{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- | Snap Framework type aliases and utilities for iteratees. Note that as a
-- convenience, this module also exports everything from @Data.Iteratee@ in the
-- @iteratee@ library.
-- /WARNING/: Note that all of these types are scheduled to change in the
-- @darcs@ head version of the @iteratee@ library; John Lato et al. are working
-- on a much improved iteratee formulation.

module Snap.Iteratee
  ( -- * Convenience aliases around types from @Data.Iteratee@
  , IterV
  , Iteratee
  , Enumerator

    -- * Re-export types and functions from @Data.Iteratee@
  , module Data.Iteratee

    -- * Helper functions

    -- ** Enumerators
  , enumBS
  , enumLBS
  , enumFile

    -- ** Conversion to/from 'WrappedByteString'
  , fromWrap
  , toWrap

    -- ** Iteratee utilities
  , drop'
  , takeExactly
  , takeNoMoreThan
  , countBytes
  , bufferIteratee
  , mkIterateeBuffer
  , unsafeBufferIterateeWithBuffer
  , unsafeBufferIteratee
  ) where

import             Control.Monad
import             Control.Monad.CatchIO
import             Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified   Data.ByteString as S
import qualified   Data.ByteString.Unsafe as S
import qualified   Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified   Data.DList as D
import             Data.Int
import             Data.IORef
import             Data.Iteratee
import             Data.Iteratee.IO (enumHandle)
import qualified   Data.Iteratee.Base.StreamChunk as SC
import             Data.Iteratee.WrappedByteString
import qualified   Data.ListLike as LL
import             Data.Monoid (mappend)
import             Foreign
import             Foreign.C.Types
import             GHC.ForeignPtr
import             Prelude hiding (catch,drop)
import             System.IO
import "monads-fd" Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)

#ifndef PORTABLE
import           Control.Exception (SomeException)
import           System.IO.Posix.MMap
import           System.PosixCompat.Files
import           System.Posix.Types


type Stream         = StreamG WrappedByteString Word8
type IterV      m   = IterGV WrappedByteString Word8 m
type Iteratee   m   = IterateeG WrappedByteString Word8 m
type Enumerator m a = Iteratee m a -> m (Iteratee m a)

instance (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m) =>
         MonadCatchIO (IterateeG s el m) where
    --catch  :: Exception  e => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a
    catch m handler = IterateeG $ \str -> do
        ee <- try $ runIter m str
        case ee of
          (Left e)  -> runIter (handler e) str
          (Right v) -> return v

    --block :: m a -> m a
    block m = IterateeG $ \str -> block $ runIter m str
    unblock m = IterateeG $ \str -> unblock $ runIter m str

-- | Wraps an 'Iteratee', counting the number of bytes consumed by it.
countBytes :: (Monad m) => Iteratee m a -> Iteratee m (a, Int64)
countBytes = go 0
    go !n iter = IterateeG $ f n iter

    f !n !iter ch@(Chunk ws) = do
        iterv <- runIter iter ch
        case iterv of
          Done x rest -> let !n' = n + m - len rest
                         in return $! Done (x, n') rest
          Cont i err  -> return $ Cont ((go $! n + m) i) err
        m = fromIntegral $ S.length (unWrap ws)

        len (EOF _)   = 0
        len (Chunk s) = fromIntegral $ S.length (unWrap s)

    f !n !iter stream = do
        iterv <- runIter iter stream
        case iterv of
          Done x rest -> return $ Done (x, n) rest
          Cont i err  -> return $ Cont (go n i) err

-- | Buffers an iteratee.
-- Our enumerators produce a lot of little strings; rather than spending all
-- our time doing kernel context switches for 4-byte write() calls, we buffer
-- the iteratee to send 8KB at a time.
-- The IORef returned can be set to True to "cancel" buffering. We added this
-- so that transfer-encoding: chunked (which needs its own buffer and therefore
-- doesn't need /its/ output buffered) can switch the outer buffer off.
bufferIteratee :: Iteratee IO a -> IO (Iteratee IO a, IORef Bool)
bufferIteratee iteratee = do
    esc <- newIORef False
    return $ (start esc iteratee, esc)

    blocksize = 8192

    start esc iter = IterateeG $! checkRef esc iter

    checkRef esc iter ch = do
        quit <- readIORef esc
        if quit
          then runIter iter ch
          else f (D.empty,0) iter ch

