{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module System.FastLogger
  ( Logger
  , timestampedLogEntry
  , combinedLogEntry
  , newLogger
  , newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction
  , withLogger
  , withLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction
  , stopLogger
  , logMsg
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent               (MVar, ThreadId, killThread, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, threadDelay, tryPutMVar, withMVar)
import           Control.Concurrent.Extended      (forkIOLabeledWithUnmaskBs)
import           Control.Exception                (AsyncException, Handler (..), IOException, SomeException, bracket, catch, catches, mask_)
import           Control.Monad                    (unless, void, when)
import           Data.ByteString.Builder          (Builder, byteString, char8, stringUtf8, toLazyByteString, toLazyByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8            (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8            as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8       as L
import           Data.IORef                       (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import           Data.Monoid                      (mappend, mconcat, mempty)
import qualified Data.Text                        as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding               as T
import           Data.Word                        (Word64)
import           Prelude                          (Eq (..), FilePath, IO, Int, Maybe, Monad (..), Num (..), Ord (..), Show (..), mapM_, maybe, ($), ($!), (++), (.), (||))
import           System.IO                        (IOMode (AppendMode), hClose, hFlush, openFile, stderr, stdout)
import           System.PosixCompat.Time          (epochTime)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Common (atomicModifyIORef')
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Date   (getLogDateString)

-- | Holds the state for a logger.
data Logger = Logger
    { _queuedMessages :: !(IORef Builder)
    , _dataWaiting    :: !(MVar ())
    , _loggerPath     :: !(FilePath)
    , _loggingThread  :: !(MVar ThreadId)
    , _errAction      :: ByteString -> IO ()

-- | Creates a new logger, logging to the given file. If the file argument is
-- \"-\", then log to stdout; if it's \"stderr\" then we log to stderr,
-- otherwise we log to a regular file in append mode. The file is closed and
-- re-opened every 15 minutes to facilitate external log rotation.
newLogger :: FilePath                      -- ^ log file to use
          -> IO Logger
newLogger = newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction
              (\s -> S.hPutStr stderr s >> hFlush stderr)

-- | Like 'newLogger', but uses a custom error action if the logger needs to
-- print an error message of its own (for instance, if it can't open the
-- output file.)
newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction :: (ByteString -> IO ())
                                     -- ^ logger uses this action to log any
                                     -- error messages of its own
                                 -> FilePath   -- ^ log file to use
                                 -> IO Logger
newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction errAction fp = do
    q  <- newIORef mempty
    dw <- newEmptyMVar
    th <- newEmptyMVar

    let lg = Logger q dw fp th errAction

    mask_ $ do
      tid <- forkIOLabeledWithUnmaskBs "snap-server: logging" $
               loggingThread lg
      putMVar th tid

    return lg

-- | Creates a Logger and passes it into the given function, cleaning up
-- with \"stopLogger\" afterwards.
withLogger :: FilePath                      -- ^ log file to use
          -> (Logger -> IO a)
          -> IO a
withLogger f = bracket (newLogger f) stopLogger

-- | Creates a Logger with \"newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction\" and passes it
-- into the given function, cleaning up with \"stopLogger\" afterwards.
withLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction :: (ByteString -> IO ())
                                     -- ^ logger uses this action to log any
                                     -- error messages of its own
                                  -> FilePath       -- ^ log file to use
                                  -> (Logger -> IO a)
                                  -> IO a
withLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction e f =
    bracket (newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction e f) stopLogger

-- FIXME: can be a builder, and we could even use the same trick we use for
-- | Prepares a log message with the time prepended.
timestampedLogEntry :: ByteString -> IO ByteString
timestampedLogEntry msg = do
    timeStr <- getLogDateString

    return $! S.concat
           $  L.toChunks
           $  toLazyByteString
           $  mconcat [ char8 '['
                      , byteString timeStr
                      , byteString "] "
                      , byteString msg ]

