module Language.SMTLib2.Internals.TH where
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.Nat
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List (List(..))
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Type.List as List
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Expression
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Interface as Pat
import qualified Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Backend as B
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Monad
import Language.SMTLib2.Internals.Embed
import Data.Char
import Numeric
import Data.List (genericLength)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import qualified Language.Haskell.Meta as TH
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Constraint
data BasicExpr = Atom String
| List [BasicExpr]
| HsExpr String
deriving Show
data THType = DeterminedType Type
| QueryType TH.ExpQ
liftNat :: Nat -> TH.ExpQ
liftNat Z = [| Zero |]
liftNat (S n) = [| Succ $(liftNat n) |]
liftNatType :: Nat -> TH.TypeQ
liftNatType Z = [t| 'Z |]
liftNatType (S n) = [t| 'S $(liftNatType n) |]
liftTypeRepr :: Type -> TH.ExpQ
liftTypeRepr BoolType = [| BoolRepr |]
liftTypeRepr IntType = [| IntRepr |]
liftTypeRepr RealType = [| RealRepr |]
liftTypeRepr (BitVecType bw) = [| BitVecRepr $(liftNat bw) |]
liftTypeRepr (ArrayType idx el)
= [| ArrayRepr $(liftList $ fmap liftTypeRepr idx) $(liftTypeRepr el) |]
liftType' :: Type -> TH.TypeQ
liftType' BoolType = [t| 'BoolType |]
liftType' IntType = [t| 'IntType |]
liftType' RealType = [t| 'RealType |]
liftType' (BitVecType bw) = [t| 'BitVecType $(liftNatType bw) |]
liftType' (ArrayType idx el)
= [t| ArrayType $(toArgs $ fmap liftType' idx) $(liftType' el) |]
toArgs :: [TH.TypeQ] -> TH.TypeQ
toArgs [] = [t| '[] |]
toArgs (x:xs) = [t| ( '(:) ) $(x) $(toArgs xs) |]
liftList :: [TH.ExpQ] -> TH.ExpQ
liftList [] = [| Nil |]
liftList (x:xs) = [| $(x) ::: $(liftList xs) |]
liftTHType :: THType -> TH.ExpQ
liftTHType (DeterminedType tp) = [| return $(liftTypeRepr tp) |]
liftTHType (QueryType q) = q
liftTHTypes :: [THType] -> TH.ExpQ
liftTHTypes [] = [| return Nil |]
liftTHTypes (tp:tps) = [| liftM2 (:::) $(liftTHType tp) $(liftTHTypes tps) |]
liftNumType :: Type -> TH.ExpQ
liftNumType IntType = [| NumInt |]
liftNumType RealType = [| NumReal |]
natLength :: [a] -> Nat
natLength [] = Z
natLength (_:xs) = S (natLength xs)
natInt :: Integer -> Nat
natInt 0 = Z
natInt n = S (natInt (n1))
data THFunction = THFun { deriveFunctionType :: (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType)
-> (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType)
, getSymbol :: (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType) -> TH.ExpQ
, allEqSymbol :: TH.ExpQ
, match :: TH.PatQ
, matchAllEq :: TH.PatQ -> TH.PatQ }
data THExpression = THExpr { deriveType :: THType
, getExpr' :: TH.ExpQ }
type THBind = Map String THExpression
deriveAllEqType :: [THExpression] -> THType
deriveAllEqType args = case [ tp | THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType tp } <- args
] of
x:xs -> DeterminedType x
[] -> case args of
e:_ -> deriveType e
[] -> error $ "Cannot use function with zero arguments."
