-- | SSL-enabled http transport with support for https requests and client certificates.

module Network.SOAP.Transport.HTTP.TLS
    ( confTransport
    , makeSettings
    -- * Certificate validation
    , ServerCertCallback, validateDefault
    ) where

import Network.HTTP.Client (ManagerSettings)
import Network.SOAP.Transport (Transport)
import Network.SOAP.Transport.HTTP (confTransportWith)

import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import Network.TLS
import Data.X509
import Data.X509.CertificateStore
import Data.X509.Validation
import Network.Connection (TLSSettings(..))

import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Configurator as Conf
import           Data.Configurator.Types (Config)

type ServerCertCallback = CertificateStore
                       -> ValidationCache
                       -> ServiceID
                       -> CertificateChain
                       -> IO [FailedReason]

-- | Initialize a SOAP HTTP transport with HTTPS support using tls.
confTransport :: Text   -- ^ Section name containing transport settings.
              -> Config
              -> ServerCertCallback
              -> IO Transport
confTransport section conf onSC = do
    cert <- Conf.lookup conf (section `mappend` ".client_cert")
    key <- Conf.lookup conf (section `mappend` ".client_key")
    settings <- makeSettings cert key onSC
    confTransportWith settings section conf id id

makeSettings :: Maybe FilePath
             -> Maybe FilePath
             -> ServerCertCallback
             -> IO ManagerSettings
makeSettings (Just certFile) (Just keyFile) onSC = do
    creds <- either error Just `fmap` credentialLoadX509 certFile keyFile

    let onCR _ = return creds
    let hooks = def { onCertificateRequest = onCR
                    , onServerCertificate  = onSC
    let clientParams = (defaultParamsClient "" "") { clientHooks = hooks }
    return $! mkManagerSettings (TLSSettings clientParams) Nothing

makeSettings _ _ _ = return tlsManagerSettings