# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/). ## [Unreleased] ### Added ### Changed ## [0.7.3] - 2018-02-06 ### Added * More `RDD` method bindings: `randomSplit`, `mean`, `zipWithUniqueId`, `reduceByKey`, `subtractByKey`. ### Changed * Use inline-java for PairRDD bindings under the hood. * Updated sparkle to build with distributed-closure-0.4.0. ## [0.7.2] - 2017-12-25 ### Added * More `RDD` method bindings: `sortBy`. ## [0.7.1] - 2017-12-13 ### Fixed * Use StaticPointers for `PairRDD` as a workaround for [GHC bug #14204][ghc-14204] occuring when mapping over a PairRDD (see [issue #119][issue-119]) ## [0.7] - 2017-12-09 ## [0.6] - 2017-07-16 ### Added * Support shipping anonymous objects that appear in inline-java quasiquotes. You'll need to configure your app to use the Kryo serializer for this to work. See FAQ in README. This fixes #104. ### Changed * Move `parallelize`, `textFile` and `binaryRecords` to `Context` module. * Functions such as `sample` now use the [choice][hackage-choice] library to describe the semantics of boolean arguments in their types. * Use inline-java for RDD bindings under the hood. ## [0.5] - 2017-02-21 ### Added * Bind to expm1 * Add bindings to dayofmonth, current_timestamp and current_date. * Add support for the dataframe condition expressions * Add bindings to withColumnRenamed, columns, printSchema, Column.expr. * Bind DataFrame distinct. * Add bindings for log and log1p for Columns. * Add binding to Column.cast. * Add bindings getList and array for columns. * Add bindings: schema for rows, Metadata type, javaRDD, range, Row getters and constructors, StrucType constructors, createDataFrame, more DataType bindings. ### Changed * Prevent Haskell exceptions from escaping apply. * Update sparkle to work with latest jni which uses ForeignPtr for java references. * Move StructType and friends to modules StructField, DataType and Metadata. * Rename createRow, rowGet, rowSize, joinPairRDD to have the same names as the java methods. ## [0.4] ### Added * Support for reading/writing Parquet files. * More `RDD` method bindings: `repartition`, `treeAggregate`, `binaryRecords`, `aggregateByKey`, `mapPartitions`, `mapPartitionsWithIndex`. * More complete `DataFrame` support. * Intero support. * `stack ghci` support. * Support Template Haskell splices and `ANN` annotations that use sparkle code. ### Changed ### Fixed * More reliable initialization of embedded shared library. * Cleanup temporary files properly. ## [0.3] - 2016-12-27 ### Added * Dockerfile to build sparkle. * Compatibility with singletons-2.2. * Add the identity `Reify`/`Reflect` instances. * Change JNI bindings to use new `JNI.String` type, instead of `ByteString`. This new type guarantees the invariants required by the JNI API (null-termination in particular). ### Changed * Remove `Reify`/`Reflect` instances for `Int`. Only instances for sized types remain. ### Fixed * Fix type in `Reify Int` making it incorrect. ## [0.2.0] - 2016-12-13 ### Added * New binding: `getOrCreateSQLContext`. ### Changed * `getOrCreate` renamed to `getOrCreateSparkContext`. ## [] - 2016-06-12 ### Added * More bindings to more `call*Method` JNI functions. ### Changed * Use `getOrCreate` to get `SparkContext`. ## [0.1.0] - 2016-04-25 * Initial release [ghc-14204]: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14204 [hackage-choice]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/choice [issue-119]: https://github.com/tweag/sparkle/issues/119