toFunction :: BasicExpr -> THFunction
toFunction (Atom "=")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \(args,_)
-> (case args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tps -> Just $ case [ tp | Just tp <- tps ] of
[] -> tps
tps' -> case [ tp | DeterminedType tp <- tps' ] of
[] -> fmap (const (Just (head tps'))) tps
tp:_ -> fmap (const (Just (DeterminedType tp))) tps,
Just (DeterminedType BoolType))
, getSymbol = \(args,_) -> case args of
Just xs@((Just tp):_)
-> [| $(liftTHType tp) >>= \rtp -> return $ Eq rtp $(liftNat $ natLength xs) |]
, allEqSymbol = [| embed . Pat.EqLst |]
, match = [p| Eq _ _ |]
, matchAllEq = \r -> [p| Pat.EqLst $(r) |] }
toFunction (Atom "distinct")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \(args,_)
-> (case args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tps -> Just $ case [ tp | Just tp <- tps ] of
[] -> tps
tps' -> case [ tp | DeterminedType tp <- tps' ] of
[] -> fmap (const (Just (head tps'))) tps
tp:_ -> fmap (const (Just (DeterminedType tp))) tps,
Just (DeterminedType BoolType))
, getSymbol = \(args,_) -> case args of
Just xs@((Just tp):_)
-> [| $(liftTHType tp) >>= \rtp -> return $ Distinct rtp $(liftNat $ natLength xs) |]
, allEqSymbol = [| distinct' |]
, match = [p| Distinct _ _ |] }
toFunction (List [Atom "map",fun])
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = deriv
, getSymbol = sym
, allEqSymbol = error "map function cannot be applied to list."
, match = [p| Map _ $(match rfun) |]
rfun = toFunction fun
deriv (args,tp) = let nargs = case args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tps -> Just $ fmap (fmap thElementType) tps
ntp = fmap thElementType tp
all_tps = (case args of
Nothing -> []
Just tps -> catMaybes tps)++
(case tp of
Nothing -> []
Just rtp -> [rtp])
all_idx = fmap thIndexType all_tps
idx = case [ tps | Left tps <- all_idx ] of
idx':_ -> Left idx'
[] -> case [ q | Right q <- all_idx ] of
idx':_ -> Right idx'
[] -> error "Cannot infer index type for map function."
(fargs,ftp) = deriveFunctionType rfun (nargs,ntp)
in (case fargs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tps -> Just $ fmap (fmap (thMakeArray idx)) tps,
case ftp of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tp -> Just $ thMakeArray idx tp)
sym :: (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType) -> TH.ExpQ
sym (args,tp) = let all_tps = (case args of
Nothing -> []
Just tps -> catMaybes tps)++
(case tp of
Nothing -> []
Just tp -> [tp])
all_idx = fmap thIndexType all_tps
idx = case [ tps | Left tps <- all_idx ] of
idx':_ -> Left idx'
[] -> case [ q | Right q <- all_idx ] of
idx':_ -> Right idx'
[] -> error "Cannot infer index type for map function."
fargs = case args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just args' -> Just $ fmap (fmap thElementType) args'
ftp = case tp of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just tp' -> Just $ thElementType tp'
in [| liftM2 Map
$(case idx of
Left idx' -> liftTHTypes (fmap DeterminedType idx')
Right q -> q)
$(getSymbol rfun (fargs,ftp)) |]
toFunction (Atom "<=") = toOrd 'Le
toFunction (Atom "<") = toOrd 'Lt
toFunction (Atom ">=") = toOrd 'Ge
toFunction (Atom ">") = toOrd 'Gt
toFunction (Atom "+") = toArith 'Plus
toFunction (Atom "-") = toArith 'Minus
toFunction (Atom "*") = toArith 'Mult
toFunction (Atom "div") = toArithBin 'Div
toFunction (Atom "mod") = toArithBin 'Mod
toFunction (Atom "rem") = toArithBin 'Rem
toFunction (Atom "/") = THFun { deriveFunctionType = const (Just [Just (DeterminedType RealType)
,Just (DeterminedType RealType)],
Just (DeterminedType RealType))
, getSymbol = const [| return Divide |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply / function to list."
, match = [p| Divide |] }
toFunction (Atom "abs")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \(args,rtp) -> case args of
Just [Just tp] -> case tp of
DeterminedType _ -> (Just [Just tp],Just tp)
_ -> case rtp of
Just (DeterminedType tp) -> (Just [rtp],rtp)
_ -> (Just [Just tp],Just tp)
_ -> case rtp of
Just tp -> (Just [Just tp],Just tp)
Nothing -> (Just [Nothing],Nothing)
, getSymbol = \(_,rtp) -> case rtp of
Just (DeterminedType IntType) -> [| return $ Abs NumInt |]
Just (DeterminedType RealType) -> [| return $ Abs NumReal |]
Just (QueryType q) -> [| $(q) >>= \repr -> return $ Abs (case asNumRepr repr of
Just r -> r) |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply abs function to list."
