-- | Abstract syntax tree and pretty-printing for Python.
-- Works for Python 2 and 3.
-- A lot of the data structures are inspired by the language-python package;
-- I have chosen not to have language-python as a dependency of sifflet-lib,
-- however, because it would be overkill and still allows to little control
-- over pretty-printing of Python expressionsw.

module Sifflet.Foreign.Python
    , PStatement(..)
    , PExpr(..)
    , PIdentifier(..)
    , PParameter(..)
    , POperator(..)
    , Precedence
    , alterParens
    , atomic
    , compound
    , ret
    , condS
    , condE
    , var
    , ident
    , pInt
    , pFloat
    , bool
    , char
    , string
    , paren
    , noParens
    , fullParens
    , bestParens
    , simplifyParens
    , par
    , unpar
    , call
    , param
    , fun
    , opTimes
    , opIDiv
    , opFDiv
    , opMod
    , opPlus
    , opMinus
    , opEq
    , opNe
    , opGt
    , opGe
    , opLt
    , opLe


import Sifflet.Text.Pretty

-- | The class of types that can be parenthesized, that is,
-- they may contain parentheses, and their parentheses may be altered.
-- class Parenthesize a where
--     alterParens :: (PExpr -> PExpr) -> a -> a
-- ^^ Don't need a class for this!

-- This doesn't seem right.  It is too general.
--     instance (Pretty a) => Pretty [a] where
--          pretty as = sepCommaSp (map pretty as)

prettyParens :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> String
prettyParens = prettyList "(" ", " ")"

prettyBrackets :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> String
prettyBrackets = prettyList "[" ", " "]"

-- | Python module -- essentially a list of statements;
-- should it also have a name?
data PModule = PModule [PStatement]
             deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty PModule where
    pretty (PModule ss) = sepLines2 (map pretty ss)

-- | Python statement
data PStatement = PReturn PExpr
                | PImport String  -- ^ import statement
                | PCondS PExpr 
                         PStatement -- ^ if condition action alt-action
                | PFun PIdentifier 
                       PStatement -- ^ function name, formal parameters, body
             deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty PStatement where
    pretty s =
        case s of
          PReturn e -> "return " ++ pretty e
          PImport modName -> "import " ++ modName
          PCondS c a b ->
              sepLines ["if " ++ pretty c ++ ":",
                     indentLine 4 (pretty a),
                     indentLine 4 (pretty b)]
          PFun fid params body ->
              sepLines ["def " ++ pretty fid ++ 
                     prettyParens params ++ ":",
                     indentLine 4 (pretty body)]

-- | Python expression
data PExpr = PCondE PExpr
                    PExpr -- ^ if: condition, value, alt-value
           | PParen PExpr -- ^ expression in parentheses; is this needed?
           | PCall PExpr
                   [PExpr]  -- ^ function call: function expression (typically a PVariable), argument expressions
           | POperate POperator
                      PExpr -- ^ binary operation: operator, left, right
           -- base cases
           | PVariable PIdentifier -- ^ variable identifier
           | PInt Integer
           | PFloat Double
           | PBool Bool
           | PString String
             deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | PExpr as an instance of Pretty.
-- The POperate case needs work to deal with precedences
-- and avoid unnecessary parens
instance Pretty PExpr where
    pretty pexpr =
        case pexpr of
          PCondE c a b -> 
              unwords [pretty a, "if", pretty c, "else", pretty b]
          PParen e -> prettyParens [e]
          PVariable vid -> pretty vid
          PInt i -> show i
          PFloat x -> show x
          PBool b -> show b
          PString s -> show s
          PCall fexpr argExprs -> 
              concat [pretty fexpr, prettyParens argExprs]
          POperate op left right -> 
              unwords [pretty left, pretty op, pretty right]

-- | Python identifier (variable name, etc.)
data PIdentifier = PIdentifier String
            deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty PIdentifier where
    pretty (PIdentifier s) = s

-- | Python function formal parameter
data PParameter = PParameter PIdentifier
             deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty PParameter where
    pretty (PParameter pident) = pretty pident

-- | Python operator, such as * or +
data POperator = POperator  {opName :: String,
                             opPrec :: Precedence,
                             opAssoc :: Bool -- ^ associative?
             deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Pretty POperator where
    pretty (POperator s _ _) = s

