import qualified Game as G import qualified MountainCar as MC import qualified Point as P import qualified Graphics.Shine as S import qualified Graphics.Shine.Input as S import qualified Graphics.Shine.Picture as S import qualified Web.KeyCode as W import System.Random (newStdGen, randoms) import GHCJS.DOM (currentDocumentUnchecked) gameWidth :: Double gameWidth = 800 gameHeight :: Double gameHeight = 600 fps :: Double fps = 30 minSpaceX :: Double minSpaceX = MC.minPosition - 0.1 maxSpaceX :: Double maxSpaceX = MC.maxPosition + 0.1 minSpaceY :: Double minSpaceY = 0 maxSpaceY :: Double maxSpaceY = 1.1 goalSpaceX :: Double goalSpaceX = 0.5 goalSpaceY :: Double goalSpaceY = MC.heightObs goalSpaceX displayH :: G.Game -> S.Picture displayH g = goalP <> carP <> episodeP <> nwinsP <> stepP <> actionP <> groundP where carP = mkCarP $ G._observation g episodeP = S.Translate 10 30 $ S.Text "20px Sans" S.LeftAlign Nothing $ "episode " ++ show (G._episode g) nwinsP = S.Translate 10 60 $ S.Text "20px Sans" S.LeftAlign Nothing $ "nwins " ++ show (G._nwins g) stepP = S.Translate 10 90 $ S.Text "20px Sans" S.LeftAlign Nothing $ "step " ++ show (G._step g) ++ " / " ++ show G.maxStep actionP = S.Translate 10 120 $ S.Text "20px Sans" S.LeftAlign Nothing $ "action " ++ show (G._lastAction g) mkCarP :: MC.Observation -> S.Picture mkCarP obs = S.Translate x y $ S.Colored (S.Color 0 0 255 1) $ S.CircleF 10 where pos = MC._position obs (x,y) = spaceToScreen (pos, MC.heightObs pos) goalP :: S.Picture goalP = S.Translate x y $ S.Colored (S.Color 255 0 0 1) $ S.RectF 10 20 where (x,y) = spaceToScreen (goalSpaceX, goalSpaceY) groundP :: S.Picture groundP = foldl (<>) S.Empty [S.Line x0 y0 x1 y1 | ((x0,y0), (x1,y1)) <- zip xys (tail xys)] where xys = [spaceToScreen (x, MC.heightObs x) | x<-[MC.minPosition, MC.minPosition+0.05 .. MC.maxPosition]] spaceToScreen :: P.Point -> P.Point spaceToScreen (x, y) = (xScreen, yScreen) where xScreen = gameWidth * (x - minSpaceX) / (maxSpaceX - minSpaceX) yScreen = gameHeight * (1 - (y - minSpaceY) / (maxSpaceY - minSpaceY)) eventH :: S.Input -> G.Game -> G.Game eventH (S.Keyboard W.ArrowLeft S.Down _) g = g { G._inputLeft = True } eventH (S.Keyboard W.ArrowLeft S.Up _) g = g { G._inputLeft = False } eventH (S.Keyboard W.ArrowRight S.Down _) g = g { G._inputRight = True } eventH (S.Keyboard W.ArrowRight S.Up _) g = g { G._inputRight = False } eventH _ g = g idleH :: Double -> G.Game -> G.Game idleH _ = G.step -- The mountain car problem is generally defined using a fixed time step, -- so we ignore the time delta and just compute the next step. main :: IO () main = do myRands <- randoms <$> newStdGen doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked ctx <- S.fixedSizeCanvas doc (floor gameWidth) (floor gameHeight) let myModel = G.createGame myRands ctx doc fps myModel displayH eventH idleH