Name: simplex Version: 0.3.7 Synopsis: A simple markup language that translates to LaTeX Description: A simple markup language that translates to LaTeX . See the PDF included in the cabal tarball to see how Simplex works. . [@v0.3.4@] Removed dependency on the deprecated @old-time@ package, using @time@ instead now. . [@v0.3.5@] Enhanced the documentation, added the simplex source of it in doc (see the source tarball). Added @letter@. . [@v0.3.6@] Relaxed dependencies so the package will work with the Haskell Platform 2012.2.0.0 too (thats the one in Debian 7.0). . [@v0.3.7@] Better documentation. Category: LaTeX Stability: provisional License: GPL-3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Julian Fleischer Maintainer: Julian Fleischer Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Extra-Source-Files: Simplex-v0.3.7.pdf, doc/Simplex-v0.3.7.simplex, doc/bushes.jpg, doc/duck.jpg, doc/zebra.jpg, doc/elephant.jpg Homepage: Source-Repository head type: git location: Source-Repository this type: git location: tag: v0.3.7 Executable simplex Hs-Source-Dirs: src Main-is: simplex.hs Other-Modules: Simplex.CmdLineOpts, Simplex.Commands, Simplex.Config, Simplex.ConfigData, Simplex.EscapeTeX, Simplex.Parser, Simplex.Specials, Simplex.Table, Simplex.ToTeX, Simplex.Util Build-Depends: base >= 4.5 && < 5.0 , process >= , filepath >= , directory >= , split >= , regex-compat >= 0.95.1 , mtl >= 2.0.1 , time >= 1.4 , random >= 1.0