-- | Operator priority, actually should be > 0 or >= 0
type Precedence = Int

-- | Alter the parentheses of a statement by applying a
-- transformer t to the expressions in the statement.

alterParens :: (PExpr -> PExpr) -> PStatement -> PStatement
alterParens t s =
    case s of
      PReturn e -> PReturn (t e)
      PCondS c a b -> PCondS (t c) (alterParens t a) (alterParens t b)
      PFun fid params b -> PFun fid params (alterParens t b)
      _ -> s

atomic :: PExpr -> Bool
atomic pexpr =
    case pexpr of
      PVariable _ -> True
      PInt _ -> True
      PFloat _ -> True
      PBool _ -> True
      PString _ -> True
      _ -> False

compound :: PExpr -> Bool
compound = not . atomic

-- | Python return statement
ret :: PExpr -> PStatement
ret pexpr = PReturn pexpr

-- | Python if STATEMENT

-- This is the if STATEMENT:
-- if c:
--     a
-- else:
--     b
-- But do I need this at all?

condS :: PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr -> PStatement
condS c a b = PCondS c (ret a) (ret b)

-- | Python if EXPRESSION

-- This is the if EXPRESSION:
-- "a if c else b", which means (in Haskell) "if c then a else b".
-- I didn't even know there was such a thing!
-- It works in both Python 2.6.5 and 3.1.2.
condE :: PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
condE c a b = PCondE c a b -- paren (PCondE c a b)
-- PExpr smart constructors

-- | Python variable
var :: String -> PExpr
var name = PVariable (PIdentifier name)

-- | Python identifier
ident :: String -> PIdentifier
ident s = PIdentifier s

-- | Python integer expression
pInt :: Integer -> PExpr
pInt i = PInt i

-- | Python float expression
pFloat :: Double -> PExpr
pFloat x = PFloat x

-- | Python boolean expression
bool :: Bool -> PExpr
bool b = PBool b

-- | Python character expression = string expression with one character
char :: Char -> PExpr
char c = string [c]

-- | Python string expression
string :: String -> PExpr
string s = PString s

-- | Python expression in parentheses.

-- Wraps parentheses around an expression.
-- This is needed (at least sometimes!) 
-- in calls and binary operator applications.
-- Also in condE!
-- I'm doing it always to be safe (but ugly, not pretty!!)

paren :: PExpr -> PExpr
paren pexpr = PParen pexpr

-- | Remove all grouping parentheses in expression.
-- Does not affect parentheses required for function arguments
-- or parameters.
-- This will sometimes alter the semantics.

-- I don't need noParens; it's just here as an exercise
noParens :: PExpr -> PExpr
noParens pexpr =
    let t = noParens 
    in case pexpr of
         PParen e -> t e
         PCondE c a b -> PCondE (t c) (t a) (t b)
         PCall fe aes -> PCall (t fe) (map t aes)
         POperate op left right -> POperate op (t left) (t right)
         -- remaining cases are simple and therefore have no parens
         _ -> pexpr

-- | Wrap each subexpression in grouping parentheses.
-- This will typically look like too many parentheses.

-- I don't need fullParens; it's just here as an exercise
fullParens :: PExpr -> PExpr
fullParens pexpr =
    let t = paren . fullParens
    in case pexpr of
         PCondE c a b -> PCondE (t c) (t a) (t b)
         PCall fe aes -> PCall (t fe) (map t aes)
         POperate op left right -> POperate op (t left) (t right)
         -- PParen and base cases need no more ()'s
         _ -> pexpr

-- | Use parentheses for grouping where needed,
-- but cautiously, erring on the side of extra parentheses if not sure
-- they can be removed.

bestParens :: PExpr -> PExpr
bestParens = simplifyParens . fullParens

-- | Remove grouping parentheses that are provably not needed.
-- This may not remove *all* unnecessary grouping parentheses.
-- You can always add more cases to make it better!