-- FIXME: builder
-- | Prepares a log message in \"combined\" format.
combinedLogEntry :: ByteString        -- ^ remote host
                 -> Maybe ByteString  -- ^ remote user
                 -> ByteString        -- ^ request line (up to you to ensure
                                      --   there are no quotes in here)
                 -> Int               -- ^ status code
                 -> Word64            -- ^ num bytes sent
                 -> Maybe ByteString  -- ^ referer (up to you to ensure
                                      --   there are no quotes in here)
                 -> ByteString        -- ^ user agent (up to you to ensure
                                      --   there are no quotes in here)
                 -> IO ByteString
combinedLogEntry !host !mbUser !req !status !numBytes !mbReferer !ua = do
    timeStr <- getLogDateString

    let !l = [ byteString host
             , byteString " - "
             , user
             , byteString " ["
             , byteString timeStr
             , byteString "] \""
             , byteString req
             , byteString "\" "
             , fromShow status
             , space
             , fromShow numBytes
             , space
             , referer
             , byteString " \""
             , byteString ua
             , quote ]

    return $! S.concat . L.toChunks $ toLazyByteString $ mconcat l

    dash     = char8 '-'
    quote    = char8 '\"'
    space    = char8 ' '
    user     = maybe dash byteString mbUser
    referer  = maybe dash
                     (\s -> mconcat [ quote
                                    , byteString s
                                    , quote ])

-- | Sends out a log message verbatim with a newline appended. Note:
-- if you want a fancy log message you'll have to format it yourself
-- (or use 'combinedLogEntry').
logMsg :: Logger -> ByteString -> IO ()
logMsg !lg !s = do
    let !s' = byteString s `mappend` char8 '\n'
    atomicModifyIORef' (_queuedMessages lg) $ \d -> (d `mappend` s',())
    void $ tryPutMVar (_dataWaiting lg) ()

loggingThread :: Logger -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
loggingThread (Logger queue notifier filePath _ errAct) unmask = do
    initialize >>= go

    openIt =
        if filePath == "-"
          then return stdout
            if filePath == "stderr"
              then return stderr
              else openFile filePath AppendMode `catch`
                     \(e::IOException) -> do
                       logInternalError $ "Can't open log file \"" ++
                                          filePath ++ "\".\n"
                       logInternalError $ "Exception: " ++ show e ++ "\n"
                       logInternalError $ "Logging to stderr instead. " ++
                                          "**THIS IS BAD, YOU OUGHT TO " ++
                                          "FIX THIS**\n\n"
                       return stderr

    closeIt h = unless (h == stdout || h == stderr) $
                  hClose h

    logInternalError = errAct . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack

    go (href, lastOpened) = unmask loop `catches`
          [ Handler $ \(_::AsyncException) -> killit (href, lastOpened)
          , Handler $ \(e::SomeException)  -> do
                logInternalError $ "logger got exception: "
                                   ++ Prelude.show e ++ "\n"
                threadDelay 20000000
                go (href, lastOpened) ]
        loop = waitFlushDelay (href, lastOpened) >> loop

    initialize = do
        lh   <- openIt
        href <- newIORef lh
        t    <- epochTime
        tref <- newIORef t
        return (href, tref)

    killit (href, lastOpened) = do
        flushIt (href, lastOpened)
        h <- readIORef href
        closeIt h

    flushIt (!href, !lastOpened) = do
        dl <- atomicModifyIORef' queue $ \x -> (mempty,x)

        let !msgs = toLazyByteString dl
        h <- readIORef href
        (do L.hPut h msgs
            hFlush h) `catch` \(e::IOException) -> do
                logInternalError $ "got exception writing to log " ++
                                   filePath ++ ": " ++ show e ++ "\n"
                logInternalError "writing log entries to stderr.\n"
                mapM_ errAct $ L.toChunks msgs

        -- close the file every 15 minutes (for log rotation)
        t   <- epochTime
        old <- readIORef lastOpened

        when (t-old > 900) $ do
            closeIt h
            mask_ $ openIt >>= writeIORef href
            writeIORef lastOpened t

    waitFlushDelay !d = do
        -- wait on the notification mvar
        _ <- takeMVar notifier

        -- grab the queued messages and write them out
        flushIt d

        -- at least five seconds between log dumps
        threadDelay 5000000

-- | Kills a logger thread, causing any unwritten contents to be
-- flushed out to disk
stopLogger :: Logger -> IO ()
stopLogger lg = withMVar (_loggingThread lg) killThread

fromShow :: Show a => a -> Builder
fromShow = stringUtf8 . show