  , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
  , OverloadedStrings
  , RecordWildCards

module Web.Dependencies.Sparrow.Types where

import Web.Dependencies.Sparrow.Session (SessionID)

import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Text (Text, intercalate, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), FromJSON (..), Value (String, Object), (.=), object, (.:))
import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)
import Data.Aeson.Attoparsec (attoAeson)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, takeWhile1, char, sepBy)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- * Conceptual

-- ** Server

data ServerArgs m deltaOut = ServerArgs
  { serverDeltaReject :: m ()
  , serverSendCurrent :: deltaOut -> m ()

data ServerReturn m initOut deltaIn deltaOut = ServerReturn
  { serverInitOut   :: initOut
  , serverOnOpen    :: ServerArgs m deltaOut
                    -> m (Maybe (Async ()))
    -- ^ invoked once, and should return a 'Control.Concurrent.Async.link'ed long-lived thread
    -- to kill when the subscription dies
  , serverOnReceive :: ServerArgs m deltaOut
                    -> deltaIn -> m () -- ^ invoked for each receive

data ServerContinue m initOut deltaIn deltaOut = ServerContinue
  { serverContinue      :: Broadcast m -> m (ServerReturn m initOut deltaIn deltaOut)
  , serverOnUnsubscribe :: m ()

type Server m initIn initOut deltaIn deltaOut =
  initIn -> m (Maybe (ServerContinue m initOut deltaIn deltaOut))

-- ** Client

data ClientReturn m initOut deltaIn = ClientReturn
  { clientSendCurrent   :: deltaIn -> m ()
  , clientInitOut       :: initOut
  , clientUnsubscribe   :: m ()

data ClientArgs m initIn initOut deltaIn deltaOut = ClientArgs
  { clientReceive  :: ClientReturn m initOut deltaIn -> deltaOut -> m ()
  , clientInitIn   :: initIn
  , clientOnReject :: m () -- ^ Run if the server decides to randomly kick the client

type Client m initIn initOut deltaIn deltaOut =
  ( ClientArgs m initIn initOut deltaIn deltaOut
    -> m (Maybe (ClientReturn m initOut deltaIn))
    ) -> m ()

-- ** Topic

newtype Topic = Topic {getTopic :: [Text]}
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Hashable, NFData)

instance Show Topic where
  show (Topic x) = unpack (intercalate "/" x)

instance FromJSON Topic where
  parseJSON = attoAeson (Topic <$> breaker)
      breaker :: Parser [Text]
      breaker = takeWhile1 (/= '/') `sepBy` char '/'

instance ToJSON Topic where
  toJSON (Topic xs) = String (intercalate "/" xs)

-- ** Broadcast

type Broadcast m = Topic -> m (Maybe (Value -> Maybe (m ())))

-- * JSON Encodings

data WithSessionID a = WithSessionID
  { withSessionIDSessionID :: {-# UNPACK #-} !SessionID
  , withSessionIDContent   :: a
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (WithSessionID a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (WithSessionID a) where
  toJSON WithSessionID{..} = object
    [ "sessionID" .= withSessionIDSessionID
    , "content" .= withSessionIDContent

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WithSessionID a) where
  parseJSON (Object o) = WithSessionID <$> (o .: "sessionID") <*> (o .: "content")
  parseJSON x = typeMismatch "WithSessionID" x

data WithTopic a = WithTopic
  { withTopicTopic   :: !Topic
  , withTopicContent :: a
  } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (WithTopic a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (WithTopic a) where
  toJSON WithTopic{..} = object
    [ "topic" .= withTopicTopic
    , "content" .= withTopicContent

