module Numeric.Sibe
) where
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import System.Random
import System.Random.Shuffle
import Debug.Trace
import Data.List (foldl', sortBy, genericLength, permutations)
import System.IO
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Data.Default.Class
import System.Exit
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy as Chart
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
type LearningRate = Double
type Input = Vector Double
type Output = Vector Double
type Activation = (Vector Double -> Vector Double, Vector Double -> Vector Double)
data Layer = Layer { biases :: !(Vector Double)
, nodes :: !(Matrix Double)
, activation :: Activation
instance Show Layer where
show (Layer biases nodes _) = "(" ++ show biases ++ "," ++ show nodes ++ ")"
data Network = O Layer
| Layer :- Network
instance Show Network where
show (Layer biases nodes _ :- n) =
(show . length $ toLists nodes) ++ "x" ++ (show . length . head . toLists $ nodes) ++ " " ++ (show . length . toList $ biases) ++ " :- " ++ show n
show (O (Layer biases nodes _)) =
(show . length $ toLists nodes) ++ "x" ++ (show . length . head . toLists $ nodes) ++ " " ++ (show . length . toList $ biases)
infixr 5 :-
data Session = Session { network :: Network
, training :: [(Vector Double, Vector Double)]
, test :: [(Vector Double, Vector Double)]
, learningRate :: Double
, epochs :: Int
, epoch :: Int
, batchSize :: Int
, chart :: [(Int, Double, Double)]
, drawChart :: Bool
, chartName :: String
, momentum :: Double
, debug :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
emptyNetwork = randomNetwork 0 (0, 0) 0 [] (0, (id, id))
instance Default Session where
def = Session { network = seq (die "You have not specified a network parameter") emptyNetwork
, training = seq (die "You have not specified training data") []
, test = seq (die "You have not specified test data") []
, learningRate = 0.5
, epochs = 35
, epoch = 0
, batchSize = 0
, chart = []
, drawChart = False
, chartName = "chart.png"
, momentum = 0
, debug = False
saveNetwork :: Network -> String -> IO ()
saveNetwork network file =
writeFile file ((show . reverse) (gen network []))
gen (O (Layer biases nodes _)) list = (biases, nodes) : list
gen (Layer biases nodes _ :- n) list = gen n $ (biases, nodes) : list
loadNetwork :: [Activation] -> String -> IO Network
loadNetwork activations file = do
handle <- openFile file ReadMode
content <- hGetContents handle
let list = read content :: [(Vector Double, Matrix Double)]
network = gen list activations
content `deepseq` hClose handle
return network
gen [(biases, nodes)] [a] = O (Layer biases nodes a)
gen ((biases, nodes):hs) (a:as) = Layer biases nodes a :- gen hs as
runLayer :: Input -> Layer -> Output
runLayer input (Layer !biases !weights _) = input <# weights + biases
runLayer' :: Input -> Layer -> Output
runLayer' input (Layer !biases !weights _) = input <# weights
forward :: Input -> Session -> Output
forward input session = compute input (network session)
compute input (O l@(Layer _ _ (fn, _))) = fn $ runLayer input l
compute input (l@(Layer _ _ (fn, _)) :- n) = compute ((fst . activation $ l) $ runLayer input l) n
forward' :: Input -> Session -> Output
forward' input session = compute input (network session)
compute input (O l@(Layer _ _ (fn, _))) = fn $ runLayer' input l
compute input (l@(Layer _ _ (fn, _)) :- n) = compute ((fst . activation $ l) $ runLayer' input l) n
randomLayer :: Seed -> (Int, Int) -> (Double, Double) -> Activation -> Layer
randomLayer seed (wr, wc) (l, u) =
let weights = uniformSample seed wr $ replicate wc (l, u)
biases = randomVector seed Uniform wc * realToFrac u realToFrac l
in Layer biases weights
randomNetwork :: Seed -> (Double, Double) -> Int -> [(Int, Activation)] -> (Int, Activation) -> Network
randomNetwork seed bound input [] (output, a) =
O $ randomLayer seed (input, output) bound a
randomNetwork seed bound input ((h, a):hs) output =
randomLayer seed (input, h) bound a :-
randomNetwork (seed + 1) bound h hs output
buildNetwork :: Seed -> (Double, Double) -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Activation)] -> (Int, Int, Activation) -> Network
buildNetwork seed bound input [] (outputRows, outputColumns, a) =
O $ randomLayer seed (input, outputColumns) bound a
buildNetwork seed bound input ((rows, columns, a):hs) output =
randomLayer seed (input, columns) bound a :-
buildNetwork (seed + 1) bound columns hs output
sigmoid :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
sigmoid x = 1 / max (1 + exp (x)) 1e-10
sigmoid' :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
sigmoid' x = sigmoid x * (1 sigmoid x)
softmax :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
softmax x = cmap (\a -> exp a / s) x
s = V.sum $ exp x
