-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | Numerical computation in native Haskell -- -- Currently the library provides iterative linear solvers, matrix -- decompositions, eigenvalue computations and related utilities. Please -- see README.md for details @package sparse-linear-algebra @version module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class class Functor f => Additive f -- | Ring zero element zero :: (Additive f, Num a) => f a -- | Ring + (^+^) :: (Additive f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> f a -- | negate the values in a functor negated :: (Num a, Functor f) => f a -> f a -- | subtract two Additive objects (^-^) :: (Additive f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> f a class Additive f => VectorSpace f -- | multiplication by a scalar (.*) :: (VectorSpace f, Num a) => a -> f a -> f a -- | linear interpolation lerp :: (VectorSpace f, Num a) => a -> f a -> f a -> f a class VectorSpace f => Hilbert f -- | inner product dot :: (Hilbert f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> a -- | `hilbertDistSq x y = || x - y ||^2` hilbertDistSq :: (Hilbert f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> a class Hilbert f => Normed f norm :: (Normed f, Floating a, Eq a) => a -> f a -> a -- | Squared 2-norm normSq :: (Hilbert f, Num a) => f a -> a -- | L1 norm norm1 :: (Foldable t, Num a, Functor t) => t a -> a -- | Euclidean norm norm2 :: (Hilbert f, Floating a) => f a -> a -- | Lp norm (p > 0) normP :: (Foldable t, Functor t, Floating a) => a -> t a -> a -- | Infinity-norm normInfty :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a -- | Normalize w.r.t. p-norm (p finite) normalize :: (Normed f, Floating a, Eq a) => a -> f a -> f a -- | Lp inner product (p > 0) dotLp :: (Set t, Foldable t, Floating a) => a -> t a -> t a -> a -- | Reciprocal reciprocal :: (Functor f, Fractional b) => f b -> f b -- | Scale scale :: (Num b, Functor f) => b -> f b -> f b class Additive f => FiniteDim f where type FDSize f :: * where { type family FDSize f :: *; } dim :: FiniteDim f => f a -> FDSize f -- | unary dimension-checking bracket withDim :: (FiniteDim f, Show e) => f a -> (FDSize f -> f a -> Bool) -> (f a -> c) -> String -> (f a -> e) -> c -- | binary dimension-checking bracket withDim2 :: (FiniteDim f, FiniteDim g, Show e) => f a -> g b -> (FDSize f -> FDSize g -> f a -> g b -> Bool) -> (f a -> g b -> c) -> String -> (f a -> g b -> e) -> c class Additive f => HasData f a where type HDData f a :: * where { type family HDData f a :: *; } dat :: HasData f a => f a -> HDData f a class (FiniteDim f, HasData f a) => Sparse f a spy :: (Sparse f a, Fractional b) => f a -> b class Functor f => Set f -- | union binary lift : apply function on _union_ of two Sets liftU2 :: Set f => (a -> a -> a) -> f a -> f a -> f a -- | intersection binary lift : apply function on _intersection_ of two -- Sets liftI2 :: Set f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c class IxContainer (c :: * -> *) a where type Ix c :: * where { type family Ix c :: *; } ixcLookup :: IxContainer c a => Ix c -> c a -> Maybe a ixcLookupDefault :: IxContainer c a => a -> Ix c -> c a -> a ixcFilter :: IxContainer c a => (a -> Bool) -> c a -> c a ixcIfilter :: IxContainer c a => (Ix c -> a -> Bool) -> c a -> c a ixcInsert :: IxContainer c a => Ix c -> a -> c a -> c a ixcFromList :: IxContainer c a => [(Ix c, a)] -> c a ixcToList :: IxContainer c a => c a -> [(Ix c, a)] module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.IntMap -- | Insert an element insertIM2 :: Key -> Key -> a -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -- | Lookup a key lookupIM2 :: Key -> Key -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> Maybe a -- | Ppopulate an IM2 from a list of (row index, column index, value) fromListIM2 :: Foldable t => t (Key, Key, a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -- | Indexed left fold over an IM2, with general accumulator ifoldlIM2' :: (Key -> Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> b -- | Indexed left fold over an IM2 ifoldlIM2 :: (Key -> Key -> t -> IntMap a -> IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap t) -> IntMap a -- | Left fold over an IM2, with general accumulator foldlIM2 :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> b -- | Inner indices become outer ones and vice versa. No loss of information -- because both inner and outer IntMaps are nubbed. transposeIM2 :: IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -- | Map over outer IM and filter all inner IM's ifilterIM2 :: (Key -> Key -> a -> Bool) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -- | Specialized filtering : keep only sub-diagonal elements filterSubdiag :: IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) countSubdiagonalNZ :: IntMap (IntMap a) -> Int -- | List of (row, col) indices of (nonzero) subdiagonal elements subdiagIndices :: IntMap (IntMap a) -> [(Key, Key)] rpairs :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)] -- | Map over IM2 mapIM2 :: (a -> b) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap b) -- | Indexed map over IM2 imapIM2 :: (Key -> Key -> a -> b) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap b) -- | Mapping keys mapKeysIM2 :: (Key -> Key) -> (Key -> Key) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> IntMap (IntMap a) mapColumnIM2 :: (b -> b) -> IntMap (IntMap b) -> Int -> IntMap (IntMap b) instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Set Data.IntMap.Base.IntMap instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Additive Data.IntMap.Base.IntMap instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.VectorSpace Data.IntMap.Base.IntMap instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Hilbert Data.IntMap.Base.IntMap instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Normed Data.IntMap.Base.IntMap module Numeric.Eps -- | eps = 1e-8 eps :: Double -- | Rounding rule almostZero :: Double -> Bool -- | Rounding rule almostOne :: Double -> Bool isNz :: Double -> Bool withDefault :: (t -> Bool) -> t -> t -> t roundZero :: Double -> Double roundOne :: Double -> Double with2Defaults :: (t -> Bool) -> (t -> Bool) -> t -> t -> t -> t -- | Round to respectively 0 or 1 within some predefined numerical -- precision eps roundZeroOne :: Double -> Double module Data.Sparse.Utils -- | Componentwise tuple operations TODO : use semilattice properties -- instead maxTup :: Ord t => (t, t) -> (t, t) -> (t, t) -- | Componentwise tuple operations TODO : use semilattice properties -- instead minTup :: Ord t => (t, t) -> (t, t) -> (t, t) -- | integer-indexed ziplist denseIxArray :: [b] -> [(Int, b)] -- | ", 2d arrays denseIxArray2 :: Int -> [c] -> [(Int, Int, c)] -- | foldr over the results of a fmap foldrMap :: (Foldable t, Functor t) => (a -> b) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> t a -> c -- | strict left fold foldlStrict :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a -- | indexed right fold ifoldr :: Num i => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (i -> c -> d -> a) -> c -> [d] -> b type LB = Int type UB = Int inBounds :: LB -> UB -> Int -> Bool inBounds2 :: (LB, UB) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool inBounds0 :: UB -> Int -> Bool inBounds02 :: (UB, UB) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool module Data.Sparse.Types type Rows = Int type Cols = Int type IxRow = Int type IxCol = Int module Data.Sparse.SpVector data SpVector a SV :: Int -> IntMap a -> SpVector a [svDim] :: SpVector a -> Int [svData] :: SpVector a -> IntMap a -- | SpVector sparsity spySV :: Fractional b => SpVector a -> b -- | Number of nonzeros nzSV :: SpVector a -> Int sizeStrSV :: SpVector a -> String -- | empty sparse vector (length n, no entries) zeroSV :: Int -> SpVector a -- | singleton sparse vector (length 1) singletonSV :: a -> SpVector a -- | create a sparse vector from an association list while discarding all -- zero entries mkSpVector :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> IntMap a -> SpVector a -- | ", from logically dense array (consecutive indices) mkSpVectorD :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> SpVector a mkSpVector1 :: Int -> IntMap a -> SpVector a -- | Create new sparse vector, assumin 0-based, contiguous indexing fromListDenseSV :: Int -> [a] -> SpVector a -- | one-hot encoding : `oneHotSV n k` produces a SpVector of length n -- having 1 at the k-th position oneHotSVU :: Num a => Int -> IxRow -> SpVector a oneHotSV :: Num a => Int -> IxRow -> SpVector a -- | DENSE vector of `1`s onesSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a -- | DENSE vector of `0`s zerosSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a -- | insert element x at index i in a preexisting -- SpVector insertSpVector :: Int -> a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a fromListSV :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> SpVector a toListSV :: SpVector a -> [(Key, a)] -- | To dense list (default = 0) toDenseListSV :: Num b => SpVector b -> [b] -- | Lookup an index in a SpVector lookupSV :: Key -> SpVector a -> Maybe a -- | Lookup an index, return a default value if lookup fails lookupDefaultSV :: a -> Key -> SpVector a -> a -- | Lookup an index in a SpVector, returns 0 if lookup fails lookupDenseSV :: Num a => Key -> SpVector a -> a -- | Tail elements tailSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Head element headSV :: Num a => SpVector a -> a -- | Concatenate two sparse vectors concatSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Filter filterSV :: (a -> Bool) -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Indexed filter ifilterSV :: (Int -> a -> Bool) -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Generate an arbitrary (not random) vector u such that `v dot -- u = 0` orthogonalSV :: Fractional a => SpVector a -> SpVector a instance GHC.Classes.Eq a => GHC.Classes.Eq (Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector a) instance GHC.Base.Functor Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Set Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Data.Foldable.Foldable Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Additive Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.VectorSpace Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.FiniteDim Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.HasData Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector a instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Sparse Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector a instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Hilbert Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Normed Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector a) module Data.Sparse.SpMatrix data SpMatrix a SM :: (Rows, Cols) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> SpMatrix a [smDim] :: SpMatrix a -> (Rows, Cols) [smData] :: SpMatrix a -> IntMap (IntMap a) sizeStr :: SpMatrix a -> String -- | `zeroSM m n` : Empty SpMatrix of size (m, n) zeroSM :: Rows -> Cols -> SpMatrix a mkDiagonal :: Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a -- | `eye n` : identity matrix of rank n eye :: Num a => Int -> SpMatrix a -- | Permutation matrix from a (possibly incomplete) list of row swaps -- starting from row 0 e.g. `permutationSM 5 [1,3]` first swaps rows (0, -- 1) and then rows (1, 3) : -- -- permutationSM :: Num a => Int -> [IxRow] -> SpMatrix a -- | Permutation matrix from a (possibly incomplete) list of row pair swaps -- e.g. `permutPairs 5 [(2,4)]` swaps rows (2, 4) : -- -- permutPairsSM :: Num a => Int -> [(IxRow, IxRow)] -> SpMatrix a -- | `mkSubDiagonal n o xx` creates a square SpMatrix of size n -- with xx on the oth subdiagonal mkSubDiagonal :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a -- | Insert an element in a preexisting Spmatrix at the specified indices insertSpMatrix :: IxRow -> IxCol -> a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Add to existing SpMatrix using data from list (row, col, value) fromListSM' :: Foldable t => t (IxRow, IxCol, a) -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Create new SpMatrix using data from list (row, col, value) fromListSM :: Foldable t => (Int, Int) -> t (IxRow, IxCol, a) -> SpMatrix a -- | Create new SpMatrix assuming contiguous, 0-based indexing of elements fromListDenseSM :: Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a -- | Populate list with SpMatrix contents and populate missing entries with -- 0 toDenseListSM :: Num t => SpMatrix t -> [(IxRow, IxCol, t)] lookupSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> IxCol -> Maybe a -- | Looks up an element in the matrix with a default (if the element is -- not found, zero is returned) lookupWD_SM :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a -- | Zero-default lookup, infix form (no bound checking) -- -- Looks up an element in the matrix with a default (if the element is -- not found, zero is returned) (@@!) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a -- | Zero-default lookup, infix form ("safe" : throws exception if lookup -- is outside matrix bounds) -- -- Looks up an element in the matrix with a default (if the element is -- not found, zero is returned) (@@) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a lookupWD_IM :: Num a => IntMap (IntMap a) -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a -- | Extract a submatrix given the specified index bounds, rebalancing keys -- with the two supplied functions extractSubmatrixSM :: (Key -> Key) -> (Key -> Key) -> SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract a submatrix given the specified index bounds NB : subtracts -- (i1, j1) from the indices extractSubmatrixRebalanceKeys :: SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract a submatrix given the specified index bounds NB : submatrix -- indices are _preserved_ extractSubmatrix :: SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a extractRowSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract column within a row range extractSubRowSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract column within a row range, rebalance keys extractSubRowSM_RK :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract all column extractColSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract column within a row range extractSubColSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract column within a row range, rebalance keys extractSubColSM_RK :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> SpMatrix a -- | Are the supplied indices within matrix bounds? isValidIxSM :: SpMatrix a -> (Int, Int) -> Bool -- | Is the matrix square? isSquareSM :: SpMatrix a -> Bool -- | Is the matrix diagonal? isDiagonalSM :: SpMatrix a -> Bool -- | is the matrix orthogonal? i.e. Q^t ## Q == I isOrthogonalSM :: SpMatrix Double -> Bool -- | Data in internal representation (do not export) immSM :: SpMatrix t -> IntMap (IntMap t) -- | (Number of rows, Number of columns) dimSM :: SpMatrix t -> (Rows, Cols) -- | Number of rows times number of columns nelSM :: SpMatrix t -> Int -- | Number of rows nrows :: SpMatrix a -> Rows -- | Number of columns ncols :: SpMatrix a -> Cols data SMInfo SMInfo :: Int -> Double -> SMInfo [smNz] :: SMInfo -> Int [smSpy] :: SMInfo -> Double infoSM :: SpMatrix a -> SMInfo nzSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int spySM :: Fractional b => SpMatrix a -> b nzRow :: SpMatrix a -> Key -> Int bwMinSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int bwMaxSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int