-- | A heart of the package, 'invokeWS' assembles and executes requests.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Network.SOAP
    -- * Requests
      invokeWS, Transport
    -- * Response parsing
    , runResponseParser
    , ResponseParser(..)
    , Parser
    -- * Exceptions
    , SOAPFault(..), SOAPParsingError(..)
    ) where

import Network.SOAP.Transport (Transport)
import Network.SOAP.Exception
import qualified Control.Exception as E

import Data.Conduit
#if MIN_VERSION_conduit(1,1,0)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, ResourceT)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS

import           Data.Default (def)
import qualified Text.XML as XML
import           Text.XML.Cursor as XML
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as XSP
import           Data.XML.Types (Event)
import           Text.XML.Writer (ToXML, soap)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import           Network.SOAP.Parsing.Stream (laxTag)

-- | Different parsing modes available to extract reply contents.
data ResponseParser a = StreamParser (Parser a)            -- ^ Streaming parser from Text.XML.Stream.Parse
                      | CursorParser (XML.Cursor -> a)     -- ^ XPath-like parser from Text.XML.Cursor
                      | DocumentParser (XML.Document -> a) -- ^ Parse raw XML document.
                      | RawParser (LBS.ByteString -> a)    -- ^ Work with a raw bytestring.

-- | Stream parser from Text.XML.Stream.Parse.
type Parser a = Sink Event (ResourceT IO) a

-- | Prepare data, assemble request and apply a parser to a response.
invokeWS :: (ToXML h, ToXML b)
         => Transport        -- ^ Configured transport to make requests with.
         -> String           -- ^ SOAPAction header.
         -> h                -- ^ SOAP Header element. () or Nothing will result in omiting the Header node. Put a comment if you need an empty element present.
         -> b                -- ^ SOAP Body element.
         -> ResponseParser a -- ^ Parser to use on a request reply.
         -> IO a
invokeWS transport soapAction header body parser =
    transport soapAction doc >>= runResponseParser parser
    !doc = soap header body

runResponseParser :: ResponseParser a -> LBS.ByteString -> IO a
runResponseParser parser lbs =
    case parser of
        StreamParser sink ->
            runResourceT $
                XSP.parseLBS def lbs $$ unwrapEnvelopeSink sink

        CursorParser func ->
            checkFault func . unwrapEnvelopeCursor
                            . XML.fromDocument
                            $ XML.parseLBS_ def lbs

        DocumentParser func ->
            return . func $ XML.parseLBS_ def lbs

        RawParser func ->
            return . func $ lbs

unwrapEnvelopeSink :: Parser a -> Parser a
unwrapEnvelopeSink sink = XSP.force "No SOAP Envelope" $ laxTag "Envelope"
                        $ XSP.force "No SOAP Body" $ laxTag "Body"
                        $ sink

unwrapEnvelopeCursor :: Cursor -> Cursor
unwrapEnvelopeCursor c = forceCur $ c $| laxElement "Envelope" &/ laxElement "Body"
    where forceCur [] = E.throw $ SOAPParsingError "No SOAP Body"
          forceCur (x:_) = x

checkFault :: (XML.Cursor -> a) -> Cursor -> IO a
checkFault fun c = tryCur $ c $/ laxElement "Fault"
        tryCur [] = return $! fun c
        tryCur (f:_) = E.throwIO $ SOAPFault (peek "faultcode" f) (peek "faultstring" f) (peek "detail" f)

        peek name cur = T.concat $! cur $/ laxElement name &/ content