{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import qualified Control.Exception as E import Data.Aeson (decode, encode) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Algorithm.Diff import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Skylighting import System.Directory import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.FilePath import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest) import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Text.Show.Pretty import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Random syntaxes :: [Syntax] syntaxes = Map.elems defaultSyntaxMap defConfig :: TokenizerConfig defConfig = TokenizerConfig{ traceOutput = False , syntaxMap = defaultSyntaxMap } tokToText :: Token -> Text tokToText (_, s) = s main :: IO () main = do stdgen <- newStdGen let randomTexts = (Text.chunksOf 250 . Text.unlines . Text.chunksOf 31 . Text.pack . take 10000) $ randomRs ('\0','\160') stdgen inputs <- filter (\fp -> take 1 fp /= ".") <$> getDirectoryContents ("test" "cases") allcases <- mapM (Text.readFile . (("test" "cases") )) inputs args <- getArgs let regen = "--accept" `elem` args defaultTheme <- BL.readFile ("test" "default.theme") defaultMain $ testGroup "skylighting tests" $ [ testGroup "tokenizer tests" $ map (tokenizerTest regen) inputs , testGroup "FromJSON instance tests" [ testCase "decode simple color" $ Just (RGB 0x15 0xff 0xa0) @=? decode "\"#15ffa0\"" , testCase "decode TokenStyle" $ Just (TokenStyle{tokenColor = Just (RGB 0x1f 0x1c 0x1b), tokenBackground = Nothing, tokenBold = True, tokenItalic = False, tokenUnderline = False }) @=? decode "{ \"text-color\": \"#1f1c1b\", \"bold\": true }" , testCase "decode KDE theme to Style" $ Just kate @=? decode defaultTheme , testCase "round trip style -> theme -> style" $ Just kate @=? decode (encode kate) ] , testGroup "Skylighting.Regex" $ [ testCase "convertOctalEscapes" $ "a\\700b\\700c\\x{800}" @=? convertOctalEscapes "a\\700b\\0700c\\o{4000}" ] , testGroup "Skylighting" $ [ testCase "syntaxesByFilename" $ ["Perl"] @=? map sName (syntaxesByFilename defaultSyntaxMap "foo/bar.pl") ] , testGroup "Doesn't hang or drop text on a mixed syntax sample" $ map (noDropTest allcases) syntaxes , testGroup "Doesn't hang or drop text on fuzz" $ map (noDropTest randomTexts) syntaxes , testGroup "Regression tests" $ let perl = maybe (error "could not find Perl syntax") id (lookupSyntax "Perl" defaultSyntaxMap) cpp = maybe (error "could not find CPP syntax") id (lookupSyntax "cpp" defaultSyntaxMap) in [ testCase "perl NUL case" $ Right [[(KeywordTok,"s\NUL") ,(OtherTok,"b") ,(KeywordTok,"\NUL") ,(StringTok,"c") ,(KeywordTok,"\NUL")]] @=? tokenize defConfig perl "s\0b\0c\0" , testCase "perl backslash case 1" $ Right [ [ ( KeywordTok , "m\\" ) , ( OtherTok , "'" ) ] ] @=? tokenize defConfig perl "m\\'" , testCase "perl backslash case 2" $ Right [ [ ( KeywordTok , "m\\" ) , ( OtherTok , "a" ) , ( KeywordTok , "\\" ) ] ] @=? tokenize defConfig perl "m\\a\\" , testCase "perl quoting case" $ Right [ [ ( KeywordTok , "my" ) , ( NormalTok , " " ) , ( DataTypeTok , "$foo" ) , ( NormalTok , " = " ) , ( KeywordTok , "q/" ) , ( StringTok , "bar" ) , ( KeywordTok , "/" ) , ( NormalTok , ";" ) ] , [ ( KeywordTok , "my" ) , ( NormalTok , " " ) , ( DataTypeTok , "$baz" ) , ( NormalTok , " = " ) , ( KeywordTok , "'" ) , ( StringTok , "quux" ) , ( KeywordTok , "'" ) , ( NormalTok , ";" ) ] ] @=? tokenize defConfig perl "my $foo = q/bar/;\nmy $baz = 'quux';\n" , testCase "cpp floats" $ Right [ [ ( FloatTok , "0.1f" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "1.0f" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "-0.1f" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "-1.0F" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "-1.0L" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "1e3" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "-15e+3" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "0.f" ) ] , [ ( FloatTok , "1.F" ) ] , [ ( DecValTok , "1" ) , ( NormalTok ,".E" ) , ( DecValTok , "3" ) ] ] @=? tokenize defConfig cpp "0.1f\n1.0f\n-0.1f\n-1.0F\n-1.0L\n1e3\n-15e+3\n0.f\n1.F\n1.E3" ] ] compareValues :: FilePath -> Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe String) compareValues referenceFile expected actual = if expected == actual then return $ Nothing else return $ Just $ makeDiff referenceFile (Text.lines expected) (Text.lines actual) makeDiff :: FilePath -> [Text] -> [Text] -> String makeDiff referenceFile expected actual = unlines $ [ "--- " ++ referenceFile , "+++ actual" ] ++ map (Text.unpack . vividize) (filter notBoth (getDiff expected actual)) where notBoth (Both _ _ ) = False notBoth _ = True noDropTest :: [Text] -> Syntax -> TestTree noDropTest inps syntax = localOption (mkTimeout 6000000) $ testCase (Text.unpack (sName syntax)) $ mapM_ go inps where go inp = E.catch (case tokenize defConfig syntax inp of Right ts -> assertBool ("Text has been dropped:\n" ++ diffs) (inplines == toklines) where inplines = Text.lines inp toklines = map (mconcat . map tokToText) ts diffs = makeDiff "expected" inplines toklines Left e -> do assert ("Unexpected error: " ++ e) assert ("input = " ++ show inp)) (\(e :: RegexException) -> do assert (show e) assert ("input = " ++ show inp)) tokenizerTest :: Bool -> FilePath -> TestTree tokenizerTest regen inpFile = localOption (mkTimeout 6000000) $ goldenTest testname getExpected getActual (compareValues referenceFile) updateGolden where testname = lang ++ " tokenizing of " ++ inpFile getExpected = Text.readFile referenceFile getActual = do code <- Text.readFile (casesdir inpFile) syntax <- case lookupSyntax (Text.pack lang) defaultSyntaxMap of Just s -> return s Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find syntax definition for " ++ lang case tokenize defConfig syntax $! code of Left e -> fail e Right ls -> return $ Text.pack $ ppShow ls ++ "\n" updateGolden = if regen then Text.writeFile referenceFile else \_ -> return () expecteddir = "test" "expected" casesdir = "test" "cases" referenceFile = expecteddir inpFile <.> "native" lang = drop 1 $ takeExtension inpFile vividize :: Diff Text -> Text vividize (Both s _) = " " <> s vividize (First s) = "- " <> s vividize (Second s) = "+ " <> s