module Control.Enumerable.Count (
module Control.Enumerable
) where
import Control.Enumerable
import Control.Sized
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..))
import Data.List
import Data.Typeable(Typeable)
newtype Count a = Count {count :: [Integer]} deriving (Typeable, Show)
untyped :: Count a -> Count b
untyped (Count x) = Count x
compact :: Count a -> Count a
compact = Count . reverse . dropWhile (==0) . reverse . count
(!!*) :: Count a -> Int -> Integer
(Count []) !!* n = 0
(Count (x:xs)) !!* n | n < 0 = 0
| n == 0 = x
| otherwise = Count xs !!* (n1)
instance Functor Count where
fmap _ (Count xs) = Count xs
instance Applicative Count where
pure _ = Count [1]
(Count []) <*> (Count _) = empty
(Count _) <*> (Count []) = empty
(Count (0:xs)) <*> ys = pay $ Count xs <*> ys
xs <*> (Count (0:ys)) = pay $ xs <*> Count ys
(Count xs0@(_:xs0')) <*> (Count ys) = Count $ run (drop 1 $ reversals' ys) where
mult = conv xs0
run [] = []
run (r:rs) = go r rs
go r rs = mult r : case rs of
[] -> go' r xs0'
(r':rs') -> go r' rs'
go' r [] = []
go' r xs@(_:xs') = conv r xs : go' r xs'
instance Alternative Count where
empty = Count []
~(Count xs) <|> ~(Count ys) = Count $ zipWithL (+) xs ys where
zipWithL f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWithL f xs ys
zipWithL _ [] ys = ys
zipWithL _ xs [] = xs
instance Monoid (Count a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<|>)
instance Sized Count where
pay = Count . (0:) . count
fin i = Count [i]
aconcat [] = empty
aconcat [x] = x
aconcat [x,y] = x <|> y
aconcat xss = Count $ map sum $ transpose (map count xss)
infixl 3 <->
(Count xs) <-> (Count ys) = Count $ zipWithLL op xs ys where
op n m = max 0 (nm)
zipWithLL f xs [] = xs
zipWithLL f [] _ = []
zipWithLL f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWithLL f xs ys
infixl 4 </>
(</>) :: Count a -> Count a -> Count a
(Count xs) </> (Count []) = error "Vector division by zero"
(Count xs) </> (Count (0:ys)) = Count (drop 1 xs) </> Count ys
(Count xs0) </> (Count (y:ys0)) = Count ds where
ds = go xs0 (reversals' ys0)
go [] yrs = []
go (xs) [] = go' xs (tail ds)
go (x:xs) (yr:yrs) = ((x conv yr ds) `div` y) : go xs yrs
revy = reverse ys0
go' [] _ = []
go' (x:xs) (ds') = ((x (conv revy ds' )) `div` y) : go' xs (tail ds')
yap :: Count a -> Count a
yap (Count xs) = Count (drop 1 xs)
reversals' :: [a] -> [[a]]
reversals' = go [] where
go rs xs = rs : case xs of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> go (x:rs) xs
first k = Count . take k . (++ repeat 0) . count
rev x = Count $ reverse $ count x
conv :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Integer
conv xs = sum . zipWith (*) xs
conv' :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Integer
conv' (_:xs) (0:ys) = conv' xs ys
conv' (0:xs) (_:ys) = conv' xs ys
conv' xs ys = sum (zipWith (*) xs ys)
cardTake :: Int -> Count a -> Count a
cardTake k (Count xs) = Count (take k xs)
cardRev :: Count a -> Count a
cardRev (Count xs) = Count (reverse xs)
strict :: Count a -> Count a
strict (Count xs) = Count $ strictL xs
strictL :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
strictL xs = foldr seq xs xs
cap :: Int -> Count a -> Count a
cap k c = strict (cardTake (k+1) c)
mult :: Count a -> Count b -> Int -> Integer
mult cl (Count [1]) n = cl !!* n
mult cl1 cl2 n = conv sub1 rev where
sub2 = take (n+1) $ count cl2
rl = length sub2
rev = reverse sub2
sub1 = drop (n+1rl) (count cl1)
prodsK, prodsK' :: [Count a] -> Int -> Count a
prodsK [] _ = Count [1]
prodsK [x] k = x
prodsK xs k = cardRev $ prodsKR xs k
prodsKR :: [Count a] -> Int -> Count a
prodsKR (Count x:xs) k = strict $
Count $ foldl' prodR (reverse $ take (k+1) (x ++ repeat 0)) xs where
(xs', p) = baseCosts 0 [] xs
prodR :: [Integer] -> Count a -> [Integer]
prodR rs (Count x) = map (conv x) (initTails rs)
prodsK' xs0 k = cap k $ go xs0 where
go [] = Count [1]
go [x] = x
go (x:xs) = untyped x <*> go xs
ultraDiv :: [Count ()] -> [Count ()] -> Int -> Count ()
ultraDiv xs ys k = let
x = cardRev (prodsKR xs k)
y = cardRev (prodsKR ys k)
in cap k $ x </> y
initTails :: [a] -> [[a]]
initTails [] = []
initTails xs@(_:xs') = xs : initTails xs'
baseCosts acc1 acc2 [] = (acc1,acc2)
baseCosts acc1 acc2 (Count x:xs) = baseCosts (acc1 + length zs) (Count x' : acc2) xs where
(zs, x') = break (/=0) x