{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} module Simplex.CmdLineOpts ( Opts (..), Flag (..), defOpts, cmdOpts, parseArgs ) where import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName) import Data.Maybe data Flag = Help | Verbose | Print | NoClean | Pdflatex String | Pdfcrop String | Graphviz String | Gnuplot String | Watch Int | DryRun | Type String | Density Int | Quality Int | Crop | Convert String | Force | Version | ListSymbols String | ThreeTimes deriving (Show, Eq) data Opts = Opts { optOnlyTeX :: Bool, optHelp :: Bool, optVersion :: Bool, optVerbose :: Bool, optNoClean :: Bool, optPrint :: Bool, optDryRun :: Bool, optCrop :: Bool, optForce :: Bool, optThreeTimes :: Bool, optListSymbols :: Maybe String, optWatch :: Maybe Int, optDensity :: Int, optQuality :: Int, optType :: String, optPdflatex :: String, optPdfcrop :: String, optGraphviz :: String, optGnuplot :: String, optConvert :: String } defOpts = Opts { optOnlyTeX = False, optHelp = False, optVersion = False, optVerbose = False, optNoClean = False, optPrint = False, optDryRun = False, optCrop = False, optForce = False, optThreeTimes = False, optListSymbols = Nothing, optWatch = Nothing, optDensity = 150, optQuality = 90, optType = "pdf", optPdflatex = "pdflatex", optPdfcrop = "pdfcrop", optGraphviz = "dot", optGnuplot = "gnuplot", optConvert = "convert" } cmdOpts = [ Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "Print this help text.", Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg Version) "Print version information.", Option "v" ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "Verbose output.", Option "d" ["dry-run"] (NoArg DryRun) "Dry run (do not create any files).", Option "n" ["no-clean"] (NoArg NoClean) "Do not clean up after building.", Option "p" ["print"] (NoArg Print) "Print processed tex to stdout.", Option "c" ["crop"] (NoArg Crop) "Crops the document so that no margins are left.", Option "f" ["force"] (NoArg Force) "Forces the creation of output files.", Option "tT" ["type"] (ReqArg Type "") "Specify type of output (pdf, png, tex)", Option "x" ["pdflatex"] (ReqArg Pdflatex "") "Path to `pdflatex' executable", Option "k" ["pdfcrop"] (ReqArg Pdfcrop "") "Path to `pdfcrop'", Option "z" ["graphviz"] (ReqArg Graphviz "") "Path to `dot' (graphviz)", Option "g" ["gnuplot"] (ReqArg Gnuplot "") "Path to `gnuplot'", Option "m" ["convert"] (ReqArg Convert "") "Path to `convert' (ImageMagick)", Option "w" ["watch"] (OptArg (Watch . read . fromMaybe "2000") "") "Watch files or folder (optionally amount of time in ms)", Option "3" ["three-times"] (NoArg ThreeTimes) "Execute `pdflatex' three times instead of the default two times.", Option "s" ["symbols"] (OptArg (ListSymbols . fromMaybe "\\%s\n") "") "Show a list of symboles known to simplex.", Option "" ["density", "dpi"] (ReqArg (Density . read) "") "For output type `png' only, specifies dpi.", Option "" ["quality"] (ReqArg (Quality . read) "") "For output type `png' only, specifies quality." ] parseArgs :: IO (Either (Opts, [String]) [String]) parseArgs = do (opts, args, errs) <- getArgs >>= return . getOpt Permute cmdOpts if null errs then return $ Left (parseOpts defOpts opts, args) else return $ Right errs where parseOpts opts (x:xs) = flip parseOpts xs $ case x of Help -> opts { optHelp = True } Print -> opts { optPrint = True } Version -> opts { optVersion = True } DryRun -> opts { optDryRun = True } NoClean -> opts { optNoClean = True } Verbose -> opts { optVerbose = True } Crop -> opts { optCrop = True } Force -> opts { optForce = True } ThreeTimes -> opts { optThreeTimes = True } Watch d -> opts { optWatch = Just d } ListSymbols f -> opts { optListSymbols = Just f } Density d -> opts { optDensity = d } Quality q -> opts { optQuality = q } Type t -> opts { optType = t } Pdflatex c -> opts { optPdflatex = c } Pdfcrop c -> opts { optPdfcrop = c } Graphviz c -> opts { optGraphviz = c } Gnuplot c -> opts { optGnuplot = c } Convert c -> opts { optConvert = c } parseOpts opts _ = opts