{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Skylighting.Format.LaTeX (
       , formatLaTeXBlock
       , styleToLaTeX
       ) where

import Control.Monad (mplus)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Skylighting.Types
import Text.Printf

formatLaTeX :: Bool -> [SourceLine] -> Text
formatLaTeX inline = Text.intercalate (Text.singleton '\n')
                       . map (sourceLineToLaTeX inline)

-- | Formats tokens as LaTeX using custom commands inside
-- @|@ characters. Assumes that @|@ is defined as a short verbatim
-- command by the macros produced by 'styleToLaTeX'.
-- A @KeywordTok@ is rendered using @\\KeywordTok{..}@, and so on.
formatLaTeXInline :: FormatOptions -> [SourceLine] -> Text
formatLaTeXInline _opts ls = "\\VERB|" <> formatLaTeX True ls <> "|"

sourceLineToLaTeX :: Bool -> SourceLine -> Text
sourceLineToLaTeX inline = mconcat . map (tokenToLaTeX inline)

tokenToLaTeX :: Bool -> Token -> Text
tokenToLaTeX inline (NormalTok, txt)
  | Text.all isSpace txt = escapeLaTeX inline txt
tokenToLaTeX inline (toktype, txt)   = Text.cons '\\'
  (Text.pack (show toktype) <> "{" <> escapeLaTeX inline txt <> "}")

escapeLaTeX :: Bool -> Text -> Text
escapeLaTeX inline = Text.concatMap escapeLaTeXChar
  where escapeLaTeXChar '\\' = "\\textbackslash{}"
        escapeLaTeXChar '{'  = "\\{"
        escapeLaTeXChar '}'  = "\\}"
        escapeLaTeXChar '|'  = if inline
                                  then "\\VerbBar{}" -- used in inline verbatim
                                  else "|"
        escapeLaTeXChar x    = Text.singleton x

-- LaTeX

-- | Format tokens as a LaTeX @Highlighting@ environment inside a
-- @Shaded@ environment.  @Highlighting@ and @Shaded@ are
-- defined by the macros produced by 'styleToLaTeX'.  @Highlighting@
-- is a verbatim environment using @fancyvrb@; @\\@, @{@, and @}@
-- have their normal meanings inside this environment, so that
-- formatting commands work.  @Shaded@ is either nothing
-- (if the style's background color is default) or a @snugshade@
-- environment from @framed@, providing a background color
-- for the whole code block, even if it spans multiple pages.
formatLaTeXBlock :: FormatOptions -> [SourceLine] -> Text
formatLaTeXBlock opts ls = Text.unlines
  ,"\\begin{Highlighting}[" <>
   (if numberLines opts
       then "numbers=left," <>
            (if startNumber opts == 1
                then ""
                else ",firstnumber=" <>
                     Text.pack (show (startNumber opts))) <> ","
       else Text.empty) <> "]"
  ,formatLaTeX False ls

-- | Converts a 'Style' to a set of LaTeX macro definitions,
-- which should be placed in the document's preamble.
-- Note: default LaTeX setup doesn't allow boldface typewriter font.
-- To make boldface work in styles, you need to use a different typewriter
-- font. This will work for computer modern:
-- > \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{n}{<5><6><7><8><9><10><10.95><12><14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88>cmttb10}{}
-- Or, with xelatex:
-- > \usepackage{fontspec}
-- > \setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={* Caps}]{Latin Modern Roman}
-- > \setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans}
-- > \setmonofont[SmallCapsFont={Latin Modern Mono Caps}]{Latin Modern Mono Light}
styleToLaTeX :: Style -> Text
styleToLaTeX f = Text.unlines $
  [ "\\usepackage{color}"
  , "\\usepackage{fancyvrb}"
  , "\\newcommand{\\VerbBar}{|}"
  , "\\newcommand{\\VERB}{\\Verb[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}]}"
  , "\\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Highlighting}{Verbatim}{commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}}"
  , "% Add ',fontsize=\\small' for more characters per line"
  ] ++
  (case backgroundColor f of
        Nothing          -> ["\\newenvironment{Shaded}{}{}"]
        Just (RGB r g b) -> ["\\usepackage{framed}"
                              (printf "\\definecolor{shadecolor}{RGB}{%d,%d,%d}" r g b)
  ++ sort (map (macrodef (defaultColor f) (Map.toList (tokenStyles f)))
            (enumFromTo KeywordTok NormalTok))

macrodef :: Maybe Color -> [(TokenType, TokenStyle)] -> TokenType -> Text
macrodef defaultcol tokstyles tokt = "\\newcommand{\\"
  <> Text.pack (show tokt)
  <> "}[1]{"
  <> Text.pack (co . ul . bf . it . bg $ "#1")
  <> "}"
  where tokf = case lookup tokt tokstyles of
                     Nothing -> defStyle
                     Just x  -> x
        ul x = if tokenUnderline tokf
                  then "\\underline{" <> x <> "}"
                  else x
        it x = if tokenItalic tokf
                  then "\\textit{" <> x <> "}"
                  else x
        bf x = if tokenBold tokf
                  then "\\textbf{" <> x <> "}"
                  else x
        bcol = fromColor `fmap` tokenBackground tokf
                  :: Maybe (Double, Double, Double)
        bg x = case bcol of
                    Nothing        -> x
                    Just (r, g, b) ->
                       printf "\\colorbox[rgb]{%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f}{%s}" r g b x
        col  = fromColor `fmap` (tokenColor tokf `mplus` defaultcol)
                  :: Maybe (Double, Double, Double)
        co x = case col of
                    Nothing        -> x
                    Just (r, g, b) ->
                        printf "\\textcolor[rgb]{%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f}{%s}" r g b x