, match = [p| Abs _ |] }
toFunction (Atom "not")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \_ -> (Just [Just $ DeterminedType BoolType],
Just (DeterminedType BoolType))
, getSymbol = const [| return Not |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply not function to list."
, match = [p| Not |] }
toFunction (Atom "and") = toLogic 'And
toFunction (Atom "or") = toLogic 'Or
toFunction (Atom "xor") = toLogic 'XOr
toFunction (Atom "=>") = toLogic 'Implies
toFunction (Atom "to_real")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \_ -> (Just [Just $ DeterminedType IntType],
Just (DeterminedType RealType))
, getSymbol = const [| return ToReal |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply to-real function to list."
, match = [p| ToReal |] }
toFunction (Atom "to_int")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \_ -> (Just [Just $ DeterminedType RealType],
Just (DeterminedType IntType))
, getSymbol = const [| return ToInt |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply to-int function to list."
, match = [p| ToInt |] }
toFunction (Atom "ite")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = deriv
, getSymbol = sym
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply ite function to list."
, match = [p| ITE _ |] }
deriv (args,rtp) = let all_tps = (case args of
Just [_,tp1,tp2] -> catMaybes [tp1,tp2]
Nothing -> [])++
(case rtp of
Just tp -> [tp]
Nothing -> [])
res = case [ tp | DeterminedType tp <- all_tps ] of
tp:_ -> Just (DeterminedType tp)
[] -> case [ tp | QueryType tp <- all_tps ] of
tp:_ -> Just (QueryType tp)
[] -> rtp
in (Just [Just $ DeterminedType BoolType
sym (_,Just rtp) = [| fmap ITE $(liftTHType rtp) |]
toFunction (Atom "select")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = deriv
, getSymbol = sym
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply select function to list."
, match = [p| Select _ _ |] }
deriv (args,rtp) = case args of
Just (arr:idx) -> case arr of
Just (DeterminedType (ArrayType idx' el))
-> (Just (arr:fmap (Just . DeterminedType) idx'),
Just (DeterminedType el))
_ -> (args,rtp)
_ -> (args,rtp)
sym (Just (Just arr:_),_)
= [| liftM2 Select $(case thIndexType arr of
Left tps -> liftTHTypes (fmap DeterminedType tps)
Right q -> q)
$(liftTHType $ thElementType arr) |]
toFunction (Atom "store")
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = deriv
, getSymbol = sym
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply store function to list."
, match = [p| Store _ _ |] }
deriv (args,rtp) = case args of
Just (arr:idx) -> case arr of
Just (DeterminedType (ArrayType idx' el))
-> (Just (arr:(fmap (Just . DeterminedType) idx')++[Just $ DeterminedType el]),
Just (DeterminedType el))
_ -> (args,rtp)
_ -> (args,rtp)
sym (Just (Just arr:_),_)
= [| liftM2 Store
$(case thIndexType arr of
Left tps -> liftTHTypes (fmap DeterminedType tps)
Right q -> q)
$(liftTHType $ thElementType arr) |]
toFunction (List [Atom "as",Atom "const",List [Atom "Array",List idx,el]])
= THFun { deriveFunctionType = \_ -> (Just [Just elTp],Just arrTp)
, getSymbol = \_ -> [| liftM2 ConstArray
$(liftTHTypes idxTps)
$(liftTHType elTp) |]
, allEqSymbol = error "Cannot apply constant array function to list."
, match = [p| ConstArray _ _ |] }
idxTps = fmap toType idx
elTp = toType el
qarrTp = [| ArrayRepr $(liftList $ fmap liftTHType idxTps)
$(liftTHType elTp) |]
arrTp = case mapM (\tp -> case tp of
DeterminedType tp' -> Just tp'
_ -> Nothing) idxTps of
Just idx' -> case elTp of
DeterminedType el' -> DeterminedType (ArrayType idx' el')
_ -> QueryType qarrTp
Nothing -> QueryType qarrTp
toOrd :: TH.Name -> THFunction
toOrd name = THFun { deriveFunctionType = \(args,_)
-> (case args of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just [t1,t2] -> Just $ case t1 of
Just (DeterminedType tp)
-> [Just (DeterminedType tp)
,Just (DeterminedType tp)]
Just (QueryType q)
-> case t2 of
Just (DeterminedType tp)
-> [Just (DeterminedType tp)
,Just (DeterminedType tp)]
_ -> [Just (QueryType q)
,Just (QueryType q)]
Nothing -> [t2,t2],
Just (DeterminedType BoolType))
, getSymbol = getSym
, allEqSymbol = error $ "Cannot dynamically apply comparison function."
