{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Solga
  ( -- * Serving APIs
    serve, serveThrow
   -- * Basic routers
  , type (:>), type (/>)
  , Get
  , Post
  , JSON(..)
  , Raw(..)
  , RawResponse(..)
  , End(..)
  , WithIO(..)
  , Seg(..)
  , OneOfSegs(..)
  , FromSegment(..)
  , Capture(..)
  , Method(..)
  , ExtraHeaders(..)
  , NoCache(..)
  , ReqBodyJSON(..)
  , MultiPartData
  , ReqBodyMultipart(..)
  , Endpoint
  , (:<|>)(..)
  -- * Abbreviation
  , Abbreviated(..)
  -- * Error handling
  , SolgaError
  , badRequest
  , notFound
  -- * Router implementation
  , Router(..)
  , Responder
  , tryRouteNext
  , tryRouteNextIO
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Text.Encoding
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as Wai
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP


-- | The right hand side of `Application`. `Request` is already known.
type Responder = (Wai.Response -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived) -> IO Wai.ResponseReceived

-- | Routers are the basic typeclass of Solga: their types describe
-- what type of requests they accept, and their values describe how to handle them.
-- You can use `Generic` to get free instance of `Router` for any data type with one constructor
-- and `Router`s as fields. The fields will be considered alternatives, as if you wrote `:<|>` between them.
class Router r where
  -- | Given a request, if the router supports the given request
  -- return a function that constructs a response with a concrete router.
  tryRoute :: Wai.Request -> Maybe (r -> Responder)
  default tryRoute :: (Generic r, Router (Rep r ())) => Wai.Request -> Maybe (r -> Responder)
  tryRoute = tryRouteNext (from :: r -> Rep r ())

-- | Try to route using a type @r@ by providing a function to turn it into a `Router` @r'@.
-- Useful for passing routing on to the next step.
tryRouteNext :: Router r' => (r -> r') -> Wai.Request -> Maybe (r -> Responder)
tryRouteNext f req = (. f) <$> tryRoute req

-- | Like `tryRouteNext` but in `IO`.
tryRouteNextIO :: Router r' => (r -> IO r') -> Wai.Request -> Maybe (r -> Responder)
tryRouteNextIO f req = do
  nextRouter <- tryRoute req
  Just $ \router cont -> do
    next <- f router
    nextRouter next cont

-- | Serve a `Router` with Solga, returning `SolgaError`s as HTTP responses.
serve :: Router r => r -> Wai.Application
serve router req cont = catch (serveThrow router req cont) $ \case
  SolgaError { errorStatus, errorMessage } ->
    cont $ Wai.responseBuilder errorStatus [] $
      Builder.byteString $ encodeUtf8 errorMessage

-- | Serve a `Router` with Solga, throwing `SolgaError`s.
serveThrow :: Router r => r -> Wai.Application
serveThrow router req cont = case tryRoute req of
  Nothing -> throwIO $ notFound ""
  Just r -> r router cont

-- | Compose routers. This is just type application,
-- ie.: @Foo :> Bar :> Baz == Foo (Bar Baz)@
type f :> g = f g
infixr 2 :>

-- | Serve a given WAI `Wai.Application`.
newtype Raw = Raw { rawApp :: Wai.Application }

instance Router Raw where
  tryRoute req = Just $ \(Raw app) -> app req

-- | Serve a given WAI `Wai.Response`.
newtype RawResponse = RawResponse { rawResponse :: Wai.Response }
instance Router RawResponse where
  tryRoute _ = Just $ \(RawResponse response) cont -> cont response

-- | Only accept the end of a path.
newtype End next = End { endNext :: next }
instance Router next => Router (End next) where
  tryRoute req = case Wai.pathInfo req of
    [] -> tryRouteNext endNext req
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Match a constant directory in the path.
--   When specifying APIs, use the `/>` combinator to specify sub-paths:
--   @"foo" `/>` `JSON` Bar@
newtype Seg (seg :: Symbol) next = Seg { segNext :: next }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Match a path, segment, e.g @"foo" `/>` `JSON` Bar@
type seg /> g = Seg seg :> g
infixr 2 />

instance (KnownSymbol seg, Router next) => Router (Seg seg next) where
  tryRoute req = case Wai.pathInfo req of
    s : segs | Text.unpack s == symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy seg) ->
      tryRouteNext segNext req { Wai.pathInfo = segs }
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Try to route with @left@, or try to route with @right@.
data left :<|> right = (:<|>) { altLeft :: left, altRight :: right }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

infixr 1 :<|>

instance (Router left, Router right) => Router (left :<|> right) where
  tryRoute req = tryRouteNext altLeft req <|> tryRouteNext altRight req

