{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Test.SmartCheck.Reduce
  ) where

import Test.SmartCheck.Args
import Test.SmartCheck.Types
import Test.SmartCheck.SmartGen
import Test.SmartCheck.DataToTree
import Test.SmartCheck.Render

import qualified Test.QuickCheck as Q

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Tree
import Data.Maybe

import Control.Monad (liftM)


-- Smarter than shrinks.  Does substitution.  m is a value that failed QC that's
-- been shrunk.  We substitute successive children with strictly smaller (and
-- increasingly larger) randomly-generated values until we find a failure, and
-- return that result.  (We call smartShrink recursively.)
smartRun :: SubTypes a => ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO a
smartRun args res prop = do
  putStrLn ""
  smartPrtLn "Smart Shrinking ..."
  new <- smartShrink args res prop
  smartPrtLn "Smart-shrunk value:"
  print new
  return new


-- | Breadth-first traversal of d, trying to shrink it with *strictly* smaller
-- children.  We replace d whenever a successful shrink is found and try again.
smartShrink :: forall a. SubTypes a => ScArgs -> a -> (a -> Q.Property) -> IO a
smartShrink args d prop =
  liftM fst $ iter' d (mkForest d) (Idx 0 0)
  mkForest x = mkSubstForest x True
  notProp = Q.expectFailure . prop

  iter' x forest_ idx' =
    iter x test next notProp (scMaxDepth args) forest_ idx'
      (errorMsg "next-idxs")


  -- next tells the iter what to do after running a test.
  next :: a -> Maybe a -> Forest Bool -> Idx -> [Idx] -> IO (a, [Idx])
  next x res forest idx _ =
    case res of
      -- Found a try that fails prop.  We'll now test try, and start trying to
      -- reduce from the top!
      Just y  -> iter' y (mkForest y) (Idx 0 0)
      -- Either couldn't satisfy the precondition or nothing satisfied the
      -- property.  Either way, we can't shrink it.
      Nothing -> iter' x forest idx { column = column idx + 1 }


  -- Our test function.  First, we'll see if we can just return the hole at idx,
  -- assuming it's (1) well-typed and (2), fails the test.  Otherwise, we'll
  -- test x by replacing values at idx against (Q.expectFailure . prop).  Make
  -- sure that values generated are strictly smaller than the value at
  -- idx.
  test :: a -> Idx -> IO (Maybe a)
  test x idx = do
    let vm = getAtIdx x idx (scMaxDepth args)
    case vm of
      Nothing -> errorMsg "smartShrink0"
      Just v  -> do
        hole <- testHole v
        if isJust hole then return hole
          else do (_, r) <- iterateArb x v idx (scMaxReduce args)
                              -- Maximum size of values to generate; the minimum
                              -- of the value at the current index and the
                              -- maxSize parameter.
                              (min (subValSize x idx) (scMaxSize args))
                  return $ resultToMaybe r

    testHole :: SubT -> IO (Maybe a)
    testHole SubT { unSubT = v } =
      maybe (return Nothing) extractAndTest (cast v :: Maybe a)
      extractAndTest :: a -> IO (Maybe a)
      extractAndTest y = do
        res <- resultify notProp y
        return $ resultToMaybe res

resultToMaybe :: Result a -> Maybe a
resultToMaybe res =
  case res of
    FailedPreCond -> Nothing
    FailedProp    -> Nothing
    Result n      -> Just n


-- | Get the maximum depth of d's subforest at idx.  Intuitively, it's the
-- maximum number of constructors you have *below* the constructor at idx.  So
-- for a unary constructor C, the value [C, C, C]
-- (:) C
--   (:) C
--     (:) C []
-- At (Idx 0 0) in v, we're at C, so subValSize v (Idx 0 0) == 0.
-- At (Idx 0 1) in v, we're at (C : C : []), so subValSize v (Idx 0 1) == 2, since
-- we have the constructors :, C (or :, []) in the longest path underneath.
-- Base-types have subValSize 0.  So subValSize [1,2,3] idx == 0 for any idx.
-- Note that if we have subValSize d idx == 0, then it is impossible to construct a
-- *structurally* smaller value at hole idx.
subValSize :: SubTypes a => a -> Idx -> Int
subValSize d idx = maybe 0 depth forestIdx
  forestIdx :: Maybe [Tree Bool]
  forestIdx = fmap subForest $ getIdxForest (mkSubstForest d True) idx