softmax' :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
softmax' = cmap (\a -> sig a * (1 sig a))
sig x = 1 / max (1 + exp (x)) 1e-10
relu :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
relu = cmap (max 0.1)
relu' :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
relu' = cmap dev
where dev x
| x < 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1
crossEntropy :: Session -> Double
crossEntropy session =
let inputs = map fst (test session)
labels = map (toList . snd) (test session)
outputs = map (toList . (`forward` session)) inputs
pairs = zip outputs labels
n = genericLength pairs
in sum (map set pairs) / n
set (os, ls) = (1 / genericLength os) * sum (zipWith f os ls)
f a y = y * log (max 1e-10 a)
crossEntropy' :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
crossEntropy' x = 1 / fromIntegral (V.length x)
one :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
one v = vector $ replicate (V.length v) 1
train :: Input
-> Network
-> Output
-> Double
-> Network
train input network target alpha = fst $ run input network
run :: Input -> Network -> (Network, Vector Double)
run input (O l@(Layer biases weights (fn, fn'))) =
let y = runLayer input l
o = fn y
delta = o target
de = delta * fn' y
biases' = biases scale alpha de
weights' = weights scale alpha (input `outer` de)
layer = Layer biases' weights' (fn, fn')
pass = weights #> de
in (O layer, pass)
run input (l@(Layer biases weights (fn, fn')) :- n) =
let y = runLayer input l
o = fn y
(n', delta) = run o n
de = delta * fn' y
biases' = biases scale alpha de
weights' = weights scale alpha (input `outer` de)
layer = Layer biases' weights' (fn, fn')
pass = weights #> de
in (layer :- n', pass)
gd :: Session -> IO Session
gd session = do
seed <- newStdGen
let pairs = training session
alpha = learningRate session
net = network session
let n = length pairs
shuffled <- shuffleM pairs
let newnet = foldl' (\n (input, label) -> train input n label alpha) net pairs
cost = crossEntropy (session { network = newnet })
let el = map (\(e, l, _) -> (e, l)) (chart session)
ea = map (\(e, _, a) -> (e, a)) (chart session)
when (drawChart session) $ do
toFile Chart.def (chartName session) $ do
Chart.layoutlr_title Chart..= "loss over time"
Chart.plotLeft (Chart.line "loss" [el])
Chart.plotRight (Chart.line "learningRate" [ea])
return session { network = newnet
, epoch = epoch session + 1
, chart = (epoch session, cost, learningRate session):chart session
sgd :: Session -> IO Session
sgd session = do
seed <- newStdGen
let pairs = training session
bsize = batchSize session
alpha = learningRate session
net = network session
let n = length pairs
iterations = n `div` bsize 1
shuffled <- shuffleM pairs
let iter net i =
let n = length pairs
batch = take bsize . drop (i * bsize) $ shuffled
batchInputs = map fst batch
batchLabels = map snd batch
batchPair = zip batchInputs batchLabels
in foldl' (\n (input, label) -> train input n label alpha) net batchPair
let newnet = foldl' iter net [0..iterations]
cost = crossEntropy (session { network = newnet })
let el = map (\(e, l, _) -> (e, l)) (chart session)
ea = map (\(e, _, a) -> (e, a)) (chart session)
when (drawChart session) $ do
toFile Chart.def (chartName session) $ do
Chart.layoutlr_title Chart..= "loss over time"
Chart.plotLeft (Chart.line "loss" [el])
Chart.plotRight (Chart.line "learningRate" [ea])
return session { network = newnet
, epoch = epoch session + 1
, chart = (epoch session, cost, learningRate session):chart session
accuracy :: Session -> Double
accuracy session =
let inputs = map fst (test session)
labels = map snd (test session)
results = map (`forward` session) inputs
rounded = map (map round . toList) results
equals = zipWith (==) rounded (map (map round . toList) labels)
in genericLength (filter (== True) equals) / genericLength inputs
learningRateDecay :: (Double, Double) -> Session -> Session
learningRateDecay (step, m) session =
session { learningRate = max m $ learningRate session / step }
ignoreBiases :: Session -> Session
ignoreBiases session =
session { network = rmbias (network session) }
rmbias (O (Layer biases nodes a)) = O $ Layer (biases * 0) nodes a
rmbias ((Layer biases nodes a) :- n) = Layer (biases * 0) nodes a :- rmbias n
run :: (Session -> IO Session)
-> Session -> IO Session
run fn session = foldM (\s i -> fn s) session [0..epochs session]
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial x = x * factorial (x 1)
genSeed :: IO Seed
genSeed = do
(seed, _) <- random <$> newStdGen :: IO (Int, StdGen)
return seed
replaceVector :: Vector Double -> Int -> Double -> Vector Double
replaceVector vec index value =
let list = toList vec
in fromList $ take index list ++ value : drop (index + 1) list
clip :: Double -> (Double, Double) -> Double
clip x (l, u) = min u (max l x)