-- | Match any of a set of path segments.
data OneOfSegs (segs :: [ Symbol ]) next = OneOfSegs { oneOfSegsNext :: next }

instance (KnownSymbol seg, Router next, Router (OneOfSegs segs next)) => Router (OneOfSegs (seg ': segs) next) where
  tryRoute = tryRouteNext $ \(OneOfSegs next) -> (Seg next :: Seg seg next) :<|> (OneOfSegs next :: OneOfSegs segs next)

instance Router next => Router (OneOfSegs '[] next) where
  tryRoute _ = Nothing

-- | The class of types that can be parsed from a path segment.
class FromSegment a where
  fromSegment :: Text.Text -> Maybe a

instance FromSegment Text.Text where
  fromSegment = Just

-- | Capture a path segment and pass it on.
newtype Capture a next = Capture { captureNext :: a -> next }

instance (FromSegment a, Router next) => Router (Capture a next) where
  tryRoute req = case Wai.pathInfo req of
    seg : segs -> do
      capture <- fromSegment seg
      tryRouteNext (\c -> captureNext c capture) req { Wai.pathInfo = segs }
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Accepts requests with a certain method.
newtype Method (method :: Symbol) next = Method { methodNext :: next }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance (KnownSymbol method, Router next) => Router (Method method next) where
  tryRoute req = do
    guard (Char8.unpack (Wai.requestMethod req) == symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy method))
    tryRouteNext methodNext req

-- | Return a given JSON object
newtype JSON a = JSON { jsonResponse :: a }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Aeson.ToJSON a => Router (JSON a) where
  tryRoute _ = Just $ \json cont ->
    cont $ Wai.responseBuilder HTTP.status200 headers $ Aeson.encodeToBuilder $ Aeson.toJSON $ jsonResponse json
      where headers = [ ( HTTP.hContentType, "application/json" ) ]

-- | Set extra headers on responses.
-- Existing headers will be overriden if specified here.
data ExtraHeaders next = ExtraHeaders
  { extraHeaders :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders
  , extraHeadersNext :: next

instance Router next => Router (ExtraHeaders next) where
  tryRoute req = do
    nextRouter <- tryRoute req
    return $ \(ExtraHeaders headers next) cont -> do
      let addHeaders oldHeaders = Map.assocs (Map.fromList headers `Map.union` Map.fromList oldHeaders)
      nextRouter next $ \response ->
        cont $ Wai.mapResponseHeaders addHeaders response

-- | Prevent caching for sub-routers.
newtype NoCache next = NoCache { noCacheNext :: next }

instance Router next => Router (NoCache next) where
  tryRoute = tryRouteNext (ExtraHeaders [cacheControlDisableCaching] . noCacheNext)
      cacheControlDisableCaching = ("Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0")

-- | Parse a JSON request body.
newtype ReqBodyJSON a next = ReqBodyJSON { reqBodyJSONNext :: a -> next }

instance (Aeson.FromJSON a, Router next) => Router (ReqBodyJSON a next) where
  tryRoute req = tryRouteNextIO getNext req
      getNext rbj = do
        reqBody <- Wai.requestBody req
        case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict reqBody of
          Left err -> throwIO $ badRequest $ "Could not decode JSON request: " <> Text.pack (show err)
          Right val -> return (reqBodyJSONNext rbj val)

-- | Produce a response with `IO`.
newtype WithIO next = WithIO { withIONext :: IO next }

instance Router next => Router (WithIO next) where
  tryRoute = tryRouteNextIO withIONext

-- | A parsed "multipart/form-data" request.
type MultiPartData = ([Wai.Param], [Wai.File FilePath])