    --go :: (DList ByteString, Int) -> Iteratee m a -> Iteratee m a
    go (!dl,!n) iter = IterateeG $! f (dl,n) iter

    --f :: (DList ByteString, Int) -> Iteratee m a -> Stream -> m (IterV m a)
    f _       !iter ch@(EOF (Just _)) = runIter iter ch
    f (!dl,_) !iter ch@(EOF Nothing)  = do
        iter' <- if S.null str
                   then return iter
                   else liftM liftI $ runIter iter $ Chunk big
        runIter iter' ch
        str = S.concat $ D.toList dl
        big = WrapBS str

    f (!dl,!n) iter (Chunk (WrapBS s)) =
        if n' >= blocksize
           then do
               iterv <- runIter iter (Chunk big)
               case iterv of
                  Done x rest     -> return $ Done x rest
                  Cont i (Just e) -> return $ Cont i (Just e)
                  Cont i Nothing  -> return $ Cont (go (D.empty,0) i) Nothing
           else return $ Cont (go (dl',n') iter) Nothing
        m   = S.length s
        n'  = n+m
        dl' = D.snoc dl s
        big = WrapBS $ S.concat $ D.toList dl'

bUFSIZ :: Int
bUFSIZ = 8192

-- | Creates a buffer to be passed into 'unsafeBufferIterateeWithBuffer'.
mkIterateeBuffer :: IO (ForeignPtr CChar)
mkIterateeBuffer = mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes bUFSIZ

-- | Buffers an iteratee, \"unsafely\". Here we use a fixed binary buffer which
-- we'll re-use, meaning that if you hold on to any of the bytestring data
-- passed into your iteratee (instead of, let's say, shoving it right out a
-- socket) it'll get changed out from underneath you, breaking referential
-- transparency. Use with caution!
-- The IORef returned can be set to True to "cancel" buffering. We added this
-- so that transfer-encoding: chunked (which needs its own buffer and therefore
-- doesn't need /its/ output buffered) can switch the outer buffer off.
unsafeBufferIteratee :: Iteratee IO a -> IO (Iteratee IO a, IORef Bool)
unsafeBufferIteratee iter = do
    buf <- mkIterateeBuffer
    unsafeBufferIterateeWithBuffer buf iter

-- | Buffers an iteratee, \"unsafely\". Here we use a fixed binary buffer which
-- we'll re-use, meaning that if you hold on to any of the bytestring data
-- passed into your iteratee (instead of, let's say, shoving it right out a
-- socket) it'll get changed out from underneath you, breaking referential
-- transparency. Use with caution!
-- This version accepts a buffer created by 'mkIterateeBuffer'.
-- The IORef returned can be set to True to "cancel" buffering. We added this
-- so that transfer-encoding: chunked (which needs its own buffer and therefore
-- doesn't need /its/ output buffered) can switch the outer buffer off.
unsafeBufferIterateeWithBuffer :: ForeignPtr CChar
                               -> Iteratee IO a
                               -> IO (Iteratee IO a, IORef Bool)
unsafeBufferIterateeWithBuffer buf iteratee = do
    esc <- newIORef False
    return $! (start esc iteratee, esc)

    start esc iter = IterateeG $! checkRef esc iter
    go bytesSoFar iter =
        {-# SCC "unsafeBufferIteratee/go" #-}
        IterateeG $! f bytesSoFar iter

    checkRef esc iter ch = do
        quit <- readIORef esc
        if quit
          then runIter iter ch
          else f 0 iter ch