, match = [p| Ord _ $(TH.conP name []) |] }
getSym (Just [Just tp,_],_)
= case tp of
DeterminedType tp' -> [| return $ Ord $(liftNumType tp') $(TH.conE name) |]
QueryType q -> [| $(q) >>= \repr -> return $ Ord (case asNumRepr repr of
Just rtp -> rtp) $(TH.conE name) |]
toArith :: TH.Name -> THFunction
toArith name = THFun { deriveFunctionType = deriv
, getSymbol = sym
, allEqSymbol = [| arith' $(TH.conE name) |]
, match = [p| Arith _ $(TH.conP name []) _ |]
deriv :: (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType) -> (Maybe [Maybe THType],Maybe THType)
deriv (args,rtp) = let all_tps = (case args of
Just tps -> catMaybes tps
Nothing -> [])++
(case rtp of
Just tp -> [tp]
Nothing -> [])
in case [ tp | DeterminedType tp <- all_tps ] of
tp:_ -> (case args of
Just args' -> Just $ fmap (const $ Just (DeterminedType tp)) args'
Nothing -> Nothing,
Just $ DeterminedType tp)
[] -> case [ tp | QueryType tp <- all_tps ] of
tp:_ -> (case args of
Just args' -> Just $ fmap (const $ Just (QueryType tp)) args'
Nothing -> Nothing,
Just $ QueryType tp)
[] -> (args,rtp)
sym (Just args,Just (DeterminedType tp)) = [| return $ Arith $(case tp of
IntType -> [| NumInt |]
RealType -> [| NumReal |])
$(TH.conE name)
$(liftNat $ natLength args)
sym (Just args,Just (QueryType q)) = [| $(q) >>= \repr -> return $
Arith (case asNumRepr repr of
Just r -> r) $(TH.conE name)
$(liftNat $ natLength args) |]
toArithBin :: TH.Name -> THFunction
toArithBin name = THFun { deriveFunctionType = \_ -> (Just [Just (DeterminedType IntType)
,Just (DeterminedType IntType)],
Just (DeterminedType IntType))
, getSymbol = \_ -> [| return $ ArithIntBin $(TH.conE name) |]
, allEqSymbol = error $ "Cannot apply binary function to list."
, match = [p| ArithIntBin $(TH.conP name []) |] }
toLogic :: TH.Name -> THFunction
toLogic name = THFun { deriveFunctionType = \(args,_)
-> (fmap (fmap (const
(Just $ DeterminedType BoolType))) args,
Just (DeterminedType BoolType))
, getSymbol = \(args,_) -> case args of
Just args' -> [| return $ Logic $(TH.conE name)
$(liftNat $ natLength args') |]
, allEqSymbol = [| logic' $(TH.conE name) |]
, match = [p| Logic $(TH.conP name []) _ |] }
toExpression :: THBind -> BasicExpr -> THExpression
toExpression _ (Atom "false")
= THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType BoolType
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (BoolValue False)) |] }
toExpression _ (Atom "true")
= THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType BoolType
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (BoolValue True)) |] }
toExpression _ (Atom ('#':'x':rest)) = case [ num | (num,"") <- readHex rest ] of
[n] -> let bw = genericLength rest*4
natBW = natInt bw
in THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType (BitVecType natBW)
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (BitVecValue $(TH.litE $ TH.integerL n)
$(liftNat natBW)
)) |] }
toExpression _ (List [Atom "_",Atom ('b':'v':val),Atom bw])
= let num = read val
rbw = read bw
natBW = natInt rbw
in THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType (BitVecType natBW)
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (BitVecValue $(TH.litE $ TH.integerL num)
$(liftNat natBW))) |] }
toExpression _ (List [Atom "_",Atom "as-array",fun])
= THExpr { deriveType = case funType of
(Just (sequence -> Just tps),Just tp)
-> case mapM (\tp -> case tp of
DeterminedType t -> Just t
_ -> Nothing
) tps of
Just det -> case tp of
DeterminedType rdet -> DeterminedType (ArrayType det rdet)
