{-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-} -- Package dependencies: -- random -- stb-image -- OpenGL -- GLUT import FRP.Sodium import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Traversable (sequenceA) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Engine import System.Random import System.FilePath import Data.Array.IArray as A import Data.Array.ST data Suit = Spades | Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Value = Ace | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Card = Card Value Suit deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Enum Card where fromEnum (Card v s) = fromEnum v + fromEnum s * 13 toEnum i = Card (toEnum v) (toEnum s) where (s, v) = divMod i 13 instance Bounded Card where minBound = Card minBound minBound maxBound = Card maxBound maxBound noOfStacks :: Int noOfStacks = 8 noOfCells :: Int noOfCells = 4 cardSize :: Vector cardSize = (100,150) overlapY :: Double overlapY = 90 data Location = Stack Int | Cell Int | Grave deriving (Eq, Show) data Bunch = Bunch { buInitOrig :: Point, buInitMousePos :: Point, buCards :: [Card], buOrigin :: Location } deriving Show data Destination = Destination { deLocation :: Location, deDropZone :: Rect, deMayDrop :: [Card] -> Bool } validSequence :: [Card] -> Bool validSequence xs = and $ zipWith follows xs (drop 1 xs) follows :: Card -> Card -> Bool follows one@(Card v1 _) two@(Card v2 _) = isRed one /= isRed two && (v1 /= Ace && pred v1 == v2) where isRed :: Card -> Bool isRed (Card _ suit) = suit == Hearts || suit == Diamonds cardSpacing :: Double cardSpacing = (2000-cardWidth) / fromIntegral (noOfStacks-1) where (cardWidth, _) = cardSize cardSpacingNarrow :: Double cardSpacingNarrow = cardSpacing * 0.9 topRow :: Double topRow = 1000 - 50 - cardHeight where (cardWidth, cardHeight) = cardSize draw :: Point -> Card -> Sprite draw pt (Card v s) = ((pt, cardSize), "cards" ++ [pathSeparator] ++ suitName s ++ valueName v ++ ".png") where suitName Spades = "s" suitName Clubs = "c" suitName Diamonds = "d" suitName Hearts = "h" valueName Ace = "1" valueName Two = "2" valueName Three = "3" valueName Four = "4" valueName Five = "5" valueName Six = "6" valueName Seven = "7" valueName Eight = "8" valueName Nine = "9" valueName Ten = "10" valueName Jack = "j" valueName Queen = "q" valueName King = "k" emptySpace :: Point -> Sprite emptySpace pt = ((pt, cardSize), "cards" ++ [pathSeparator] ++ "empty-space.png") -- | The vertical stacks of cards, where cards can only be added if they're -- descending numbers and alternating red-black. stack :: Event MouseEvent -> [Card] -> Location -> Behavior Int -> Event [Card] -> Reactive (Behavior [Sprite], Behavior Destination, Event Bunch) stack eMouse initCards loc@(Stack ix) freeSpaces eDrop = do let (cardWidth, cardHeight) = cardSize orig@(origX, origY) = ( (-1000) + cardWidth*0.5 + fromIntegral ix * cardSpacing, 300 ) positions = iterate (\(x, y) -> (x, y-overlapY)) orig rec cards <- hold initCards (eRemoveCards `merge` eAddCards) let eAddCards = snapshotWith (\newCards cards -> cards ++ newCards) eDrop cards eMouseSelection = filterJust $ snapshotWith (\mev cards -> case mev of MouseDown pt@(x, y) | x >= origX - cardWidth && x <= origX + cardWidth -> let n = length cards bottomY = (origY - cardHeight) - overlapY * fromIntegral (n-1) ix = (length cards - 1) `min` floor (((origY + cardHeight) - y) / overlapY) (left, taken) = splitAt ix cards in if ix >= 0 && y >= bottomY then Just (left, Bunch (positions !! ix) pt taken loc) else Nothing _ -> Nothing ) eMouse cards eRemoveCards = fst <$> eMouseSelection -- Cards left over when we drag eDrag = snd <$> eMouseSelection -- Cards removed when we drag let sprites = map (uncurry draw) . zip positions <$> cards dest = (\cards freeSpaces -> Destination { deLocation = loc, deDropZone = (orig `minus` (0, fromIntegral (length cards) * overlapY), cardSize), deMayDrop = \newCards -> validSequence newCards && -- You get one card for free, but there must be free cells for any -- more than that. (length newCards - 1) <= freeSpaces && case cards of [] -> True _ -> last cards `follows` head newCards } ) <$> cards <*> freeSpaces return (sprites, dest, eDrag) -- | The "free cells" where cards can be temporarily put. cell :: Event MouseEvent -> Location -> Event [Card] -> Reactive (Behavior [Sprite], Behavior Destination, Event Bunch, Behavior Int) cell eMouse loc@(Cell ix) eDrop = do let (cardWidth, cardHeight) = cardSize orig = ((-1000) + cardWidth*0.5 + fromIntegral ix * cardSpacingNarrow, topRow) rect = (orig, cardSize) rec mCard <- hold Nothing $ eRemove `merge` (Just . head <$> eDrop) let eMouseSelection = filterJust $ snapshotWith (\mev mCard -> case (mev, mCard) of (MouseDown pt, Just card) | pt `inside` rect -> Just (Nothing, Bunch (fst rect) pt [card] loc) _ -> Nothing ) eMouse mCard eRemove = fst <$> eMouseSelection eDrag = snd <$> eMouseSelection let sprites = ((:[]) . maybe (emptySpace orig) (draw orig)) <$> mCard dest = (\mCard -> Destination { deLocation = loc, deDropZone = rect, deMayDrop = \newCards -> length newCards == 1 && isNothing mCard }) <$> mCard emptySpaces = (\c -> if isNothing c then 1 else 0) <$> mCard return (sprites, dest, eDrag, emptySpaces) -- | The place where the cards end up at the top right, aces first. grave :: Event MouseEvent -> Event [Card] -> Reactive (Behavior [Sprite], Behavior Destination, Event Bunch) grave eMouse eDrop = do let xOf ix = 1000 - cardWidth*0.5 - cardSpacingNarrow * fromIntegral (3-ix) positions = map (\ix -> (xOf ix, topRow)) [0..3] areas = zip positions (repeat cardSize) (cardWidth, cardHeight) = cardSize wholeRect = (((xOf 0 + xOf 3) * 0.5, topRow), ((cardSpacingNarrow * 3 + cardWidth*2) * 0.5, cardHeight)) rec let eDropModify = snapshotWith (\newCards slots -> let newCard@(Card _ suit) = head newCards ix = fromEnum suit in take ix slots ++ [Just newCard] ++ drop (ix+1) slots ) eDrop slots slots <- hold [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] (eDropModify `merge` eRemove) let eMouseSelection = filterJust $ snapshotWith (\mev slots -> case mev of MouseDown pt -> let isIn = map (pt `inside`) areas in case trueIxOf isIn of Just ix -> case slots !! ix of Just card@(Card value suit) -> let prevCard = if value == Ace then Nothing else Just (Card (pred value) suit) slots' = take ix slots ++ [prevCard] ++ drop (ix+1) slots in Just (slots', Bunch (positions !! ix) pt [card] Grave) Nothing -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing _ -> Nothing ) eMouse slots eRemove = fst <$> eMouseSelection eDrag = snd <$> eMouseSelection let sprites = zipWith (\pos mSlot -> maybe (emptySpace pos) (draw pos) mSlot ) positions <$> slots dest = (\slots -> Destination { deLocation = Grave, deDropZone = wholeRect, deMayDrop = \newCards -> case newCards of [card@(Card value suit)] -> let ix = fromEnum suit in case slots !! ix of Just (Card topValue _) -> value == succ topValue Nothing -> value == Ace _ -> False }) <$> slots return (sprites, dest, eDrag) where -- Index of first true item in the list trueIxOf items = doit items 0 where doit [] _ = Nothing doit (x:xs) ix = if x then Just ix else doit xs (ix+1) -- | Draw the cards while they're being dragged. dragger :: Event MouseEvent -> Event Bunch -> Reactive (Behavior [Sprite], Event (Point, Bunch)) dragger eMouse eStartDrag = do dragPos <- hold (0,0) $ flip fmap eMouse $ \mev -> case mev of MouseUp pt -> pt MouseMove pt -> pt MouseDown pt -> pt rec dragging <- hold Nothing $ (const Nothing <$> eDrop) `merge` (Just <$> eStartDrag) let eDrop = filterJust $ snapshotWith (\mev mDragging -> case (mev, mDragging) of -- If the mouse is released, and we are dragging... (MouseUp pt, Just dragging) -> Just (cardPos pt dragging, dragging) _ -> Nothing ) eMouse dragging let sprites = drawDraggedCards <$> dragPos <*> dragging where drawDraggedCards pt (Just bunch) = let cpos = cardPos pt bunch positions = iterate (\(x, y) -> (x, y-overlapY)) cpos in zipWith draw positions (buCards bunch) drawDraggedCards _ Nothing = [] return (sprites, eDrop) where cardPos pt bunch = (pt `minus` buInitMousePos bunch) `plus` buInitOrig bunch -- | Determine where dropped cards are routed to. dropper :: Event (Point, Bunch) -> Behavior [Destination] -> Event (Location, [Card]) dropper eDrop dests = snapshotWith (\(pt, bunch) dests -> -- If none of the destinations will accept the dropped cards, then send them -- back where they originated from. let findDest [] = (buOrigin bunch, buCards bunch) findDest (dest:rem) = if pt `inside` deDropZone dest && deMayDrop dest (buCards bunch) then (deLocation dest, buCards bunch) else findDest rem in findDest dests ) eDrop dests distributeTo :: Event (Location, [Card]) -> [Location] -> [Event [Card]] distributeTo eWhere locations = flip map locations $ \thisLoc -> filterJust $ (\(loc, cards) -> if loc == thisLoc then Just cards else Nothing ) <$> eWhere freecell :: [[Card]] -> Game freecell stackCards eMouse time = do let stLocs = map Stack [0..noOfStacks-1] ceLocs = map Cell [0..noOfCells-1] rec let eWhere = dropper eDrop (sequenceA (stDests ++ ceDests ++ [grDest])) stDrops = eWhere `distributeTo` stLocs ceDrops = eWhere `distributeTo` ceLocs grDrops = eWhere `distributeTo` [Grave] (stSprites, stDests, stDrags) <- unzip3 <$> forM (zip3 stLocs stackCards stDrops) (\(loc, cards, drop) -> stack eMouse cards loc emptySpaces drop) (ceSprites, ceDests, ceDrags, ceEmptySpaces) <- unzip4 <$> forM (zip ceLocs ceDrops) (\(loc, drop) -> cell eMouse loc drop) (grSprites, grDest, grDrag) <- grave eMouse (head grDrops) -- The total number of empty spaces available in cells - 0 to 4. We need to -- know this when we drop a stack of cards, because (the rules of the game say) -- this is equivalent to temporarily putting all but one of them in cells. let emptySpaces = foldr1 (\x y -> (+) <$> x <*> y) ceEmptySpaces (drSprites, eDrop) <- dragger eMouse (foldr1 merge (stDrags ++ ceDrags ++ [grDrag])) return $ concat <$> sequenceA (stSprites ++ ceSprites ++ [grSprites] ++ [drSprites]) shuffle :: StdGen -> [Card] -> ([Card], StdGen) shuffle rng cards = let n = length cards (rng', ixes) = mapAccumL (\rng () -> let (ix, rng') = randomR (0, n-1) rng in (rng', ix)) rng (replicate n ()) ary = runSTArray $ do ary <- newListArray (0, n-1) cards forM_ (zip [0..n-1] ixes) $ \(ix1, ix2) -> do when (ix1 /= ix2) $ do one <- readArray ary ix1 two <- readArray ary ix2 writeArray ary ix1 two writeArray ary ix2 one return ary in (A.elems ary, rng') toStacks :: Int -> [Card] -> [[Card]] toStacks noOfStacks cards = foldl (\stacks layer -> zipWith (++) (map (:[]) layer ++ repeat []) stacks ) (replicate noOfStacks []) (layerize cards) where layerize :: [Card] -> [[Card]] layerize cards = case splitAt noOfStacks cards of ([], _) -> [] (layer, rem) -> layer : layerize rem main = do rng <- newStdGen let (cards, rng') = shuffle rng [minBound..maxBound] runGame "Freecell" (freecell (toStacks noOfStacks cards))