{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Control.SpaceProbe.Probe
-- Copyright : Sean Burton 2015
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : burton.seanr@gmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- An applicative combinator library for parameter optimization designed 
-- to perform well over high-dimensional and/or discontinuous search spaces,
-- using Monte-Carlo Tree Search with several enhancements.

module Control.SpaceProbe.Internal.Optimize where 

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Identity (runIdentity, Identity(..))
import Control.SpaceProbe.Internal.Probe
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Int (Int16, Int64)
import Data.Tree (Tree(..))
import System.Clock (getTime, Clock(Monotonic), TimeSpec(..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
import System.Timeout (timeout)

data SearchNode t = SearchNode {
  _value            :: t,
  _mean             :: !Float,
  _maximum          :: !Float,
  _playouts         :: !Int64,
  _numchildren      :: !Int16,
  _exploredChildren :: !Int16
} deriving (Show)

data SearchTree t = SearchTree {
  _node     :: !(SearchNode (Maybe t)),
  _children :: ![SearchTree t]
} deriving (Show)

searchTree :: Probe t -> SearchTree t
searchTree (Probe x f r) = go0 x
  where newNode y  n = SearchNode y 0 (-inf) 0 n 0 where inf = 1 / 0
        newTree v xs = 
          SearchTree (newNode v (fromIntegral $ length xs)) xs
        makeTree s = newTree $ r s
        go0 s = makeTree s . map go1 $ f s 
        go1 t = case t of
                  Node s []  -> go0 s 
                  Node s ys  -> makeTree s $ map go1 ys 

i2f :: Integral a => a -> Float
i2f = fromIntegral

update :: SearchNode t -> Float -> Bool -> (SearchNode t, Bool)
update (SearchNode x mu m n k k') e b = 
  (SearchNode x mu' m' n' k k'', k'' == k)
  where n' = n + 1
        m' = max m e
        mu' = mu + (e - mu) / i2f n'
        k'' = if b then k' + 1 else k'

ucb :: Int64 -> Float -> Float -> SearchNode t -> Float
ucb n_total l u (SearchNode _ mu m n k k')
  | n  == 0 = -1.0 / 0
  | k' == k = 1
  | otherwise = negate $ normalize (0.8 * mu + 0.2 * m) + 
                         sqrt (2 * log (i2f n_total) / i2f n)
  where normalize x
          | u == l = 0.5
          | otherwise = (x - l) / (u - l)

insertOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertOn f x = go
  where go [] = [x]
        go ys@(y:ys') 
          | f x > f y = y : go ys'
          | otherwise = x : ys

insert :: Float -> 
          Float -> 
          Int64 ->
          (SearchTree a) -> 
          [SearchTree a] -> 
          [SearchTree a]
insert l u n = insertOn (ucb (n + 1) l u . _node)

data PlayoutResult t = PlayoutResult {
  _tree          :: !(SearchTree t),
  _input         :: !t,
  _eval          :: !Float,
  _min           :: !Float,
  _max           :: !Float,
  _fullyExplored :: !Bool

playoutM :: Monad m =>
            (t -> m Float) ->
            Float -> 
            Float ->
            SearchTree t ->
            m (PlayoutResult t)
playoutM eval = go
  where go !l !u (SearchTree !a !xs) = 
          case (_value a, xs) of
            (Nothing, []) -> error "playoutIO"
            (Just x,   _) -> if null xs || _playouts a == 0
                               then do e <- eval x
                                       let (a', b) = update a e False
                                       return $ PlayoutResult {
                                                  _tree          = 
                                                    SearchTree a' xs,
                                                  _input         = x,
                                                  _eval          = e,
                                                  _min           = min l e,
                                                  _max           = max u e,
                                                  _fullyExplored = b
                               else recur
            (Nothing, _) -> recur
          where recur = let (y:ys) = xs
                        in do r <- go l u y
                              let zs = insert (_min r)
                                              (_max r)
                                              (_playouts a)
                                              (_tree r) ys
                              let (a', b) = update a (_eval r) 
                                                     (_fullyExplored r)
                              return $ r{_tree = SearchTree a' zs, 
                                         _fullyExplored = b}
{-# INLINE playoutM #-}

