{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-K32m -prof#-} module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse where import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Sparse.IntMap import Control.Monad.Primitive import Control.Monad (mapM_, forM_, replicateM) import Control.Monad.State.Strict -- import Control.Monad.Writer -- import Control.Monad.Trans -- import Control.Monad.Trans.State (runStateT) -- import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (runWriterT) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM -- import Data.Utils.StrictFold (foldlStrict) -- hidden in `containers` import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as MWC import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Traversable as T -- import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe {-| CLASSES and common operations -} -- * Additive ring class Functor f => Additive f where -- | Ring zero element zero :: Num a => f a -- | Ring + (^+^) :: Num a => f a -> f a -> f a -- | negate the values in a functor negated :: (Num a, Functor f) => f a -> f a negated = fmap negate -- | subtract two Additive objects (^-^) :: (Additive f, Num a) => f a -> f a -> f a x ^-^ y = x ^+^ negated y -- * Vector space class Additive f => VectorSpace f where -- | multiplication by a scalar (.*) :: Num a => a -> f a -> f a -- |linear interpolation lerp :: (VectorSpace f, Num a) => a -> f a -> f a -> f a lerp a u v = a .* u ^+^ ((1-a) .* v) -- * Hilbert space (inner product) class VectorSpace f => Hilbert f where -- | inner product dot :: Num a => f a -> f a -> a -- * Normed vector space class Hilbert f => Normed f where norm :: (Floating a, Eq a) => a -> f a -> a -- ** Norms and related results -- | Squared 2-norm normSq :: (Hilbert f, Num a) => f a -> a normSq v = v `dot` v -- |L1 norm norm1 :: (Foldable t, Num a, Functor t) => t a -> a norm1 v = sum (fmap abs v) -- |Euclidean norm norm2 :: (Hilbert f, Floating a) => f a -> a norm2 v = sqrt (normSq v) -- |Lp norm (p > 0) normP :: (Foldable t, Functor t, Floating a) => a -> t a -> a normP p v = sum u**(1/p) where u = fmap (**p) v -- |Infinity-norm normInfty :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a normInfty = maximum -- |Normalize w.r.t. p-norm (p finite) normalize :: (Normed f, Floating a, Eq a) => a -> f a -> f a normalize p v = (1 / norm p v) .* v -- |Lp inner product (p > 0) dotLp :: (Set t, Foldable t, Floating a) => a -> t a -> t a -> a dotLp p v1 v2 = sum u**(1/p) where f a b = (a*b)**p u = liftI2 f v1 v2 -- |Reciprocal reciprocal :: (Functor f, Fractional b) => f b -> f b reciprocal = fmap recip -- |Scale scale :: (Num b, Functor f) => b -> f b -> f b scale n = fmap (* n) -- * FiniteDim : finite-dimensional objects class Additive f => FiniteDim f where type FDSize f :: * dim :: f a -> FDSize f -- | unary dimension-checking bracket withDim :: (FiniteDim f, Show e) => f a -> (FDSize f -> f a -> Bool) -> (f a -> c) -> String -> (f a -> e) -> c withDim x p f e ef | p (dim x) x = f x | otherwise = error e' where e' = e ++ show (ef x) -- | binary dimension-checking bracket withDim2 :: (FiniteDim f, FiniteDim g, Show e) => f a -> g b -> (FDSize f -> FDSize g -> f a -> g b -> Bool) -> (f a -> g b -> c) -> String -> (f a -> g b -> e) -> c withDim2 x y p f e ef | p (dim x) (dim y) x y = f x y | otherwise = error e' where e' = e ++ show (ef x y) -- * HasData : accessing inner data (do not export) class Additive f => HasData f a where type HDData f a :: * dat :: f a -> HDData f a -- * Sparse : sparse datastructures class (FiniteDim f, HasData f a) => Sparse f a where spy :: Fractional b => f a -> b -- * Set : things that behave as sets class Functor f => Set f where -- |union binary lift : apply function on _union_ of two Sets liftU2 :: (a -> a -> a) -> f a -> f a -> f a -- |intersection binary lift : apply function on _intersection_ of two Sets liftI2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c -- class (Set f, Sparse f a) => SparseSet f a -- instance SparseSet SpVector a where instance Set IM.IntMap where liftU2 = IM.unionWith {-# INLINE liftU2 #-} liftI2 = IM.intersectionWith {-# INLINE liftI2 #-} instance Additive IM.IntMap where zero = IM.empty {-# INLINE zero #-} (^+^) = liftU2 (+) {-# INLINE (^+^) #-} instance VectorSpace IM.IntMap where n .* im = IM.map (* n) im instance Hilbert IM.IntMap where a `dot` b = sum $ liftI2 (*) a b instance Normed IM.IntMap where norm p v | p==1 = norm1 v | p==2 = norm2 v | otherwise = normP p v -- * Sparse Vector data SpVector a = SV { svDim :: Int , svData :: IM.IntMap a} deriving Eq -- | SpVector sparsity spySV :: Fractional b => SpVector a -> b spySV s = fromIntegral (IM.size (dat s)) / fromIntegral (dim s) instance Functor SpVector where fmap f (SV n x) = SV n (fmap f x) instance Set SpVector where liftU2 f2 (SV n1 x1) (SV n2 x2) = SV (max n1 n2) (liftU2 f2 x1 x2) liftI2 f2 (SV n1 x1) (SV n2 x2) = SV (max n1 n2) (liftI2 f2 x1 x2) instance Foldable SpVector where foldr f d v = F.foldr f d (svData v) instance Additive SpVector where zero = SV 0 IM.empty (^+^) = liftU2 (+) instance VectorSpace SpVector where n .