{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Math.Spline.BSpline.Internal
    ( BSpline(..)
    , mapControlPoints
    , evalBSpline
    , evalNaturalBSpline
    , insertKnot
    , deBoor
    , slice
    ) where

import Math.Spline.Knots

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as BV (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV (Vector, Unbox)
import Data.VectorSpace
import Prelude as P

-- | A B-spline, defined by a knot vector (see 'Knots') and a sequence of control points.
data BSpline v t = Spline
    { degree        :: !Int
    , knotVector    :: Knots (Scalar t)
    , controlPoints :: v t

deriving instance (Eq (Scalar a), Eq (v a)) => Eq   (BSpline v a)
deriving instance (Ord (Scalar a), Ord (v a)) => Ord  (BSpline v a)
instance (Show (Scalar a), Show a, Show (v a)) => Show (BSpline v a) where
    showsPrec p (Spline _ kts cps) = showParen (p>10) 
        ( showString "bSpline "
        . showsPrec 11 kts
        . showChar ' '
        . showsPrec 11 cps

mapControlPoints :: (Scalar a ~ Scalar b, V.Vector v a, V.Vector v b) => (a -> b) -> BSpline v a -> BSpline v b
{-# SPECIALIZE mapControlPoints :: (Scalar a ~ Scalar b) => (a -> b)
 -> BSpline BV.Vector a -> BSpline BV.Vector b #-}
mapControlPoints f spline = spline
    { controlPoints = V.map f (controlPoints spline)
    , knotVector = knotVector spline

-- |Evaluate a B-spline at the given point.  This uses a slightly modified version of 
-- de Boor's algorithm which is only strictly correct inside the domain of the spline.
-- Unlike the standard algorithm, the basis functions always sum to 1, even outside the
-- domain of the spline.  This is mainly useful for \"clamped\" splines - the values at
-- or outside the endpoints will always be the value of the nearest control point.
-- For a standard implementation of de Boor's algorithm, see 'evalNaturalBSpline'.
-- For a (much slower) strictly mathematically correct evaluation, see 'evalReferenceBSpline'.
evalBSpline :: ( VectorSpace a, Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a)
               , V.Vector v a, V.Vector v (Scalar a))
     => BSpline v a -> Scalar a -> a
{-# SPECIALIZE evalBSpline :: ( VectorSpace a, Fractional (Scalar a)
  , Ord (Scalar a)) => BSpline BV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> a#-}
evalBSpline spline
     | V.null (controlPoints spline) = zeroV
     | otherwise = V.head . P.last . deBoor spline

-- | Evaluate a B-spline at the given point.  This uses de Boor's algorithm, which is 
-- only strictly correct inside the domain of the spline.
-- For a (much slower) strictly mathematically correct evaluation, see 'evalReferenceBSpline'.
{-# INLINE evalNaturalBSpline #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE evalNaturalBSpline :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a) 
    => BSpline BV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> a #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE evalNaturalBSpline :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a, UV.Unbox a) 
    => BSpline UV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> a #-}
evalNaturalBSpline :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a, V.Vector v a)
    => BSpline v a -> Scalar a -> a
evalNaturalBSpline spline x = runST $ do
    let Spline p kvec cps = slice spline x
        kts = V.tail (knotsVector kvec)
        s = p - 1 - V.length (V.takeWhile (x==) kts)
    ds <- V.thaw cps
        [ do
            -- No need to check whether u0 < x < u1:
            --  x > u0 is guaranteed by choice of 's'
            --  x < u1 is guaranteed by 'slice'
            let !u0 = kts V.! (j + i)
                !u1 = kts V.! (j + p)
                !du = u1 - u0
                !a  = if du <= 0 then 1 else (x - u0) / du
            d0 <- MV.read ds  j
            d1 <- MV.read ds (j + 1)
            MV.write ds j (lerp d0 d1 a)
        | i <- [0 .. s]
        , j <- [0 .. s - i]
    MV.read ds 0

-- |Insert one knot into a 'BSpline' without changing the spline's shape.
  :: (VectorSpace a, Ord (Scalar a), Fractional (Scalar a), V.Vector v a, V.Vector v (Scalar a)) =>
     BSpline v a -> Scalar a -> BSpline v a
{-# SPECIALIZE insertKnot :: (VectorSpace a, Ord (Scalar a), Fractional (Scalar a)) =>
  BSpline BV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> BSpline BV.Vector a #-}
insertKnot spline x = spline
    { knotVector    = knotVector spline `mappend` knot x
    , controlPoints = V.zipWith4 (interp x) us (V.drop p us) ds (V.tail ds)
        us = V.convert $ knotsVector (knotVector spline)
        p  = degree spline
        ds = extend (controlPoints spline)