maximize_ :: Monad m => 
             (m [(t, Float)] -> m [(t, Float)]) ->
             (t -> m Float) ->
             Probe t ->
             m [(t, Float)]
maximize_ rest eval = go inf (-inf) . searchTree
  where inf = 1 / 0 :: Float
        go l u t = do PlayoutResult t' x e l' u' b <- playoutM eval l u t
                      if b || (u' == inf)
                         then return [(x, e)]
                         else do xs <- rest $ go l' u' t'
                                 return $ (x, e) : xs
{-# INLINE maximize_ #-}

-- | Fairly self-explanatory. Maximize the objective function @eval@ over the
-- given @Probe@. Keeps lazily generating samples until it explores the whole
-- search space so you almost certainly want to apply some cut-off criterion. 
maximize :: (t -> Float) -> Probe t -> [(t, Float)]
maximize eval = runIdentity . maximize_ id (Identity . eval)

-- | The opposite of maximize. 
-- @minimize eval = map (fmap negate) . maximize (negate . eval)@
minimize :: (t -> Float) -> Probe t -> [(t, Float)]
minimize eval = map (fmap negate) . maximize (negate . eval)

type OptimizeM m t = (t -> m Float) -> Probe t -> m [(t, Float)]

invert :: Monad m => OptimizeM m t -> OptimizeM m t
invert maximize' eval = liftM (map $ fmap negate) . 
                        maximize' (liftM negate . eval)

-- | Maximize in the given monad. The underlying bind operator must be lazy if
-- you want to generate the result list incrementally. 
maximizeM :: Monad m => (t -> m Float) -> Probe t -> m [(t, Float)]
maximizeM eval = maximize_ id eval

-- | The opposite of maximizeM
minimizeM :: Monad m => (t -> m Float) -> Probe t -> m [(t, Float)]
minimizeM = invert maximizeM

-- | The equivalent of maximize, but running in the IO Monad. Generates the 
-- output list lazily.
maximizeIO :: (t -> IO Float) -> Probe t -> IO [(t, Float)]
maximizeIO eval = maximize_ unsafeInterleaveIO eval

-- | The opposite of maximizeIO
minimizeIO :: (t -> IO Float) -> Probe t -> IO [(t, Float)]
minimizeIO = invert maximizeIO

highestYet_ :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
highestYet_ _ [] = []
highestYet_ f (x:xs) = x : go (f x) xs
  where go _ [] = []
        go k (y:ys)
          | m > k = y : go m ys
          | otherwise = go k ys
          where m = f y

lowestYet_ :: (Num b, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
lowestYet_ f = highestYet_ (negate . f)

-- | Preserves only those elements @(_, b)@ for which @b@ is higher than for
-- all previous previous values in the list. Designed for use with 
-- maximization
highestYet ::[(a, Float)] -> [(a, Float)]
highestYet = highestYet_ snd

-- | Preserves only those elements @(_, b)@ for which @b@ is lower than for all
-- previous values in the list. Designed for use with minimization.
-- @lowestYet xs == map (fmap negate) . highestYet . map (fmap negate)@
lowestYet :: [(a, Float)] -> [(a, Float)]
lowestYet = lowestYet_ snd

getTimeInUsecs :: IO Int64                                                      
getTimeInUsecs = do TimeSpec s n <- getTime Monotonic                           
                    return $ 1000000 * s + n `div` 1000                         

-- | Take the largest prefix of @xs@ which can be evaluated within @dt@ 
-- microseconds.
evaluateForusecs :: Int -> [a] -> IO [a]                                                 
evaluateForusecs dt xs = do{t <- getTimeInUsecs; go t xs}                                
  where go !_ ![]     = return []                                               
        go  t  (x:ys) =                                                         
          do t' <- getTimeInUsecs                                               
             m  <- timeout (fromIntegral . max 0 $ t + fromIntegral dt - t') $  
                   evaluate x                                                   
             case m of                                                          
               Nothing -> return []                                             
               Just y  -> do zs <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ go t ys
                             return $ y:zs