* v = scale n v instance FiniteDim SpVector where type FDSize SpVector = Int dim = svDim instance HasData SpVector a where type HDData SpVector a = IM.IntMap a dat = svData instance Sparse SpVector a where spy = spySV instance Hilbert SpVector where a `dot` b | dim a == dim b = dot (dat a) (dat b) | otherwise = error $ "dot : sizes must coincide, instead we got " ++ show (dim a, dim b) instance Normed SpVector where norm p (SV _ v) = norm p v -- ** Creation -- | empty sparse vector (length n, no entries) zeroSV :: Int -> SpVector a zeroSV n = SV n IM.empty -- | singleton sparse vector (length 1) singletonSV :: a -> SpVector a singletonSV x = SV 1 (IM.singleton 0 x) -- | create a sparse vector from an association list while discarding all zero entries mkSpVector :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> IM.IntMap a -> SpVector a mkSpVector d im = SV d $ IM.filterWithKey (\k v -> v /= 0 && inBounds0 d k) im -- | ", from logically dense array (consecutive indices) mkSpVectorD :: (Num a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> SpVector a mkSpVectorD d ll = mkSpVector d (IM.fromList $ denseIxArray (take d ll)) -- ", don't filter zero elements mkSpVector1 :: Int -> IM.IntMap a -> SpVector a mkSpVector1 d ll = SV d $ IM.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> inBounds0 d k) ll -- | Create new sparse vector, assumin 0-based, contiguous indexing fromListDenseSV :: Int -> [a] -> SpVector a fromListDenseSV d ll = SV d (IM.fromList $ denseIxArray (take d ll)) -- | DENSE vector of `1`s onesSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a onesSV d = SV d $ IM.fromList $ denseIxArray $ replicate d 1 -- | DENSE vector of `0`s zerosSV :: Num a => Int -> SpVector a zerosSV d = SV d $ IM.fromList $ denseIxArray $ replicate d 0 -- ** Element insertion -- |insert element `x` at index `i` in a preexisting SpVector insertSpVector :: Int -> a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a insertSpVector i x (SV d xim) | inBounds0 d i = SV d (IM.insert i x xim) | otherwise = error "insertSpVector : index out of bounds" -- ** fromList fromListSV :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> SpVector a fromListSV d iix = SV d (IM.fromList (filter (inBounds0 d . fst) iix )) -- ** toList toListSV :: SpVector a -> [(IM.Key, a)] toListSV sv = IM.toList (dat sv) -- |To dense list (default = 0) toDenseListSV :: Num b => SpVector b -> [b] toDenseListSV (SV d im) = fmap (\i -> IM.findWithDefault 0 i im) [0 .. d-1] instance Show a => Show (SpVector a) where show (SV d x) = "SV (" ++ show d ++ ") "++ show (IM.toList x) -- ** Lookup -- |lookup an index in a SpVector (returns 0 if lookup fails) lookupDenseSV :: Num a => IM.Key -> SpVector a -> a lookupDenseSV i (SV _ im) = IM.findWithDefault 0 i im -- ** Sub-vectors -- | Tail elements tailSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a tailSV (SV n sv) = SV (n-1) ta where ta = IM.mapKeys (\i -> i - 1) $ IM.delete 0 sv -- | Head element headSV :: Num a => SpVector a -> a headSV sv = fromMaybe 0 (IM.lookup 0 (dat sv)) -- | concatenate two sparse vectors concatSV :: SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a concatSV (SV n1 s1) (SV n2 s2) = SV (n1+n2) (IM.union s1 s2') where s2' = IM.mapKeys (+ n1) s2 -- | promote a SV to SM svToSM :: SpVector a -> SpMatrix a svToSM (SV n d) = SM (n, 1) $ IM.singleton 0 d -- ** Outer vector product outerProdSV, (><) :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpMatrix a outerProdSV v1 v2 = fromListSM (m, n) ixy where m = dim v1 n = dim v2 ixy = [(i,j, x * y) | (i,x) <- toListSV v1 , (j, y) <- toListSV v2] (><) = outerProdSV -- * Sparse Matrix data SpMatrix a = SM {smDim :: (Rows, Cols), smData :: IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap a)} deriving Eq instance Show a => Show (SpMatrix a) where show sm@(SM _ x) = "SM " ++ sizeStr sm ++ " "++ show (IM.toList x) instance Functor SpMatrix where fmap f (SM d md) = SM d ((fmap . fmap) f md) instance Set SpMatrix where liftU2 f2 (SM n1 x1) (SM n2 x2) = SM (maxTup n1 n2) ((liftU2.liftU2) f2 x1 x2) liftI2 f2 (SM n1 x1) (SM n2 x2) = SM (minTup n1 n2) ((liftI2.liftI2) f2 x1 x2) instance Additive SpMatrix where zero = SM (0,0) IM.empty (^+^) = liftU2 (+) instance FiniteDim SpMatrix where type FDSize SpMatrix = (Rows, Cols) dim = smDim instance HasData SpMatrix a where type HDData SpMatrix a = IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap a) dat = smData instance Sparse SpMatrix a where spy = spySM -- | Componentwise tuple operations -- TODO : use semilattice properties instead maxTup, minTup :: Ord t => (t, t) -> (t, t) -> (t, t) maxTup (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (max x1 x2, max y1 y2) minTup (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = (min x1 x2, min y1 y2) -- | Empty matrix of size d emptySpMatrix :: (Int, Int) -> SpMatrix a emptySpMatrix d = SM d IM.empty -- ** Creation -- | Zero SpMatrix of size (m, n) zeroSM :: Int -> Int -> SpMatrix a zeroSM m n = SM (m,n) IM.empty -- *** Diagonal matrix mkDiagonal :: Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a mkDiagonal n = mkSubDiagonal n 0 -- *** Identity matrix eye :: Num a => Int -> SpMatrix a eye n = mkDiagonal n (replicate n 1) -- *** Super- or sub- diagonal matrix mkSubDiagonal :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a mkSubDiagonal n o xx | abs o < n = if o >= 0 then fz ii jj xx else fz jj ii xx | otherwise = error "mkSubDiagonal : offset > dimension" where ii = [0 .. n-1] jj = [abs o .. n - 1] fz a b x = fromListSM (n,n) (zip3 a b x) -- fromList :: [(Key,a)] -> IntMap a -- fromList xs -- = foldlStrict ins empty xs -- where -- ins t (k,x) = insert k x t -- ** Element insertion -- | Insert an element in a preexisting Spmatrix at the specified indices insertSpMatrix :: IxRow -> IxCol -> a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a insertSpMatrix i j x s | inBounds02 d (i,j) = SM d $ insertIM2 i j x smd | otherwise = error "insertSpMatrix : index out of bounds" where smd = immSM s d = dim s -- ** fromList -- | Add to existing SpMatrix using data from list (row, col, value) fromListSM' :: Foldable t => t (IxRow, IxCol, a) -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a fromListSM' iix sm = foldl ins sm iix where ins t (i,j,x) = insertSpMatrix i j x t -- | Create new SpMatrix using data from list (row, col, value) fromListSM :: Foldable t => (Int, Int) -> t (IxRow, IxCol, a) -> SpMatrix a fromListSM (m,n) iix = fromListSM' iix (zeroSM m n) -- | Create new SpMatrix assuming contiguous, 0-based indexing of elements fromListDenseSM :: Int -> [a] -> SpMatrix a fromListDenseSM m ll = fromListSM (m, n) $ denseIxArray2 m ll where n = length ll `div` m -- ** toList -- |Populate list with SpMatrix contents and populate missing entries with 0 toDenseListSM :: Num t => SpMatrix t -> [(IxRow, IxCol, t)] toDenseListSM m = [(i, j, m @@ (i, j)) | i <- [0 .. nrows m - 1], j <- [0 .. ncols m- 1]] -- ** Lookup lookupSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> IxCol -> Maybe a lookupSM (SM _ im) i j = IM.lookup i im >>= IM.lookup j -- | Looks up an element in the matrix with a default (if the element is not found, zero is returned) lookupWD_SM, (@@) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a lookupWD_SM sm (i,j) = fromMaybe 0 (lookupSM sm i j) lookupWD_IM :: Num a => IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap a) -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> a lookupWD_IM im (i,j) = fromMaybe 0 (IM.lookup i im >>= IM.lookup j) -- | Zero-default lookup, infix form (@@) = lookupWD_SM -- FIXME : to throw an exception or just ignore the out-of-bound access ? -- type synonyms type Rows = Int type Cols = Int type IxRow = Int type IxCol = Int -- ** Predicates -- |Are the supplied indices within matrix bounds? validIxSM :: SpMatrix a -> (Int, Int) -> Bool validIxSM mm = inBounds02 (dim mm) -- |Is the matrix square? isSquareSM :: SpMatrix a -> Bool isSquareSM m = nrows m == ncols m -- |Is the matrix diagonal? isDiagonalSM :: SpMatrix a -> Bool isDiagonalSM m = IM.size d == nrows m where d = IM.filterWithKey ff (immSM m) ff irow row = IM.size row == 1 && IM.size (IM.filterWithKey (\j _ -> j == irow) row) == 1 -- |is the matrix orthogonal? i.e. Q^t ## Q == I isOrthogonalSM :: SpMatrix Double -> Bool isOrthogonalSM sm@(SM (_,n) _) = rsm == eye n where rsm = roundZeroOneSM $ transposeSM sm ## sm -- ** Matrix data and metadata -- | Data in internal representation (do not export) immSM :: SpMatrix t -> IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap t) immSM (SM _ imm) = imm -- | (Number of rows, Number of columns) dimSM :: SpMatrix t -> (Rows, Cols) dimSM (SM d _) = d -- | Number of rows times number of columns nelSM :: SpMatrix t -> Int nelSM (SM (nr,nc) _) = nr*nc -- | Number of rows nrows :: SpMatrix a -> Rows nrows = fst . dim -- | Number of columns ncols :: SpMatrix a -> Cols ncols = snd . dim data SMInfo = SMInfo { smNz :: Int, smSpy :: Double} deriving (Eq, Show) infoSM :: SpMatrix a -> SMInfo infoSM s = SMInfo (nzSM s) (spySM s) nzSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int nzSM s = sum $ fmap IM.size (immSM s) spySM :: Fractional b => SpMatrix a -> b spySM s = fromIntegral (nzSM s) / fromIntegral (nelSM s) -- ** Non-zero elements in a row nzRow :: SpMatrix a -> IM.Key -> Int nzRow s i | inBounds0 (nrows s) i = nzRowU s i | otherwise = error "nzRow : index out of bounds" where nzRowU :: SpMatrix a -> IM.Key -> Int nzRowU s i = maybe 0 IM.size (IM.lookup i $ immSM s) -- ** Bandwidth bounds (min, max) bwMinSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int bwMinSM = fst . bwBoundsSM bwMaxSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int bwMaxSM = snd . bwBoundsSM bwBoundsSM :: SpMatrix a -> (Int, Int) bwBoundsSM s = -- b (snd $ IM.findMin b, snd $ IM.findMax b) where ss = immSM s fmi = fst . IM.findMin fma = fst . IM.findMax b = fmap (\x -> fma x - fmi x + 1:: Int) ss -- encode :: (Int, Int) -> (Rows, Cols) -> Int -- encode (nr,_) (i,j) = i + (j * nr) -- decode :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> (Rows, Cols) -- decode (nr, _) ci = (r, c) where (c,r ) = quotRem ci nr -- ** Sub-matrices -- | Extract a submatrix given the specified index bounds extractSubmatrixSM :: SpMatrix a -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> (IxRow, IxCol) -> SpMatrix a extractSubmatrixSM (SM (r, c) im) (i1, i2) (j1, j2) | q = SM (m', n') imm' | otherwise = error $ "extractSubmatrixSM : invalid indexing " ++ show (i1, i2) ++ ", " ++ show (j1, j2) where imm' = mapKeysIM2 (\i -> i - i1) (\j -> j - j1) $ -- rebalance keys IM.filter (not . IM.null) $ -- remove all-null rows ifilterIM2 ff im -- keep `submatrix` ff i j _ = i1 <= i && i <= i2 && j1 <= j && j <= j2 (m', n') = (i2-i1 + 1, j2-j1 + 1) q = inBounds0 r i1 && inBounds0 r i2 && inBounds0 c j1 && inBounds0 c j2 && i2 >= i1 -- |Demote (n x 1) or (1 x n) SpMatrix to SpVector toSV :: SpMatrix a -> SpVector a toSV (SM (m,n) im) = SV d $ snd . head $ IM.toList im where d | m==1 && n==1 = 1 | m==1 && n>1 = n | n==1 && m>1 = m | otherwise = error $ "toSV : incompatible dimensions " ++ show (m,n) -- *** Extract j'th column extractColSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> SpMatrix a extractColSM sm j = extractSubmatrixSM sm (0, nrows sm - 1) (j, j) -- |", and place into SpVector extractCol :: SpMatrix a -> IxCol -> SpVector a extractCol m j = toSV $ extractColSM m j -- *** Extract i'th row extractRowSM :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> SpMatrix a extractRowSM sm i = extractSubmatrixSM sm (i, i) (0, ncols sm - 1) -- |", and place into SpVector extractRow :: SpMatrix a -> IxRow -> SpVector a extractRow m i = toSV $ extractRowSM m i -- ** Matrix stacking -- | Vertical stacking vertStackSM, (-=-) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a vertStackSM mm1 mm2 = SM (m, n) $ IM.union u1 u2 where nro1 = nrows mm1 m = nro1 + nrows mm2 n = max (ncols mm1) (ncols mm2) u1 = immSM mm1 u2 = IM.mapKeys (+ nro1) (immSM mm2) (-=-) = vertStackSM -- | Horizontal stacking horizStackSM, (-||-) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a horizStackSM mm1 mm2 = t (t mm1 -=- t mm2) where t = transposeSM (-||-) = horizStackSM -- ** Misc. SpMatrix operations -- | Left fold over SpMatrix foldlSM :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SpMatrix a -> b foldlSM f n (SM _ m)= foldlIM2 f n m -- | Indexed left fold over SpMatrix ifoldlSM :: (IM.Key -> IM.Key -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> SpMatrix a -> b ifoldlSM f n (SM _ m) = ifoldlIM2' f n m -- |Count sub-diagonal nonzeros countSubdiagonalNZSM :: SpMatrix a -> Int countSubdiagonalNZSM (SM _ im) = countSubdiagonalNZ im -- extractDiagonalSM :: (Num a, Eq a) => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -- extractDiagonalSM (SM (m,n) im) = mkSpVectorD m $ extractDiagonalIM2 im -- | Extract the diagonal as a SpVector (with default 0) extractDiagonalDSM :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a extractDiagonalDSM mm = fromListDenseSV n $ foldr ins [] ll where ll = [0 .. n - 1] n = nrows mm ins i acc = mm@@(i,i) : acc -- |Filter the index subset that lies below the diagonal (used in the QR decomposition, for example) subdiagIndicesSM :: SpMatrix a -> [(IM.Key, IM.Key)] subdiagIndicesSM (SM _ im) = subdiagIndices im -- ** Sparsify : remove almost-0 elements (i.e. if |x| < eps) sparsifyIM2 :: IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap Double) -> IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap Double) sparsifyIM2 = ifilterIM2 (\_ _ x -> abs x >= eps) sparsifySM :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double sparsifySM (SM d im) = SM d $ sparsifyIM2 im -- ** Value rounding -- | Round almost-0 and almost-1 to 0 and 1 respectively roundZeroOneSM :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double roundZeroOneSM (SM d im) = sparsifySM $ SM d $ mapIM2 roundZeroOne im -- * Primitive algebra operations -- * Matrix transpose -- | transposeSM, (#^) : Matrix transpose transposeSM, (#^) :: SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a transposeSM (SM (m, n) im) = SM (n, m) (transposeIM2 im) (#^) = transposeSM -- ** Multiply matrix by a scalar matScale :: Num a => a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a matScale a = fmap (*a) -- ** Frobenius norm normFrobenius :: SpMatrix Double -> Double normFrobenius m = sqrt $ foldlSM (+) 0 m' where m' | nrows m > ncols m = transposeSM m ## m | otherwise = m ## transposeSM m -- ** Matrix action on