-- duplicate the endpoints of a list; for example,
-- extend [1..5] -> [1,1,2,3,4,5,5]
{-# INLINE extend #-}
extend :: V.Vector v t => v t -> v t
extend vec
    | V.null vec    = V.empty
    | otherwise     = V.cons (V.head vec) (V.snoc vec (V.last vec))

{-# SPECIALIZE deBoor :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a)
  => BSpline BV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> [BV.Vector a] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE deBoor :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a,
                          UV.Unbox a, UV.Unbox (Scalar a))
  => BSpline UV.Vector a -> Scalar a -> [UV.Vector a] #-}

-- | The table from de Boor's algorithm, calculated for the entire spline.  If that is not necessary
-- (for example, if you are only evaluating the spline), then use 'slice' on the spline first.
-- 'splitBSpline' currently uses the whole table.  It is probably not necessary there, but it 
-- greatly simplifies the definition and makes the similarity to splitting Bezier curves very obvious.
deBoor :: (Fractional (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), VectorSpace a, V.Vector v a, V.Vector v (Scalar a))
    => BSpline v a -> Scalar a -> [v a]
deBoor spline x = go us0 (controlPoints spline)
        us0 = V.convert $ knotsVector (knotVector spline)
        -- Upper endpoints of the intervals are the same for
        -- each row in the table (they just line up differently
        -- with the lower endpoints):
        uHi = V.drop (degree spline + 1) us0

        -- On each pass, the lower endpoints of the
        -- interpolation intervals advance and the new
        -- coefficients are given by linear interpolation
        -- on the current intervals:
        go us ds
            | V.null ds = []
            | otherwise = ds : go uLo ds'
                uLo = V.tail us
                ds' = V.zipWith4 (interp x) uLo uHi
                                            ds (V.tail ds)

interp :: (Fractional (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v), VectorSpace v)
    => Scalar v -> Scalar v -> Scalar v -> v -> v -> v
interp x x0 x1 y0 y1
    |  x <  x0  = y0
    |  x >= x1  = y1
    | otherwise = lerp y0 y1 a
        a = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)

-- "slice" a spline to contain only those knots and control points that 
-- actually influence the value at 'x'.
-- It should be true for any valid BSpline that:
-- degree (slice f x) == degree f
-- slice (slice f x) x == slice f x
-- {x in domain of f} => {x in domain of slice f x}
-- {x in domain of f} => evalBSpline (slice f x) x == evalBSpline f x
{-# INLINE slice #-}
slice :: (Num (Scalar a), Ord (Scalar a), AdditiveGroup a, V.Vector v a)
     => BSpline v a -> Scalar a -> BSpline v a
slice spline x = spline
    { knotVector    = stakeKnots (n + n) . sdropKnots (l - n) $ knotVector spline
    , controlPoints = vtake       n      . vdrop      (l - n) $ controlPoints spline
        l = maybe 0 id $ V.findIndex (> x) us
        n = degree spline + 1
        us = knotsVector (knotVector spline)

-- Try to take n, but if there's not enough, pad the rest with 0s
vtake :: (V.Vector v t, AdditiveGroup t) => Int -> v t -> v t
{-# SPECIALIZE vtake :: AdditiveGroup t => Int -> BV.Vector t -> BV.Vector t #-}
vtake n xs
    | n <= V.length xs = V.take n xs
    | otherwise = xs V.++ V.replicate (n - V.length xs) zeroV

-- Try to drop n, but if n is negative, pad the beginning with 0s
vdrop :: (V.Vector v t, AdditiveGroup t) => Int -> v t -> v t
{-# SPECIALIZE vdrop :: AdditiveGroup t => Int -> BV.Vector t -> BV.Vector t #-}
vdrop n xs
    | n >= 0 = V.drop n xs
    | otherwise = V.replicate (-n) zeroV V.++ xs

-- Try to take n knots, but if there aren't enough, increase the multiplicity of the last knot
stakeKnots :: (Num k, Ord k) => Int -> Knots k -> Knots k
stakeKnots n kts
    | n <= nKts = takeKnots n kts
    | otherwise = case maxKnot kts of
        Nothing     -> multipleKnot 0 (n - nKts)
        Just (k, m) -> setKnotMultiplicity k (m + n - nKts) kts
    where nKts = numKnots kts

-- Try to drop n knots, but if n is negative, increase the multiplicity of the first knot by @abs n@
sdropKnots :: (Num k, Ord k) => Int -> Knots k -> Knots k
sdropKnots n kts
    | n >= 0    = dropKnots n kts
    | otherwise = case minKnot kts of
        Nothing     -> multipleKnot 0 (-n)
        Just (k, m) -> setKnotMultiplicity k (m - n) kts