-- | Accept a "multipart/form-data" request.
-- Files will be stored in a temporary directory and will be deleted
-- automatically after the request is processed.
data ReqBodyMultipart a next = ReqBodyMultipart
  { reqMultiPartParse :: MultiPartData -> Either String a
  , reqMultiPartNext :: a -> next

instance Router next => Router (ReqBodyMultipart a next) where
  tryRoute req = flip fmap (tryRoute req) $ \nextRouter rmp cont ->
    runResourceT $ withInternalState $ \s -> do
      multiPart <- Wai.parseRequestBody (Wai.tempFileBackEnd s) req
      case reqMultiPartParse rmp multiPart of
        Left err -> throwIO $ badRequest $ "Could not decode form request: " <> Text.pack err
        Right val -> nextRouter (reqMultiPartNext rmp val) cont

-- | Useful synonym for dynamic endpoints: accept requests with a given method, compute a JSON response in `IO` and don't cache.
type Endpoint method a = End :> NoCache :> Method method :> WithIO :> a

-- | Handle a "GET" request and produce a "JSON" response, with `IO`.
type Get a = Endpoint "GET" (JSON a)
-- | Handle a "POST" request and produce a "JSON" response, with `IO`.
type Post a = Endpoint "POST" (JSON a)

-- | Most `Router`s are really just newtypes. By using `brief`, you can
--   construct trees of `Router`s by providing only their inner types, much
--   like Servant.
class Abbreviated a where
  type Brief a :: *
  type instance Brief a = a
  brief :: Brief a -> a
  default brief :: a -> a
  brief = id

instance Abbreviated Raw where
  type Brief Raw = Wai.Application
  brief = Raw

instance Abbreviated RawResponse where
  type Brief RawResponse = Wai.Response
  brief = RawResponse

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (End next) where
  type Brief (End next) = Brief next
  brief = End . brief

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Seg seg next) where
  type Brief (Seg seg next) = Brief next
  brief = Seg . brief

instance (Abbreviated left, Abbreviated right) => Abbreviated (left :<|> right) where
  type Brief (left :<|> right) = Brief left :<|> Brief right
  brief (l :<|> r) = brief l :<|> brief r

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (OneOfSegs segs next) where
  type Brief (OneOfSegs segs next) = Brief next
  brief = OneOfSegs . brief

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Capture a next) where
  type Brief (Capture a next) = a -> Brief next
  brief = Capture . fmap brief

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (Method method next) where
  type Brief (Method method next) = Brief next
  brief = Method . brief

instance Abbreviated (JSON a) where
  type Brief (JSON a) = a
  brief = JSON

instance Abbreviated (ExtraHeaders next)

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (NoCache next) where
  type Brief (NoCache next) = Brief next
  brief = NoCache . brief

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (ReqBodyJSON a next) where
  type Brief (ReqBodyJSON a next) = a -> Brief next
  brief = ReqBodyJSON . fmap brief

instance Abbreviated next => Abbreviated (WithIO next) where
  type Brief (WithIO next) = IO (Brief next)
  brief = WithIO . fmap brief

instance Abbreviated (ReqBodyMultipart a next)

-- Generic routers

deriving instance Router r => Router (K1 i r p)
deriving instance Router (f p) => Router (M1 i c f p)

instance (Router (left p), Router (right p)) => Router ((left :*: right) p) where
  tryRoute req = routeLeft <|> routeRight
      routeLeft = tryRouteNext (\(left :*: _) -> left) req
      routeRight = tryRouteNext (\(_ :*: right) -> right) req

-- Error handling

-- | A `Router`-related exception with a corresponding HTTP error code.
data SolgaError = SolgaError
  { errorStatus :: HTTP.Status
  , errorMessage :: Text.Text
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Exception SolgaError

-- | Create a @400 Bad Request@ error with a given message.
badRequest :: Text.Text -> SolgaError
badRequest msg = SolgaError
  { errorStatus = HTTP.badRequest400
  , errorMessage = msg

-- | Create a @404 Not Found@ error with a given message.
notFound :: Text.Text -> SolgaError
notFound msg = SolgaError
  { errorStatus = HTTP.notFound404
  , errorMessage = msg