    sendBuf n iter =
        {-# SCC "unsafeBufferIteratee/sendBuf" #-}
        withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
            s <- S.unsafePackCStringLen (ptr, n)
            runIter iter $ Chunk $ WrapBS s

    copy c@(EOF _) = c
    copy (Chunk (WrapBS s)) = Chunk $ WrapBS $ S.copy s

    f _ iter ch@(EOF (Just _)) = runIter iter ch

    f !n iter ch@(EOF Nothing) =
        if n == 0
          then runIter iter ch
          else do
              iter' <- liftM liftI $ sendBuf n iter
              runIter iter' ch

    f !n iter (Chunk (WrapBS s)) = do
        let m = S.length s
        if m+n > bUFSIZ
          then overflow n iter s m
          else copyAndCont n iter s m

    copyAndCont n iter s m =
      {-# SCC "unsafeBufferIteratee/copyAndCont" #-} do
        S.unsafeUseAsCStringLen s $ \(p,sz) ->
            withForeignPtr buf $ \bufp -> do
                let b' = plusPtr bufp n
                copyBytes b' p sz

        return $ Cont (go (n+m) iter) Nothing

    overflow n iter s m =
      {-# SCC "unsafeBufferIteratee/overflow" #-} do
        let rest = bUFSIZ - n
        let m2   = m - rest
        let (s1,s2) = S.splitAt rest s

        S.unsafeUseAsCStringLen s1 $ \(p,_) ->
          withForeignPtr buf $ \bufp -> do
            let b' = plusPtr bufp n
            copyBytes b' p rest

            iv <- sendBuf bUFSIZ iter
            case iv of
              Done x r        -> return $
                                 Done x (copy r `mappend` (Chunk $ WrapBS s2))
              Cont i (Just e) -> return $ Cont i (Just e)
              Cont i Nothing  -> do
                  -- check the size of the remainder; if it's bigger than the
                  -- buffer size then just send it
                  if m2 >= bUFSIZ
                    then do
                        iv' <- runIter i (Chunk $ WrapBS s2)
                        case iv' of
                          Done x r         -> return $ Done x (copy r)
                          Cont i' (Just e) -> return $ Cont i' (Just e)
                          Cont i' Nothing  -> return $ Cont (go 0 i') Nothing
                    else copyAndCont 0 i s2 m2

-- | Enumerates a strict bytestring.
enumBS :: (Monad m) => ByteString -> Enumerator m a
enumBS bs = enumPure1Chunk $ WrapBS bs
{-# INLINE enumBS #-}

-- | Enumerates a lazy bytestring.
enumLBS :: (Monad m) => L.ByteString -> Enumerator m a
enumLBS lbs = el chunks
    el [] i     = return i
    el (x:xs) i = do
        i' <- liftM liftI $ runIter i (Chunk $ WrapBS x)
        el xs i'

    chunks = L.toChunks lbs

-- | Converts a lazy bytestring to a wrapped bytestring.
toWrap :: L.ByteString -> WrappedByteString Word8
toWrap = WrapBS . S.concat . L.toChunks
{-# INLINE toWrap #-}

-- | Converts a wrapped bytestring to a lazy bytestring.
fromWrap :: WrappedByteString Word8 -> L.ByteString
fromWrap = L.fromChunks . (:[]) . unWrap
{-# INLINE fromWrap #-}

-- | Skip n elements of the stream, if there are that many
-- This is the Int64 version of the drop function in the iteratee library
drop' :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m)
       => Int64
       -> IterateeG s el m ()
drop' 0 = return ()
drop' n = IterateeG step
  step (Chunk str)
    | strlen <= n  = return $ Cont (drop' (n - strlen)) Nothing
        strlen = fromIntegral $ SC.length str
  step (Chunk str) = return $ Done () (Chunk (LL.drop (fromIntegral n) str))
  step stream      = return $ Done () stream