, getExpr' = [| $(getSymbol rfun funType) >>=
\sym -> embedSMT $ B.toBackend (AsArray sym) |] }
rfun = toFunction fun
funType = deriveFunctionType rfun (Nothing,Nothing)
toExpression bind (List [Atom "forall",List vars,body])
= toQuantifier Forall bind vars body
toExpression bind (List [Atom "exists",List vars,body])
= toQuantifier Exists bind vars body
toExpression bind (Atom name)
| isDigit (head name)
= if '.' `elem` name
then case [ res | (res,"") <- readFloat name ] of
[r] -> THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType RealType
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (RealValue $(TH.litE $ TH.rationalL r))) |] }
else let num = read name
in THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType IntType
, getExpr' = [| embed (Const (IntValue $(TH.litE $ TH.integerL num))) |] }
| otherwise = case Map.lookup name bind of
Just res -> res
Nothing -> THExpr { deriveType = QueryType [| embedTypeOf $(TH.varE (TH.mkName name)) |]
, getExpr' = [| return $(TH.varE (TH.mkName name)) |] }
toExpression bind (List [List [Atom "is",Atom dt,Atom con],expr])
= THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType BoolType
, getExpr' = TH.appsE [[| (>>=) |]
, toExpr bind expr
, [| embedConstrTest $(TH.litE $ TH.stringL con)
(Proxy:: Proxy $(TH.conT $ TH.mkName dt)) |] ] }
toExpression bind (List [List [Atom "get",Atom dt,Atom con,Atom field,tp],expr])
= THExpr { deriveType = toType tp
, getExpr' = TH.appsE [[| (>>=) |]
,getExpr' $ toExpression bind expr
,[| embedGetField $(TH.litE $ TH.stringL field)
$(TH.litE $ TH.stringL con)
(Proxy:: Proxy $(TH.conT $ TH.mkName dt))
$(liftTHType $ toType tp) |]] }
toExpression bind (List [Atom "const",HsExpr c])
= THExpr { deriveType = QueryType [| return (valueTypeC $(e)) |]
, getExpr' = TH.appE [| embedConst |] e }
e = case TH.parseExp c of
Left err -> error $ "Failed to parse haskell expression: "++show c
Right e' -> return e'
toExpression bind (List [fun,Atom "#",HsExpr e])
= THExpr { deriveType = case deriveFunctionType rfun (Nothing,Nothing) of
(_,Just rtp) -> rtp
, getExpr' = case TH.parseExp e of
Left err -> error $ "Failed to parse haskell expression: "++show e
Right e' -> TH.appE (allEqSymbol rfun) (return e') }
rfun = toFunction fun
toExpression bind (List (fun:args))
= THExpr { deriveType = case funType of
(_,Just rtp) -> rtp
, getExpr' = [| $(getSymbol rfun funType) >>=
\sym -> $(toArgs rargs) >>=
embed . (App sym) |] }
rfun = toFunction fun
rargs = fmap (toExpression bind) args
funType = deriveFunctionType rfun (Just (fmap (Just . deriveType) rargs),Nothing)
toArgs :: [THExpression] -> TH.ExpQ
toArgs [] = [| return Nil |]
toArgs (e:es) = [| liftM2 (:::) $(getExpr' e) $(toArgs es) |]
toExpression bind (HsExpr expr) = case TH.parseExp expr of
Left err -> error $ "Failed to parse haskell expression: "++show expr
Right expr' -> THExpr { deriveType = QueryType [| embedTypeOf $(return expr') |]
, getExpr' = [| return $(return expr') |] }
toQuantifier :: Quantifier -> THBind -> [BasicExpr] -> BasicExpr -> THExpression
toQuantifier q bind vars body
= THExpr { deriveType = DeterminedType BoolType
, getExpr' = do
let sig = toVarSig vars
(pat,nbind) <- mkPat bind sig
argTps <- mkTps sig
TH.appsE [ [| embedQuantifier |]
, case q of
Forall -> [| Forall |]
Exists -> [| Exists |]
, mkTps sig
, TH.lamE [pat] (getExpr' $ toExpression nbind body)
] }
mkPat bind [] = return ([p| Nil |],bind)
mkPat bind ((var,tp):vars) = do
qvar <- TH.newName "q"
(pat,nbind) <- mkPat bind vars
