{-# language TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Data.Sparse.SpVector where

import Data.Sparse.Utils

import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Class
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.IntMap

import Data.Maybe

import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.Foldable as F

-- * Sparse Vector

data SpVector a = SV { svDim :: Int ,
                       svData :: IM.IntMap a} deriving Eq

-- | SpVector sparsity
spySV :: Fractional b => SpVector a -> b
spySV s = fromIntegral (IM.size (dat s)) / fromIntegral (dim s)

instance Functor SpVector where
  fmap f (SV n x) = SV n (fmap f x)

instance Set SpVector where  
  liftU2 f2 (SV n1 x1) (SV n2 x2) = SV (max n1 n2) (liftU2 f2 x1 x2)
  liftI2 f2 (SV n1 x1) (SV n2 x2) = SV (max n1 n2) (liftI2 f2 x1 x2)
instance Foldable SpVector where
    foldr f d v = F.foldr f d (svData v)

instance Additive SpVector where
  zero = SV 0 IM.empty
  (^+^) = liftU2 (+)

instance VectorSpace SpVector where
  n .* v = scale n v

instance FiniteDim SpVector where
  type FDSize SpVector = Int
  dim = svDim  

instance HasData SpVector a where
  type HDData SpVector a = IM.IntMap a
  dat = svData

instance Sparse SpVector a where
  spy = spySV

instance Hilbert SpVector where
  a `dot` b | dim a == dim b = dot (dat a) (dat b)
            | otherwise =
                     error $ "dot : sizes must coincide, instead we got " ++
                           show (dim a, dim b)

instance Normed SpVector where
  norm p (SV _ v) = norm p v

-- ** Creation

-- | empty sparse vector (length n, no entries)
zeroSV :: Int -> SpVector a
zeroSV n = SV n IM.empty

-- | singleton sparse vector (length 1)
singletonSV :: a -> SpVector a
singletonSV x = SV 1 (IM.singleton 0 x)

-- | create a sparse vector from an association list while discarding all zero entries
mkSpVector :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> IM.IntMap a -> SpVector a
mkSpVector d im = SV d $ IM.filterWithKey (\k v -> v /= 0 && inBounds0 d k) im

-- | ", from logically dense array (consecutive indices)
mkSpVectorD :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> SpVector a
mkSpVectorD d ll = mkSpVector d (IM.fromList $ denseIxArray (take d ll))

-- ", don't filter zero elements
mkSpVector1 :: Int -> IM.IntMap a -> SpVector a
mkSpVector1 d ll = SV d $ IM.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> inBounds0 d k) ll

-- | Create new sparse vector, assumin 0-based, contiguous indexing
fromListDenseSV :: Int -> [a] -> SpVector a
fromListDenseSV d ll = SV d (IM.fromList $ denseIxArray (take d ll))

-- | one-hot encoding : `oneHotSV n k` produces a SpVector of length n having 1 at the k-th position
oneHotSVU :: Num a => Int -> IxRow -> SpVector a
oneHotSVU n k = SV n (IM.singleton k 1)

oneHotSV :: Num a => Int -> IxRow -> SpVector a
oneHotSV n k |inBounds0 n k = oneHotSVU n k
             |otherwise = error "`oneHotSV n k` must satisfy 0 <= k <= n"

-- | DENSE vector of `1`s
onesSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a
onesSV d = SV d $ IM.fromList $ denseIxArray $ replicate d 1

-- | DENSE vector of `0`s
zerosSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a
zerosSV d = SV d $ IM.fromList $ denseIxArray $ replicate d 0

-- ** Element insertion

-- |insert element `x` at index `i` in a preexisting SpVector
insertSpVector :: Int -> a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a
insertSpVector i x (SV d xim)
  | inBounds0 d i = SV d (IM.insert i x xim)
  | otherwise = error "insertSpVector : index out of bounds"

-- ** fromList
fromListSV :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> SpVector a
fromListSV d iix = SV d (IM.fromList (filter (inBounds0 d . fst) iix ))

-- ** toList
toListSV :: SpVector a -> [(IM.Key, a)]
toListSV sv = IM.toList (dat sv)

-- |To dense list (default = 0)
toDenseListSV :: Num b => SpVector b -> [b]
toDenseListSV (SV d im) = fmap (\i -> IM.findWithDefault 0 i im) [0 .. d-1]

instance Show a => Show (SpVector a) where
  show (SV d x) = "SV (" ++ show d ++ ") "++ show (IM.toList x)

-- ** Lookup

-- | Lookup an index in a SpVector
lookupSV :: IM.Key -> SpVector a -> Maybe a
lookupSV i (SV _ im) = IM.lookup i im

-- | Lookup an index, return a default value if lookup fails
lookupDefaultSV :: a -> IM.Key -> SpVector a -> a
lookupDefaultSV def i (SV _ im) = IM.findWithDefault def i im

-- |Lookup an index in a SpVector, returns 0 if lookup fails
lookupDenseSV :: Num a => IM.Key -> SpVector a -> a
lookupDenseSV = lookupDefaultSV 0

-- ** Sub-vectors
-- | Tail elements
tailSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a
tailSV (SV n sv) = SV (n-1) ta where
  ta = IM.mapKeys (\i -> i - 1) $ IM.delete 0 sv
-- | Head element
headSV :: Num a => SpVector a -> a
headSV sv = fromMaybe 0 (IM.lookup 0 (dat sv))

-- | Concatenate two sparse vectors
concatSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a
concatSV (SV n1 s1) (SV n2 s2) = SV (n1+n2) (IM.union s1 s2') where
  s2' = IM.mapKeys (+ n1) s2

-- | Filter
filterSV :: (a -> Bool) -> SpVector a -> SpVector a
filterSV q sv = SV (dim sv) (IM.filter q (dat sv)) 

-- | Indexed filter
ifilterSV :: (Int -> a -> Bool) -> SpVector a -> SpVector a
ifilterSV q sv = SV (dim sv) (IM.filterWithKey q (dat sv))

-- * Orthogonal vector

-- | Generate an arbitrary (not random) vector `u` such that `v dot u = 0`
orthogonalSV :: Fractional a => SpVector a -> SpVector a
orthogonalSV v = u where
  (h, t) = (headSV v, tailSV v)
  n = dim v
  v2 = onesSV (n - 1)
  yn = singletonSV $ - (v2 `dot` t)/h
  u = concatSV yn v2