### IDE Reference ##### Menu Menus are activated using Alt key combinations. 'Alt + f' opens file menu, 'Alt + r' opens run menu etc. Pressing Esc key closes open menus. ##### Windows Besides the editor window, there is the log window and the watch window. Log window displays error and debug information. Contents of the log window can be cleared by the "Clear log" menu item. The watch window appears when stepping through the program, and displays the contents of the current functions scope. ##### Debugging A program can be started in step mode by pressing 'F8' or selecting the step menu item. By pressing the 'F8' key it is possible to step through the program, expression by expression. The currently evaluated line is indicated by a '>' in the left margin, and the currently evaluated expression is indicated by underlining it. A program can call the `debug()` function at any point to break into the debugger.