bwBoundsSM :: SpMatrix a -> (Int, Int) -- | Vertical stacking vertStackSM :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Vertical stacking (-=-) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Horizontal stacking horizStackSM :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Horizontal stacking (-||-) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Left fold over SpMatrix foldlSM :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SpMatrix a -> b -- | Indexed left fold over SpMatrix ifoldlSM :: (Key -> Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> SpMatrix a -> b -- | Count sub-diagonal nonzeros countSubdiagonalNZSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int -- | Filter the index subset that lies below the diagonal (used in the QR -- decomposition, for example) subdiagIndicesSM :: SpMatrix a -> [(IxRow, IxCol)] sparsifyIM2 :: IntMap (IntMap Double) -> IntMap (IntMap Double) -- | Sparsify an SpMatrix sparsifySM :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | Round almost-0 and almost-1 to 0 and 1 respectively roundZeroOneSM :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | swap two rows of a SpMatrix (bounds not checked) swapRows :: IxRow -> IxRow -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | swap two rows of a SpMatrix (bounds checked) swapRowsSafe :: IxRow -> IxRow -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | transposeSM, (#^) : Matrix transpose transposeSM :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | transposeSM, (#^) : Matrix transpose (#^) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a matScale :: Num a => a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a normFrobenius :: SpMatrix Double -> Double matMat :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a (##) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -- | Removes all elements x for which `| x | <= eps`) matMatSparsified :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | Removes all elements x for which `| x | <= eps`) (#~#) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | A^T B (#^#) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | A B^T (##^) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | Contract two matrices A and B up to an index n, i.e. summing -- over repeated indices: Aij Bjk , for j in [0 .. n] contractSub :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> IxCol -> Int -> a instance GHC.Show.Show Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SMInfo instance GHC.Classes.Eq Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SMInfo instance GHC.Classes.Eq a => GHC.Classes.Eq (Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix a) instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix a) instance GHC.Base.Functor Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Set Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Additive Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.FiniteDim Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.HasData Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix a instance Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class.Sparse Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix a module Data.Sparse.Common -- | Insert row , using the provided row index transformation function insertRowWith :: (IxCol -> IxCol) -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> Key -> SpMatrix a -- | Insert row insertRow :: SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> Key -> SpMatrix a -- | Insert column, using the provided row index transformation function insertColWith :: (IxRow -> IxRow) -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> IxCol -> SpMatrix a -- | Insert column insertCol :: SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> IxCol -> SpMatrix a outerProdSV :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpMatrix a (><) :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -- | Demote (n x 1) or (1 x n) SpMatrix to SpVector toSV :: SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -- | promote a SV to SM svToSM :: SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -- | Extract jth column extractCol :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> SpVector a -- | Extract ith row extractRow :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> SpVector a -- | Generic extraction function extractVectorDenseWith :: Num a => (Int -> (IxRow, IxCol)) -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -- | Extract ith row (dense) extractRowDense :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> SpVector a -- | Extract jth column extractColDense :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> SpVector a -- | Extract the diagonal extractDiagDense :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -- | extract row interval extractSubRow :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpVector a -- | extract column interval extractSubCol :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> SpVector a -- | extract row interval, rebalance keys by subtracting lowest one extractSubRow_RK :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> (IxCol, IxCol) -> SpVector a -- | extract column interval, rebalance keys by subtracting lowest one extractSubCol_RK :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> (IxRow, IxRow) -> SpVector a -- | Matrix-on-vector matVec :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Matrix-on-vector (#>) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -- | Vector-on-matrix (FIXME : transposes matrix: more costly than -- matVec, I think) vecMat :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -- | Vector-on-matrix (FIXME : transposes matrix: more costly than -- matVec, I think) (<#) :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a prd :: PrintDense a => a -> IO () instance (GHC.Show.Show a, GHC.Num.Num a) => Data.Sparse.Common.PrintDense (Data.Sparse.SpVector.SpVector a) instance (GHC.Show.Show a, GHC.Num.Num a) => Data.Sparse.Common.PrintDense (Data.Sparse.SpMatrix.SpMatrix a) module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse -- | Applies Givens rotation iteratively to zero out sub-diagonal elements qr :: SpMatrix Double -> (SpMatrix Double, SpMatrix Double) -- | LU factors lu :: SpMatrix Double -> (SpMatrix Double, SpMatrix Double) -- | uses the R matrix from the QR factorization conditionNumberSM :: SpMatrix Double -> Double hhMat :: Num a => a -> SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -- | a vector x uniquely defines an orthogonal plane; the -- Householder operator reflects any point v with respect to -- this plane: v' = (I - 2 x >< x) v hhRefl :: SpVector Double -> SpMatrix Double -- | Givens method, row version: choose other row index i' s.t. i' is : * -- below the diagonal * corresponding element is nonzero -- -- QR.C1 ) To zero out entry A(i, j) we must find row k such that A(k, j) -- is non-zero but A has zeros in row k for all columns less than j. givens :: SpMatrix Double -> IxRow -> IxCol -> SpMatrix Double -- | `eigsQR n mm` performs n iterations of the QR algorithm on -- matrix mm, and returns a SpVector containing all eigenvalues eigsQR :: Int -> SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -- | `eigsRayleigh n mm` performs n iterations of the Rayleigh -- algorithm on matrix mm and returns the eigenpair closest to -- the initialization. It displays cubic-order convergence, but it also -- requires an educated guess on the initial eigenpair eigRayleigh :: Int -> SpMatrix Double -> (SpVector Double, Double) -> (SpVector Double, Double) -- | Linear solve with _deterministic_ starting vector (every component at -- 0.1) linSolve :: LinSolveMethod -> SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double data LinSolveMethod -- | \ : linSolve using the BiCGSTAB method as default (<\>) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double cgne :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> CGNE tfqmr :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> TFQMR -- | iterate solver until convergence or until max # of iterations is -- reached bicgstab :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> BICGSTAB -- | iterate solver until convergence or until max # of iterations is -- reached cgs :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> CGS bcg :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> BCG _xCgne :: CGNE -> SpVector Double _xTfq :: TFQMR -> SpVector Double _xBicgstab :: BICGSTAB -> SpVector Double _x :: CGS -> SpVector Double _xBcg :: BCG -> SpVector Double -- | one step of CGS cgsStep :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> CGS -> CGS -- | one step of BiCGSTAB bicgstabStep :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> BICGSTAB -> BICGSTAB data CGNE data TFQMR data BICGSTAB data CGS data BCG -- | Dense SpMatrix randMat :: PrimMonad m => Int -> m (SpMatrix Double) -- | Dense SpVector randVec :: PrimMonad m => Int -> m (SpVector Double) -- | Sparse SpMatrix randSpMat :: Int -> Int -> IO (SpMatrix Double) -- | Sparse SpVector randSpVec :: Int -> Int -> IO (SpVector Double) -- | Sparsify an SpVector sparsifySV :: SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -- | Keep a moving window buffer (length 2) of state x to assess -- convergence, stop when either a condition on that list is satisfied or -- when max # of iterations is reached (i.e. same thing as -- loopUntilAcc but this one runs in the State monad) modifyInspectN :: MonadState s m => Int -> ([s] -> Bool) -> (s -> s) -> m s -- | ", NO convergence check runAppendN' :: (t -> t) -> Int -> t -> [t] diffSqL :: Floating a => [a] -> a instance GHC.Show.Show Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.LinSolveMethod instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.LinSolveMethod instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.BICGSTAB instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.CGS instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.BCG instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.TFQMR instance GHC.Classes.Eq Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.CGNE instance GHC.Show.Show Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.BCG instance GHC.Show.Show Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.CGS instance GHC.Show.Show Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.BICGSTAB