return (TH.conP '(:::) [TH.varP qvar,pat],
Map.insert var (THExpr { deriveType = tp
, getExpr' = [| embed (QVar $(TH.varE qvar)) |]
}) nbind)
mkTps [] = [| Nil |]
mkTps ((_,tp):tps) = [| $(case tp of
DeterminedType t -> liftTypeRepr t
QueryType q -> q) :::
$(mkTps tps) |]
parseList :: String -> Maybe ([BasicExpr],String)
parseList ((isSpace -> True):rest) = parseList rest
parseList (')':rest) = return ([],rest)
parseList rest = do
(x,rest1) <- parseExpr rest
(xs,rest2) <- parseList rest1
return (x:xs,rest2)
parseExpr :: String -> Maybe (BasicExpr,String)
parseExpr ((isSpace -> True):rest) = parseExpr rest
parseExpr ('(':rest) = do
(exprs,rest1) <- parseList rest
return (List exprs,rest1)
parseExpr ('$':rest) = do
(str,rest1) <- parseHs rest
return (HsExpr str,rest1)
parseExpr rest = do
(name,rest1) <- parseName rest
if name==""
then Nothing
else return (Atom name,rest1)
parseExpr "" = Nothing
parseName :: String -> Maybe (String,String)
parseName (')':rest) = return ("",')':rest)
parseName ((isSpace -> True):rest) = return ("",rest)
parseName (x:xs) = do
(name,xs') <- parseName xs
return (x:name,xs')
parseName "" = return ("","")
parseHs :: String -> Maybe (String,String)
parseHs ('{':rest) = case break (=='}') rest of
(expr,'}':rest1) -> return (expr,rest1)
_ -> Nothing
parseHs rest = parseName rest
parseArgs :: String -> Maybe [BasicExpr]
parseArgs ((isSpace -> True):xs) = parseArgs xs
parseArgs "" = return []
parseArgs xs = do
(expr,xs1) <- parseExpr xs
exprs <- parseArgs xs1
return $ expr:exprs
parseSingleExpr :: String -> Maybe BasicExpr
parseSingleExpr str = do
(expr,rest) <- parseExpr str
if all isSpace rest
then return expr
else Nothing
expr :: QuasiQuoter
expr = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteExpr
, quotePat = quotePattern
, quoteType = quoteTp }
quoteExpr :: String -> TH.ExpQ
quoteExpr s = case parseSingleExpr s of
Nothing -> fail $ "Failed to parse expression: "++s
Just expr -> toExpr Map.empty expr
quotePattern :: String -> TH.PatQ
quotePattern s = case parseSingleExpr s of
Nothing -> fail $ "Failed to parse pattern: "++s
Just expr -> toPat expr
quoteTp :: String -> TH.TypeQ
quoteTp s = case parseSingleExpr s of
Nothing -> fail $ "Failed to parse type: "++s
Just expr -> case toType expr of
DeterminedType tp -> liftType' tp
QueryType _ -> fail $ "Failed to parse type: "++s
declare :: QuasiQuoter
declare = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteExpr }
quoteExpr :: String -> TH.ExpQ
quoteExpr s = case parseArgs s of
Nothing -> fail $ "Failed to parse type: "++s
Just [tp] -> [| $(liftTHType $ toType tp) >>=
\rtp -> embedSMT (B.declareVar rtp Nothing) >>=
embedSMT . B.toBackend . Var |]
Just [List sig,tp]
-> [| $(liftTHTypes rsig) >>=
\argTp -> $(liftTHType rtp) >>=
\resTp -> fmap Fun (embedSMT $ B.declareFun argTp resTp Nothing) |]
rtp = toType tp
rsig = fmap toType sig
define :: QuasiQuoter
define = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteExpr }
quoteExpr :: String -> TH.ExpQ
quoteExpr s = case parseArgs s of
Just [body] -> [| $(toExpr Map.empty body) >>=
embedSMT . (B.defineVar Nothing) >>=
embedSMT . B.toBackend . Var |]
Just [List args,body] -> do
let sig = toVarSig args
toFunDef sig body Map.empty []
toFunDef :: [(String,THType)] -> BasicExpr
-> THBind
-> [TH.ExpQ]
-> TH.ExpQ
toFunDef ((name,tp):args) body mp vec = do
fv <- TH.newName "fv"
fve <- TH.newName "fve"
expr <- TH.varE fve
TH.appE [| fmap Fun |] $
TH.appE [| (>>=) (embedSMT (B.createFunArg $(liftTHType tp)
(Just $(TH.litE $ TH.stringL name)))) |]
