from @Group Nil@ since no aggregation can be -- done on @NoGroups@ while all output `Expression`s must be aggregated -- in @Group Nil@. In general, all output `Expression`s in the -- complement of @bys@ must be aggregated in @Group bys@. data GroupByClause relations grouping where NoGroups :: GroupByClause relations 'Ungrouped Group :: SListI bys => NP (By relations) bys -> GroupByClause relations ('Grouped bys) -- | Renders a `GroupByClause`. renderGroupByClause :: GroupByClause relations grouping -> ByteString renderGroupByClause = \case NoGroups -> "" Group Nil -> "" Group bys -> " GROUP BY" <+> renderCommaSeparated renderBy bys -- | A `HavingClause` is used to eliminate groups that are not of interest. -- An `Ungrouped` `TableExpression` may only use `NoHaving` while a `Grouped` -- `TableExpression` must use `Having` whose conditions are combined with -- `.&&`. data HavingClause relations grouping params where NoHaving :: HavingClause relations 'Ungrouped params Having :: [Condition relations ('Grouped bys) params] -> HavingClause relations ('Grouped bys) params deriving instance Show (HavingClause relations grouping params) deriving instance Eq (HavingClause relations grouping params) deriving instance Ord (HavingClause relations grouping params) -- | Render a `HavingClause`. renderHavingClause :: HavingClause relations grouping params -> ByteString renderHavingClause = \case NoHaving -> "" Having [] -> "" Having conditions -> " HAVING" <+> commaSeparated (renderExpression <$> conditions) {----------------------------------------- Sorting -----------------------------------------} -- | `SortExpression`s are used by `sortBy` to optionally sort the results -- of a `Query`. `Asc` or `Desc` set the sort direction of a `NotNull` result -- column to ascending or descending. Ascending order puts smaller values -- first, where "smaller" is defined in terms of the `.<` operator. Similarly, -- descending order is determined with the `.>` operator. `AscNullsFirst`, -- `AscNullsLast`, `DescNullsFirst` and `DescNullsLast` options are used to -- determine whether nulls appear before or after non-null values in the sort -- ordering of a `Null` result column. data SortExpression relations grouping params where Asc :: Expression relations grouping params ('NotNull ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params Desc :: Expression relations grouping params ('NotNull ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params AscNullsFirst :: Expression relations grouping params ('Null ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params AscNullsLast :: Expression relations grouping params ('Null ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params DescNullsFirst :: Expression relations grouping params ('Null ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params DescNullsLast :: Expression relations grouping params ('Null ty) -> SortExpression relations grouping params deriving instance Show (SortExpression relations grouping params) -- | Render a `SortExpression`. renderSortExpression :: SortExpression relations grouping params -> ByteString renderSortExpression = \case Asc expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "ASC" Desc expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "DESC" AscNullsFirst expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "ASC NULLS FIRST" DescNullsFirst expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "DESC NULLS FIRST" AscNullsLast expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "ASC NULLS LAST" DescNullsLast expression -> renderExpression expression <+> "DESC NULLS LAST"