a vector {- FIXME : matVec is more general than SpVector's : \m v -> fmap (`dot` v) m :: (Normed f1, Num b, Functor f) => f (f1 b) -> f1 b -> f b -} -- |Matrix-on-vector matVec, (#>) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a matVec (SM (nr, nc) mdata) (SV n sv) | nc == n = SV nr $ fmap (`dot` sv) mdata | otherwise = error $ "matVec : mismatching dimensions " ++ show (nc, n) (#>) = matVec -- |Vector-on-matrix (FIXME : transposes matrix: more costly than `matVec`, I think) vecMat, (<#) :: Num a => SpVector a -> SpMatrix a -> SpVector a vecMat (SV n sv) (SM (nr, nc) mdata) | n == nr = SV nc $ fmap (`dot` sv) (transposeIM2 mdata) | otherwise = error $ "vecMat : mismatching dimensions " ++ show (n, nr) (<#) = vecMat -- ** Matrix-matrix product matMat, (##) :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a matMat m1 m2 | c1 == r2 = matMatU m1 m2 | otherwise = error $ "matMat : incompatible matrix sizes" ++ show (d1, d2) where d1@(r1, c1) = dim m1 d2@(r2, c2) = dim m2 matMatU :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a -> SpMatrix a matMatU m1 m2 = SM (nrows m1, ncols m2) im where im = fmap (\vm1 -> (`dot` vm1) <$> transposeIM2 (immSM m2)) (immSM m1) (##) = matMat -- matMat m1 m2 = -- withDim2 m1 m2 -- (\(r1,c1) (r2,c2) _ _ -> c1 == r2) -- matMatU -- "matMat : incompatible matrix sizes" -- (\m1 m2 -> unwords [show (dim m1), show (dim m2)]) -- ** Matrix-matrix product, sparsified -- | Removes all elements `x` for which `| x | <= eps`) matMatSparsified, (#~#) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double matMatSparsified m1 m2 = sparsifySM $ matMat m1 m2 (#~#) = matMatSparsified -- *** Sparsified matrix products of two matrices -- | A^T B (#^#) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double a #^# b = transposeSM a #~# b -- | A B^T (##^) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double -> SpMatrix Double a ##^ b = a #~# transposeSM b -- * Matrix condition number -- |uses the R matrix from the QR factorization conditionNumberSM :: SpMatrix Double -> Double conditionNumberSM m | isInfinite kappa = error "Infinite condition number : rank-deficient system" | otherwise = kappa where kappa = lmax / lmin (_, r) = qr m u = extractDiagonalDSM r -- FIXME : need to extract with default element 0 lmax = abs (maximum u) lmin = abs (minimum u) -- * Householder transformation hhMat :: Num a => a -> SpVector a -> SpMatrix a hhMat beta x = eye n ^-^ scale beta (x >< x) where n = dim x {-| a vector `x` uniquely defines an orthogonal plane; the Householder operator reflects any point `v` with respect to this plane: v' = (I - 2 x >< x) v -} hhRefl :: SpVector Double -> SpMatrix Double hhRefl = hhMat 2.0 -- * Givens rotation matrix hypot :: Floating a => a -> a -> a hypot x y = abs x * (sqrt (1 + y/x)**2) sign :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a sign x | x > 0 = 1 | x == 0 = 0 | otherwise = -1 -- | Givens coefficients (using stable algorithm shown in Anderson, Edward (4 December 2000). "Discontinuous Plane Rotations and the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem". LAPACK Working Note) givensCoef :: (Ord a, Floating a) => a -> a -> (a, a, a) givensCoef a b -- returns (c, s, r) where r = norm (a, b) | b==0 = (sign a, 0, abs a) | a==0 = (0, sign b, abs b) | abs a > abs b = let t = b/a u = sign a * abs ( sqrt (1 + t**2)) in (1/u, - t/u, a*u) | otherwise = let t = a/b u = sign b * abs ( sqrt (1 + t**2)) in (t/u, - 1/u, b*u) {- | Givens method, row version: choose other row index i' s.t. i' is : * below the diagonal * corresponding element is nonzero QR.C1 ) To zero out entry A(i, j) we must find row k such that A(k, j) is non-zero but A has zeros in row k for all columns less than j. -} givens :: SpMatrix Double -> IxRow -> IxCol -> SpMatrix Double givens mm i j | validIxSM mm (i,j) && isSquareSM mm = sparsifySM $ fromListSM' [(i,i,c),(j,j,c),(j,i,-s),(i,j,s)] (eye (nrows mm)) | otherwise = error "givens : indices out of bounds" where (c, s, _) = givensCoef a b i' = head $ fromMaybe (error $ "givens: no compatible rows for entry " ++ show (i,j)) (candidateRows (immSM mm) i j) a = mm @@ (i', j) b = mm @@ (i, j) -- element to zero out -- |Is the `k`th the first nonzero column in the row? firstNonZeroColumn :: IM.IntMap a -> IxRow -> Bool firstNonZeroColumn mm k = isJust (IM.lookup k mm) && isNothing (IM.lookupLT k mm) -- |Returns a set of rows {k} that satisfy QR.C1 candidateRows :: IM.IntMap (IM.IntMap a) -> IxRow -> IxCol -> Maybe [IM.Key] candidateRows mm i j | IM.null u = Nothing | otherwise = Just (IM.keys u) where u = IM.filterWithKey (\irow row -> irow /= i && firstNonZeroColumn row j) mm -- * QR decomposition -- | Applies Givens rotation iteratively to zero out sub-diagonal elements qr :: SpMatrix Double -> (SpMatrix Double, SpMatrix Double) qr mm = (transposeSM qmatt, rmat) where qmatt = F.foldl' (#~#) ee $ gmats mm -- Q^T = (G_n * G_n-1 ... * G_1) rmat = qmatt #~# mm -- R = Q^T A ee = eye (nrows mm) -- | Givens matrices in order [G1, G2, .. , G_N ] gmats :: SpMatrix Double -> [SpMatrix Double] gmats mm = gm mm (subdiagIndicesSM mm) where gm m ((i,j):is) = let g = givens m i j in g : gm (g #~# m) is gm _ [] = [] -- -- | QR algorithm, state transformer version -- gmatST0 (m, (i,j):is) = (m', is) where -- WRONG, possible access to [] -- g = givens m i j -- m' = g #~# m -- gmatST0 (m, []) = (eye (nrows m), []) -- gmatST m = gmatST0 (m, subdiagIndicesSM m) -- * Eigenvalue algorithms -- ** All eigenvalues (QR algorithm) eigsQR :: Int -> SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double eigsQR nitermax m = extractDiagonalDSM $ execState (convergtest eigsStep) m where eigsStep m = r #~# q where (q, r) = qr m convergtest g = modifyInspectN nitermax f g where f [m1, m2] = let dm1 = extractDiagonalDSM m1 dm2 = extractDiagonalDSM m2 in norm2 (dm1 ^-^ dm2) <= eps -- ** One eigenvalue and eigenvector (Rayleigh iteration) -- | Cubic-order convergence, but it requires a mildly educated guess on the initial eigenpair rayleighStep :: SpMatrix Double -> (SpVector Double, Double) -> (SpVector Double, Double) -- updated estimate of (eigenvector, eigenvalue) rayleighStep aa (b, mu) = (b', mu') where ii = eye (nrows aa) nom = (aa ^-^ (mu `matScale` ii)) <\> b b' = normalize 2 nom mu' = b' `dot` (aa #> b') / (b' `dot` b') eigRayleigh :: Int -- max # iterations -> SpMatrix Double -- matrix -> (SpVector Double, Double) -- initial guess of (eigenvector, eigenvalue) -> (SpVector Double, Double) -- final estimate of (eigenvector, eigenvalue) eigRayleigh nitermax m = execState (convergtest (rayleighStep m)) where convergtest g = modifyInspectN nitermax f g where f [(b1, _), (b2, _)] = norm2 (b2 ^-^ b1) <= eps -- * Householder vector (G & VL Alg. 5.1.1, function `house`) hhV :: SpVector Double -> (SpVector Double, Double) hhV x = (v, beta) where n = dim x tx = tailSV x sigma = tx `dot` tx vtemp = singletonSV 1 `concatSV` tx (v, beta) | sigma <= eps = (vtemp, 0) | otherwise = let mu = sqrt (headSV x**2 + sigma) xh = headSV x vh | xh <= 1 = xh - mu | otherwise = - sigma / (xh + mu) vnew = (1 / vh) .* insertSpVector 0 vh vtemp in (vnew, 2 * xh**2 / (sigma + vh**2)) -- * SVD {- Golub & Van Loan, sec 8.6.2 (p 452 segg.) SVD of A : * reduce A to upper bidiagonal form B (Alg. 5.4.2) * compute SVD of B (implicit-shift QR step, Alg. 8.3.2) -} -- * Iterative linear solvers -- | numerical tolerance for e.g. solution convergence eps :: Double eps = 1e-8 -- | residual of candidate solution x0 residual :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a -> SpVector a residual aa b x0 = b ^-^ (aa #> x0) converged :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> Bool converged aa b x0 = normSq (residual aa b x0) <= eps -- ** CGS -- | one step of CGS cgsStep :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> CGS -> CGS cgsStep aa rhat (CGS x r p u) = CGS xj1 rj1 pj1 uj1 where aap = aa #> p alphaj = (r `dot` rhat) / (aap `dot` rhat) q = u ^-^ (alphaj .* aap) xj1 = x ^+^ (alphaj .* (u ^+^ q)) -- updated solution rj1 = r ^-^ (alphaj .* (aa #> (u ^+^ q)))-- updated residual betaj = (rj1 `dot` rhat) / (r `dot` rhat) uj1 = rj1 ^+^ (betaj .* q) pj1 = uj1 ^+^ (betaj .* (q ^+^ (betaj .* p))) data CGS = CGS { _x :: SpVector Double, _r :: SpVector Double, _p :: SpVector Double, _u :: SpVector Double } deriving Eq -- | iterate solver until convergence or until max # of iterations is reached cgs :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> CGS cgs aa b x0 rhat = execState (untilConverged _x (cgsStep aa rhat)) cgsInit where r0 = b ^-^ (aa #> x0) -- residual of initial guess solution p0 = r0 u0 = r0 cgsInit = CGS x0 r0 p0 u0 instance Show CGS where show (CGS x r p u) = "x = " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ "r = " ++ show r ++ "\n" ++ "p = " ++ show p ++ "\n" ++ "u = " ++ show u ++ "\n" -- ** BiCSSTAB -- _aa :: SpMatrix Double, -- matrix -- _b :: SpVector Double, -- rhs -- _r0 :: SpVector Double, -- initial residual -- _r0hat :: SpVector Double, -- candidate solution: r0hat `dot` r0 >= 0 -- | one step of BiCGSTAB bicgstabStep :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> BICGSTAB -> BICGSTAB bicgstabStep aa r0hat (BICGSTAB x r p) = BICGSTAB xj1 rj1 pj1 where aap = aa #> p alphaj = (r `dot` r0hat) / (aap `dot` r0hat) sj = r ^-^ (alphaj .* aap) aasj = aa #> sj omegaj = (aasj `dot` sj) / (aasj `dot` aasj) xj1 = x ^+^ (alphaj .* p) ^+^ (omegaj .* sj) rj1 = sj ^-^ (omegaj .* aasj) betaj = (rj1 `dot` r0hat)/(r `dot` r0hat) * alphaj / omegaj pj1 = rj1 ^+^ (betaj .* (p ^-^ (omegaj .