(TH.lamE [TH.varP fv]
(TH.appE [| (>>=) (embedSMT (B.toBackend (FVar $(TH.varE fv)))) |]
(TH.lamE [TH.varP fve]
(toFunDef args body
(Map.insert name (THExpr tp (return expr)) mp)
(TH.varE fv:vec)))))
toFunDef [] body mp vec = do
let args = foldl (\args e -> [| $(e) ::: $(args) |]) [| Nil |] vec
[| $(toExpr mp body) >>= embedSMT . B.defineFun Nothing $(args) |]
entypeExpr :: Proxy (t::Type) -> e t -> e t
entypeExpr _ = id
toExpr :: THBind -> BasicExpr -> TH.ExpQ
toExpr bind e = getExpr' (toExpression bind e)
enforceTypes :: Proxy tps -> (List e tps -> a) -> (List e tps -> a)
enforceTypes _ = id
toVarSig :: [BasicExpr] -> [(String,THType)]
toVarSig = fmap (\(List [Atom name,tp]) -> (name,toType tp))
toQuant :: [(String,TH.Type)] -> Map String TH.Exp -> TH.Q (TH.Exp,Map String TH.Exp)
toQuant [] mp = do
expr <- [| return Nil |]
return (expr,mp)
toQuant ((name,tp):args) mp = do
q <- TH.newName "q"
(rest,nmp) <- toQuant args mp
expr <- TH.varE q
exp' <- [| do
v <- embedSMT $ B.createQVar (Just name)
vs <- $(return rest)
return ((v :: $(return tp)) ::: vs) |]
return (exp',Map.insert name expr nmp)
quantSig :: [(String,TH.Type)] -> TH.TypeQ
quantSig [] = TH.promotedNilT
quantSig ((_,tp):tps) = [t| $(return tp) ': $(quantSig tps) |]
asSig :: Proxy sig -> (List e sig -> a) -> (List e sig -> a)
asSig _ = id
toPat :: BasicExpr -> TH.PatQ
toPat (Atom "false") = [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (Const (BoolValue False))) _ |]
toPat (Atom "true") = [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (Const (BoolValue True))) _|]
toPat (List [Atom "var",HsExpr bind]) = case TH.parsePat bind of
Right pat -> [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (Var $(return pat))) _ |]
Left err -> error $ "While parsing pattern: "++show bind++": "++err
toPat (Atom ('#':'x':rest)) = case [ num | (num,"") <- readHex rest ] of
[n] -> let bw = genericLength rest*4
in [p| AnalyzedExpr
(Just (Const $(TH.sigP
[p| BitVecValue $(TH.litP $ TH.integerL n) |]
[t| forall con. Value con (BitVecType $(mkNum bw)) |]))) _ |]
toPat (List [Atom "_",Atom ('b':'v':val),Atom bw])
= let num = read val
rbw = read bw
in [p| AnalyzedExpr
(Just (Const $(TH.sigP
[p| BitVecValue $(TH.litP $ TH.integerL num) |]
[t| forall con. Value con (BitVecType $(mkNum rbw)) |]))) _ |]
toPat (List [Atom "_",Atom "as-array",fun])
= [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (AsArray $(match rfun))) _ |]
rfun = toFunction fun
toPat (Atom name)
| isDigit (head name) = let num = read name
in [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (Const (IntValue $(TH.litP $ TH.integerL num)))) _ |]
| otherwise = [p| AnalyzedExpr _ $(TH.varP (TH.mkName name)) |]
toPat (List [fun,Atom "#",HsExpr arg])
= case TH.parsePat arg of
Left err -> error $ "While parsing pattern: "++show arg++": "++err
Right pat -> matchAllEq rfun (return pat)
rfun = toFunction fun
toPat (List (fun:args))
= [p| AnalyzedExpr (Just (App $(match rfun) $(mkArgsPat args))) _ |]
rfun = toFunction fun
toPat (HsExpr e) = case TH.parsePat e of
Left err -> error $ "While parsing pattern: "++show e++": "++err
Right pat -> [p| AnalyzedExpr _ $(return pat) |]
distinct' :: Embed m e => [e t] -> m (e BoolType)
distinct' (x:xs) = do
tp <- embedTypeOf x
allEqFromList (x:xs) $
\n args -> embed (App (Distinct tp n) args)
arith' :: (Embed m e,SMTArith t) => ArithOp -> [e t] -> m (e t)
arith' Plus [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 0)
arith' Plus [x] = return x