-- | Reads n elements from a stream and applies the given iteratee to
-- the stream of the read elements. Reads exactly n elements, and if
-- the stream is short propagates an error.
takeExactly :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m)
            => Int64
            -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
takeExactly 0 iter = return iter
takeExactly n' iter =
    if n' < 0
      then takeExactly 0 iter
      else IterateeG (step n')
  step n chk@(Chunk str)
    | SC.null str = return $ Cont (takeExactly n iter) Nothing
    | strlen < n  = liftM (flip Cont Nothing) inner
    | otherwise   = done (Chunk s1) (Chunk s2)
        strlen = fromIntegral $ SC.length str
        inner  = liftM (check (n - strlen)) (runIter iter chk)
        (s1, s2) = SC.splitAt (fromIntegral n) str
  step _n (EOF (Just e))    = return $ Cont undefined (Just e)
  step _n (EOF Nothing)     = return $ Cont undefined (Just (Err "short write"))
  check n (Done x _)        = drop' n >> return (return x)
  check n (Cont x Nothing)  = takeExactly n x
  check n (Cont _ (Just e)) = drop' n >> throwErr e
  done s1 s2 = liftM (flip Done s2) (runIter iter s1 >>= checkIfDone return)

-- | Reads up to n elements from a stream and applies the given iteratee to the
-- stream of the read elements. If more than n elements are read, propagates an
-- error.
takeNoMoreThan :: (SC.StreamChunk s el, Monad m)
               => Int64
               -> EnumeratorN s el s el m a
takeNoMoreThan n' iter =
    if n' < 0
      then takeNoMoreThan 0 iter
      else IterateeG (step n')
    step n chk@(Chunk str)
      | SC.null str = return $ Cont (takeNoMoreThan n iter) Nothing
      | strlen < n  = liftM (flip Cont Nothing) inner
      | otherwise   = done (Chunk s1) (Chunk s2)
            strlen   = fromIntegral $ SC.length str
            inner    = liftM (check (n - strlen)) (runIter iter chk)
            (s1, s2) = SC.splitAt (fromIntegral n) str

    step _n (EOF (Just e))    = return $ Cont undefined (Just e)
    step _n chk@(EOF Nothing) = do
        v  <- runIter iter chk

        case v of
          (Done x s)        -> return $ Done (return x) s
          (Cont _ (Just e)) -> return $ Cont undefined (Just e)
          (Cont _ Nothing)  -> return $ Cont (throwErr $ Err "premature EOF") Nothing

    check _ v@(Done _ _)      = return $ liftI v
    check n (Cont x Nothing)  = takeNoMoreThan n x
    check _ (Cont _ (Just e)) = throwErr e

    done _ (EOF _) = error "impossible"
    done s1 s2@(Chunk s2') = do
        v <- runIter iter s1
        case v of
          (Done x s')       -> return $ Done (return x) (s' `mappend` s2)
          (Cont _ (Just e)) -> return $ Cont undefined (Just e)
          (Cont i Nothing)  ->
              if SC.null s2'
                then return $ Cont (takeNoMoreThan 0 i) Nothing
                else return $ Cont undefined (Just $ Err "too many bytes")

_enumFile :: FilePath -> Iteratee IO a -> IO (Iteratee IO a)
_enumFile fp iter = do
    h  <- liftIO $ openBinaryFile fp ReadMode
    i' <- enumHandle h iter
    return (i' `finally` liftIO (hClose h))

enumFile :: FilePath -> Iteratee IO a -> IO (Iteratee IO a)


enumFile = _enumFile


-- 40MB limit
maxMMapFileSize :: FileOffset
maxMMapFileSize = 41943040

enumFile fp iter = do
    -- for small files we'll use mmap to save ourselves a copy, otherwise we'll
    -- stream it
    stat <- getFileStatus fp
    if fileSize stat > maxMMapFileSize
      then _enumFile fp iter
      else do
        es <- (try $
               liftM WrapBS $
               unsafeMMapFile fp) :: IO (Either SomeException (WrappedByteString Word8))

        case es of
          (Left e)  -> return $ throwErr $ Err $ "IO error" ++ show e
          (Right s) -> liftM liftI $ runIter iter $ Chunk s