* aap))) data BICGSTAB = BICGSTAB { _xBicgstab :: SpVector Double, _rBicgstab :: SpVector Double, _pBicgstab :: SpVector Double} deriving Eq -- | iterate solver until convergence or until max # of iterations is reached bicgstab :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double -> BICGSTAB bicgstab aa b x0 r0hat = execState (untilConverged _xBicgstab (bicgstabStep aa r0hat)) bicgsInit where r0 = b ^-^ (aa #> x0) -- residual of initial guess solution p0 = r0 bicgsInit = BICGSTAB x0 r0 p0 instance Show BICGSTAB where show (BICGSTAB x r p) = "x = " ++ show x ++ "\n" ++ "r = " ++ show r ++ "\n" ++ "p = " ++ show p ++ "\n" -- * Linear solver interface data LinSolveMethod = CGS_ | BICGSTAB_ deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Linear solve with _random_ starting vector linSolveM :: PrimMonad m => LinSolveMethod -> SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> m (SpVector Double) linSolveM method aa b = do let (m, n) = dim aa nb = dim b if n /= nb then error "linSolve : operand dimensions mismatch" else do x0 <- randVec nb case method of CGS_ -> return $ _xBicgstab (bicgstab aa b x0 x0) BICGSTAB_ -> return $ _x (cgs aa b x0 x0) -- | Linear solve with _deterministic_ starting vector (every component at 0.1) linSolve :: LinSolveMethod -> SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double linSolve method aa b | n /= nb = error "linSolve : operand dimensions mismatch" | otherwise = solve aa b where solve aa' b' | isDiagonalSM aa = (reciprocal aa') #> b' | otherwise = solveWith aa' b' solveWith aa' b' = case method of CGS_ -> _xBicgstab (bicgstab aa' b' x0 x0) BICGSTAB_ -> _x (cgs aa' b' x0 x0) x0 = mkSpVectorD n $ replicate n 0.1 (m, n) = dim aa nb = dim b -- | <\> : linSolve using BiCGSTAB method and by default (<\>) :: SpMatrix Double -> SpVector Double -> SpVector Double (<\>) = linSolve BICGSTAB_ -- | TODO : if system is poorly conditioned, is it better to warn the user or just switch solvers (e.g. via the pseudoinverse) ? -- linSolveQR aa b init f1 stepf -- | isInfinite k = do -- tell "linSolveQR : rank-deficient system" -- | otherwise = do -- solv aa b init -- where -- (q, r) = qr aa -- k = conditionNumberSM r -- solv aa b init = execState (untilConverged f1 stepf) init -- * Control primitives for bounded iteration with convergence check -- | transform state until a condition is met modifyUntil :: MonadState s m => (s -> Bool) -> (s -> s) -> m s modifyUntil q f = do x <- get let y = f x put y if q y then return y else modifyUntil q f -- | Keep a moving window buffer (length 2) of state `x` to assess convergence, stop when either a condition on that list is satisfied or when max # of iterations is reached loopUntilAcc :: Int -> ([t] -> Bool) -> (t -> t) -> t -> t loopUntilAcc nitermax q f x = go 0 [] x where go i ll xx | length ll < 2 = go (i + 1) (y : ll) y | otherwise = if q ll || i == nitermax then xx else go (i + 1) (take 2 $ y:ll) y where y = f xx -- | Keep a moving window buffer (length 2) of state `x` to assess convergence, stop when either a condition on that list is satisfied or when max # of iterations is reached (runs in State monad) modifyInspectN :: MonadState s m => Int -> -- iteration budget ([s] -> Bool) -> -- convergence criterion (s -> s) -> -- state stepping function m s modifyInspectN nitermax q f | nitermax > 0 = go 0 [] | otherwise = error "modifyInspectN : n must be > 0" where go i ll = do x <- get let y = f x if length ll < 2 then do put y go (i + 1) (y : ll) else if q ll || i == nitermax then do put y return y else do put y go (i + 1) (take 2 $ y : ll) -- helper functions for estimating convergence meanl :: (Foldable t, Fractional a) => t a -> a meanl xx = 1/fromIntegral (length xx) * sum xx norm2l :: (Foldable t, Functor t, Floating a) => t a -> a norm2l xx = sqrt $ sum (fmap (**2) xx) diffSqL :: Floating a => [a] -> a diffSqL xx = (x1 - x2)**2 where [x1, x2] = [head xx, xx!!1] -- | iterate until convergence is verified or we run out of a fixed iteration budget untilConverged :: MonadState a m => (a -> SpVector Double) -> (a -> a) -> m a untilConverged fproj = modifyInspectN 100 (normDiffConverged fproj) -- | convergence check (FIXME) normDiffConverged :: (Foldable t, Functor t) => (a -> SpVector Double) -> t a -> Bool normDiffConverged fp xx = normSq (foldrMap fp (^-^) (zeroSV 0) xx) <= eps -- | run `niter` iterations and append the state `x` to a list `xs`, stop when either the `xs` satisfies a predicate `q` or when the counter reaches 0 runAppendN :: ([t] -> Bool) -> (t -> t) -> Int -> t -> [t] runAppendN qq ff niter x0 | niter<0 = error "runAppendN : niter must be > 0" | otherwise = go qq ff niter x0 [] where go q f n z xs = let x = f z in if n <= 0 || q xs then xs else go q f (n-1) x (x : xs) -- | ", NO convergence check runAppendN' :: (t -> t) -> Int -> t -> [t] runAppendN' ff niter x0 | niter<0 = error "runAppendN : niter must be > 0" | otherwise = go ff niter x0 [] where go f n z xs = let x = f z in if n <= 0 then xs else go f (n-1) x (x : xs) -- * Rounding operations -- | Rounding rule almostZero, almostOne :: Double -> Bool almostZero x = abs x <= eps almostOne x = x >= (1-eps) && x < (1+eps) withDefault :: (t -> Bool) -> t -> t -> t withDefault