arith' Minus [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 0)
arith' Mult [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 1)
arith' Mult [x] = return x
arith' op xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (arith op n) args)
logic' :: (Embed m e) => LogicOp -> [e BoolType] -> m (e BoolType)
logic' And [] = embedConst (BoolValueC True)
logic' And [x] = return x
logic' Or [] = embedConst (BoolValueC False)
logic' Or [x] = return x
logic' op xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (Logic op n) args)
and' :: Embed m e => [e BoolType] -> m (e BoolType)
and' [] = embedConst (BoolValueC True)
and' [x] = return x
and' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (Logic And n) args)
or' :: Embed m e => [e BoolType] -> m (e BoolType)
or' [] = embedConst (BoolValueC False)
or' [x] = return x
or' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (Logic Or n) args)
xor' :: Embed m e => [e BoolType] -> m (e BoolType)
xor' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (Logic XOr n) args)
implies' :: Embed m e => [e BoolType] -> m (e BoolType)
implies' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (Logic Implies n) args)
plus' :: (Embed m e,SMTArith t) => [e t] -> m (e t)
plus' [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 0)
plus' [x] = return x
plus' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (plus n) args)
minus' :: (Embed m e,SMTArith t) => [e t] -> m (e t)
minus' [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 0)
minus' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (minus n) args)
mult' :: (Embed m e,SMTArith t) => [e t] -> m (e t)
mult' [] = embedConst (arithFromInteger 1)
mult' [x] = return x
mult' xs = allEqFromList xs $
\n args -> embed (App (mult n) args)
toType :: BasicExpr -> THType
toType (Atom "Bool") = DeterminedType BoolType
toType (Atom "Int") = DeterminedType IntType
toType (Atom "Real") = DeterminedType RealType
toType (List [Atom "_",Atom "BitVec",Atom bw])
= DeterminedType (BitVecType (natInt $ read bw))
toType (List [Atom "Array",List idx,el])
= case (do
idx'' <- mapM (\tp -> case tp of
DeterminedType t -> return t
_ -> Nothing
) idx'
el' <- case el' of
DeterminedType t -> return t
_ -> Nothing
return (ArrayType idx'' el')) of
Just rtp -> DeterminedType rtp
Nothing -> QueryType [| liftM2 ArrayRepr
$(liftTHTypes idx')
$(liftTHType el') |]
idx' = fmap toType idx
el' = toType el
toType (Atom name) = QueryType [| return $ DataRepr $ getDatatype
(Proxy::Proxy $(TH.conT $ TH.mkName name)) |]
thElementType :: THType -> THType
thElementType (DeterminedType (ArrayType _ el)) = DeterminedType el
thElementType (QueryType q) = QueryType [| $(q) >>= \repr -> case repr of
ArrayRepr _ el -> return el |]
thIndexType :: THType -> Either [Type] TH.ExpQ
thIndexType (DeterminedType (ArrayType idx _)) = Left idx
thIndexType (QueryType q) = Right [| $(q) >>= \repr -> case repr of
ArrayRepr idx _ -> return idx |]
thMakeArray :: Either [Type] TH.ExpQ -> THType -> THType
thMakeArray (Left idx) (DeterminedType el) = DeterminedType (ArrayType idx el)
thMakeArray idx el
= QueryType [| liftM2 ArrayRepr
$(case idx of
Left idx' -> liftTHTypes (fmap DeterminedType idx')
Right q -> q)
$(liftTHType el) |]
mkArgsPat :: [BasicExpr] -> TH.PatQ
mkArgsPat [] = [p| Nil |]
mkArgsPat (x:xs) = [p| $(toPat x) ::: $(mkArgsPat xs) |]
mkAllEqPat :: [BasicExpr] -> TH.PatQ
mkAllEqPat xs = TH.viewP [| allEqToList |]
(TH.listP (fmap toPat xs))
mkNum :: Integer -> TH.TypeQ
mkNum 0 = [t| Z |]
mkNum n = [t| S $(mkNum (n1)) |]