max expr size = 4 |- on ineqs = 2 |- on conds = 3 max #-tests = 500 min #-tests = 25 (to consider p ==> q true) max #-vars = 2 (for inequational and conditional laws) _ :: Colour (holes: Colour) _ :: Maybe (Ratio Integer) (holes: Maybe (Ratio Integer)) _ :: Ratio Integer (holes: Ratio Integer) (+) :: Colour -> Colour -> Colour (-) :: Colour -> Colour -> Colour chroma :: Colour -> Ratio Integer hue :: Colour -> Maybe (Ratio Integer) saturation :: Colour -> Ratio Integer value :: Colour -> Ratio Integer lightness :: Colour -> Ratio Integer fromHSV :: Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer -> Colour fromHSL :: Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer -> Ratio Integer -> Colour mix :: Colour -> Colour -> Colour black :: Colour white :: Colour red :: Colour grey :: Colour green :: Colour blue :: Colour Just :: Ratio Integer -> Maybe (Ratio Integer) Nothing :: Maybe (Ratio Integer) 0 % 1 :: Ratio Integer 1 % 1 :: Ratio Integer 1 % 2 :: Ratio Integer Warning: (<=) :: Colour -> Colour -> Bool is not an ordering (not antisymmetric) Warning: (==) and (<=) :: Colour -> Colour -> Bool are inconsistent: (x == y) /= (x <= y && y <= x) mix c c == c c + black == c c - c == black c - black == c c + white == white black - c == black c - white == black fromHSV q r (0 % 1) == black fromHSL q r (0 % 1) == black fromHSL q r (1 % 1) == white fromHSL q (0 % 1) (1 % 2) == grey c + d == d + c mix c d == mix d c fromHSL q (0 % 1) r == fromHSL s (0 % 1) r fromHSV q (0 % 1) r == fromHSL s (0 % 1) r fromHSV (1 % 1) q r == fromHSV (0 % 1) q r fromHSL (1 % 1) q r == fromHSL (0 % 1) q r fromHSL q (1 % 1) (1 % 2) == fromHSV q (1 % 1) (1 % 1) hue (mix c black) == hue c hue (mix c white) == hue c hue (mix c grey) == hue c hue (c + c) == hue (c + grey) value (c + red) == 1 % 1 value (c + green) == 1 % 1 value (c + blue) == 1 % 1 chroma (white - c) == chroma c saturation (mix c black) == saturation c chroma (grey - c) == chroma (c + grey) chroma (mix c white) == chroma (mix c black) chroma (mix c grey) == chroma (mix c black) saturation (c + red) == chroma (c + red) saturation (c + green) == chroma (c + green) saturation (c + blue) == chroma (c + blue) value (c - red) == chroma (c - red) value (c - green) == chroma (c - green) value (c - blue) == chroma (c - blue) value (red - c) == chroma (red - c) value (green - c) == chroma (green - c) value (blue - c) == chroma (blue - c) hue c <= Just (1 % 1) 0 % 1 <= chroma c 0 % 1 <= saturation c 0 % 1 <= value c 0 % 1 <= lightness c chroma c <= 1 % 1 saturation c <= 1 % 1 value c <= 1 % 1 lightness c <= 1 % 1 chroma c <= saturation c chroma c <= value c lightness c <= value c