simplifyParens :: PExpr -> PExpr
simplifyParens pexpr =
    let t = simplifyParens
        ut = unpar . t
    in case pexpr of
         PParen e -> 
             -- 1.  Atomic expressions, like 5, do not need parens,
             -- because there is nothing to be grouped
             if atomic e 
             then e
             else case e of
                    -- function call (fact(n)) -> fact(n)
                    PCall _ _ -> ut e
                    _ -> PParen (t e)
         PCondE c a b -> PCondE (ut c) (ut a) (ut b)
         PCall fe aes -> PCall (t fe) (map ut aes)
         POperate op left right -> 
             sop (POperate op (t left) (t right))
         -- remaining cases are simple and therefore have no parens
         _ -> pexpr

-- | Various rules for removing extra parentheses in operations.
-- Probably incomplete.  If the PExpr is not an operation, then
-- it is passed through without change. 
sop :: PExpr -> PExpr
sop = sopLeft . sopRight

sopLeft :: PExpr -> PExpr
sopLeft pexpr =
    case pexpr of
      POperate op1 (PParen (POperate op2 left2 right2)) right ->
          if opPrec op2 > opPrec op1
          -- higher precedcence in left subtree
          -- e.g. (a * b) + c ==> a * b + c
          then POperate op1 (POperate op2 left2 right2) right
          else if opPrec op2 == opPrec op1
          -- equal precedence operations, left to right
          -- e.g. (a + b) - c ==> a + b - c
          then POperate op1 (POperate op2 left2 right2) right
          else pexpr
      _ -> pexpr

sopRight :: PExpr -> PExpr
sopRight pexpr = 
    case pexpr of
      POperate op1 left (PParen (POperate op2 left2 right2)) ->
          if opPrec op2 > opPrec op1
          -- higher precedcence in left subtree
          -- e.g. (a * b) + c ==> a * b + c
          then POperate op1 left (POperate op2 left2 right2)
          else if op1 == op2 && opAssoc op1
          -- associative operation, e.g.
          -- a + (b + c) ==> a + b + c
          then POperate op1 left (POperate op2 left2 right2)
          else pexpr
      _ -> pexpr

-- | Adding and removing top-level parentheses.
-- Axioms: par (unpar e) == e; unpar (par e) == e.

-- | Add parentheses around an expression.  Top level only.
par :: PExpr -> PExpr
par e = PParen e

-- | Remove parentheses around an expression.  Top level only.
unpar :: PExpr -> PExpr
unpar pexpr =
    case pexpr of
      PParen e -> e
      _ -> pexpr -- no-op
-- | The "operator precedence" of an expression.
-- If the expression is an operation, then this is the
-- precedence of its operator;
-- otherwise, it's not clear what it should be, but for now, -1.

exprPrec :: PExpr -> Precedence
exprPrec pexpr =
    case pexpr of
      POperate op _ _ -> opPrec op
      _ -> (-1)

-- | Python function call expression
call :: String -> [PExpr] -> PExpr
call fname argExprs = PCall (var fname) argExprs

-- arg :: PExpr -> PArgument
-- arg expr = ArgExpr {arg_expr = expr, arg_annot = ()}

-- | Python function formal parameter
param :: String -> PParameter
param name = PParameter (ident name)

-- | Defines function definition
fun :: String -> [String] -> PExpr -> PStatement
fun fname paramNames bodyExpr = 
    PFun (ident fname) (map param paramNames) (ret bodyExpr)

-- | Binary operators
-- Precedence levels are rather *informally* described in
-- The Python Language Reference,
-- http://docs.python.org/reference/.
-- I am adopting the infixr levels from Haskell,
-- which seem to be consistent with Python,
-- at least for the operators that Sifflet uses.

-- | Arithmetic operators
-- + and - have lower precedence than *, /, //, %
opTimes, opIDiv, opFDiv, opMod, opPlus, opMinus :: POperator
opTimes = POperator "*" 7 True
opIDiv = POperator "//" 7 False
opFDiv = POperator "/" 7 False
opMod = POperator "%" 7 False
opPlus = POperator "+" 6 True
opMinus = POperator "-" 6 False

-- | Comparison operators have precedence lower than any arithmetic
-- operator.  Here, I've specified associative = False,
-- because association doesn't even make sense;
-- (a == b) == c is in general not well typed.
opEq, opNe, opGt, opGe, opLt, opLe :: POperator
opEq = POperator "==" 4 False
opNe = POperator "!=" 4 False
opGt = POperator ">" 4 False
opGe = POperator ">=" 4 False
opLt = POperator "<" 4 False
opLe = POperator "<=" 4 False