q d x | q x = d | otherwise = x roundZero, roundOne :: Double -> Double roundZero = withDefault almostZero 0 roundOne = withDefault almostOne 1 with2Defaults :: (t -> Bool) -> (t -> Bool) -> t -> t -> t -> t with2Defaults q1 q2 d1 d2 x | q1 x = d1 | q2 x = d2 | otherwise = x -- | Round to respectively 0 or 1 within some predefined numerical precision eps roundZeroOne :: Double -> Double roundZeroOne = with2Defaults almostZero almostOne 0 1 -- * Random matrices and vectors -- |Dense SpMatrix randMat :: PrimMonad m => Int -> m (SpMatrix Double) randMat n = do g <- MWC.create aav <- replicateM (n^2) (MWC.normal 0 1 g) let ii_ = [0 .. n-1] (ix_,iy_) = unzip $ concatMap (zip ii_ . replicate n) ii_ return $ fromListSM (n,n) $ zip3 ix_ iy_ aav -- | Dense SpVector randVec :: PrimMonad m => Int -> m (SpVector Double) randVec n = do g <- MWC.create bv <- replicateM n (MWC.normal 0 1 g) let ii_ = [0..n-1] return $ fromListSV n $ zip ii_ bv -- | Sparse SpMatrix randSpMat :: Int -> Int -> IO (SpMatrix Double) randSpMat n nsp | nsp > n^2 = error "randSpMat : nsp must be < n^2 " | otherwise = do g <- MWC.create aav <- replicateM nsp (MWC.normal 0 1 g) ii <- replicateM nsp (MWC.uniformR (0, n-1) g :: IO Int) jj <- replicateM nsp (MWC.uniformR (0, n-1) g :: IO Int) return $ fromListSM (n,n) $ zip3 ii jj aav -- | Sparse SpVector randSpVec :: Int -> Int -> IO (SpVector Double) randSpVec n nsp | nsp > n = error "randSpVec : nsp must be < n" | otherwise = do g <- MWC.create aav <- replicateM nsp (MWC.normal 0 1 g) ii <- replicateM nsp (MWC.uniformR (0, n-1) g :: IO Int) return $ fromListSV n $ zip ii aav -- * Pretty printing sizeStr :: SpMatrix a -> String sizeStr sm = unwords ["(",show (nrows sm),"rows,",show (ncols sm),"columns ) ,",show nz,"NZ ( sparsity",show sy,")"] where (SMInfo nz sy) = infoSM sm showNonZero :: (Show a, Num a, Eq a) => a -> String showNonZero x = if x == 0 then " " else show x toDenseRow :: Num a => SpMatrix a -> IM.Key -> [a] toDenseRow (SM (_,ncol) im) irow = fmap (\icol -> im `lookupWD_IM` (irow,icol)) [0..ncol-1] toDenseRowClip :: (Show a, Num a) => SpMatrix a -> IM.Key -> Int -> String toDenseRowClip sm irow ncomax | ncols sm > ncomax = unwords (map show h) ++ " ... " ++ show t | otherwise = show dr where dr = toDenseRow sm irow h = take (ncomax - 2) dr t = last dr newline :: IO () newline = putStrLn "" printDenseSM :: (Show t, Num t) => SpMatrix t -> IO () printDenseSM sm = do newline putStrLn $ sizeStr sm newline printDenseSM' sm 5 5 newline where printDenseSM' :: (Show t, Num t) => SpMatrix t -> Int -> Int -> IO () printDenseSM' sm'@(SM (nr,_) _) nromax ncomax = mapM_ putStrLn rr_' where rr_ = map (\i -> toDenseRowClip sm' i ncomax) [0..nr - 1] rr_' | nrows sm > nromax = take (nromax - 2) rr_ ++ [" ... "] ++[last rr_] | otherwise = rr_ toDenseListClip :: (Show a, Num a) => SpVector a -> Int -> String toDenseListClip sv ncomax | dim sv > ncomax = unwords (map show h) ++ " ... " ++ show t | otherwise = show dr where dr = toDenseListSV sv h = take (ncomax - 2) dr t = last dr printDenseSV :: (Show t, Num t) => SpVector t -> IO () printDenseSV sv = do newline printDenseSV' sv 5 newline where printDenseSV' v nco = putStrLn rr_' where rr_ = toDenseListClip v nco :: String rr_' | dim sv > nco = unwords [take (nco - 2) rr_ , " ... " , [last rr_]] | otherwise = rr_ -- ** Pretty printer typeclass class PrintDense a where prd :: a -> IO () instance (Show a, Num a) => PrintDense (SpVector a) where prd = printDenseSV instance (Show a, Num a) => PrintDense (SpMatrix a) where prd = printDenseSM -- * Misc. utilities -- | integer-indexed ziplist denseIxArray :: [b] -> [(Int, b)] denseIxArray xs = zip [0..length xs-1] xs -- | ", 2d arrays denseIxArray2 :: Int -> [c] -> [(Int, Int, c)] denseIxArray2 m xs = zip3 (concat $ replicate n ii_) jj_ xs where ii_ = [0 .. m-1] jj_ = concatMap (replicate m) [0 .. n-1] ln = length xs n = ln `div` m -- folds -- | foldr over the results of a fmap foldrMap :: (Foldable t, Functor t) => (a -> b) -> (b -> c -> c) -> c -> t a -> c foldrMap ff gg x0 = foldr gg x0 . fmap ff -- | strict left fold foldlStrict :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a foldlStrict f = go where go z [] = z go z (x:xs) = let z' = f z x in z' `seq` go z' xs -- | indexed right fold ifoldr :: Num i => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> (i -> c -> d -> a) -> c -> [d] -> b ifoldr mjoin mneutral f = go 0 where go i z (x:xs) = mjoin (f i z x) (go (i+1) z xs) go _ _ [] = mneutral -- *** Bounds checking type LB = Int type UB = Int inBounds :: LB -> UB -> Int -> Bool inBounds ibl ibu i = i>= ibl && i (Int, Int) -> Bool inBounds2 (ibl,ibu) (ix,iy) = inBounds ibl ibu ix && inBounds ibl ibu iy -- ", lower bound = 0 inBounds0 :: UB -> Int -> Bool inBounds0 = inBounds 0 inBounds02 :: (UB, UB) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool inBounds02 (bx,by) (i,j) = inBounds0 bx i && inBounds0 by j