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WithTopic a) where
  parseJSON (Object o) = WithTopic <$> (o .: "topic") <*> (o .: "content")
  parseJSON x = typeMismatch "WithTopic" x

data InitResponse a
  = InitBadEncoding !LBS.ByteString
  | InitDecodingError !String -- when manually decoding the content, casted
  | InitRejected
  | InitResponse a
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (InitResponse a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (InitResponse a) where
  toJSON x = case x of
    InitBadEncoding y -> object ["error" .= object ["badRequest" .= LT.decodeUtf8 y]]
    InitDecodingError y -> object ["error" .= object ["decoding" .= y]]
    InitRejected -> object ["error" .= String "rejected"]
    InitResponse y -> object ["content" .= y]

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (InitResponse a) where
  parseJSON json = case json of
    Object o -> do
      let error' = do
            json' <- o .: "error"
            case json' of
              String x
                | x == "rejected" -> pure InitRejected
                | otherwise -> fail'
              Object o' -> do
                let badEncoding = (InitBadEncoding . LT.encodeUtf8) <$> o' .: "badRequest"
                    decodingError = InitDecodingError <$> o' .: "decoding"
                badEncoding <|> decodingError
              _ -> fail'
          response = InitResponse <$> o .: "content"
      error' <|> response
    _ -> fail'
      fail' = typeMismatch "InitResponse" json

data WSHTTPResponse
  = NoSessionID
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData WSHTTPResponse

instance ToJSON WSHTTPResponse where
  toJSON x = case x of
    NoSessionID -> object ["error" .= String "no sessionID query parameter"]

instance FromJSON WSHTTPResponse where
  parseJSON json = case json of
    Object o -> do
      json' <- o .: "error"
      case json' of
        String x
          | x == "no sessionID query parameter" -> pure NoSessionID
          | otherwise -> fail'
        _ -> fail'
    _ -> fail'
      fail' = typeMismatch "WSHTTPResponse" json

data WSIncoming a
  = WSUnsubscribe
    { wsUnsubscribeTopic :: !Topic
  | WSIncoming a
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (WSIncoming a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (WSIncoming a) where
  toJSON x = case x of
    WSUnsubscribe topic -> object ["unsubscribe" .= topic]
    WSIncoming y -> object ["content" .= y]

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WSIncoming a) where
  parseJSON (Object o) = do
    let unsubscribe = WSUnsubscribe <$> o .: "unsubscribe"
        incoming = WSIncoming <$> o .: "content"
    unsubscribe <|> incoming
  parseJSON x = typeMismatch "WSIncoming" x

data WSOutgoing a
  = WSTopicsSubscribed [Topic]
  | WSTopicAdded !Topic
  | WSTopicRemoved !Topic
  | WSTopicRejected !Topic
  | WSDecodingError !String
  | WSOutgoing a
  deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance NFData a => NFData (WSOutgoing a)

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (WSOutgoing a) where
  toJSON x = case x of
    WSDecodingError e -> object ["error" .= object ["decoding" .= e]]
    WSTopicsSubscribed subs -> object ["subs" .= object ["init" .= subs]]
    WSTopicAdded sub -> object ["subs" .= object ["add" .= sub]]
    WSTopicRemoved sub -> object ["subs" .= object ["del" .= sub]]
    WSTopicRejected sub -> object ["subs" .= object ["reject" .= sub]]
    WSOutgoing y -> object ["content" .= y]

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (WSOutgoing a) where
  parseJSON json = case json of
    Object o -> do
      let content = WSOutgoing <$> o .: "content"
          error' = do
            json' <- o .: "error"
            case json' of
              Object o' -> do
                let decodingError = WSDecodingError <$> o' .: "decoding"
              _ -> fail'
          subs = do
            json' <- o .: "subs"
            case json' of
              Object o' -> do
                let subsInit = WSTopicsSubscribed <$> o' .: "init"
                    subAdd = WSTopicAdded <$> o' .: "add"
                    subDel = WSTopicRemoved <$> o' .: "del"
                    subReject = WSTopicRejected <$> o' .: "reject"
                subsInit <|> subAdd <|> subDel <|> subReject
              _ -> fail'
      content <|> error' <|> subs
    _ -> fail'
      fail' = typeMismatch "WSOutgoing" json